Spore Story

Chapter 419 The Temporary Calm of the Black Bone Raid

Chapter 419 The Temporary Calm of the Black Bone Raid

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On September 26, 9 AD, ShadowClan Plains.

ShadowClan, who received the warning from the friends, also received a report from the razor soldiers monitoring the Black Bones Camp in the Black Forest: the number of the Black Bones army there has doubled again.

Under such an emergency situation, the three major armies could not train slowly. After the initial integration, they immediately began pre-war training, and then moved to the southern border to deal with enemy attacks.At the same time, the Recruit Corps, which is the back of the three major legions, also began to prepare to serve as a supplementary place for the soldiers of the three major legions.

And a Dunjia Legion of the Peng Clan has also rushed to the outskirts of the Shadow Clan Plain, near the south area, and began to build fortifications for the Shadow Clan.

But at this time, Chu Xia, who was in the Xiaoshu military camp, received a report that Bingling Province was attacked.

"The Black Bone Race made a good move."


Putting down the chess pieces in his hands, after being promoted to the Yin God level, he accidentally obtained the ability to move within a certain range outside the temple domain, so that now he can move freely in the entire eastern part of the Pengzu, but willfully relying on the totem stick to guide him, he ran to the southwestern area. Chu Jie, the god of the east from the Xiaoshu military camp, was nonchalantly taking the tea offered by the little maid Die Wu beside him.

Taking a sip of clear tea with ease all over her body, Chu Jie breathed out lightly, with a relaxed expression, as if she didn't have any worries.

"It's been a long time since I tasted the taste of green tea. It's really a lot of surprises to be promoted to the Yinshen level."

The promotion of the Youshen body to the Yinshen level is completely like recasting an energetic body. Whether it is cells, chemical composition, or body fluid circulation, it is just a biological body replaced by an energy body.

It can be said that Chu Jie and Chu Xia at this time are already energy life forms that are indistinguishable from ordinary life forms, not dead souls with independent consciousness.

Because of this, they all regained the sense of taste and smell of the living body, and also began to recall the taste that was about to be forgotten and never been normal.

However, Chu Jie, who was promoted to the Yin God level, unexpectedly ran to the Xiaoshu barracks to chat with Chu Xia not long after communicating with Kong Huan and the others, and her little maid Die Wu naturally followed, This left everyone speechless.

As a result, the small Xiaoshu barracks actually gathered two Yin Gods and one Youshen.

So much so that the soul-level Longyue team, which is also stationed here, has become dispensable. You must know that the "evil god" that the Black Bone Race is fighting against with all their strength is only at the Yin God level. Although the opponent has obviously entered the Yinshen class for some time, but in terms of knowledge and fighting skills, he is definitely not as good as Chu Xia and Chu Jieduo who are backed by the entire Friends R&D organization.

At this time, the two of them were playing with something called Go that Bai Nong made.

, the criss-crossing lines of the small chessboard, combined with the black and white chess pieces, produced a complex and huge amount of calculation. The moment it was launched, it became the last choice for elders with long lives and easy work after joining the elders' home. Best leisure tool.

"Speaking of which, when do you plan to start energyizing other Youshen bodies?" Chu Xia only energized Chu Jie and the Youshen level with bodies. It was also to take care of Chu Jie's emotions. Of course, there were also other thoughts of those ghost bodies who wanted to see Chu Jie's situation.

"That kind of thing, when they are mentally prepared, I can do it immediately."

While saying this, Chu Jie's eyes seemed to flicker.

Indeed, in terms of psychological preparation, if those ghost spirits haven't made it in five years, they will be ashamed to call themselves ghost spirits.

Therefore, the main reason is that Chu Jie, the irresponsible Yin God, just let them go.

Of course, everyone knew about Chu Jie's little thoughts.

Thinking in another way, if Chu Xia was the first one to be promoted to the Youshen class, but I was not the first one to be promoted to the Yinshen class. There will still be some grudges in my heart, let alone such a strong guy like Chu Jie?
Fortunately, the Youshen class has two forms: the Youshen class of the living body; the Youshen body of the consciousness body.

