Spore Story

Chapter 421: Fortification in Three Days at Wangxia Battlefield

Chapter 421 Three Days of Fortification at Wangxia Battlefield

Thank you for the rewards and support of people and ants, the arrogance of the world, the snowy winter, and the frosty ocean~\(≧▽≦)/~
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A war that satisfies the greed of the few, if there is no overwhelming advantage, determines the outcome from the start. ——Penzu "History (Secondary School Edition)"

Although more than 100 people were lost in Xiaotie Village, and even a Shishen was lost, but the commander who guarded Yungu Village did not feel any regrets at all, because the scouts he sent later gave He brought back a large number of sophisticated weapons.

Under the support of these 'excellent weapons', the loss of more than 100 people is inconspicuous.

When cleaning up the Winged Man troops here, they obviously didn't expect that they didn't think much of them at all, so the civilian tools that were still abandoned in Xiaoshu Village were first-class good things in front of the Black Bones.

Nine-toothed nails are good for raking the ground, but no matter how many holes there are after raking, the living body is a dead word; the sickle is very powerful for cutting grain, and it is also good for cutting people's heads. It can break bones with one stroke; the kitchen knife is not necessary. Having said that, it is an absolute lost artifact, dedicated to eight-treasure tea (if you don’t know, please Baidu, 嘎=.=); the power of the logging axe, I don’t need to go into details when I think about it, but the toughness of the Shuangyuexing trees at this time seems to be stronger than The earth is much higher, just look at those big trees tens to hundreds of meters high...

After coming and going, a large group of the Black Bone Race, the northern army of the Kingdom of God, suddenly appeared, holding a nine-toothed rake in their hands, a bloody sickle on their shoulders, and an evil kitchen knife in their waists. Shishin of the powerful wooden ax and the guard captains.

As for the soldiers, they can only obediently carry some leftover iron pots to make shields, and spatulas to make long knives, and express their hearts...

As a result, among the regular combat power of the Black Bone Clan, the Northern Army Corps of Kongting, which belongs to the elite ranks, has transformed itself. At least in terms of weapons, it has become the strongest army of the Black Bone Clan... 囧.

As for the eyes of friends... I don't explain.

Then, because of such a "rich" harvest, not only was the commander not frightened by the winged troops that began to appear in the past two days, but he thought he had seen all the methods of the opponent through constant contact, and began to let the soldiers They used large shields and iron pots to form a good bow and arrow defense, which is one of the reasons for the decline in the results of the winged troops.

Of course, it was mainly because of the winged troops. At this time, in order to ensure that there would be no large losses, they were only shooting long-range bows and arrows.

But now, stimulated by the ever-increasing harvest, and at the same time when he received that the large army suddenly stopped advancing in the canyon strangely, the commander finally couldn't help it, and began to select troops.

"My lord! We have gained so much, and seeing that the reinforcements are coming, can't we just wait a day or two!"

"Shut up! Those bastards have already breached the contract, and they agreed to rush all the way to our place before resting, but now? They all stopped in the canyon one by one, do you think I'm a fool?"

Tong Zhi's emotions at this time were very agitated, and he had reason to be agitated. After all, he abided by the contract and stayed here without attacking, but the guy behind was self-righteous in breaking the contract and did not come as soon as possible. On the surface, he abided by the contract, didn't he?

Pointing to the sky outside the door, he roared at the Shishen who had been persuading him.

"Did you see those monsters in the sky? We can't do anything to them!"

"But now, they can't do anything to us, but..."

Shishen, who intended to persuade Tongzhi to wait for another two days, also hurriedly followed, while Tongzhi's roar continued to come from ahead.

"Even if we temporarily stalemate with those four-winged monsters, God knows how many of them there are."

"How many tribes (villages) have we seen in the past few days? The total number of people who ran away from these tribes alone is probably thousands. This may not be many for our army, but what about other places?"

Hitting the logging axes in his hands together, there was a crisp sound of metal collisions. The ruler looked up at the winged men who were fighting against a group of black bone men who were searching for possible remnants of good things. His eyes flashed. A little harsh.

