Spore Story

Chapter 424: A New Day in Wangxia Battlefield

Chapter 424: A New Day in Wangxia Battlefield

Thank you for the monthly ticket support of Dragon, Bone Stick, Flying Dragon Keither, Phoenix's Sorrow, and Airfish who have not yet crossed the sky O(∩_∩)O
"As for the reinforcements, please give me some good words, Mr. Messenger. After all, Mr. Messenger must have a clear understanding of the situation here."

Smiling, he handed a bag of exquisite items to the courier. Looking at the other party with a brighter smile, Tong Zhi felt that his smile was constantly twitching, but he still tried his best not to attack, or both parties were actually very self-aware and did not say anything. Just come out.

"You don't have to worry about this aspect. The Northern Legion is the fist of the great God Kongba after all. How could we put our fists into the opponent's sharp mouth and not help to open that sharp mouth?"

"Yes, thank you, Messenger."

"Well, then, I'll go back and report the good news to Lord True God. In terms of the battlefield, please take care of Lord Commander."

"Of course."

Looking at the red-faced messenger who left with two soldiers carrying a few big bags, until the other party disappeared into the depths of the forest, he was still smiling all over his face, expressing that he would understand everything and firmly obey the command of the true god. The face, just like opening a valve, quickly turned red, it was angry.

And the gods who are qualified to be here all have different expressions, obviously thinking about various situations first.

"My lord, it was agreed that the follow-up troops will gather here, why did it suddenly change now?"

"That's right, we are obviously right, why should we be blamed?"

"This damn messenger wants too much!"


"Shut up! How can we comment on the decisions of the true gods!"

Walking into the hall with a dissatisfied face, the governor put the ax in his hand heavily on the stone table, looking at the sky reflected by the bright ax surface and the distorted face in it, the governor could only take it He drank the water handed by his subordinates to cool down the temperature. At his current level of strength, the emotional problems that the black-boned man often had and could no longer affect him.

Throwing the pottery water cup on the ground, the sound of shattering seemed to make the commander feel a lot better, of course, it was just that he himself felt a lot better.

The coolness of autumn was blown in through the opening of the wooden door that had been removed, causing several people inside the door to subconsciously wrap themselves in linen clothes, but they dared not say a word.

The true god's message brought by the messenger stated that the troops of the Nine Kingdoms of Gods had changed their assembly location to a canyon area dozens of kilometers away from here. In other words, they had to stay here longer before they could wait for reinforcements. .

This is not a big deal, after all, from now on, our own side still has the initiative.

However, what made everyone dissatisfied was that their own legion, which had clearly attacked on time according to the previous agreement, was inexplicably reprimanded by the true god (his messenger), accusing everyone of acting without authorization, exposing the legion of the Kongting God Kingdom to the enemy rashly, and even more so. The main thing is to allow the enemy to discover the existence of the Black Bones God Kingdom.

This made the commanding staff of the legion feel suffocated.

However, after relying on Zhizhi's 'good' conservation (fog) and a large number of good things recently collected (truth) to please the messenger, Tongzhi still got a key message.

The messenger said that some major changes seemed to have taken place in the original Northern Legion of the Fire Cloud God Kingdom. As a result, the True God of the Fire Cloud God Kingdom, who was in the upper middle of the Nine Gods Kingdom, was angry with part of the land occupied by the Northern Legion. At the expense of some of the population in the north and other things, he requested to mobilize several legions of the Nine Gods this time.

Of course, in fact, every kingdom of God still has a few legions in the country, but everyone wisely did not use them, because all the managers of the kingdom of God are well aware of the true role of those legions.

However, because of this matter, after discussing the matter, the True God of the Nine Gods simply stopped all the troops from advancing, and at the same time that the Nine Gods dealt with the northern legion of the Fire Cloud God Kingdom, they integrated all the legions for a better future. command.

The true gods also re-agreed that they would attack the enemy from both east and west lines at the same time after the issue of the Huoyun Divine Kingdom was resolved.

Because the previous attack plan was to start on September 9th, but after the discussion of the true gods, it was postponed to an unknown time.

Due to the delivery speed of the courier and other reasons, the decision was made on September 9, and the communication sent out has only now arrived at this legion.

Obviously, both the true god and the messengers have ignored the speed of information transmission. (Of course, there is no such calendar within the Black Bones, so the time is more confusing =. =)

"Damn it, it's obviously the messenger's fault, why blame us!"

Regarding the excitement within the legion, the control took the decision to turn a blind eye.

In fact, he didn't know why he did it, or he just didn't want to think about it.

Patting the tabletop, the control opened his eyes again and glanced at the group of primordial gods, then turned his gaze to the north.

"Today, continue to attack!"

——————The dividing line for the whole team—————

"I didn't expect the black-skeleton people to learn to behave so quickly, and they lined up so loosely."

In a relaxed tone, he commented on the black-skeleton troops in front of him. This time, they sent four teams of 500 people, which were divided into four parts in a slightly scattered manner, and scattered in front of the defense line of Wangxia City, which was more than four kilometers away.