As for Chu Xia and Chu Jie, they happen to belong to two different forms. Under the consolation of the empty sentence "You are the first to be promoted to the Yin God level in the Youshen Body", Chu Jie's unwillingness disappeared without a trace Without a trace, people have to sigh that Chu Jie has such a character.

However, the mischievous Chu Jie, with the support of her maid Die Wu who would not oppose her at all, still went to the Xiaoshu barracks to play with Chu Xia and show off by the way.

Several people who thought they were adults thought this kind of childlike thoughts were funny and didn't interfere.

Gently put her white stones on a corner of the chessboard, then removed Chu Jie's black stones, and after creating a small position, Chu Xia said with a smile: "Those black-skeleton men, although they made a good move."

"Unfortunately, I chose the wrong opponent."

"Hey," Chu Jie smirked nonchalantly, while Die Wu at the side continued to do her job as a maid, serving tea and water to the two Yin gods. Happy.

——————The Dividing Line of Race War—————

Because both the Yinshen class and Youshen class indicated that they would only provide support behind the scenes and would not participate in frontal battles, so the three major teams with the highest conventional combat power of the friends naturally became the "war finger" (the highest war team) command) trump card.

After receiving the notice that the Youshen class would not participate in the battle due to the attack on Yungu Village, Zhan Zhi not only began to deploy local teams, but also started to mobilize the three major teams.

The [Longyue Squad] stationed at the Xiaoshu Barracks has already started gearing up, and their destination is the border between Southern Province and Bingling Province. When the provincial team resists or even counterattacks, it acts as a surprise soldier;

The [Lingyue Squad] stationed between the Xiaoshu military camp and the Shadow Clan Plain, on the side of the Grand Canyon, continued to practice in place, as a backup for the Shadow Clan, to guard against the Black Bone Clan's army attacking the Shadow Clan in an all-round way. .Although they doubted whether the Black Bone Race could make such a plan, the staff members of the Military Academy have developed a character of being careful in everything after this raid;

As for the [Dark Blood Squad], they have already begun to move to Pengcheng, and will serve as the capital's garrison for a long time to come.

For the local teams, because the harvest season in October is about to enter, and the war in the south seems to be urgent, but it is not a serious problem, so all provinces will discuss whether to raise the level of war after the harvest, so as to carry out the war enlist.

At this time, only the Bingling Province team, which is facing the enemy directly, has been recruited for war. It is estimated that within 10 days, the standing team of 300 people can be expanded to 1100 people.

Of course, training still takes some time, so whether Wangxia City's defense line can be held is the key to this battle.

On the afternoon of September 9, the sky west of Wangxia City.

"Ya Chang, Wangxia City is ahead, it seems that there is no battle."

Nodding his head, the winged man Yazhang flapped his four wings and looked at the south side of Xia City with a serious expression. According to the magnetic field communication report, all the villages on this side have been evacuated.

At this time, he seemed to have discovered something. He pointed to a village that seemed to be a bit chaotic, and asked, "Is that Yungu Village over there?"

The soldier who was familiar with Wangxia City followed Yazhang's pointing finger, confirmed Yazhang's pointing with a puzzled expression, then shook his head and said, "No, that's Baifen Village, and Yungu Village is there. "

By pointing, through some cloud barriers, Ya Zhang saw the shadowy crowd.

"It seems that these are the black skeleton army, but why didn't they attack Wangxia City? I'm afraid, it's impossible."

Shaking his head, the Yachang led his troops and landed on the city wall of Wangwangxia City.

"You are finally here, now we have more confidence to hold on to this place."

The person walking towards him was also known to the Yiren Cliff Chief, who was the mayor of Wangxia City.

As the Bingling Provincial Team, although it is not possible to know all the terrain and chief officers of the entire province, the chief officers above the mayor must master it. This is for the convenience of coordination during wartime, and it is also to prevent impersonation. .

