Spore Story

Chapter 423 The North and South Lines of Defense in Wangxia Battlefield

Chapter 423 The North and South Lines of Defense in Wangxia Battlefield

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"Yachang, do you want to lower it? If it flies too high, it won't be ideal for attacking?"

"No, we have a small number of people, and the current task is not to wipe out the enemy, but to maintain the defense line and wait for reinforcements."

"Besides, the role of the round stone is to create a psychological deterrent, to confuse these black-boned men, and then give... ah, it has already begun."

"I know, it's these Dunjia guys who create opportunities."

Spreading his hands, the refreshing Yiren Yachang smiled, expressing that this was indeed the case.

And when they were talking about this, pits had already begun to appear on the ground one after another. One after another, black-skeleton men stepped on the top of the pits and fell into these pits full of spikes, bringing out a series of screams.

Some black-skeleton men who ran erratically and squeezed together squeezed each other and fell into the same pit, so that the pit was filled.For a moment, these sad black-boned people found that the top of their heads and their feet seemed to be no longer safe.

After finding the right opportunity for each of them, throwing round stones sporadically and irregularly, causing some confusion to the black-skeleton man and greater psychological pressure, most of the wingmen kept the last round stone, just holding it in their hands, But just don't throw it down.

The Wingmen troops hovered in the sky like this, looking at the black skeletons on the ground with playful expressions, who were in chaos.

"This is called psychological deterrence."

After ensuring their own safety, Ya Zhang and her wingmen became more relaxed.

As for the scattered black skeleton troops, although the loss may be only 1/3, they are already in chaos and pose no threat to the sky.

From the point of view of the black-boned man, after the pits under the ground were filled with corpses, there was no longer any threat.But they don't know that the Dunjia people have stopped digging pits, so they can only worry about whether the flat land will collapse under their feet again in the next moment, skewering themselves into kebabs .

As for the situation in the sky, good eyesight also told these black-boned men that there were not many Wingmen in the sky, and only one boulder remained.But no matter how many those stones seem to be, since no one can tell whether those stones will hit his head in the next moment, the black-boned man dare not take it lightly.

Thinking back to some unlucky guys who were hit in the head before, the heads shattered into a red and white mixture, these black bone people felt chills.

At first, there were some guard captains who wanted to gather the soldiers, but after being discovered by the Yiren, they were all attacked by boulders.

Among them, they did not follow the troops, but the snipers standing on the city wall put their sniper crossbows on the city wall, aiming the main sniping target at the captains of the guards.

As for Shishen, who had attacked before, although he recovered a little at this time, he would rather faint by himself looking at the chaotic scene in front of him.

"My lord, do you see?"

Although Shishen next to him didn't say any specific suggestions, everyone present understood that it was meaningless to charge at this time.

With a livid face, Zhi Zhi looked at the city wall, the sky, and the ground covered with dozens of pits with hatred, and snorted helplessly.

At the same time, in the minds of Shishen and several captains of the guards who were in the charge ahead, the command to withdraw troops sounded.In an instant, like an amnesty, the soldiers who dared not flee due to the crime of 'blasphemy' immediately regained their vitality and rushed to the rear team at high speed.


"What a neat response! What a high speed!"

"Stop making sarcastic remarks at a time like this. The next time the opponent attacks, the boulder may be completely reduced to a pure deterrent weapon."

"Maybe, we still have to fight in close combat."

"What's the matter, even in close combat, I will not lose to these tailless monsters who dare to attack my friends," said the Wingman soldier with a nonchalant smile, waving the armor parts engraved with various energy circuits in his hand .

For a moment, all the Yiren soldiers had the same expression on their faces.

The whole of September 9 seemed to end in this charge.

The friends didn't care about how the black-boned man reacted internally, but there was a relaxed atmosphere inside the friends.After all, this time the enemy didn't even break into within a hundred meters of the city wall, and they were defeated by the combined attack of "Heaven and Earth" from both the friends and the Dunjia people.

But Yi Renya is very clear that these two methods have their suddenness, and the effect when used again will definitely be weakened by a large part compared to the first time.For example, the cobblestone attack rarely caused a large number of deaths and injuries to the Black Bones after the second attack.

And looking at the patrol captain not far away who is directing the militiamen, continuing to strengthen and heighten the city wall, and preparing various one-time weapons, and then arranging rest for the patrol captain, Ya Chang felt relieved when he saw the other party's still serious expression. .

At least, the commander of Wangxia City's defense line at this time has such a cool head.

"By the way, Commander Xin Yunya, when will the Ice Spirit team arrive? After all, we only have a few militiamen here, and the gap between them and the soldiers of the regular army is too great. If the enemy attacked together today, the city wall may have already undergone a great battle. gone."

In terms of military communication, although I am the patrol captain of Wangxia City, and now I am the commander of the Wangxia defense line, magnetic field communication does not depend on your administrative level.

Magnetic field communication requires energy control of Lv3 or above to access, and the patrol leader is an original person, basically unable to reach the level of Lv3.

