Spore Story

Chapter 422: Heaven and Earth in Wangxia Battlefield

Chapter 422: Heaven and Earth in Wangxia Battlefield

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"I hope they can't jump this wall."

The patrol captain's expression also became serious. Although he had some expectations for the bow and arrow capabilities of the militiamen, and the performance of the militiamen at this time was not satisfactory, but after losing dozens of people, the black-boned man had no intention of stopping. Still head straight, is this just a test?

"No matter how strong the jumping ability is, and the city wall is four meters high, they probably won't be able to jump up it." Subconsciously looking at the black-skeleton man's anti-jointed legs, Yiren Yachang always felt that how strange he looked, and he didn't think so. end.

However, both of them know that negative emotions such as worry cannot be expressed on their faces.

"By the way, how about the Dunjia troops? After all, this is the first actual combat."

"They are still catching up, and the speed may be slower, because it is the first time, and I emphasize stability rather than speed."

The Dunjia officer who answered the patrol captain's question looked at the black-skeleton troops in the distance, curled his lips and said, "However, the speed of these black-skeleton men is not fast."


Within the Peng Clan, Dunjia people have become full-fledged members after decades of running-in, so in this kind of war, they cannot be missing. This is the relationship between rights and responsibilities.

Of course, the friends will not let the Dunjia man's weak (relative) body go to the battlefield to die. I am afraid that the black bone man's arm strength is not weaker than the friend's, and he can smash the Dunjia man into a pulp with a stick.

Therefore, the Dunjia militiamen at this time continued to exert their natural ability: digging.

Two meters underground in front of the city wall of Wangxia City's defense line, hundreds of Dunjia men are being divided into dozens of teams, constantly digging a passage leading to the front of the defense line underground.

And each team is protected by three original people, one of whom is a regular soldier of the patrol team and serves as the leader of the team.


In an underground team, Yuan Ren, the team leader, moved his ears, and immediately waved his hands and whispered an order.The Dunjia people who were taking turns digging the tunnel in front of them also stopped suddenly. For a moment, everyone's eyes were focused on this original man.

And this original man was stunned for a moment, perhaps still not very used to the situation of changing from a small soldier to a team leader, he walked carefully to the cave less than two meters high, put his ear to the cave wall carefully, signaled everyone to be quiet, and then Quietly feel the vibration of the wall.

And at this moment, all the Dunjia people and Yuanren present looked at each other nervously, and the whole area was so quiet that even the sound of breathing could be heard clearly.

But soon, people could feel the reason why this original person stopped everyone from the gradually increasing vibration of the ground under their feet and the dust falling from the top of their heads: the enemy was about to pass by.

"Immediately! Dunjia digs one meter above the head, with a diameter of three meters; the original person sets a trap; the time is 10 seconds!"

"When the time is up, whether you are done or not, back off immediately!"

The words of the leader of the original team broke the calm like a stone thrown into the water, and all the Dunjia people started to move. They stopped digging forward and started waving their sharp claws to expand the surrounding walls, and then supported each other He dug the dirt off his head, ignoring the dirt splashed on his body and the small animals that fell out of the dirt.

At the same time, the three original people also took out those strange wooden thorns on their backs. Each wooden thorn was sharp on both sides, and there was a protrusion at the bottom, like a sword hilt, dividing the wooden thorn into a long One short end.

Insert the broken ends of these wooden sticks into the soil, and the protrusions just clamp the wooden thorns on the ground, so that if the wooden thorns want to go deeper into the ground, they need a lot of force, and it is not easy to fall down or pierce. into the dirt.

This kind of sharp wooden thorns are not densely arranged, and there are not many of them.

Therefore, only about 6 seconds passed after the wooden thorns were laid; and while the wooden thorns were being laid, the soil that fell from the dungeon digging above the head further fixed the wooden thorns intact.

The original people raised their heads after finishing their work, and began to be careful not to let the Dunjia companions fall and be hurt by the traps set by their own people. When the 10 seconds were approaching, all the Dunjia In an instant, he jumped off the soil above his head.

The original people stretched out their arms, carefully caught these companions, and placed them in the cave behind them.

Soon, everyone retreated to the cave that was less than two meters high and took out their weapons.


"With these shields, there is no need to be afraid of those guys' little sticks! Hahaha."

"Kill! Hurry up!"

"Jump over! Grab the weapon! Grab the food! Grab the armor!"


A chaotic noise came faintly from far and near from the thin half-meter-thick soil layer above the head.The friends in the tunnel held their breath and focused on the trap pits set up ahead, while the Dunjia people hid behind and nervously looked at the soil above their heads.

Gradually, the surrounding vibrations became stronger and stronger, especially the unsupported half-meter-thick soil layer above the head, which seemed to be about to collapse in the next moment, making everyone worried for a while.

"Oh! What is this! Lots of stones!"



Weak and tragic roars came again, but the militiamen hiding in the tunnels were already sweating nervously. Although they couldn't understand them, they could tell from the tone of those voices that there were already enemies in the tunnel. Recruited.

However, looking at the still dim cave, everyone knew that the enemy was not their own move.

