Spore Story

Chapter 426 Battle on the Wall of Wangxia Battlefield

Chapter 426 Battle on the Wall of Wangxia Battlefield

This is not the earth, this is the double moon star.


"Let's meet each other, don't fight alone with the enemy!"

"Left and right troops, charge me immediately!"

Seeing that there are guard captains constantly jumping on the city wall, and providing opportunities for the subsequent black-boned soldiers to climb successfully, so that there are more and more black-boned men on the city wall, whether it is the patrol captain on the city wall or in a distant place. The Black Bone Ruler became a little anxious.

Limited by the number of attacks at the beginning, even if all the black-skeleton men climbed onto the city wall at this time, on the narrow city wall, they would not be able to have an overwhelming advantage over the original militiamen who started to group together on the city wall.

After thinking about it for a while, the commander ordered the two 500-man teams ordered earlier to start charging towards the weaker left and right wings of the Pengzu Wangxia defense line, intending to use this new force as a strong support to crush the enemy. enemy.

The two Shishen and their guard captains who were still bemoaning the order to "charge at the highest speed" that ruled the road before, looked at the road cleared by the same kind in front, and the road that had advanced to the city wall. On the front line, there were expressions of rejoicing on their faces. At this time, their way forward seemed to be safe. Even the winged men in the sky were paying attention to the defense line on the city wall, and could not take them into consideration.

"Since the road has been opened, everyone rush for me!"


A group of black-boned people who thought they had no worries about the road ahead began to explode at the speed of catching up and fleeing, rushed forward, and then...


"How can..."

"help me……"

clap clap clap...


"Stop! Stop!"

At this time, Shishen and the captain of the guards were sweating profusely. No one thought that there would be a new trap in the land that the same kind had already walked before.

Could it be that these damn pits can run around like rabbits!

Obviously, these black bone men encountered an improved mobile trap, and the armored troops who dug the pit continued to dig the pit after the first batch of black bone men passed over their heads.

At the beginning, the purpose of the trap troops was to cause trouble for the black-skeleton men when they retreated, but who knew that the black-skeleton men rushed to the city wall at this time, and it was the opponent's supplementary troops who encountered these traps .

Of course, as far as the underground pit troops are concerned, as long as the black-boned man falls, that's fine.

"Don't worry about the situation behind, keep digging! Anyway, this is the only way for the black bone man to attack and retreat, and he missed it again, quack!"

After hearing all kinds of screams coming from the ventilation hole, a group of Dunjia people and Yuanren showed satisfied smiles.

Through the secret ventilation holes, the Dunjia people and the original people underground can clearly understand the situation on the ground within a certain range, so they also know that these people are not troops attacking the city wall, because their direction is to run towards the city wall .

But soon, the face of the original team leader became hesitant. Through the single spiritual connection of the original people in the pit team not far from each other, all the underground troops are actually in the spiritual communication network. This is just a simple extended application of one-on-one spiritual connection, but it can play a very good effect on the battlefield.

At this time, the Yuanren team leader learned from the same kind of people under the city wall through this network that the city wall has been attacked by the black-skeleton man.


At this time, the city wall was attacked, which was not good news for the Dunjia people present. After thinking about it for a while, the Yuanren team leader who was stared at by everyone looked at the two of the same kind, and said cruelly: "Turn around and dig, use the fastest Dig to the front of the city wall for me!"

"The previous mission?"

"The situation on the battlefield is changing rapidly, and it is impossible to follow the previous plan all the time. Besides, that plan is of a supplementary nature, and it can be done or not."


After speaking, more than a dozen people began to dig back, and all the trap teams chose to do so.

At the same time, the ground.

Shishen, who managed to stabilize his subordinate's emotions, looked at the pits around him depressingly.

The people who were originally full of enthusiasm to replenish the troops were looking at the surrounding pits in fear at this moment. Because they rushed too fast, some people even rushed through the pits before the pits collapsed, causing the people behind to die because the people in front had nothing to do. There was a misjudgment, and under the push of the people behind, there was a tragic scene of dumplings being eaten one after another.