"We don't know the population of these monsters, but these tribes (villages) alone are so rich in things. If they have as many people as our legion, they only need to have so many of us, facing so many good things equipped What are we going to do about them?"

After asking a single sentence, Shishen, who was about to refute, suddenly stopped.

Thinking about it carefully, he found that he didn't know how to answer, because facing this kind of enemy is really unpredictable, and the three creatures he encountered in the previous raid: the shortest one is the easiest to deal with, and an ordinary black-skeleton man can deal with it One or two is not a problem; those tall monsters with tails are difficult to deal with, basically it takes two or three black bone men to besiege for a long time, and even the captain of the guards can fight for a while; as for the four-winged creatures in the sky... Insufficient data, difficult to judge.

"This is also a question that I have only considered in the past three days."

The commander looked around at the captains of the guards and the Shishen who were wandering around proudly holding various 'weapons' in their hands, and the worry in their eyes flashed away: "What we have to do now is to kill, kill The more people there are, the better our chances of winning."

"However, other kingdoms of God..."


The ruler hesitated.

In fact, this is why the ruler hesitated for three days.

After all, what I hold in my hands is not a private soldier, but one of the main armies of the True God of the Kongting God Kingdom. If heavy casualties are caused by an excessive attack, will it cause changes in other God Kingdoms? Let’s not talk about how the True God will react , which is also a problem.

And these circumstances were brought up by the Beginning God three days ago.

But soon, he became ruthless again, and slammed the logging ax in his hand into the big tree next to him. The flying wood chips hurt Shishen behind him, but neither of them reacted. .

It wasn't until the commander pulled out the logging ax that didn't even have a gap from the one-meter-thick tree trunk that his voice sounded again.

"No matter how much is said, these are our guesses."

"So, at this time, if you don't try it, how will you know the true strength of these enemies?"


Shishen looked at the control in front of him in astonishment. Thinking about it carefully, everything before was indeed just guesswork by himself and others, but when he saw the four-winged monsters in the sky from the corner of his eye, a flash in his heart A trace of worry.

"Yes, try."

Nodding, the control didn't feel the emotions of his subordinates. After nodding affirmatively, he walked towards the center of the village.

"Assemble all troops immediately, leave 500 people to guard here, others! Follow me!"

After speaking, regardless of the obstruction of some Shishen, the commander began to integrate the stragglers who were wandering around.

"Ya Zhang, those guys seem to be forming a team, what do you think they are going to do?"

Flying in the air, Yiren Yachang, who had just defeated a black bone centurion, turned his head to look in the direction of Yungu Village in doubt after hearing the report from the sniper who had been following him, his heroic sword eyebrows slightly raised Alice.

The snipers in the Wingman troops are all chosen Wingmen with excellent eyesight, so in many cases, they also serve as observers.Although their eyesight may not be as good as that of the black-boned man, they are considered to be tough on the ground among the friends.

Looking in the direction of Yungu Village suspiciously, seeing the depressed expressions of those soldiers, Ya Zhang thought they were going to withdraw their troops.But then, it turned out that a group of soldiers wobbled and began to move towards Wangxia City under the urging of some people behind.

During the past three days, although the Yiren troops often harassed the opponent and mainly attacked the opponent's scouts, after all, there was a huge difference in the number of the two sides, and the Yiren side was not at the soul level of the main team. Take control of the entire Wangxia City.

Therefore, they cannot clean up all the soldiers of the opponent.

In this way, the direction of Wangxia City can't hide anything from the black-boned men, it just reduces their understanding of Wangxia City's defense line as much as possible.

"Yu Yu! Go back and report the situation, and say that the Black Bones Legion is likely to start a formal attack, so that the defense line is ready."

At the same time, Yiren Yachang, who was at a high altitude, quickly mobilized his body's magnetic field and began to report the situation here.