After confirming the identity of the other party through the magnetic field and mental power, Chief Yirenya nodded and asked questions without any greetings.

"Have all the villages in Wangxia City been transferred? Why do I see people moving in some villages when I see the south from the sky?"

Hearing that the savior who had finally arrived was talking about this kind of topic, the mayor felt a little relieved while being depressed, so that the dedicated military chief could provide them with a sense of security.

"Yachang, we only relocated all the southern villages, and sent wingmen to monitor those black-skeleton men at all times. As for the personnel activities in the southern villages you mentioned," the mayor gave up his seat and moved a The original man wearing [Ming Steel Type 1 Heavy Armor (for original people)] was placed in front of this Yazhang.

"Let's leave it to the patrol captain to explain the military situation."

"Hello, those who are active in the southern village are Black Bone Race soldiers. They seem to be very interested in what we left there, so they have been doing this all day long."

"Be specific." Although he frowned at the mayor's behavior, considering the recent division of labor between civil and military affairs, all military affairs were assigned to the military chiefs in various places. His behavior is understandable after careful calculation.

(It's nothing more than a matter of habit,) Thinking of this, Ya Chang felt relieved.

Hearing the words of Yiren Yachang, who is also wearing [Minggang 1 Sexual Heavy Kai (for Yiren)], but clearly showing signs of personalized modification, the patrol captain nodded, turned around and led everyone to the city wall tower. .

Then, he pointed to some villages that were still smoking in the south and said: "This enemy is very strange. After they raided Yungu Village yesterday and quickly wiped out our resistance, they stopped completely. They neither attacked nor Do not retreat."

"At first, we thought they were just resting, but at noon, these people did start to move."

"However, they only sent troops with a base of 500 people to harass the surrounding villages. Because we evacuated the personnel and some valuables, of course they entered these villages without any difficulty."

"Before you arrived, they also seemed to find that most of the villages in the south were abandoned, so they became more unscrupulous and began to loot with 100 people as the base..."

"This kind of good opportunity, why not send troops to attack? Oh, I'm sorry."

Because of habit, Ya Chang is still evaluating the current situation by his own team's standards.

But when he saw the so-called hundreds of people in Wangxia City, they were all armed with various civilian weapons or tools, most of them were dressed in old leather armor, and the militiamen who had no battle training, Ya Zhang blushed a little , but the full-face helmet blocked that embarrassment very well, only the long and trembling tentacles might betray her emotions, but no one paid attention to those.

"It's nothing, but now that you are here, we can stay here with peace of mind."

The patrol captain, who had held his helmet around his waist from the very beginning, showed a cheerful smile, looking at the team members who were all winged in front of him, with envy flowing in his eyes.

"Ya Zhang, our mission is to guard here."

The soldiers of the team on the side seemed to have no confidence in their own team, which was no more than a hundred people.He carefully reminded his Cliff Chief with his mental strength, while the other party made the decision to use a team of hundreds of people to attack the army of a thousand people of the Black Bone Race, but the Cliff Chief had obviously moved.

After thinking for a while, the head of the cliff nodded heavily, and the friction of the bright steel armor made a metallic sound full of texture, declaring her firmness.

Yiren Yachang, who was in the tower, stood on the edge of the tower and looked down at the team members who were taking a rest, and asked loudly with a smile in their eyes: "Everyone! Have you rested yet?"

"All right!"

There was a sound of neat metal collisions, and more than 100 Wingmen soldiers exuded the momentum like a thousand troops, showing the world that they are not weaker than the three major armies.

"very good!"

Nodding in satisfaction, Chief Yi Renya looked at his companion below, took out a shining steel long sword from his waist, and pointed at the sky.

"I won't talk nonsense anymore! The enemy is looting our homeland, and everyone understands what we are going to do now!"

"I order!"

"Squads 1 and 3 are stationed here and cooperate with the patrol team of Wangxia City to do a good job of defense. We cannot let an enemy rush over!" Although the two squad members who heard the order didn't make any big moves, their four wings spread wide. Obviously a little shorter.But they clearly put their legs together and replied neatly: "Yes!"

