Spore Story

Chapter 417: Black Bone Assault on the Frontier Village

Chapter 417: Black Bone Assault on the Frontier Village

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Do you want war?Or is it war?Or what about war? ——"Government Diplomatic Rhetoric" Facing an enemy that must be eliminated, the standard response of the friend clan government to the outside world.

September 26 AD, Yungu Village, Wangxia City, Bingling Province.

Facing the approaching harvest period in October, people in various villages have already begun to organize themselves, creating a scene of busy farming.

However, various harvesting tools, threshing tools, transportation tools, etc. have actually been prepared long ago. Adults are still working or going to the market in the city. Only the elderly and children in the village, as well as students who go home to rest during the busy farming holiday.

Therefore, people's busyness at this time is actually just preparing for the Harvest Festival.

After all, there are only three festivals in today's Pengzu. If it's not fun, how can you be worthy of the people who set these festivals? (Empty and tearful eyes T^T)


From a small pit with a diameter of more than one meter in the courtyard, a black shadow suddenly jumped out.

After making a slightly difficult roll in the air, he suddenly opened the four wings on his back, then slowly descended, and landed firmly on the ground. The flying wings behind him opened wide, like a roc spreading its wings.

Unfortunately, no one here appreciates it.

"Yun Xing, don't be so handsome, pull me up!"

There was some weird pronunciation of friends in the cave, and the Yiren who had just jumped back to the ground smiled awkwardly, turned around and returned to the entrance of the cave, and after putting down the rope, he pulled two creatures out of it .

It turned out to be two Dunjia men.

Compared with the height of 1.4 meters five of Yiren, Dunjia's average height of only 1.1 meters is obviously much shorter, especially the flying wings of nearly two meters high behind Yiren, which made the two Dunjia People are like children.

Fortunately, the people of the Pengdun tribe have already gotten used to this situation. The Pengdun and Pengdun tribes have lived together for an unknown number of years, so there is no special feeling between them.

"I really can't figure it out, Yunxing, why don't you agree with us digging a staircase? This kind of straight passageway is too curious. If you accidentally fall down, it's really not easy to come up."

After taking out a few pieces of sackcloth from his bosom and wiping his fingers and claws clean, one of the young Dunjia men put his fingers and claws into his palm nonchalantly, and then complained to the winged man.

"Tch, stairs or something, they are used by ordinary people, we don't want to be that kind of ordinary people, if we want to go, we have to take an unusual path, huh!"

Regarding the confident expression of the young Yiren in front of him, one of the slightly older Dunjiamen could only nod encouragingly, but he just smiled wryly, and then patted the side of him. , seemed to be a little nervous because of his existence, but flashed from time to time the young Dunjia with playful eyes.

"Okay, you two young people, let's play, I won't be with you today because I still have work to do."

"Ah, thank you Uncle Gumi, uncle go slowly."

"Goodbye, Dad."

He casually waved his hands behind him. In the view of this Dunjia uncle, these children's playfulness is a thing of the past for him. What he is thinking about now is how to add more good things to the family. , How to let your children get better development.

After Uncle Dunjia walked away, the young Dunjia looked curiously at the dark hole, and asked, "Hey, Yun Xing, why dig such a hole?"

"Hmph, as an ordinary person, how can you understand our wisdom, ahaha."

"Um, I still have something to do, so I'll go back first."

"No! Forget it, let me tell you."

The winged man cloud shape with a rascal expression pulled his few friends without any image, and then pointed to the big hidden pit behind him and said: "Look, such a big pit can hold a lot of things, right?" .”

I personally participated in these, so of course I knew the size, so the Dunjia nodded without thinking.

"Right, then all our rice this year can be stored in it, and then we don't have to bother and work hard to build so many barns, or even spend money to transport them to towns and store them in town warehouses, right?"

