Spore Story

Chapter 425: Stepping on the Wall of the Wangxia Battlefield

Chapter 425: Stepping on the Wall of the Wangxia Battlefield

Even with the previous experience, the highly hidden trap of the pit still made the soldiers of the black bone men a little exhausted, because the ground around the pit was not abnormal when viewed from the ground alone.

And because of the blocking effect of the ground on the spiritual power, most of Shishen's spiritual power cannot sense the existence of the underground trap, which has played a very good role in promoting the trap.

However, there is no eternally effective trap, just like there is no absolute shield. In the face of wisdom, all troubles are just a thin film waiting to be broken through, huh.

"All stop!"

Although the black bone soldiers had been prepared for a long time, they still seemed a little confused when they encountered the sudden pit. At this time, the winged men in the sky also began to throw stones down, throwing a few stones from time to time.

They didn't want to kill the enemy, they just wanted to pull the black bone team that had just stabilized into chaos again, so that these running black bone men stepped into more traps.

Under such circumstances, even though Shishen, the leader of the 500-man team, had already discovered something was wrong, he still couldn't bring back the calmness of the dying and agitated black-skeleton soldiers in the team.

In desperation, he became ruthless and used his trump card.

"If you move around again, no matter whether you are dead or not, I will kill his whole family when you go back!"

There is no need to explain the sturdy words. If there is anything that these black-boned soldiers who have always rebelled against their lives and do not know the overall situation care about, it may be the family that can barely provide them with a little warmth. After all, within the black-boned clan, In many cases, only parents and children who are related by blood can believe it.

So in an instant, most of the black bone soldiers stopped and looked at Shishen with killing intent in their eyes.

At this time, even if a boulder fell and killed a black-skeleton man, the other black-skeleton men hesitated to take any action, but Shishen knew that this order could only have a temporary effect, and absolutely He couldn't let these black-skeleton soldiers continue to look at him, otherwise he might lose his proper image under such huge pressure.

Because among the black-boned people, it is precisely because of the protective nature of the black-boned people to the family that no kingdom of God dares to massacre its own black-boned family unless it is in desperate situation.

If you really do that, it will definitely lead to a large-scale rebellion. Although in the face of the true god, this kind of rebellion can be easily quelled with a greater massacre, but what happens after it is quelled?Who will serve the True God Farming?Who will be the tool for the true god to win over Shishen?who's coming...

Therefore, after seeing the soldiers' emotions 'stabilize', the Shishen didn't give the soldiers any more chances to think. Ignoring the winged man in the sky, he immediately pointed to the open space in front of the team, shouted loudly, and issued a voice command with his throat. .

"Flying spear! The open space ahead, smash it for me! Smash those pits out!"

At this time, no one paid attention to the so-called communication method of Shishen's sign. The soldiers who heard Shishen's roar raised the flying spears on their backs without any hesitation, and then pointed at the open space with all their strength. Smashed it.

As I said before, the black-boned people's emotions are very unstable, but because of this, they are easily affected by group emotions.

When the black bones of the entire 500-man team began to attack the open space with flying spears in a fanatical manner, the strength of these flying spears was almost as strong as the black bones' full blow.

And looking at those densely packed flying spears, the patrol captain standing on the city wall also frowned a little uneasy.

Then, there was a continuous sound of grounding, and five hundred flying spears slammed heavily on the open space tens of meters in front of the black bone men's team.

Next, there was a rumbling sound of collapse.

In order for the black-boned man to collapse as soon as he stepped on it, only a half-meter-thick soil layer was left. Because of the damage of the flying spear, it finally collapsed. In an instant, the flat and open land became the surface of the moon with potholes. .


After seeing the flying spears wipe out the pits blocking the way, all the black-boned men went into a frenzy, and even the boulders that were not falling from the sky could not affect their emotions.

And the fanatical roar of the five hundred black-boned men instantly attracted the attention of everyone present.

Of course, this also includes the other three black-skeleton troops who are suffering from the pit.

Once you master the method, traps will no longer be a problem.