"The rest of the team, follow me, let's go hunting!"

"Yes! Hunting!"

With a wave of wings vibrating, the airflow in the entire square was in chaos, but more than 70 wingmen circled in the air in a neat formation, and soon formed a sharp triangle, rushing towards the nearest small village go.

"This is the regular army."

Seeing the military troops flying away in the sky, and the troops staying in the square to understand the situation of the defense line, the original patrol captain nodded with emotion, then turned and walked towards one of the wingman captains.

——————The dividing line of war raids—————

Little Iron Village.

This is a small village in Wangxia City, but it also has a special status because there is a small open-pit iron mine next to the village.

To avoid trouble, the iron ore was not transported to other places. Instead, a small iron furnace was built nearby in this small village, and two or three blacksmith shops were built to make some ironware for civilian use.

Therefore, Xiaotie Village has become a well-known blacksmith village. The more than 50 friends in the village are all blacksmiths and blacksmith-related personnel, and only the more than 100 Dunjia people are farming.

After Yungu Village was attacked, the patrol captain of Wangxia City responded quickly, and the Yiren patrol team quickly dispersed to various villages to evacuate the people from the surrounding villages of Yungu Village, and Xiaotie Village was also among them.

Although it was difficult to let go of the things that brought a better life to the villagers, the people in Xiaotie Village responded well to the government's call and left in a hurry with their valuables.

However, the Wingman patrol team in charge of Xiaotie Village obviously ignored the special situation of Xiaotie Village and evacuated it as an ordinary village.

When more than 100 black-skeleton soldiers rushed into the village after the scouts confirmed that there was no one in the village, planning how many iron pots, jewelry, pottery bowls, etc. Soldiers in the blacksmith shop, but lost any movement.


Shishen who led the team following the principle of 'Let the soldiers advance' felt tense after discovering the anomaly ahead, (was it attacked?)

But soon, he discovered that the soldiers were not attacked and rioted, but after a brief silence, they suddenly rushed into the village frantically.There's also 'It's mine! ''It's so sharp! '"Don't grab it, Hun Dan, that's what I fancy!"... something like that.

If I don't understand what happened at this time, I'm sorry that I led the team to snatch the identities of the two villages, and from the fanatical attitude of these guys than the previous two villages, it can be seen that something good has happened.

The captain of the guards on the side played the role of the dog leg very well, and he, who also had greed in his eyes, immediately pushed aside the soldiers blocking the front, shouting "Let the leader choose first!" God made a way.

And seeing Shishen's eyes behind him, the guard captain couldn't help but feel proud.

No matter how powerful you guys are at grabbing now, so what?In the end, I still have to hand it over to Shishen-sama, but now Shishen-sama is very satisfied with me, so when I share more in the future, isn't that reasonable?hum.

He pushed aside the crowded soldiers in front of him heavily, and the captain of the guards adopted a standard ignoring attitude towards the soldiers behind him who woke up and glared at him, and finally lifted the soldiers blocking the door of one of the big houses.

As soon as he stepped into the door, the captain of the guard who wanted to say something suddenly found a cold light flashing in front of him. He subconsciously wanted to take half a step back, but suddenly remembered that his boss was standing behind him. , then...

"Go to hell!"

"this is mine!"


The situation of uneven distribution of accounts seems to happen everywhere. Looking at the chaotic scene in front of him, Shishen nonchalantly pushed away the body of the captain of the guards who was standing in front of him. He pulled out his spear, ignoring the scene of the scuffle in the house, and carefully stroked the bloody spear tip.

"nice one!"

Gently shaking the tough spear, a few drops of blood spattered from the tip of the spear and splashed across the room. Shishen laughed and held the spear in his hand, and pierced the nearby sword-wielding soldier with a single shot, and then turned his eyes red Another soldier who was chasing and killing this soldier shot through his head, and mercilessly killed the dozen or so people who were still in the melee.

"Hahaha, I want to order this gun!"

(End of this chapter)

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