With the large-scale planting and the improvement of various agricultural tools, the Peng people have stored more and more food in recent years. It is obviously unrealistic to store all of them in villages, so at least some of them will be moved to cities with small city walls. In the warehouse area of ​​the town, although the warehouse area does not cost money to use, the transportation still costs some copper coins.


"How about it, is there a feeling of 'it's something that the Yiren came up with'? Don't be embarrassed." the black line.

"I said, cloud shape."


"Are you really a wingman?"

"Of course, it's not true," said the Yiman in a daze, and even fanned the two pairs of flying wings behind him, and the violent wings vibrated, making a whistling sound.

Then, he looked at his companion showing off, and the expression in his eyes was very clear: "Look, is this still fake?"

"But, isn't it said that Yi people are very smart?"

"Uh, what, what do you mean?"

Finally, he noticed something wrong with the shape of the cloud, and realized that his good friend seemed to have something in his words.

"What's the meaning!"

Dangling very depressed, with no deterrent fist no matter how you look at it, the short armored man has a cross on his head: "My dad and I, plus you, have been busy for a long time, so it turns out that it is for a useless earth pit." !"

"You don't know that the rice is stored in this kind of underground pit, and it won't be long before it gets damp and moldy!"


Originally, when his friend called his hard work "useless", Yun Xing was a little bit aggrieved, but when he heard what happened next, he suddenly froze.

"This...is there such a thing?"

He was called up early in the morning, and then pulled up by a mysterious friend to dig a hole for him, especially to satisfy this friend. Of course, there was still a trace of his own curiosity, and the dunjia even called his father to help , but did not expect to get such useless things.

At this time, the Dunjia man was furious when he saw his friend's dumbfounded expression.

"Hey! It seems that you stay in school all day long, and you know too little about this." Shaking his head helplessly, looking at the sky near dusk, the Dunjia waved his hands and walked home: "It's getting late, I'm going home first."

Behind him came the frenzied whining of the Winged Man...

"Damn! Why is there still mold!"

Depressed, Yun Xing kicked the tree roots beside him, turned around and walked into his house depressed.

The cellar was dug in the courtyard of Yun Xing's house. Most of the people in the village have gone to work in the city these days, and the only ones staying in the village are students like Yun Xing who came back from school holidays, as well as a small number of old people and children.

Therefore, Yun Xing, who was alone in the house, felt bored, so he used his whimsy to create such a cellar, but it was useless.

However, such a small setback is obviously not a big deal for Yun Xing: "Hmph, life is made up of failures to accumulate success, so what is such a small setback! Hahahaha..."

Soon, the smell of burnt vegetables wafted from the hut.

"No way, my dinner! Why is it mushy again! Unfortunately!"


"Uh, so what?"

"So, that, uncle, can you let me have some dinner at your house."

This typical behavior of rubbing food, as always, aroused the contempt of Dunjia friends for a while, but the uncle didn't say anything, just smiled and pulled the hungry and growling Yunxing in, let him and the young The Dunjia people ate together, while he re-entered the kitchen.

"Sure enough, it's better to be uncle, you don't give us face at all."

"Tch, you have to work hard on your own. You don't even know that a grain of rice is damp and moldy, so you're a fool."

"When did we stop working hard? In school, we are the top few!"

"Damn Winged Man, so what about the first few, hum!"

The Dunjiaren friends who have no right to speak on this point can only paw at the rice depressedly. The gap between the Dunjiaren and the Yiren is a clear fact. Many times, he is thinking about why he became friends with the Yiren in front of him. , Do you think that the other party is a rare idiot among Yiren?

Well, it must be so, the Dunjia nodded heavily.

In order to reflect the government's equal attitude, Dunjia people and Pengren attend classes together in primary and secondary schools.

This measure was welcomed by the Dunjia people at the beginning, but as time went by, the Dunjia people had to admit the gap between the two sides, because no matter what, the Dunjia people could not surpass their friends in the same class, whether it was memory, thinking speed, Or the ability to respond, etc., especially the Yiren, which is beyond the reach of the Dunjia.

