Spore Story

Chapter 418

Chapter 418

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Wars between races never talk about justice and evil, only about victory or defeat. ——"Two Moons History"

Autumn is the season of harvest, of course, it is also the season of flying maple leaves.

At this time, Kong Huan, who was walking on the street, was bearing the curse of some members of the death group on the road, and at the same time had to bear the oppression of 8051 and Shuangyue.

But fortunately, Konghuan takes care of the friends' families a lot, so there are not many members of the Go to Die Death group.

However, he still couldn't help thinking, was he a little too weak when facing 8051 and the others?Should it be tougher?

For example, push the 8051 over and over again...

Subconsciously turned his head to look at 8051, who looked like a standard strong and powerful sister, Kong Huan couldn't help but swallowed, and turned his head depressed, (No, it still can't, 8051's deterrence is too strong.)
In a certain emptiness and powerlessness...

"Is there anything wrong with me being strong? What are you thinking about? 8051 feels illusory, and must be thinking about something wrong again. You must be warned."

Xu Shi was startled by Kong Hua's gaze. He was enjoying the scenery of fallen leaves with two moons. At the same time, he was admiring the pedestrians on the road who were also admiring the maple leaves. 8051, once again unscrupulously monitored Kong Hua's thoughts. This world has no human rights. ...

"No, it's nothing!" At this time, it is a fool who is telling the truth. Even a fool will learn to be smart after being tortured for a long time. This is the legendary conditioned reflex.

"I just think that 8051's deterrent power is too strong, and the people around are afraid to approach us." With such a long history of being bullied, Kong Huan also has some experience in fighting against 8051. Of course, Kong Huan is right? A smart fool is at least a natural fool who has transformed into a normal person.

If it weren't for Shuangyue's strong appearance, maybe the two of them would have entered into an in-depth exchange.

Of course, these were all things that Kong Huan had thought about before when there was no one around, but at this moment, he didn't have the guts to think about them.

"Oh, it's okay to say this kind of thing."

He looked at Kong Huan suspiciously, but the other party was very smart and did not show any abnormalities. Although this seemed to be the most abnormal, but 8051 had no evidence (evidence 0 0 is still needed), so he could only nod helplessly, and then He also carefully controlled the spiritual power naturally emitted by the body, and reduced his own coercion after confinement.

At this point, Kong Huan was slightly relieved.

However, he obviously forgot a person who must not be ignored.

"Sister, what are you pushing?"



The knowledge of Shuangyue is all derived from the biological memory of returning to the will of the planet. Of course, it contains a lot of memories of friends, but it is obviously impossible to have the essence brought from the human world in these memories.

Therefore, between 8051 and Void, which often communicate in these ACG modes, Shuangyue has become a curious baby like an ordinary child, so that when encountering some normal words, but the speaker’s behavior is abnormal, the little Loli will ask questions.

(However, you little lolita could just ask me alone, what's the point of asking at this time?) Kong Huan stared at Shuangyue mournfully, (Could it be that this natural black loli heard my thoughts! Hey, As expected of two sisters.)
"Oh? Thoughts?"


Well, the emotional Kongfan was once again betrayed by his own thoughts, and 8051, who was informed by Kongfan's thoughts, had already shown a smile called daily life.

Seeing that the situation seems to be developing into an unfavorable daily trend again, he carefully avoids Yujie 8051 who is exuding black air all over his body, and the little loli next to her who looks at 8051 with innocent eyes, and retreats step by step , Want to cry but have no tears.


At this time, from the corner of his eye, he saw the dark blood rushing towards him, and the figure facing the light was as dazzling as a savior.

However, this kind of gratitude only lasted until the dark blood made a sound.

"Unreal! The black-boned man is attacking us!"