The magnetic field communication signal was transferred through the nearest Temple of the Dead, and soon passed through various transfer stations, and reached the Pengcheng High Command across hundreds of kilometers.

According to the situation at this time, the Supreme Command immediately ordered the Bingling Provincial Troop, which was being repaired and upgraded from a team to a legion, to deploy defenses to Wangxia City; at the same time, the Yiren Yachang, who reported the situation, was ordered to slightly harass the enemy. , to slightly delay the enemy's attack.

At the same time, the Longyue team, located ten kilometers west of Wangxia City, also began to mobilize, moving to the southern border, preparing to surround this group of enemies.

At this time on Double Moon Star, there are still very few tactical applications. Although the internal battles of the Black Bone Clan continue, but because they are mainly concentrated in the small population of the True God and the Beginning God, even if there are tactics, they are concentrated in similar small troops. combat.

As for legion-level battles, they generally don't happen within the Black Bone Race. They are only used to suppress enemy rebellions, receive new territories, and other types of situations.

And when the entire Black Bone Legion rushed towards the defense line of Pengzu Wangxia City, what they saw was a scene that made them almost vomit blood...

—————The productivity of friends and production relations...Gah, this is just a dividing line—————

In the development of Pengzu, infrastructure construction has always been a top priority, and cement is the key to Pengzu's infrastructure construction, and its output is of course very high.

After Pengzu implemented integral modular construction, all kinds of modular building materials were placed on the counter like goods in containers.Of course, as a city wall that must be extended to the town level, it has also become one of the components of the modularization.

Of course, Wangxia City is no exception. It has a square city wall with a side length of one kilometer and a height of four meters above the ground.

Wangxia City, which is located between two mountains, is surrounded by a plain three to four kilometers wide, so it is obviously enough for the future development of Wangxia City, and it can also be used as a gateway to curb north-south traffic.

But at this time, in order to resist the attack of the Black Bone Clan with a small number of troops, after the Wingmen troops arrived and relieved Wangxia City from worries for the time being, the patrol captain of Wangxia City began to organize manpower between the two mountain ranges Dig the foundations of the wall.

But where do the wall modules come from?

During the three days when the Black Bone Legion stopped advancing.

On the first day, 1221 friends and 2107 Dunjia people in Wangxia City, with the support of various tools and relying on physical characteristics, dug out a simple city wall foundation 4.3 kilometers long and [-] meters wide. is a big ditch;
On the second day, a large number of original people with great strength worked together to demolish the square city walls of Wangxia City, leaving only the square city gates alone and silently looking at the sky, and those city walls were all restored. It became a block of city wall modules.

On the third day, these city wall modules with a total length of 4 kilometers were placed on the new city wall foundation.At the same time, a city wall module urgently mobilized from the nearest town, a 4.3-meter-long city wall, just like this, stretched across the two mountain ranges, blocking the northward movement of the Black Bone Race Legion. only channel.

At this time, the Black Bones Legion has only three options to attack:

First, attack this line of defense, break through the defense of Wangxia City from the front, and behind it is Wangxia City without the city wall. The resources there are far beyond what the village can match;
Second, cross two mountain ranges, while enduring the knife-cutting of the Yiren troops, while dealing with the complex situation in the mountainous area, and then appearing around the provincial capital of Bingling Province;

Three, detour hundreds of kilometers, go to the other side of Bingling Province and attack again. They don't know what is waiting for them on the way.

"Aren't you worried that Wangxia City will suffer disaster without the protection of the city wall?"

Although he did not object to the decision of the patrol captain of Mingwangxia City, Chief Yi Renya still felt a little unbelievable in his heart that someone could think of a way to tear down the city wall, restore it into modules, and then use it to build a temporary defense line.

And looking at the black-skeleton men outside the line of defense who stopped again, she found that this method seemed to really work.

"This crazy world."

Feeling the sight of the cliff chief, the patrol captain smiled happily, then pointed behind him and said: "The city wall can only protect such a small area in the city, but now this city wall, But it protects the entire area north of the mountains."

