Spore Story

Chapter 420 Midfield Reaction in Wangxia Battlefield

Chapter 420 Midfield Reaction in Wangxia Battlefield

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The number of bows and arrows carried by ordinary longbowwings is not as small as that of special weapon users such as snipers. A person can have at least forty or fifty.

Therefore, when night fell, except for the black bone man who was completely hiding in the house waiting to die, all the black bone man soldiers in the small iron village were wiped out by the hovering wingmen.

And those black bone men who were waiting to die were finally landed on the ground. After taking back their longbows, the Wingmen who took out their standard long swords were cleaned out one by one.

However, in order to understand the specific situation, three of them were judged as "lucky ones" with a slightly higher status. They were not able to face death directly. what is itNeither do we, ga.

In the middle of the night, a painful groan suddenly came from the mouth of a round well in Xiaotie Village.

"Finally out!"

A dark figure crawled out of the mouth of the well with a wet body, and then, as if he had exhausted all his strength, after most of his body left the mouth of the well, he turned over heavily and lay on his back on the edge of the well, and began to gasp for breath.

"Mom, I'm exhausted."

But just after taking a deep breath, the black figure seemed to wake up suddenly, and rolled and hid under a big tree. During the process, he compacted two small bugs and countless grasses, and finally heaved a heavy sigh of relief. .

Looking up at the sky, the black shadow seemed to be in a trance.

He reached out and rubbed his red and swollen forehead, stretched out his ears and carefully listened to the movement around him, until he realized that there was no sign of movement, then he leaned against the big tree with a diameter of more than one meter, and breathed a sigh of relief.

"Let's all go, I don't know who won?"

He was just an ordinary black-bone soldier. After being attacked by that kind of four-winged monster, but escaped by accident because he was on the edge, he, like other surviving soldiers, hurriedly searched for something to dodge.

However, his luck seemed to be a little bit better (it seemed unlucky at the time=.=), because he escaped too quickly, he accidentally fell into a not deep well, and passed out until midnight. Wake up, but at this time, the battle is already over.

"Those monsters are amazing."

He looked around unconfidently, hesitated for a while, and then sat up from the ground again, and walked shyly in the shadows, walking towards the entrance of the village.

Suddenly, he felt that his feet were weak, as if he had tripped over something, and he threw himself forward unnaturally.

"Ah... woo!"

Subconsciously covering his mouth to prevent the sound from coming out, just as he was about to face the painful and hard ground, he found himself crashing into a soft object.


I squeezed it carefully, it should feel fleshy, but it is cold.

When he raised his head again, what he saw was a black-boned man's face distorted by anger, his eyes full of resentment and unwillingness were glaring, and they happened to point in the direction of this black-boned man.

"Ah!" The person who can still be calm at this time can only be said to be inhuman.

"Shi-Shishin-sama!" (Fortunately, he still recognizes =. =)

Using hands and feet together, he took a few steps back on the muddy ground. After pulling away his sight, the black skeleton soldier discovered that there was actually a wooden stick stuck in the opponent's head, which symbolized the ferocious and powerful man in front of him. The mighty Shishen had been dead for a long time.

But this can't bring any sense of security to this soldier. Even Shishen can only die so aggrieved, so what about me, an ordinary soldier?
At this moment, under the ancestral tree of Xiaotie Village, a soldier of the Black Bone Tribe looked at the corpse of Shishen who was leading soldiers like himself in front of him, and then looked at the end of the direction he was walking. The Yungu Village of the large army hesitated in their hearts.

"Can we beat this kind of enemy?"

He is just a small soldier, and he is not as tall as those great leaders in terms of vision or height.

They only know how to rush forward under the urging of their leaders to destroy the enemies in front of them.

But at this time, the leader who directly urged him disappeared.

No, he died, a very tragic and aggrieved death.

So, what about yourself?What should I do?
Is it possible to go back there again; let another leader urge himself; rush to the battlefield again to accept the enemy's attack?
Yes, he was afraid of the battle.

Because he couldn't find what he was fighting for, land?Kingdom of God?dream?These are the true God, these have nothing to do with him.