Soon, all the black bone men cleared out all the pits along the way relying on carrying a lot of flying spears.

At this time, there was still a large gap in the pit digging by the Dunjia men, so they cleared the trap ahead, and finally learned to ignore the deterrent stone throwing of the Sky Wing Man, all the black bone men began to charge forward.

This feeling of relief that the pressure in the heart suddenly disappeared, even made these emotionally unstable black bones ignore all external conditions for a while, like an upstart who suddenly changed his job from a beggar to a rich man, thinking that victory is already coming. I beckoned, thinking that nothing could block my way anymore, and began to rush towards the city wall defense line at a speed higher than usual.

"Attention everyone, the target is 150 meters away, and the bow and arrow are projected at 40 degrees!"

The patrol leader at the city wall, after realizing that the Yiren throwing stones no longer had a deterrent effect, recalled the Yiren who had almost finished throwing stones in the sky, and asked them to replace them with standard bows and arrows as a medium-range attack. Snipers exist and have an actual tactical effect.

As for the black-skeleton man who started to charge frantically, he only frowned slightly. Raging animals might become stronger, but raging intelligent creatures would only become weaker.

In the previous trap attack, although the quick response of the black-boned men was a bit unexpected, so that only less than 100 black-boned men were lost, but our side still has a city wall that has been temporarily raised to six meters. Even if he jumped up, on the three-meter-wide city wall, the stronger Yuanren would still have an advantage.

"The Wingmen troops are free to shoot! The Dunjiamen are starting to deliver the city defense supplies! The original militia bows and arrows obey orders!"

"Pull the bow!"

"look up!"


At this time, we don’t talk about aiming. For the militiamen, there is not much difference between aiming or not, because they usually don’t have much time to practice bows and arrows (except for amateurs).

Therefore, the patrol captain simply let these people launch collectively, replacing the individual with the area.

As for the Wingmen of the Wingman Army, relying on their physical fitness and brain response, they can make their own bow and arrow level reach the level of a friend's official soldier without special training (still need basic bow and arrow knowledge=.=) The official soldiers of the Peng clan have all experienced unexplained fantasy world experience, psychologically speaking, they are all veterans; technically speaking, several times of fantasy world practice plus normal training are also very strong).

The bows and arrows of the militia were fired together. After the bows and arrows that killed people were blocked by the various shields of the black-boned men, only 30% could produce a lethal effect. In the end, only more than 30 black-boned men were killed, and they were assigned to four teams of 500 people. Among the black skeleton troops, there was not even a splash of water.

And considering that there were at least 500 original people in the militia who fired bows and arrows, this result was even more depressing.

However, after that, the bows and arrows of more than forty winged men also took away about 30 black bone men, which made the patrol captain a little relieved.

While the soldiers were loading arrows, the patrol leader subconsciously looked behind the line of defense. There were 200 recruited Wingmen soldiers there, and they were running in with 100 official Wingmen soldiers.

The running-in mentioned here is to reassign the 300 people to the team, let each of them know their commanders, and at the same time conduct a little command training.

Recruiting soldiers is not a militia formed by recruiting ordinary people. Many of them are veterans of previous wars, or individuals who have shown certain strength among the people. In terms of individual combat effectiveness, ordinary militias are not their opponents at all.

However, the veterans are fortunate to say that some of the folks are extremely prone to individual heroism, which is absolutely not allowed in the army that pursues group cooperation.

Therefore, the key to running in is to train these guys who admire individual heroism but have not yet been able to develop their individual heroism into real soldiers. This will take time, but the Wangxia defense line seems to be unable to give them that much time.

(If there are 300 regular Wingmen soldiers on the city wall at this time, I am afraid that after a few bows and arrows, most of these Black Bones soldiers will remain.)
Shaking his head violently, the patrol captain woke himself up from his fantasy, and looked in front of the defense line again.

At this time, the black-skeleton troops had rushed into the range of 100 meters in front of the city wall, but there were still more than 1800 black-skeleton soldiers, and they hadn't even been injured. Moreover, because of emotional problems, these black-skeleton soldiers They all appear to be very fanatical, and it will still make the enemy feel strenuous in real battles.