———————The plan that can never catch up with the changes is gone—————

"On the evening of September 9th, the northern army of the Black Bone Tribe Kongting attacked Yungu Village, Wangxia City, Bingling Province. According to statistics, only two Yiren escaped, a native child. The life and death of the rest of the villagers is unknown. It is said that some Hiding, but it is not convenient to rescue now."

"In the middle of the night of September 9th, the patrol team of Wangxia City who was notified sent Wingmen to check and found that the fighting in the village had stopped. It seemed that a small-scale internal strife broke out among the soldiers of the Black Bone Legion. The reason is unknown. However, due to the enemy's situation Big, the patrol captain asked for support from the Bingling Province team, and his subordinates led the citizens to move to nearby villages and build a line of defense."

"In the early morning of September 9, the patrol team conducted high-altitude reconnaissance and confirmed that the opponent's strength was around 10, and there should be 5000 of them at Shishen level."

"Which team is the nearest? How long will it take to get there?"

The raid of the black-boned people was completely beyond the expectations of the friends. Although 8051 relied on the monitoring ability of the planet's will to conduct an active perception of the black-boned people, and successfully discovered the fire cloud kingdom and the sky kingdom. Legion changes.

But the general direction of the opponent's march was straight towards the Black Forest of the Ancient Shadow Clan. Therefore, whether it was the Pengzu Military Academy or the Konghuan, they all judged the opponent's ready attack target due to lack of experience, or carelessness. It's about Shadow Clan.

Because of this, the two main teams that were moving towards the southern border at that time, as well as the main Dunjia Legion, were temporarily stationed in the direction of the Southwest Province near the Shadow Clan, and the garrison of Bingling Province in the southeast was also close to the province. The southern border, in order to support the Southern Province at any time.

In this way, although the Pengzu at this time has assembled several teams on the southern border, accounting for 60% of the Pengzu's main combat force and 20% of the regular combat force, they are all concentrated in the southwest, while the Bingling in the southeast On the contrary, the province has less power than usual.

But what was unexpected was that the Black Bone Clan attacked the Friends Clan first, and the location of the attack was the weak Ice Spirit Province.

There are too many doubts: Why would the Black Bone Race attack the Friends?Why would the Black Bone Clan know the location of the Friends Clan?Why did it happen to attack the weak point of the friends?why……

Coincidence and other reasons?

However, today's friends need to consider the 'how' rather than the 'why'.

Hearing Longyue's patriarch's inquiry, in the urgently established 'Supreme War Command', Yao Tian, ​​the head of the military academy, wiped off his cold sweat, got up and replied: "It's the Bingling Squad from Bingling Province, they are only eight years away from there. Ten kilometers, but according to the team's marching speed, it may take about a day and a half to arrive. But at this time, the Wangxia City patrol team only has a standard 21 people. Fortunately, the city's population can temporarily recruit 377 people, which should be able to withstand it for a while. .”

"What if we let the Wingman troops go to the rescue first?"

"This, it only takes about nine hours, but I'm worried about the combat power..."

"Don't worry about this. Our primary goal is to hold the enemy back and not let them continue to attack."

"Wangxia City has done a good job in this regard. First evacuate the surrounding villages, and then organize a defense line." After thinking for a while, Longyue continued: "Let the Yiren troops rush over quickly. If the opponent is attacking, then cooperate with Wangxia City Do a good job of defending; if they are not attacking, then mainly harass and wait for the main force to arrive before counterattacking."


Listening to the discussion among the people in the conference room, Dark Blood sitting on the side looked suspiciously at the motionless Kong Huan, patted the other party and asked.

"Empty illusion, do you want to use the Youshen level?"

If it is at the speed of Youshen level, even if you start from Pengcheng at this time, you can get there within a day.And Chu Xia, who has been staying in the Xiaoshu military camp in the southern province, was able to arrive at the scene of the accident within two hours, and even wiped out the black-bone army.After all, when strength reaches a certain level, it is no longer something that can be suppressed by numbers.