This is not a problem that can be solved by hard work and diligence, because without the crystallized secondary energy core, the primary energy core flowing in the blood of the original man cannot produce the energy intensity required for Lv3 energy control at all.

Therefore, magnetic field communication is only the patent of Yiren now.

Usually, the communication of the local patrol team can be assisted by any Lv3 energy controller among the mayor, law chief, and patrol captain, and the mayor of Wangxia City is the Lv3 energy controller.

But this is a time of war, and the mayor and the law chief are arranging logistics to support the militias in their battles, so there is no time for magnetic field communication.

"This is a huge flaw, and it seems that it needs to be reported."

Nodding in agreement, then retracting the spreading thoughts, Chief Xin Yunya looked up at the north. After being quiet for a while, he opened his crystal dark eyes again, nodded to the patrol captain and said: "Ice Spirit Corps They are now undergoing training, they just received their weapons and equipment today, and the plan for the expanded two original human teams is to train the conscripts while marching, and it is expected to arrive tomorrow night or the morning after tomorrow."

"As for the recruited 200-member Wingman troops, they have already arrived at our place and will arrive in the early morning of tomorrow, but we still need time to integrate."

"It's nothing, it's good that someone is here. After all, in an emergency, you can be there as a support."

"Oh, and the new city wall modules have already left the factory in Bingling Province, and they are expected to be shipped to Wangxia City in five days."

"That's even better, haha."

After confirming the communication results of Chief Xin Yunya, the patrol captain smiled and heaved a sigh of relief.After all, it is indeed too difficult for the militia to defend the entire Wangxia defense line. In this regard, the arrangement of the Pengzu's army is obviously a bit unreasonable, but this is something that was revised by the Military Academy after the war.

As for the winged troops in front of them, although they have been fighting in the sky, giving people a feeling that they are bullying the black-skeleton people by taking advantage of the sky, but the patrol leader is still very clear about the winged people's close combat capabilities.

Among other things, just talking about the energy core of the Yiren, coupled with the bright steel armor, is not something that ordinary three or four original people can resist.

And Xin Yunya, who had just confirmed the order, also smiled slightly, because in the order just now, he was ordered to receive the 200 recruited soldiers.

That is to say, my current Yiren army in this cliff will be expanded into a Sanya-level (gorge) winged team.

Although it's only temporary, it's good to experience the feeling of changing from Yachang to team leader, not to mention that my military rank will also be promoted from the [Captain] level of the provincial team Yiren Yachang to the level of [Temporary Major] , if you perform well, it is not impossible to become an official [Major] later.

After the reform of the military ranks of the friends, perhaps for the sake of nostalgia, the military ranks proposed by Dark Blood are as follows:

In the ordinary team, the regular original soldier is [corporate], the regular winged soldier is [sergeant]; the original team leader is [sergeant] or [sergeant], the winged team leader is [sergeant]; the captain The level is [Second Lieutenant]; the level of Cliff Chief is [Lieutenant] or [Captain]; Generals can only be owned by the commander of a region, or by a military academy.

Of course, the above is just the division of ordinary soldiers in the provincial team.

The military ranks of the three major armies are one level higher than the provincial level; the military ranks of the Dunjia Legion are one level higher than the provincial level; and special soldiers also have their own levels. The divisions are not discussed here one by one.

That is to say, this new leader Yunya, because he is the wingman Yaya leader in the provincial team, and his strength has reached the advanced stage of soul level, so he has the rank of captain.

After the army is reorganized, Dunjia soldiers are usually recruited as [first-class soldiers]; original soldiers are generally [second-class soldiers]; Become a temporary [Major].

As for the patrol captain, although he usually does not have a military rank, because the patrol team is not a regular army, but under the current wartime situation, he was ordered to have the same [captain] military rank as the Yiren Yachang .

However, after the support troops arrive and the Yiren troops are integrated into the Yiren team, theoretically speaking, the defense line here will be in charge of the new cloud team leader who has already understood the situation.

Of course, it still depends on the opinion of the new team leader.

——————Wangxia City’s defense line, the north-south dividing line of the city wall—————

The black-skeleton men like to attack at night, and the friends' troops have already learned about this from the experience summed up by the quack apes in the canyon.

As for the regular soldiers, they have been baptized in the fantasy world several times, and they are also very aware of the power of the black-boned man's night attack. Many of them have experienced it personally, and many of them have been 'killed' under that kind of night attack. Case.

Therefore, in the large open area in front of the Wangxia defense line at night, many fires were built by the wingmen, and the area within 200 meters in front of the defense line was illuminated as if it were daytime.

As for the mountainous areas on both sides, there are winged people flying over in rotation from time to time.

Don't underestimate their seemingly sloppy inspections, because they don't look at them with their eyes.

At night without torches, their eyes can't see the situation in the mountains, so they use mental power.Although most of them are only high-level ghosts, if the mental power is only scanned on one side, it can be done with Lv2 mental power control, and it is easy to find such people in the Wingman army.

And such a single-sided mental power scan can also spread for about [-] meters, allowing the Wingman patrols to monitor the passing ground conditions in the [-]-meter sky.