Come and go, recently, the Dunjia people seem to have another plan to propose that the Dunjia people and friends should be taught separately.

However, this involves the creation of racial divisions, so it may be difficult to pass.

In this way, these Dunjia people lived in the shadow of their friends at school.

Fortunately, friends are generally peaceful, and there is no such thing as bullying Dunjia people.

"Speaking of which, why didn't uncle go to work in the city? With uncle's skills, it shouldn't be difficult for each three or four hundred copper coins."

Yun Xing, who was pulling the rice, still didn't want to be idle. Hearing the crackling sound of cooking in the kitchen, he felt even more depressed about his cooking skills. It also reminded him that since he moved here, he has a good relationship with his family and is very Take care of yourself, but never see the uncle who went to the city.

"You mean Dad? I don't know about it, and there is farmland at home, and it seems to be very busy just taking care of the farmland, so maybe I don't have time."


Originally, I just asked this casually out of curiosity, but at this moment, after hearing my friend's explanation, Yun Xing didn't delve too deeply into it, so he changed the subject: "By the way, Maizhu, the next semester is the graduation exam, so I have to think about it." Is the classification school going to report that?"

The current semester settings of Pengzu's secondary schools (formerly extended classes) are: March to August; October to December.There are two semesters in total, and the second half of each semester is an upgrade semester.

Of course, in order to take care of the busy farming, there are also holidays, and that's not all.

"Well... I should still apply for the construction students of Pengcheng. After all, my strength is only like this, and my grades are not high. It is considered good to be able to enter that classified school."


This aspect is not unclear, Yun Xing did not delve into it. In front of his friends, he generally would not mention the issue of grades, because it would easily cause his friends' displeasure.

"However, I heard that school rectification will be carried out again this year. It seems that all the higher classification schools will be integrated into an ordinary higher classification school in each province; a large comprehensive classification school in Pengcheng; the priest's school in Priest Hill will be retained. But let’s not think about our level.”

"Ah, it would be great if the reform can be completed before we graduate. By then, more people will be able to enter the classification school."

"Yes," scooped out a spoonful of vegetable soup with a spoon, tasted it carefully, the Dunjia man looked at the gradually quiet night sky outside the door, and didn't know what was flashing in his heart.

At this time, there was a sudden vibration outside the window.

Afterwards, dense things scattered from the sky, as if it was raining hail, and everyone felt that the outside of the window suddenly became dark.

But when everyone turned their eyes to the door, they were surprised to find that they were actually sharpened wooden sticks.

"Damn it! It's that bastard throwing things around! Don't you know it will hurt people!"

Yun Xing, who had just had a meal and was at the bottom, suddenly became furious, because some of the dust that fell from the ceiling spilled on his rice bowl and the dishes on the table, wasting food is a serious crime.

Without even thinking about it, Yun Xing rushed out of the door sullenly, and Uncle Dunjia who had just walked out didn't even have time to say a word.

But soon, Yun Xing rushed back in embarrassment.

"Stalk, Uncle Gumi, run away! There are many strange animals attacking us, and they threw those wooden spears!"

Perhaps in terms of common sense and knowledge, Yunxing is not as good as the uncle who may be twice his age, but in terms of emergency response, Yunxing, who is a wingman, is much faster.

There are a huge number of weird creatures outside. When he flew into the air, he was attacked by flying spears. If he hadn't spread his mental power at this time and was able to warn in advance, he might have been pierced into a hedgehog by the flying spears.

"What's going on? Cloud shape."

Unexpectedly by Yun Xing, the uncle's reaction was also very calm. At this moment, he didn't look like an ordinary farmer at all, but was as calm as those battle-hardened veterans.

Could it be that the uncle used to be a soldier of the Dunjia Legion?
However, Yunxing didn't have time to think about it at this time. He carefully distributed his spiritual power at the ghost level, and after checking the situation within 300 meters, Yunxing frowned and waved to the uncle next to him. He waved his hand and gestured for the other party to bring his friends to follow.