Although they are still holding their own shields, it can be seen from the actions of some of these soldiers looking up at the sky from time to time, and some of them paying attention to the ground from time to time. Even yesterday, only more than 300 people were lost in the battle. The soldiers were not without psychological shadows about yesterday's attack.

At this time, Major Xinyun (temporary) who had just been promoted looked at the patrol captain (captain) beside him, nodded and said: "Our Wingman team has just been integrated today, so we still need time to adjust. Therefore, if it is not an emergency , I can’t come over to guard the line of defense for the time being.”

"Of course, the defense line is still under your command, no problem?"

"No problem, it's just the underground pits. We did a lot last night. Let's show you our ground and underground double combat today. As for the sky, there are dozens of wingmen in our militia. Come out, with your example yesterday, it may not be possible to fight head-on, but it is still possible to use cobblestones to create deterrence."

"That's good."

"However, remember to let the Yiren fly higher, the enemy's soul-level Shishen is not very easy to deal with." After thinking for a while, the original Yiren Cliff flew up with a smile and flapped his wings: "So, good luck today , we will wait and see.”


The 200 recruited wingmen have arrived at the defense line in the early morning of today (September 9), but they are not yet able to directly participate in the battle, and they are also taking a short rest to rejuvenate at this time.

As for Xinyun Yachang, the Xinyun battle captain (major) at this time, he needs to assign the positions of the soldiers, and urgently form a leadership team for the three Ya, and then assign the 200 recruited wingmen, and then carry out Adaptive training, honing these Wingmen soldiers recruited from all over Bingling Province.

Therefore, the Wingman team cannot join the battle for the time being.

For these, the patrol captain was also mentally prepared, so when the 2000 black bone men began to charge at a slower speed than yesterday, everyone's mentality was very calm, and the soldiers on the defense line even because of the enemy's slow speed And wanting to sit down and rest for a while before preparing for defense, of course, this is just talk.

"Attention the Wingman team, after taking off, you must stay above 600 meters, you know? You know the strength of the soul level even if you think about it."

"Don't worry, captain, we have all seen the performance of Xin Yunya and the others yesterday, and we know what to do."

A wingman with two boulders in his arms and four stones on his back waved his hands at his captain nonchalantly, while the wingmen around him, young or old, were all shaking their wings and began to sit Warm up exercise before flight.

However, this Yiren, who is officially a soldier of the patrol team and is now the captain of the militia wingman unit, will not disobey the order of his original captain.

Because, even if the captain is Yuanren and he is Yiren, he is aware of the gap between the two.

In any case, if the captain can be the patrol captain of a city, but he can only be a soldier, you can know.

Looking at the black skeleton soldiers who had to guard against the sky and the ground while aiming at the attacking city wall, the patrol leader couldn't help but feel a sense of superiority.

Think about the physical strength alone, the original person and the black-boned man are actually at the same level, but with the support of a lot of physical, mental and energy skills, one original person can single out two to three black-boned men. Still ignoring the advantages brought by the equipment.

Of course, there are also black-boned people who have rich experience and have summed up some battlefield skills, but it is a pity that the black-boned people do not have a stable and effective skill inheritance system on the one hand;

The small number of soldiers who are said to be called 'Guards', even if they have rich experience, can only draw with the original people in actual combat.

"My lord, these guys are rushing so slowly, do you want to urge them?"

Standing in the rear where there were only more than 2000 people left, a Shishen frowned, turned his gaze away from the battlefield in front, and spoke to the commander beside him.However, the control just shook his head, not dissatisfied with the slow speed of the attacking troops this time.

"The opponent's trap is too dangerous. If you rush too fast, unnecessary losses are not allowed."

One sentence set the tone, and these quick-minded Shishens immediately fell silent.

"Divide two more teams of 500 people and let me gather on the left and right wings, but don't attack for now."

Withdrawing his gaze from the snail-like advancing front, the control turned his head to look at the two Shishen beside him, and nodded to signal the other party to lead the team.

When the two were ordered to leave, he added: "When you are asked to attack later, if anyone is slower than yesterday's retreat speed, then don't come back to see me."

The calm tone made the two Shishen secretly lament their bad luck, but they had to accept these orders.

However, if you really want to charge, you still need the soldiers. The experience of leading the soldiers is not much higher than that of the captain of the guards, so soon, the captains of the guards in the two 500-man teams also began to frown.

At the same time, it was still underground. The remaining part of yesterday's hundreds of Dunjiamen was replenished, and they were still divided into dozens of teams, digging from below the line of defense all the way to the line of defense of the black-skeleton army.

This time, though, they dug in a slightly different way.

"Hurry up, the original man is responsible for filling, and the Dunjia man continues to dig!"

In the cave passage, a primitive person transferred the soil dug up by the Dunjia man behind him, and blocked all the passages behind him except for the air holes; at the same time, he directed the division of labor and cooperation of the team, and kept moving the cave forward , while paying attention to the distance from the top of the cave to the ground.