In this way, it depends on how far the other party is from this place.

If the enemy is too far away, after being hit by a trap of the same kind and the enemy is prepared, the efforts of the 13 people present are likely to be in vain.Although there is no resentment, after all, I knew from the beginning that it is impossible for every group to successfully trap those enemies, but there will still be disappointments after all.

But at this moment, the layer of soil that the Dunjia people had been paying attention to, seemed to be fulfilled by the gods, and suddenly a small bulge bulged downward, and the eyes of the ten Dunjia people suddenly brightened, because accompanied by this bulge The appearance of the earth is the rapid cracking of the soil layer, the falling shadow and the sudden piercing of the sun.


"Ah! Help..."

The sound outside also suddenly became noisy, and the collapse of the top of the pit made the dust cover the entire cave almost instantly. For some unknown reason, the mouth of the tunnel continued to drop "stupid" black dust like dumplings. bone man.

The first batch of black-skeleton soldiers who stepped on the air fell into the cave, were pierced by more than a dozen wooden thorns, and died instantly, and the wooden thorns were only half the length;
The second group of black-boned men followed and covered up the half of the wooden spikes again;

Then, the third batch of black-boned men were also squeezed out for no reason.

But before these black bone men reacted, the dust had already been reduced by half within three consecutive batches of falls.The original human leader in the middle stage of the ghost class has been able to roughly confirm the location of these enemies not far away with mental power.

With an order, all the original people raised their long steel knives in their hands, facing those that fell down, but because of the help of the first two groups of companions, apart from being slightly uncomfortable when they were pressed against a hard object, they were inexplicably unscathed. The black-boned man chopped off.

The third group of black bone men who hadn't had time to react returned to the world of the will of the planet amidst the screams.

But at this time, the fourth batch of black-boned men also fell down...

"What the hell happened up there?"

The leader, Yuanren, was a little puzzled or depressed, but now was not the time to think about it. The three groups of black-skeleton men had already filled most of the shallow pit. The first batch of four black-skeleton men stood upright and turned their eyes to the pit in an instant because the cave was not deep enough.

Therefore, when the three original people swung their long knives at their calves, three of the four black-boned men reacted quickly. Even the unlucky black-boned man who failed to respond was just The soles of the feet were cut off, and they just fell to the ground and howled miserably, but this obviously stimulated the black-boned men.

At this time, the dust in the cave has disappeared completely, and with the sunlight from the cave entrance, both the ambush party in the cave and the black bone man on the cave can already see each other clearly.


The black-skeleton man's eyes were reddened by the three consecutive batches of nearly ten similar deaths in the tunnel at this time. After swinging the hard wooden stick and other weapons at the original man but being cut off by the opponent's long knife, these However, the black-skeleton man rushed from the entrance of the tunnel into the cave less than two meters high by taking advantage of the rare gap.

In it, neither the original man nor the black-boned man who is more than two meters in length has an advantage, while the armored man is blocked behind the cave, but the black-boned man is more powerful because of his madness. The original man relies on the weapon in his hand , barely matched the black bone man in front, but the original people were not unprepared.

"Prepare to close the passage!"

With a loud roar, he didn't pay attention to whether the Dunjia man behind him heard his roar. The original team leader swung his long knife horizontally and drew an arc with electric light, cutting off half of the arm in front of him just now. At the same time, the black-skeleton man who was hit by the electric current and slightly paralyzed was broken into two sections from the shoulder to the abdomen.

But at this moment, he only felt a chill in his heart, as if something hard had pierced into it, making him feel dazed for a while.

"team leader!"

The roar of his teammates seemed to be heard in his ears, and he could vaguely see the pit in front of him, and more black-boned men began to rush into the cave one after another...

"Quick, go..."

Accompanied by the rumbling sound of collapse, ten Dunjiamen and two primitive soldiers joined forces to kill the black-skeleton man who rushed into the cave with the others, and then pulled the corpse of the primitive leader whose heart was pierced by a flying spear, Begin to back up steadily.

The Dunjia people refilled the caves with the soil excavated along the way, and re-sealed the cave passage.

——————— Battlefield Dividing Line Underground—————

"How about the dunjia troops?"

"They are still catching up, and the speed may be slower."

"Oh, as long as it works, it's fine. After all, this is the first time we've used this tactic in actual combat. Although Illusory Realm has also simulated some, ordinary militiamen have no chance to enter the Illusory Realm for training."

Even so, the patrol captain is not too worried about this. Looking at the black bones running at a medium speed in front of him, he only feels that the opponent's charge is lacking in momentum, or that the soldiers on the defense line have a lazy look. Feel.

Is this some new tactic?
Shaking his head to dismiss this ridiculous thought, the patrol captain turned to look at the leader of the Winged Forces.

"Chairman Xin Yunya, should you put some pressure on these black bone men? If they move too slowly, the tactical effect of the armored troops may be weakened a lot."

"I think so too." After thinking for a while, the Yachang nodded and looked at his team members: "All armor is removed, high-altitude bombing mode!"