Like most of the black bone soldiers, he was forced to participate in the battle only because of the reason of 'not joining is blasphemy'.But now, everyone is dead. It's not like he didn't miss the corpses all over the ground when he was on his way. Some of them were familiar to him, some of them usually bullied him, and some of them were usually bullied by him, but at the moment they were all just The only difference is the number of holes pierced by bows and arrows, and the depth of wounds drawn by sharp knives.

Then, why do you want to go back?

After thinking about it, when dawn was approaching, he finally made a choice.

So, he became a shameful deserter.

And in order to be a good deserter, an excellent deserter who can escape safely, an elite deserter who will not be caught and killed, he also pulled out the pair of Shishen who was awe-inspiring before, and the soldiers found it and were taken back by the commander. Give the armor of this god of origin.

Of course, by the way, he also took away the spear in Shishen's hand, the dagger at his waist, and the food found in the village.

Finally, I took a look at this friend village full of black-skeleton corpses, except for most of the arrows. This deserter, who can be seen everywhere, is equipped with 'excellent' (the black-skeleton man thinks) equipment, After hesitating at the entrance of the village, he set foot on the eastbound road.

The north is that kind of powerful enemy, the west and south are the active sites of the Black Bones Legion, only the east is full of unknowns and possible opportunities.

His name is: Lei Yin Ming.

He is just an ordinary deserter.

—————— Friends of the black war dividing line —————

On September 26, 9 AD, Pengcheng.

The weather in autumn is starting to turn cold. Although there are Youshen who can control the weather, they will not change it for no reason, especially in the case that there are two more planetary wills in the Presbyterian House. It has to be confirmed by application.

Of course, if it affects a small area, neither of them will feel anything.

Therefore, under the condition that it is confirmed that it will not cause any harm to production and life, today's weather is confirmed as: light rain (no modification).

In this kind of light rainy day, most people will choose to stay at home, sit in the warm living room or bedroom, lean on the window sill with their families or alone, smelling the fresh air while reminiscing about their past life, maybe they are in high spirits I will also do some crabbing.

However, at least for now, the matter of the river crab has nothing to do with emptiness for the time being, so he prefers to walk in rainy days.

"Be careful of catching a cold."

Standing beside her was 8051, holding Shuangyue in her arms, seeing the illusion of raindrops dripping on her skin without even laying out a protective layer of psionic power, she joked with a smile.

As for the little girl Shuangyue, because she was hugged instead of floating on her own, her two calves swayed mischievously, touching 8051's thigh from time to time, causing 8051 to beat dotingly.

"I am a person who has entered the final stage of energy conversion. How could I be affected by such a little rain? You underestimate us too much."

Kong Huan smiled and used his thoughts to condense the raindrops permeating the space, turning it into a water polo and throwing it towards a stone not far away.

"Look at my water polo! Ga!"

The water polo wrapped in thought power hit the rock hard. When the water polo broke, the poor passerby's rock also turned into pieces.

However, 8051 and the others obviously wouldn't take this seriously: "It's a trick to play handsome. 8051 revealed the essence without caring."

"Uh," dispelled the water polo that had condensed again in his hands depressedly, Kong Huan looked at Shuangyue who was nodding, feeling powerless for a while. (Do you little loli know what is handsome?)
The little loli showed a puzzled expression...

But what 8051 said is correct, the main force of the previous attack was actually the power of thought.

Even in order to show the impact of the water polo, it takes more mental power to wrap this part of the water. When it is really necessary to attack, it is better to directly use invisible mental power to hit it, the power will not be reduced at all, and there will be a lot more concealment .

"But, isn't this thing good for extinguishing fire?" Kong Huan still argued to himself.

"Do you need your Youshen level to put out the fire? Besides, don't you know how to use rain?"


Shuangyue Luoli continued to nod in agreement, the back of her head hit 8051's chest back and forth, causing 8051 to blush weakly, but Kong Huan just stared at Xiao Luoli with a resentful expression, and regrettably ignored 8051's expression.