In such a place, more than 1000 people were trapped by these 170 or so traps from the supplementary force of only [-] people.

"Everyone get together and use flying spears to open the way! The trap here is just because the guy in front just didn't find it! There is no more in front!"

At this time, you only need to give a reason, and everyone will not care whether the reason is correct or not.

The black-boned men who used flying spears to open the way again charged towards the city wall again, but the speed was obviously much slower than before. This made Shishen and the captains of the guards who led the team feel helpless. They didn't know that the underground friends The family trap team is also on their way to the city wall.

At this time, a large number of black-boned men had already jumped onto the city wall.

The battle to climb the city wall was the most tragic. In the Black Bones team, only four Shishen and more than 70 guard captains had the jumping ability to jump up the city wall at once, and the guard captain could only barely jump on it. Ordinary black bone soldiers can only rely on jumping and climbing to climb the wall, which provides better assistance for the original people's defense.

At this time, there were still more than 700 original militiamen on the city wall. They were divided into several areas and scattered on the four-kilometer-long city wall.

There are 4 Shishen on the city wall, only 40 captains of the guards, more than 400 ordinary soldiers standing firm, and more than 700 black-skeleton men under the city wall. Climbing the city wall.

"All the original people form a group! Three-person group, mainly strangling the enemy!"

He swung his knife and chopped off the head of a black-boned man who suddenly jumped in front of him. By the way, with the help of the armor's circuit, he sent out an electric shock technique and hit the black-boned man next to him who was trying to sneak up on him.

While the patrol leader paralyzed the opponent, the soldiers following behind the patrol leader cleverly stabbed their spears, piercing the black-skeleton man who had just reacted.

Lifting the armor on his right hand, the patrol leader who had no time to turn the blade back and slashed back. The armor made of steel smashed into the chest of the black bone man who was fighting another original man, but happened to turn his back on him. He suddenly felt dizzy, and at the same time The steel armor was heavily chopped off by something.

Fortunately, the protective power of the steel armor was unquestionable. The patrol captain who woke up after shaking his head quickly realized that he had been attacked by mental power, and quickly glanced at the place where the armor was hit.

Fortunately, there was only one inconspicuous dent, and there was no big problem with my favorite armor.

From bottom to top, he raised the tip of the knife that had just fallen due to loss of strength, and the original man's powerful force chopped the black-boned man in front of him, who was about to add another kitchen knife because of a failed blow, from between his legs. To the opponent's chest and abdomen, the captain decisively drew out the long knife under the situation of excessive resistance.

Afterwards, the patrol captain ignored the black-skeleton man who fell to the ground in two parts connected to the upper part, his internal organs were scattered but still shaking weakly, and turned his head to look at a man in leather armor not far away. black bones.

Although there is no direct sign, the patrol captain who is also at the early stage of the soul level knows that the opponent should be Shishen among the black bones.

At this time, the Shishen was also looking at the patrol captain with interest.

It was obviously him who attacked before, and he also encountered a little resistance, which showed that the strength of the two was almost the same, but for the armor on the patrol captain, this Shishen was a little jealous, or jealous.

"What? Do you still want to single out?"

The guards beside him protected the patrol captain, and at the same time drove away the attacking black-skeleton men. There were already more than [-] original people leaning on the patrol captain's side at this time, and they could launch a quick charge on the narrow city wall. ; and the black-boned man next to Shishen, because of the previous attack, was scattered a lot, and seemed to be completely supported by this Shishen.

Looking at Shishen in front of him provocatively, the patrol captain rushed up without any delay, holding a long knife.

And that Shishen seemed to be very confident in himself, and rushed up with the long knife he had just found from the corpse of a primitive soldier.

When he was about to approach, Captain Yuanren suddenly raised his left hand, which was not holding a knife, and a bright flash suddenly made Shishen in front of him close his eyes subconsciously, but this Shishen still kept charging and followed the direction he perceived Swinging down the long knife in his hand, it looked as if he was not affected by the strong light at all.