Then, these black bone men raised the flying spears in their hands.

"The attack distance of the black bone soldiers' flying spears is about 100 meters." This is the information issued by the Military Academy, which is said to be useful information obtained from the Shadow Clan.But when the black-skeleton man entered the range of [-] meters, raised his flying spears, and then threw them out in unison, the patrol captain did not order the soldiers to defend, but let everyone shoot their bows and arrows again.

Accompanied by a crashing sound, most of these flying spears hit the corner of the city wall, and the one that flew the highest only stuck on the top of the city wall. Only one unlucky wingman was hit by the flying spear in the wing, but it was only a penetrating injury. Go back to sew and tinker and fly again, gah.


The original people's bow and arrow attack this time turned the black-skeleton men who needed to leave the shield protection because of firing spears into hedgehogs, and eliminated the combat power of more than 200 black-skeleton men in an instant.

He nodded in satisfaction, but the patrol leader did not order the original soldiers to continue the attack.

"All original militiamen raise their shields! Change to melee weapons!"

Putting down the bows and arrows in their hands, more than 800 original militiamen raised simple thick wooden shields one after another, and then lifted the standard spears that had been put aside long ago from the ground.

This kind of weapon, which is produced quickly, consumes little steel and is very practical, has become a standard weapon in the friend militia system, and is stored in warehouses in various towns.

Most of the original people present were holding this long spear in their hands. Of course, a small number of original people took out other special weapons such as long knives and Mitsubishi thorns that they collected because of their usual hobbies.

"Wingman with bow and arrow, hovering in the air! Keep shooting!"

Although the Wingmen's melee ability is still strong, they are more powerful in high-altitude shooting, especially at this time there are only forty or so Wingmen on the city wall, and staying on the city wall is of little use, so soon, these Wingmen The man packed his backpack full, and flew into the sky with the bow and arrow that he had already started to use.

At this time, the black-boned men had already approached the range of 60 meters, and they raised their flying spears again.

"The Dunjia retreated from the city wall immediately! Accept the mayor's order and take full charge of logistics!"

Among the more than 2000 armored militiamen recruited by Wangxia City, hundreds of capable people were assigned to dig mobile traps, and the remaining 1000 people, although many, may be worth [-] yuan in terms of frontal combat power. People can easily kill them.

Therefore, the Dunjia people who stayed on the city wall at this time were only carrying out work such as delivering arrows to the original militiamen on the city wall. When they are about to enter a possible contact war, their staying on the city wall can only become a burden. To the mayor, for the transportation of various materials.

Of course, when these Dunjia people left, they also brought the bows and arrows dropped by the original militiamen. On the one hand, they cleaned up the city walls to facilitate possible battles; on the other hand, they also protected these weapons to avoid waste.

At this time, the black bone man's flying spear had already rushed to the city wall.

More than 30 winged men with war experience seized the opportunity when the black-skeleton man threw flying spears and left the protection of the shield, and took away more than [-] black-skeleton men's lives, and the one who had been wandering in the sky The sniper of the Ice Spirit team Yirenya did not participate in the training of the Yiren team at this time, but continued to play a role on the battlefield.

Thinking of their technical arms, it is not easy to appear among recruited soldiers, and he who stayed on the battlefield has already taken the lives of more than 30 guard captains. many.

However, the black bone man's flying spear has also begun to produce results.

No matter how good their basic quality is, after all, they are temporary militiamen with little military training. Even if they raised their shields, some of the careless black-boned men were still hit by flying spears.

Immediately, the loss of more than a dozen original people began to turn the war into a tragic situation for both sides.

"Attention all original people, two teams! One person holds up the shield, and one person throws stones!"

With the strength of the original man, it is not difficult to throw a stone the size of a small arm for 40 meters, and at this time the black bone man has also entered a range.

Although the scattered traps couldn't play a major role because they were exposed, they accidentally caused the black-boned men's team to lose their orderly formation, which caused the flying spears to lose their cluster advantage.