"It's impossible for us not to choose this kind of exchange."

"Also, if they can break through this line of defense, it also means that they can break through the city walls of the town. How useful is the city wall standing there?"

"Of course, it would be better if the town and here were walled."

While the two were talking, the Black Bone Race seemed to have made a decision. A thousand-member team was slowly separated from the Black Bone Race team. They began to approach the city wall with all sorts of strange shields.

But looking at those shields, after a brief silence, the friends from the friends burst into laughter.

Even a serious wingman had to wear a helmet to hide his pretty face that was about to be distorted by a smile.

"Iron pots? Door panels? Bed panels? Tables? Cane chairs? Linen clothes... What else did they not find?"

Unlike a woman like Yiren Yachang who cared about her appearance, the male patrol captain beside her laughed and scolded each other unscrupulously.

"My lord, what are those friends doing?"

Shishen, who also heard the laughter from his friends, asked his boss suspiciously.

"This one……"

In fact, the commander is not sure, it sounds like laughter, but in this case, our side is about to attack head-on, how can these people who are obviously less than our side laugh, then... …

"It should be some kind of battle roar from the enemy. It's really a weird sound, and only this kind of monster can make it."


"Um, probably."



At this time, Shishen behind the thousand-man team roared, and all the soldiers stopped one after another and began to line up with each other.

Because the Yiren team didn't harass them along the way, the progress went smoothly.

Of course, the leader Shishen didn't think that the opponent was afraid of him.

However, what about the straight low slope (concrete wall) in front?
"Follow the wind! What are you doing! Why don't you attack?"

While this Shishen was still thinking, suddenly there was a questioning voice from Tong Zhi in his mind, and his body trembled unnaturally. After the impatient expression, the Shishen lost the mood to continue thinking.

"Forget it, anyway, rush down there, and then try to jump up. There are only two heights, so it should be fine."

Therefore, under such extremely irresponsible thinking, the 1000-strong black bone army was driven to accelerate towards the defense line of the friends.

"Four meters high, one meter underground, I heard that the Black Bone Clan has a strong jumping ability, I don't know if they will jump on the city wall?"

Located on the city wall without even a gate, the patrol captain carefully looked at the black-skeleton troops that were approaching rapidly in the distance, and a trace of doubt flashed in his eyes.

"Don't worry, even if they can jump up, there are only so few people, and it won't do anything to us. And the fact that they all stopped behind them is obviously just a test."


"Here we come! Everyone prepare!"

Following the order of the patrol captain, the militiamen arranged along the city wall of Wangxia City began to raise their civilian bows and arrows, and the Wingmen troops also began to target their respective enemies under the order of the leader of the cliff.

Before the arrival of the upgraded Ice Spirit Corps of the Ice Spirit Squad, the military command here is still held by the patrol captain, while the Wingman troops are commanded independently. They cannot interfere with the patrol captain's orders, but they can make suggestions.

Therefore, the military command at this time is the patrol captain.

The speed of the black-boned man was somewhat unexpected, not too fast, but too slow.

Waiting and waiting, finally waited until the Black Bone Tribe troops entered the effective range of 200 meters of most of their own bows and arrows, the patrol captain eagerly raised his right hand.

"Bow and arrow ready!"

The militiamen, who didn't have much military training, each raised their strange bows and arrows, and then chose their own targets.


In fact, before the captain of the patrol said these words, several bows and arrows with a long range had already flown out, but this time the display of sundry 'shields' from the Black Bones side actually had a big effect .

Civilian bows and arrows, except for a few people's collections or part-time hunters' weapons, are not as powerful as military bows and arrows.

Not to mention that after shooting, the range of bows and arrows is scattered. After the bows and arrows are shot, most of them are blocked by iron pots and door panels. Only a small number of bows and arrows pass through the gaps in the defense, or rebound, and enter the formation of the Black Bone Race .

As a result, the black-boned men only lost dozens of people, and the entire black-boned team was still charging at a medium speed.

(End of this chapter)

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