Spore Story

Chapter 427 The End of the City Defense of the Wangxia Battlefield

Chapter 427 The End of the City Defense of the Wangxia Battlefield

"Master Shishen!"

Facing the six bows and arrows shot at him at the same time, Shishen, who was on the easternmost line of defense, stopped his movements decisively through the confirmation of mental strength.

Sure enough, he successfully dodged six bows and arrows.

However, just when he wanted to show off his powerful arrow dodging skills, a faster black shadow stabbed the unprepared Shishen from the left shoulder before the six bows and arrows he dodged hit the ground. In, and then stabbed out from the right thigh, completely nailing it to the city wall.

"Finally killed, a little Shishen actually cost me six arrows."

I counted the quiver at my waist, this time there was no borrower from Xin Yunya, so there were exactly four crossbow arrows left.

After grunting softly, the sniper nodded to the wingmen beside him, showing a satisfied smile: "You did a good job just now. To deal with these cunning guys, we need to restrict their actions before attacking quickly."

"Now, you continue to attack those guards, pay attention to the group of guys who have newly attacked, I will help your patrol captain first."

"Yes, lieutenant, don't worry."

Although the previous sniper had been dodged by the Black Bone Shishen on the ground for five consecutive crossbow arrows, but the ingenious coordination of the last attack allowed this sniper with the rank of second lieutenant to gain the respect of these wingmen.

Moreover, relying on this sniper to pin down Shishen below, the original people on the eastern front, with the cooperation of Yiren, could easily wipe out or drive away the black-skeleton man who jumped onto the line of defense.

However, when the two reinforcements of 500 men rushed to the bottom of the city wall, most of the black bone men had already jumped to the city wall except for the hundreds of black bone men who were driven to jump down again, and imitated Fight in groups like friends.

However, the situation is not easy for both the black-boned man and his friends.

"Master Shishen, do you want to continue to attack?"

"of course yes!"

There is no further order of control. The latest order is to assist those companions who attack the city wall, stabilize the city wall and even further occupy the city wall. It is impossible for the two gods to guard under the city wall, not to mention the battle on the city wall at this time. The more unfavorable it is to the black bones, Shishen had to order troops to attack on the wall to avoid being punished by the control.

"Wait," looked carefully at Wangwangxia's defense line, and the two Shishen who were on both sides of the defense line stopped their troops at the same time: "Go from both sides!"

No matter what, the two sides are much safer than the middle, because if you can be sure that one side has no enemies, then you can concentrate on attacking one side.

The black skeleton soldiers carried out this order very well. The two 500-man teams had a tacit understanding and both chose to climb the wall from the city wall close to the cliff.

Shishen and the guard captain rarely acted as the main force of the attack. They first jumped onto the city wall to clear an open space, while the remaining black skeleton soldiers either jumped and climbed, or climbed the wall through the cliff to climb the wall smoothly. The original militiamen were under pressure, but fortunately, there were a lot fewer black-skeleton men in the middle of the defense line at this time.

At this time, the wingmen on the east side were still cooperating with the original people below, strangling and killing the remaining black-skeleton men on the east wall; The Shishen who came up from the east was fighting.

But at this time, two more Shishen climbed the wall from the east and west sides.

"Captain, don't you care about those black bone men who jumped into the defense line?"

Dodging the black bone Shishen's rake with a spin, the patrol captain took a half step back carefully, and then swung the long knife in his hand, trying to attack the opponent's hands just like he did with the iron rod Shishen before. , Let the other party release their weapons or break their hands.

But the rake is obviously not as heavy as an iron rod. The Shishen easily swept back with the rake, and the helpless patrol leader had to lift the crossbow of the long knife. At this time, the crossbow arrows of the sniper in the sky tilted down again , stuck between Shishen and the patrol captain, saving the patrol captain from the danger of being hit by a rake.

Wiping off his cold sweat, looking at the shallow bloodstains on his shoulders, the patrol captain couldn't help but lament in his heart, (I didn't expect the power of the nine-tooth nail rake to be so powerful, or I will be able to use the nail rake in the future.)
Of course, this is just a joke.