Therefore, if you let the Youshen level or even the Yinshen level pass by, even if there are Youshen level true gods in those Black Bone Race legions, it is not a worry, but...

After thinking about it, Kong Huan still shook his head.

Although angry at the loss of more than a dozen friends, Kong Huan did not plan to send Youshen class this time.

Because, if you let friends develop the ability to use the highest combat power of the Youshen level when encountering things, although it can greatly reduce the loss of friends in small things, but how can you deal with those Youshen level being restrained? manage?
Therefore, using the Youshen level in case of trouble will only make the friend clan's team a decoration, and one or two can only rely on the Youshen level, which is obviously extremely dangerous.

After all, there are not many high-end combat forces in the entire Double Moon Star, and the main battles are between ordinary soldiers, and high-end combat forces are used for decisive victory and emergency response, not as conventional weapons.

"Although I was a little caught off guard this time, the previous fantasy exercises were not done in vain. As long as the other party does not use the true god, our elders' house will try to stay as still as possible." Rubbing his face, Kong Huan finally issued this resolution: " Take this time as a test of our military capabilities, and I hope you will not let us down."

Standing up and nodding to the people in the conference room, Kong Huan turned and left here with Dark Blood, who also belonged to the elders.

Several people in the command room looked at each other, but shook their heads helplessly, pulled themselves together, and continued to take their own countermeasures.

For a while, the electromagnetic field environment in Pengcheng even became noisy because of this.

The troops of the entire friend clan also began to mobilize.

But in the elders' courtyard, the empty illusion that seems to be indifferent to the war is actually circling around the large sand table in the elders' courtyard all the time.

"I really care so much, why don't you go directly to the military command room. 8051's behavior towards Kong Huan is very funny."

"What do you mean by caring? I'm just testing their plans." Still stubbornly illusory, ignoring the provocation of 8051, with a sweep of mental power, he modified the latest military situation on the sand table in front of him, and his mental power also Modify the above map from time to time.

"8051, can you get a sense of the specific situation of the Black Bone Race? I want a comprehensive troop situation. This raid feels a bit wrong to me."

"and many more."

8051 will never smudge in this kind of business. With her eyes closed, she has become the will of the official planet. Obviously, she can clearly sense the situation of all planets, but she only needs to actively sense.

However, Shuangyue, who was standing aside, withdrew her curiosity from the sand table, and turned her gaze between Kong Huan and 8051, not knowing what she was thinking.

At the same time, Yungu Village.

Although the sneak attack at night was a great success, out of the thousands of Black Bone soldiers, only a dozen or so were lost in the sneak attack.

On the contrary, in the subsequent looting, there was an unexpected uneven distribution of spoils, resulting in the casualties of more than 40 soldiers. The name is to 'equal distribution'.

Of course, in fact, most of them have flowed into the hands of Zhizhi and his subordinate Shishen, and the soldiers can get one or two ordinary pottery bowls.

However, the biggest surprise that the plundering of Yungu Village brought to the ruler was the unimaginable food reserves. With the amount of food, his Northern Legion of Kongting could even go out for dozens of days without the support of the Kingdom of God. , The soldiers also had a delicious meal of rice this morning.

It is precisely because of this situation that the legion, from top to bottom, has a high interest in this kind of predatory battle.

Commanders want more decorations, more metal products and even more weapons, while soldiers want more 'equal distribution', because they can't fight against the gods, gods, and guards. The rulers who came down could only turn their attention to more villages, but they had to follow the order and stay in Yungu Village.

At this time, in the "luxury" (black-skeleton man's perspective) village elementary school classroom, he is playing with the control of two sharp steel felling axes in his hand, sitting on the podium in the classroom, feeling very Looking at the Primordial Gods below with interest, they showed off their respective 'rewards' to each other, and at the same time expressed their gratitude to themselves who gave them the 'rewards'.