"I'm afraid it's an enemy, but I don't want to be the spirit person mentioned in the book, wait!"

The three people who escaped from the house immediately stopped by a small tree, just in time to avoid the wooden spears that flew over a large area.

At this time, Yun Xing suddenly turned around and ran towards his yard with two Dunjia men: "Those bastards are killing people! Without tails, they must be black-boned men. It is said in the book that black-boned men are in the south of us. Damn, Why are they here!"

At this time, the raiding force of the Black Bone Tribe had rushed into the small village, and the villagers who were caught off guard were quickly killed by professional Black Bone soldiers. With four hands, the situation suddenly became dangerous.

"Master Commander, is this the 'dangerous' enemy mentioned above?"

Looking at a four-winged man on the ground who attacked most of his own side rashly, but was quickly assassinated by a large group of black bone men with flying spears, a Shishen looked suspiciously at the legion commander beside him, and the sight in his eyes The disdain is beyond words.

Their legion was ordered to launch an assault on the enemy from here to open up a larger territory for the Black Bone Race. They thought they would encounter a very powerful enemy, but they didn't expect that the opponent would not even have the power to resist.

"Why bother with so many of them! It's a good thing that the enemy is weak. Anyway, our purpose is to rush forward. Whoever blocks the way will kill him, and the remaining legions will be responsible for the rest!" After the resistance was weak, he quickly ordered an army of several thousand people to rush into the village.

At this time, Yun Xing, who had just arrived in his yard, seemed calm, but he hadn't actually reacted yet.

Why did this happen to me even though I was eating and chatting just now?He was just a middle school student who grew up in a peaceful environment. The experience of successfully pupating just now gave him infinite confidence, but he didn't expect to encounter this kind of thing afterward.

"Calm down! Yunxing, how many enemies are there and how strong are they?" Dunjia uncle glanced at the cement house behind him and asked in a deep voice.

"Wait! Let me see."

There should be three Yiren in the village at this time, all students returning from school.

After releasing his mental power to scan, Yun Xing was horrified to find that one of the Winged Men had been killed, while the other was flying towards the city from a high altitude, and the dense black-skeleton men had surrounded the entire village. It is obviously difficult to break out from land.

As for the villagers, a mental power scan that barely covered the small village confirmed that dozens of Dunjia people were fleeing to the center of the village, while a dozen or so old people were protecting the children and retreating quickly.

"This won't work, we are already surrounded, and the number of enemies is too large to defend!"

After hearing Yun Xing's report, Uncle Dunjia shook his head heavily.

After thinking for a while, Yun Xing's eyes just happened to see the hole in the courtyard, and his eyes lit up: "Uncle, you guys hide in that cellar, I'll save the village chief and the others, and let the Dunjia people come here to hide, Uncle, you Organize those people so they don't get caught."

After a little hesitation, Uncle Dunjia nodded, and then pulled his dissatisfied son into the 'waste' cellar they dug during the day.

Loudly reminded the two people inside to continue to expand the cellar, and after Yun Xing carefully blocked the cellar entrance with a large rock, he spread his wings and ran towards the place where a dozen original people were at low altitude in a gliding manner.The villagers along the way were informed by him, and went to their own compound to find that strange Dunjia uncle.

At this time, the black-skeleton man had already started to rush into Yungu Village, and the doors of houses everywhere were smashed open. The black-skeleton man who rushed inside was quickly attracted by various things, and at first he struggled to kill and injure the fleeing The villagers gradually turned into searching various houses, which relieved the pressure on some survivors, but only slightly.

Using mental power to connect to the village chief's cloud shape, watching more and more black shadows, carefully lurking on the ancestral tree in the village, restraining his wings, a trace of anxiety flashed in his eyes.

I hope that the companion who flew away from high altitude has already notified the patrol team in the city at this time.

(End of this chapter)

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