"Forget it, let's obediently wait for the quantization to complete."

Shaking his head depressedly, Kong Huan sighed heavily, stood up in the rain, glanced around, and happened to see a familiar private research institute in the distance: "Let's go, let's see what Aiyi has achieved."

Aiyi Energy Research Institute has always been researching energy, and some time ago because of the improvement of the energy output control circuit, she has been working day and night to figure out this. At first I thought it was simple, but in fact But it takes a lot of time to control the circuit.

Fortunately, the application test of this circuit was finally completed a second ago.

"Then, here you are."


At this time, Aiyi, who had just finished counting the data and was sitting in the laboratory with a tired face, took a big sip of the strong tea handed over by the assistant researcher.Although the taste was too bitter, she frowned a little uncomfortably, but the joy because of the successful experiment did not disappear from her brows.

"So, we are really lucky stars." Kong Huan said narcissistically, but no one bought his account.

Looking worriedly at Aiyi's panda-like dark circles, Konghuan sighed gratefully and helplessly, nodded to Aiyi, then got up and pulled 8051 and Shuangyue out of the door: "Aiyi , Let’s have a good sleep first, tomorrow I will arrange someone to come over to understand the specific situation and the next step.”


"Understood, let Bingling Provincial Armament Field, must do a good job of supporting Wangxia City with weapons. Since the high-altitude shooting effect is so good, then we don't mind exchanging bows and arrows for human lives!"

After Yaotian finished the communication with Bingling Province, he nodded and reported the situation to Longyue.

In the past few days, the legion of the Black Bone Race has not made any major moves. The Winged Man raid on the evening of the 10th killed and wounded about 100 black-boned men, including a Shishen who had a high status in the black-boned tribe, but failed to stop the black-boned men from plundering the surrounding area The situation in the village didn't even cause any fluctuations in the black-boned man's side.

And for the next three days, the black-skeleton men scattered into villages all over the place and continued to plunder, taking advantage of their large number of people.As for Yirenya, they were unable to exert their full strength due to the small number of people. After the black-boned men gradually became familiar with their own tactics, their results began to shrink, and they finally decided to suspend the high-altitude attack today.

As for the Bingling team, they have already reached an area between Wangxia City and Bingling Province. However, because the black-boned men did not attack, the friends simply let the Bingling team, whose combat power has declined after the expansion, stay in that area. While accepting the weapons provided by Bingling Province, they are conducting adaptive training.

The situation in Bingling Province seems to be so strangely deadlocked.

However, Kong Huan, who possesses the monitoring information of 8051, is very clear that the black-skeleton man is waiting for reinforcements from several other kingdoms of God.

On September 9th, the day when the Black Bone Man raided, several divine kingdom legions within the Black Bone Clan, probably numbering more than 9 people in total, had already moved to Bingling Province with the legion as a unit.

On September 9, it seems that due to the lack of unified dispatch, two legions of black bone reinforcements with about 11 people arrived at the original canyon where Quack Ape was located because of their relatively fast speed.Maybe it was because he thought it was not good for him to just pass by, so he didn't move on, but stayed where he was.

On September 9th, which is today, among the remaining 12 people who followed up with Black Bones, three legions with nearly 3 people were accidentally separated and turned to move to the Black Forest, while the rest were on their way to the canyon.


It can be said that with the global monitoring system of 8051, the mobilization of the Black Bone Race is completely under the surveillance of Kong Huan, but these, Kong Huan has not handed over to anyone other than the Elder's House and the Court of God.

Because, he needs to use this raid of the Black Bone Clan to hone the strength of the Peng Clan's army.

As for emergencies...

Now the Presbyterian Court and Shenting already have two Yinshen-levels and seventeen Youshen-levels in total, not counting 8051 and Shuangyue, who are not in the rules.

And according to the current energyization process of these Youshen-level friends of the Pengzu, combined with Chu Xia's situation, it only takes one to two years for them to have at least four pure energy bodies again. I don't know.

But even if it is not at the Yinshen level, the combat power of a pure energy body is far superior to that of an ordinary Youshen body. This is reality.