After protecting his teammates with shields, he felt the pressure of the flying spears decrease, and Yuanren, who was in charge of the attack, lifted up the stones that required two armored men to lift up.

But at this time, watching the black-skeleton soldiers who were about to approach the city wall, both the enemy and us began to get nervous.

In the end, can the black bone man jump on this city wall?
However, when everyone was paying attention to the actions of the black bone man, the catapult, which was the last item in the close battle of the Wangxia defense line, flew out first.

The black-skeleton man, who was raising his flying spear and was about to throw it again, was obviously stunned for a moment, and suddenly hesitated between 'raising the shield' or 'desperately attacking'.

Because, before, they ignored the boulders in the sky and chose to charge directly, which seemed to bring a lot of benefits, at least they rushed to the opponent's wall alive; but at this time, there seemed to be so... several times more stones.

Anyone knows the result of being stupefied on the battlefield: the quick-reacting black-boned man immediately lowered his body and raised his shield to defend, but he was knocked to the ground by a square stone that was bigger than a boulder, and the heavy one had his arm broken; The black-skeleton man who reacted quickly but chose to attack at the risk of death, fired the flying spear and achieved a lot of results, because throwing stones also weakened the defense of the original side, but of course these throwing spears were inevitably thrown by the stone Contagion; as for the black bone people who reacted slowly and were still there, it all depends on luck, whether there is any stone throwing.

Then, the black-skeleton troops, whose number dropped to about 1400, finally rushed under the city wall. At this time, the friends from the Central Plains lost more than 40 talents, 0 wingmen, and more than 20 Dunjiamen...

"Okay! Jump on it for me!"

The commander, who was two or three kilometers away, stood up excitedly when he saw his troops rushing to the defense line where the opponent had been.

If his desperate (?) attack can win, then there is nothing to worry about the true god's blame. Will the true god refuse the generous gift behind the line of defense?

"Attention everyone, the people of the Throwing Stones are ready for melee combat! The people of the Shield Defense continue to defend!"

Wingmen hovering in the sky and projectiles don't need any instructions, they know what to do by themselves.

At the same time that the No. 1 black-boned man rushed to the city wall and was smashed by the original man on the city wall with a stone throw, the patrol captain also began to mobilize soldiers from various places to arrange defense.

As for himself, he was already wearing an armor that began to show light blue luminous patterns, and drew out the willow leaf long knife at his waist.

Then, when the No.30 six black-boned men ran under the city wall, because the number of black-boned men approaching the city wall continued to rise, the original people of the city defense had no time to deal with him.

The black-skeleton soldier immediately stopped while running, bent his legs, his eyes were bloodthirsty, and jumped up five meters away from the base of the city wall.

"Go up! Go up!"

"All attention!"

The black-boned man smashed on top of the raised city wall very strangely, and was almost able to climb the city wall.

However, Yuanren who was waiting by the city wall would not give him this chance.

With a slash of the long knife, the black bone man fell to the ground with his headless body.

But at this time, more and more black-skeleton men had already started to bounce up. They didn't pay attention to the situation of others of the same kind, so they also bumped into the city wall one after another.

But just when everyone thought that the black-boned man was so weak that he could no longer break through the city wall, one of the astute black-boned man actually grabbed the edge of the city wall with both hands, and then tried to pull himself up the city wall with all his strength.

The original man who had been waiting there for a long time, ignored the flying spear thrown by the black-skeleton man in front, and cut off the black-skeleton man's hands at the cost of being stabbed in the right shoulder.

However, at this time, the fellows behind the black-skeleton man had already gained inspiration from his movements.

As a result, there are more and more black-boned men jumping and climbing, and the original people who can respond on the defense line are getting more and more exhausted.

Suddenly, a captain of the Guards jumped up high, stepped on the edge of the city wall without climbing, and jumped onto the city wall smoothly, becoming the No.

"Kill!" The guard captain proudly raised the nine-tooth rake in his hand...

"Kill!" The red-eyed Yuanren raised the spear in his hand...

(End of this chapter)

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