And they are underground, like a cylindrical cavity, moving slowly underground, no matter whether they are front, back, up, down, left, or right, they are strata.

This is the method that Pengzu spent a night thinking about after learning the lesson of yesterday's trap.Because the Dunjia people's trap tactics first appeared in the illusion world, but when it appeared, everyone already knew the illusion of the illusion world, so some of the defects of the trap were not discovered.

And it wasn't until yesterday's actual combat that people discovered the situation that "the trap still has to be prepared for the enemy to use it to attack the passageway", and it was only after reporting to the Military Academy that a new improvement method was obtained.


More than a dozen friends stopped, and looked at their leader just like yesterday.

However, this original man did not listen to the position of the enemy on the ground from his side like yesterday's original team leaders, but issued orders directly.

"Just here, expand to four meters in diameter, dig up one meter, and pay attention to controlling the strength."

Soon, the Dunjia people repeated yesterday's work, but this time, the original people took out a few wooden thorns from their backs and stuck them on the ground after waiting for the Dunjia people to dig. Bundle the same wooden thorns.

Then, the leader of the Yuanren waved his hand, and everyone continued to dig forward in the previous direction. Soon there was only a thorn at the bottom, a hole half a meter thick at the top, and no passage. connected to it.

Using the method of 'digging all the way and filling all the way', various hidden pits with varying intervals began to appear one after another from under the defense line of Wangxia to the ground extending to the rear position of the Black Bones.

At this time, the black-boned man's army continued to march forward.


When the original leader yelled 'stop' again, most of the Dunjia people and the original people were out of breath.

The Yuanren leader leaned against the wall and felt it carefully, smiled sinisterly, and then waved for everyone to rest.

"Speaking of the leader, do you know who made this kind of thing in the first place? Ga is really a genius."

During the break time, the atmosphere of the excavation team, which was full of militiamen, seemed very harmonious, or there was no battlefield atmosphere, because they knew very well that the revised action method this time was destined to prevent them from directly contacting the enemy, so it was dangerous. Sex is small.

"I don't know who it is, but I have heard that it seems to be proposed by a soldier of the Dunjia Legion. It is called 'mobile trap tactics'."

"Hey, really, it's really amazing."

Hearing that it was proposed by the soldiers of the Dunjia Legion, several Dunjia people suddenly smiled.

When two different species intersect, who doesn't want their own kind to be strong?This is unavoidable even in the Peng clan where friends and Dunjia people get along very well.

"Yeah, if it weren't for your digging ability these two days, we wouldn't be able to do this."

The team leader sighed sincerely, although he firmly believed in his heart that even without the digging ability of the Dunjia people, the friends on the defense line could defeat the black-skeleton man rushing to the defense line.But in this way, greater casualties are inevitable. After all, the history of the black-boned man fighting the canyon quack ape was clearly recorded in elementary school textbooks.

What's more, the defense line can be successfully built so quickly, and the foundation dug by the Dunjia people is also indispensable.

However, the Yuanren team leader just thought about these things and didn't continue.Today's Dunjia people are already an inseparable part of the friend clan, and it is natural to contribute to the friend clan, just like friends are also contributing to the friend clan, the two compete fairly, each according to its own ability.

As for the dunjia complaining about the high strength of friends, so what?Friends also complained that Dunjia people's digging ability is stronger, which is a problem of physical fitness.

"Okay, time is up, now is not the time to take a long rest."

Sitting up from the ground, feeling that the black-skeleton troops had passed by, the original leader smiled and said: "Then, let's continue, who said that there can be no traps on the explored road, right?"


A group of badly educated children showed sinister smiles at the same time, filling the entire underground cave with a gloomy atmosphere.

On the ground, the black-boned men's troops continued to advance.

"Master Shishen, those monsters in the sky are just flying there, they don't even bother to move, it's really abominable to hold that monster without throwing stones!"

Glancing coldly at the more than 20 Winged Men in the sky, this Shishen is also full of resentment, but as a Shishen, he must maintain a certain level of calmness: "Don't pay attention to them, I haven't seen them throwing them down anyway, and even if It’s only a few dozen stones to throw, we’re a team of 500 people, and there are four of them here, so there’s nothing to be afraid of.”


"The purpose of these bastards is just to distract us, tell the soldiers to concentrate on the underground and the ground, and speed up for me!"

It has to be said that this black-boned man, Shishen, has grasped the key to the matter. Unfortunately, the commander is looking at the problem from the perspective of the overall situation and thinks he is right; ordinary soldiers are looking at the problem from their own perspective and think they are right.

But it is often these selfish ordinary soldiers who really affect the battlefield.

After receiving Shishen's order, they were not as wise as Shishen thought, but they were still paying close attention to the situation in the sky. Even if the monsters in the sky could only kill dozens of people, so what, they knew very well that they were too. Among the dozens of candidate members, none of them were willing to put their own lives in it.

But under the urging of Shishen and his guard captain, these soldiers still had to speed up their pace.

At this moment, one of the teams of 500 people finally encountered the pit attack that they had been waiting for for a long time...

(End of this chapter)

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