In this case, a Yinshen class can actually resist most of the Black Bone Tribe troops. In this way, together with other Youshen classes, the Friends can be said to be invincible.

"That's why I said that the Black Bone Clan chose the wrong opponent." Chu Xia, who was in the Xiaoshu barracks with no one around, said what she had said before: "However, we don't want to make the same mistakes as the Ancient Shadow Clan. "

At the same moment, Kong Huan in the elders' courtyard was also under the curious eyes of 8051 and Shuangyue, and answered Chu Xia who was hundreds of kilometers away: "I don't want to say if I chose the wrong one, but even if they don't attack , and we will take the initiative to attack later, as for the situation of the Ancient Shadow Clan, the Shadow Guard's reconnaissance troops have already dispersed throughout the clan, so there is no need to worry about this."

"And this time, it just gave us a chance to let the soldiers familiarize themselves with the battle situation of the Black Bone Race, and at the same time further weaken the strength of the Black Bone Race, so as to practice for the next all-out attack, isn't it?"


Smiling, Chu Xia still kept her eyes closed, and while waving her fingers to control a strange luminous object in front of her, she continued, "But I'm curious, how did the Black Bone Clan discover the Peng Clan?"

"You know, apart from Feng Wenhong, the current founder of the Nine Kingdoms of the Black Bone Race, there seems to be no Black Bone People who know about our situation here."

"Then that Feng Wenhong told his subordinates."

"But Feng Wenhong is dead."

"That's what he told before he died."


Slightly raising the corners of her lips in a friendly manner, Chu Xia stopped her movements, the luminous object in front of her eyes was still shaking, stretched out her limbs and tail, and then lay down on the ground.

However, sensing this motionless luminous object, Chu Xia frowned slightly, shook her head in disappointment, sighed and waved her hand, and the motionless luminous object instantly dissipated like air.

"What's the matter? I feel that you are a little depressed. This is not the reaction our eldest sister Chu Xia can have."

Kong Huan, who was in the elders' courtyard, pinched and walked curiously beside Kong Huan, Shuangyue who seemed to want to find out what Kong Huan was doing, and then continued to chat with Chu Xia under the resentful eyes of the other party.

As for 8051, she is brandishing an assortment of brushes, sticks, and paints on a standard easel.

But from the way she looks towards Kong Huan and Shuangyue from time to time, and with a weird smile on her face, it can be seen that this painting should not be a good thing.

Chu Xia on the other side, after hearing Kong Huan's question, showed a satisfied expression on her face: "Do you still remember the situation when Dark Blood attacked Feng Wenhong's army back then? Those glowing monsters?"

"Remember," although these things could not be shared with Darkblood, they can still be easily completed through demonstrations such as the illusion world: "Could it be that you made them?"

"No, it's disappointment, so it's a failure?"

"Yeah, it seems that our emptiness has become a little smarter."

Ignoring the empty complaints on the other side, Chu Xia just said to herself: "I combine the Yinshen level with the pure energy [Nenneng] of Nianli. It is very simple to make that kind of luminous object, but when there is a problem, I can't give it to you. The ability of these organisms to act autonomously."

"However, the creatures that Dark Blood met that time were obviously able to move independently, and even launch soul-level attacks. It is obviously too strange to say that they are all controlled by that Yin God-level, after all, multi-tasking , Many times, it seems that it has nothing to do with strength."

"Moreover, we haven't researched the totem stick attack method of the Black Bone Race yet."

"Do you have to ask 8051 about this? Do you remember that she showed a real life body with autonomous activities? It's just that the life span is a little short."

Thinking of this, Kong Huan subconsciously turned to 8051, but the other party was still working hard on the painting, so he didn't notice Kong Huan's movements at all.As for Shuangyue, because Kong Huan ignored it, she was controlling a small grass on the ground at this time, making all kinds of weird movements...

But after Chu Xia heard it, she shook her head.

"I've already asked. 8051 seems to be born at the spirit god level, so she doesn't know the situation below the soul level at all, and she can't do anything about it."

"This is really helpless."


(End of this chapter)

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