But the two soul-levels present are clear that this is the all-round observation provided by the spiritual force, and has nothing to do with vision.

But at this moment, a crossbow arrow suddenly pierced down in the sky.

Because most of the attention was focused on the patrol captain in front of him, Shishen who didn't pay much attention to the sky raised his eyes in surprise, and the last thing he saw was rushing past him without aiming at him at all. The patrol captain who gave him a glance.

"Idiot, it's only at this time that a fool will challenge you one-on-one."

Contemptuous of Shishen Shishen, who was pierced by a long crossbow arrow behind him, who was so heartbroken, the patrol captain smiled at the sniper in the sky, and then stepped on the bump on the ground, making his body stop and rotate quickly , wielding a weapon and swept away thousands of troops, the long knife cut off the two unprepared black-skeleton men in half.

But what is worrying is that the patrol captain is the only soul-level existence on the entire city wall. Ordinary people cannot resist the impact of soul-level mental power. emission.

In this way, on the city wall where the remaining three Black-Bone Shishen were located, the area controlled by the Black-Bone Man troops became wider and wider.

"Captain, those black bone men sent reinforcements!"


Looking at the direction of his subordinates, the patrol captain happened to see the two 500-man teams of the black bone men who were in a hurry by the trap.

Although watching those black-boned men fall into the pit and howl miserably is very relieved, the patrol captain knows that the trap is only for assistance, it can only act as a temporary barrier, but it can't kill too many black-boned men.

"Original people around pay attention!"

Knowing the danger of the situation, the patrol captain yelled so that the surrounding original people could hear him.

At the same time, he himself took the soldiers beside him to quickly confirm the situation of the entire city wall. Now the original man and the black bone man are basically mixed together, but some differences can still be seen if you look closely.

From the west to the east, the general distribution on the city wall is: the original people's soldiers, the black bone gods, the original people's soldiers, the black bones, the patrol captains, the black bones, and the original people's soldiers.

And in the sky is the sniper, and forty or so winged men beside him, attacking most of the black bone men below with bows and arrows who have lost their shields.

"The original people gather at me, and all charge towards the west!"

At the same time, the patrol captain also ordered the Wingmen in the sky to cooperate with the original militiamen to launch an attack on the Black Bone Shishen team to the east, and handed over the task of eliminating the Shishen on the other side to the sniper.

Shishen's attack power is too strong, especially the Black Skeleton Man who has the captain of the guards beside him, can only be eliminated or restrained by wingmen and snipers in the sky.

As for ordinary black bone soldiers and guard captains, let the original militiamen attack.

"Come on! Let you see the power of Yuanren's soul level!"

Jumping onto the battlements of the city wall, he spread his legs and ran quickly, briefly activating the patrol captain of the armor grid defense, leaving behind the soldiers and former militiamen behind him, paralyzing the muscles of the black-skeleton man all the way, rushing towards the other side Among them is Shishen, a chaotically dressed black bone man.

Although I learned that the level can be judged from the clothes of the black-boned men, the clothes and armor of the friends seem to be very popular with these black-boned men, so that the clothes of the black-boned man Shishen and the captain of the guards are very chaotic, leather armor , linen clothes, wooden armor and so on.

However, to find Shishen of the opponent, it seems that you don't necessarily have to look at the clothes. The patrol captain who was running quickly found that in the black bone team, the man who thought he was very chic was standing among a group of soldiers, raising his hand from time to time. With his hand, he launched a mental impact on a primitive person, in exchange for Shishen who was amazed by his subordinates.

"Idiot, you don't need physical movements at all for mental impact, do you think you are handsome?"

Although he really wanted to give the opponent a shock to tell him the real usage of mental power shock, the patrol captain couldn't determine the level difference between himself and the opponent, so he just waved the long knife in his hand and wiped out a person blocking the way. After the captain of the guards, with a jump, the long knife mixed with lightning slashed fiercely at Shishen on the ground.

"Huh? The origin of these monsters?"