Accompanied by bursts of crisp armor clashing sounds, Yiren Yachang also took off his special bright steel armor, revealing a beautiful and plump body, which aroused the eyes of a group of males around him.

Of course, at this time, everyone's eyes still had to focus on the battlefield.

Putting the last part of the armor on a corner of the tower, the overall design of the Mingsteel armor just formed a whole, exuding a majestic aura, while its owner, Yiren Yachang Xinyun, was wearing short clothes, ignoring the surrounding sight , came to a pile of specially made boulders.

Each member of the Wingman troop in short clothes hugged four boulders with their tentacles and arms, and then flapped their wings and flew into the air to assemble, and then flew to the sky above the Black Bones Thousands in the distance, and began to sense Airflow speed.

When seeing those winged men flying over with the stones in their arms, Shishen, the leader of the team, felt something was wrong, but he didn't realize the power of two fist-sized boulders falling from the sky, or Said that he only noticed the size of the boulder, not what the height would bring.

Therefore, he just asked the soldiers to hold up various 'powerful shields' as before, while he carefully calculated the distance between the two sides, preparing to teach these 'arrogant' wingmen a lesson.

"Remember, aim at those crowded places for me later! Do you know?"


The controlled flying altitude reached 300 meters. Fortunately, the black bone men below were huddled together stupidly. Otherwise, the wingmen would not be able to ensure the accuracy of the attack at this altitude.


At this time, Shishen, the black-boned man on the ground, had already spotted the Yiren Cliff Leader in the team.After all, the other party was a bit more aggressive. Although the Yiren Cliff Leader also only carried four boulders, anyone with a bit of military knowledge could tell that all the Yiren followed her orders.

Although he didn't know the tactic of 'beheading', Shishen also understood that as long as the opponent was killed, these winged men would definitely be in chaos for a while.

"Unfortunately, the distance is a bit far away."

Gritting his teeth, Shishen began to condense his spiritual power. The impact of mental power is also one of Shishen's proud abilities, but this Shishen's strength is not very good, so the distance of 300 meters is obviously a bit difficult for him.

At this time, the Wingmen in the sky had already raised their respective boulders and began to aim at the black-skeleton man below.

However, among the black skeleton troops, only Shishen and a small number of soldiers noticed these situations.

Because of their previous performance, most of the soldiers had already developed high confidence in those weird shields above their heads, so even if they saw the winged men carrying different weapons, they just walked forward with ease holding the 'shields'.


First of all, I smashed the two boulders in my hand, and the potential energy at an altitude of 300 meters was converted into kinetic energy, and then it was transformed into a powerful impact force when it touched the opponent's shield. As the stones cracked, they also shattered one after another.

At this moment, Yiren Yachang only felt dizzy for a while.

However, after falling more than 20 meters in an instant, she quickly woke up and immediately ordered the troops to increase the height.

"Psychic shock!"

Although she also knew that the Black-Bone Man's Shishen was around the mid-soul level, but after being attacked at this time, she realized what this kind of data was about, and what it wanted to express.

Although no real damage was caused, Yiren Yachang still felt scared for a while. If the opponent attacked his own team members, with the intensity just now, he might not be dizzy, but just fainted, and then fell to the ground and fell apart.

At this time, the Black Bones Legion on the ground was already in chaos.

The casualties caused by the first wave of cobblestone attacks were not large. Most of the original shields were shattered and scattered after smashing the characteristic shields. It only caused some black bones to break their hands or scratch their skin.

Of course, there are just a few unlucky ghosts who put their shields on their heads, and then their skulls were pierced by a boulder, causing their brains to be shattered.

However, the one who was hit the hardest was probably that Shishen.

"How is it possible, rebound! It's actually a rebound!"

Shishen, who was covering his head in pain, completely lost his usual domineering posture. At this moment, he was like a headache patient, rolling in pain on the upper floor, while the loyal captains of the guards beside him were At a loss, he surrounded this Beginning God.


The rebound will only happen when the mental power of the opponent is stronger than the attacker to a certain extent.

For example, at the early stage of the soul level, attacking the same early stage of the soul level will have no effect; attacking the middle stage of the soul level will cause a slight rebound; but the painful feeling now is not what the middle stage of the soul level can bring.

However, in the case of the black-boned man, this Primordial God can be considered at a moderate level, so if he wants to rebound his mental power to this level, he must at least control that level.

Of course, it was impossible for him to know that although Yazhang, the leader of the wingmen in the team, was not the main team but only a provincial team, the new Yunyazhang was already at the advanced soul level.

At this time, the black-skeleton soldiers who had part of their shields smashed by the high-altitude boulders found that the wingmen who had flown higher had thrown down the stones again without restraint. These black-skeleton soldiers who were still holding intact shields The soldiers, however, were already a little worried, and began to disperse carefully.

The second wave of boulders only took the lives of a dozen black-boned men due to the decrease in accuracy brought about by the height, and the scattering of the black-boned men. The shattered stones still injured many black-boned men.

All of a sudden, all the black-skeleton men, temporarily losing the command of Shishen, began to disperse from each other to avoid the boulders in the sky.

The speed of dodging is actually a bit faster than when charging before.

(End of this chapter)

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