Therefore, as long as they are careful not to be attacked by the possible black-boned apes in the forest, they only need to fly leisurely over the mountains with one-sided mental strength to get a general understanding of the specific situation.

Of course, because the mental power scan is an active investigation, the black-skeleton men who can feel the spiritual power of the guard captain and above can also find the spiritual power emitted by the flying wingmen, but the black-skeleton man without the totem stick , and didn't master the method of mental shielding, so he could only be forced to accept the wingman's patrol.

"Damn it, it's impossible that these Winged Men are all Shishen, if that's the case, what else are we going to do!"

Although the Winged Man who just flew over didn't have any special movements, Shishen who was on the edge of the mountain at this time already knew that the other party must have found him.Because the feeling of the other party's mental power being swept over was very clear, so clear that when this Shishen was swept by the other party, goose bumps subconsciously appeared on the skin of his whole body.

The Black Bone Race does not have the technique of mental power scanning. Their mental power perception is to completely spread the mental power in the world with the body as the center of the ball. At most, half of the mental power is squeezed because of the barrier of the ground. to the ground to spread the perception range of the ground.

Therefore, even for this Shishen himself, the range of spiritual perception is less than a hundred meters.

I planned to bypass the opponent's defense line and the open land made by the large farmland road in front of the defense line, and test whether I can bypass the mountainous area and attack Shishen behind the opponent's defense line. The Winged Man at a height of [-] meters found it.

If according to one's own common sense, the spiritual power spreads to a hundred meters, isn't that a typical Shishen, or even a Shishen who is close to the control level?
After hesitating for a while, the Shishen was still unwilling to take risks. After sighing, he waved his hand to make the captains of the guards who followed him back.

"Do you think those four-winged monsters are all Shishen?"

Sitting in the cement hall, Commander looked at Shishen who had fled back in despair with a gloomy face. He recalled the battle during the day and the leader Shishen who was still walking a bit wobbly when he came back. clam down.

From the day of the raid to the present, four full days have passed. The casualties of the Black Bones Legion are actually not that great, and there are only more than 600 casualties in total. Among the legions with 5000 people, they can only be regarded as broken. Some skin.

However, the situation of the enemy shown in the war made the control worry.

However, he didn't really believe that the opponent's four-winged monsters were all Shishen.

"If those are Shishen! Why don't they attack us directly during the day? Think about it, there are more than 100 Shishen, our entire army plus me, there are only more than 20 Shishen, to destroy our army, 100 Shishen is enough."

"Maybe, they are afraid of death."


"In short, those four-winged monsters can't all be Shishen. Maybe the person who rebounded today and followed Feng Shishen to attack was just a Shishen. Didn't he say that the person who attacked was the leader of those winged people? So it was a Shishen is also possible."

"As for the patrolling four-winged monsters you encountered tonight, it's not surprising that they use Shishen's sensory ability to detect complex mountainous terrain."

"So, among these four-winged monsters is Shishen, but not all four-winged monsters are Shishen, do you understand?"

At the end of the talk, the control also severely aggravated the tone, as if affirming the affirmation, as if comforting himself.But at least, the surrounding Shishen who had a bad face due to the speculation of the night attack on Shishen, seemed to be much more stable on the surface.

"Master is wise."

"Well," nodded in satisfaction, the governor sat back on this strange chair (for friends =.=), waved his hand majestically and said: "Okay, it's time tonight, so there's no need to Night attack, let the soldiers rest well, and we will attack again tomorrow."

However, it seems that the wave has just leveled off and the wave has risen again.

At this moment, a black-skeleton man suddenly walked in from the door. After seeing the commander in front of the hall, the black-skeleton man immediately bowed his head respectfully.

"Master Control, the messenger of Lord True God has brought a message from True God."

The Black Bone Clan has no writing, no temple system, no winged people of the Friends Clan, no Hell Butterfly communication of the Friends Clan, and no magnetic field communication system of the whole Clan of the Friends Clan. Therefore, their communication can only use the original human voice Passing, at most, is just drawing some agreed symbols on the leather as a means of communication.

Therefore, the internal command of the Black Bone Clan depends entirely on the chief officer at the location of the troops.

And the true god understands the situation on the battlefield, except for flying over in person, he can only rely on the messenger.

Therefore, the speed, endurance, memory, loyalty, and latent ability of the courier are all highly required.

In this way, the messengers have a high status within the Black Bone Clan, especially the messengers of the True God, which are all at the level of the Beginning God and belong to the True God's guards.Generally speaking, they are people who cannot be offended.

And when he heard the arrival of the messenger of the true god, the control did not dare to slack off.

"Please come in the messenger."

After rectifying his image, although he is very dissatisfied with the fact that the reinforcements have not arrived yet, the control is more aware of the gap between himself and the true god. He cannot resist the order of the true god, so he can only choose to show his true self to the true god. loyalty.

Unless he can reach the same level as the true god, then he has the right to have an equal dialogue with the true god.

At this time, a capable black-boned man walked in from the door.

"Master Northern Commander, long time no see."

"Haha, yes, Master Messenger."


(End of this chapter)

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