After seeing the performance of the patrol captain, the Black Bone Shishen has confirmed that the other party has the same status and strength as himself, but seeing the weapon mixed with lightning in the sky, he still carefully raised the two-meter-long weapon in his hand. Iron rod.

When the long knife intersected with the iron rod, the Shishen only felt numbness in his arm, as if something had pinched him hard, and subconsciously wanted to throw away the iron rod in his hand, but he still endured the pain and held it tightly. Tighten your hands, and then quickly swing the iron rod to sweep towards the patrol captain who landed.

"Iron rod, hum."

On the spot, he rolled to avoid the opponent's sweep. The patrol captain knew that he was only a primitive man, and he might surpass the winged man in other aspects, but there was a natural gap in energy, so after the previous electric attack had little effect, he decisively Stop activating armor energy to save stamina.

Holding the long knife in his hand tightly, when Shishen on the opposite side was unable to retract the iron rod for a while due to inertia, the patrol captain slashed at both hands of this Shishen.

Shishen, who had no time to stop him with an iron rod, was not a hypocritical person. When he saw that the iron rod could not return in time, he immediately let go of the iron rod in his hand and kicked his legs back.

"Hiding very fast!"

The long knife draws a beautiful arc, which changes into a slash and presses step by step, without giving the opponent Shishen any chance to fight back.

In desperation, this Shishen didn't care to put on a cool face, and hit the patrol captain with almost no warning of mental power.

But the patrol captain was already on guard when the other party's eyes showed ruthlessness, and his mental power quickly trembled, sending out a mental power invalid field developed by the school of priests to resist mental power attacks. Shishen's mental power attack was instantly like It hit a void, neither rebounded nor hit, but passed through the patrol leader and hit a black-skeleton soldier not far away.

But there was no way to avoid it, just after sending out a mental shock, Shishen encountered a nullification situation that he had never experienced before. The patrol captain who was overtaken slashed his shoulder with a knife, and the sharp long knife slashed fiercely along his shoulder. , and finally cut into the opponent's chest, and then got stuck by the bone.

The patrol captain, who hadn't drawn out his long knife, quickly let go, and then rolled over to avoid Shishen who was desperately pounced on him.

Afterwards, he picked up a long spear on the ground, stabbed Shishen in the back who seemed to be still alive, and pierced Shishen's head hard.

"Tch, the bones of these black bone men are really hard."

Relying on a large number of spiritual power users (priests), these friends have developed many spiritual power skills, which have shown excellent results in actual combat.

If it weren't for the short-term invalidation of the previous mental power, Shishen's plan of "both sides are stunned at the same time, and then relying on the soldiers beside him to eliminate the patrol captain who rushed in alone" by the opponent's plan would fail. Not a small injury.

In addition to the various martial arts researched by the physical skills department, the patrol captain was able to respond to the opponent's movements with agility and speed.

However, the muscles and bones of the black bone man still surprised the patrol captain a little.

Although I knew from the intelligence that the black-boned man has muscle strength no less than that of a friend, but if the previous slashing was replaced by other ordinary animals in nature, even a large dinosaur, I am afraid that it can be cut to the end, but in this name However, less than half of Shishen's body was cut in, and he was stuck by the sternum.

"My treasured sword, it seems that it has to enter the steel factory."

Looking at the two gaps on the long knife that was finally drawn out, the patrol captain wanted to cry but had no tears.If I had known that I would have chopped off the neck just now, when I cut horizontally before, no black-boned man could stop it.

Of course, that's just saying.

The black-boned men here lost the protection of Shishen, and the most important thing was the power of the usual black-skeleton Shishen. In front of the friend "Shishen" who could kill Shishen, they quickly lost their will to fight.

After the patrol leader pulled out his long knife and looked at them, except for some who were still fighting with the original militiamen who were chasing the patrol leader to attack, the rest of the black bone men actually chose to jump from both sides of the city wall.

"Hmph, you'll be good like this." The patrol captain was very satisfied with the scene of shocking the enemy army.

"Captain, they jumped inside the line of defense."


(End of this chapter)

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