At this time, Shishen, who held a nine-toothed rake in his hand, wore a linen robe and leather armor, and wore two nondescript necklaces around his neck, rolled his eyes, walked to the side of the control, and suggested in a low voice.

"Master Commander, in fact, we don't need to wait for the people behind. Everyone saw the battle yesterday. Those so-called four-winged monsters are vulnerable. Why don't we rush over in one breath before the enemy reacts? Grab as much as you want."

Seeing the flushed face of the other party stimulated by greed, Zhi Zhi didn't have any funny thoughts, because he actually wanted to do the same.However, he is more aware of the situation of this battle. If he strikes out rashly and causes the plan to go wrong, he will be the one who suffers.

And this nine-toothed nail rake, Shishen, quickly noticed the change in his boss's expression, and confirmed the other party's thoughts through long-term experience.

As soon as he rolled his eyes, a new plan came to his mind.

"My lord, if you are really worried, why don't you just leave Shishen and 500 people here, and our large force will continue to attack, isn't it safe?" Seeing that the other party has moved quite a bit, this Shishen rubbed his hands The rake exuding the fragrance of grass and trees in his hand stepped up and agitated.

"My lord, although it is said that the nine countries sent troops together this time, everyone knows in their hearts that the ultimate goal is to grab the land here. At this time, the more land you occupy, the Lord True God may complain about you, but he still blames you in his heart. Maybe how happy I am, you see..."

At this time, the ruler looked at the shiny new logging ax in his hand with complicated eyes, and his heart was already shaken.

Yes, continue to attack, occupying the land is not ours, so what about the Nine Kingdoms, no matter how united they are the Nine Kingdoms, not the One Kingdom, so, why not...

But at any time, there are those who encourage and oppose any leader. A Shishen holding a longbow, seeing Tong Zhi talking to another Shishen, and Tong Zhi's expression seems to be a little wrong, so he immediately leaned forward.

Hearing Shishen's instigated words, his face darkened immediately, and he inserted forcefully.

"No, my lord."

"Huh? What's wrong?"

I don't know if it was a guilty conscience or something, but suddenly hearing another voice interjected, the control unexpectedly panicked for a while, and then realized his gaffe, coughed a few times and stared at this man who is still loyal to him The subordinate nodded and asked the other party to continue talking.

"My lord, the nine-nation agreement has been agreed, and the occupied land will be divided according to the contribution..."

"Isn't that what it is? Let's take the opportunity to occupy more land at this time, so we can share more." Dingba Shishen immediately retorted, and when he saw that the control seemed to agree, a smug smile appeared on his face.

But the Longbow Shishen ignored the other party, but looked at Tongzhi seriously and asked, "My lord, how many of the agreements of these countries do you think are really effective?"

"What do you mean?" He waved his hand to stop the rake Shishen who wanted to get mad, and the control had already sensed something was wrong.

"Think about it, although it is said that it is a contribution, but it has to be taken by life. If we fight too hard, these guys will be the ones who are dying to fight back and get injured. At that time, we will be victorious, and our troops in the Nine Kingdoms will be defeated. Consumption, even if those countries don’t abide by the agreement, what can we do to them.”


"Maybe, because we performed so well, they think we are a threat, and they will take this opportunity to swallow us in one bite. You can imagine this..."

Nodding his head approvingly, the leader praised the other party with a serious face, but looking at the two logging axes in his hand, the leader was still a little unwilling. Should he give up such a great opportunity?

Shishen, who was unwilling to fail, grasped the mood of the ruler well and proposed carefully.

"My lord, I didn't think carefully before, but even if we don't send a large army to take advantage of the victory, the scout troop also said that there are not many tribes like yesterday around here. Their strength is so weak, and we put so many It’s not a reason not to want good things.”

"Ding rake! Do you want to harm Lord Commander!"

"Quiet, I am the ruler of the fair northern court, listen to the rake."

"Thank you, my lord, take a look..."

(End of this chapter)

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