When he heard the sniper's question, he guarded against Shishen who also had a waist injury in front of him, and replied through a spiritual connection: "Don't worry, let's not say that there are only a few dozen people, even if it is behind the line of defense. The mayor and the law chief can block it with Dunjia people and a small number of original people; isn’t there a team of wingmen who are training? Training does not mean that they cannot participate in the battle, so there is nothing to worry about.”

"Oh, hehe," the sniper smiled strangely, and the mental connection clearly conveyed the other party's thinking: "Aren't you afraid of disappointing Sister Xinyun? I can see that you have plans for Sister Xinyun, Besides, you have many rivals in love, Quack."

"What nonsense children are talking about!"

He waved his knife fiercely to block a series of sweeping sweeps from Shishen's roar on the opposite side. The patrol captain, who did not dare to fight recklessly under such power, retreated slowly, and at the same time took advantage of the moment when the opponent returned his strength, he took a step forward and stabbed the long knife at The opponent's chest.

In desperation, Shishen had no choice but to block back with all his strength, but in the end the sniper in the sky saw the opportunity, and then skewered him into a human meat skewer with one blow.

"Phew, it's finally killed," Shishen was wiped out, and the patrol captain, who was not a threat to the black bone men around him, also took a breath: "However, you little guy likes to eat barbecue, why are you attacking in groups? ?”

"Tch, don't try to change the subject, this guy's credit is mine, Captain."

The patrol leader, who hadn't come up after a while, glared gloomily at the sniper who was swaying triumphantly in the sky.

However, at that altitude, what the patrol captain saw was only small dots. Although the opponent's sniper was very fast and accurate before, this sniper insisted on the order of the new cloud captain very well, flying at 600 At an altitude of about [-] meter, the opponent's accuracy is achieved entirely by means of Yiren's powerful calculations, mental power positioning, etc. This is purely technical work.

From this, we can also see the talent and strength of this sniper, as well as the difficulty of forming a friend sniper.

"I don't care too much about you, a young underage under 20 years old, and I don't know why the team let you join. Didn't there be a notice saying 'Zhengtai is not allowed to join the team'?"

"Hmph! I am an excellent student with advanced bow and arrow skills, mental power control Lv4, energy control Lv2, and strength control Lv4. Besides, I have graduated from the priest school, why can't I join, you uncle."

"Er... big, uncle..."


The patrol captain, who found that he didn't seem to have the upper hand in terms of words, could only focus most of his attention on the city wall. After seeing that both the east and west lines were boarded by the opponent's reinforcements, the patrol captain sighed slightly and rubbed his hands. Rubbing his sore muscles, he gripped the long knife tightly.

"Okay, have you learned tactical command in the team?"

"Of course, I'm Yu..."

"Don't talk nonsense, go to the east, with the middle of the city wall as the boundary, I order you to command the original human wing troops on the eastern front, and drive them out for me."

"Eh! Yes!"

The sniper Xinxian has always existed as a personal hero. Although he has also learned [Tactical Command] and experienced many specific command methods beside Xin Yunyachang, he did not expect the opportunity to personally command the battle. It came so soon.

But this is also the helplessness of the patrol captain. The Wangxia defense line is full of militiamen and former patrol soldiers. It is a gamble to ask them to command the battle.

The patrol captain didn't dare to block his own militia, there was a command genius like the protagonist of a novel.

In comparison, although snipers often act independently, they are at the peak of the ghost level after all, and at the same time they are still at the second lieutenant level of a regular team. After all, they have theoretical knowledge, and they also have the mental strength to be convenient for command. It also performed well in previous battles.

Therefore, the commander on the Eastern Front had no choice but to choose him.

At this time, the entire line of defense has become a battlefield between east and west, and the black-skeleton men in the middle have been cleaned up. It will be difficult for the black-skeleton men who have been driven down again to come up again, but the patrol captain can only command with all his strength. On the one hand, if the other side distracts him, it will only cause problems on both sides.

As for asking for help from the Wingman team...

"Maybe I really have something delusional."

Shaking his head with a wry smile, the patrol captain suppressed the previous thoughts in his heart, and then devoted his attention to the more than 400 black bone men who had climbed the city wall in the west.

"A positional battle on a city wall less than 4 meters wide?"

This kind of battle requires the forward's assault ability, and the opponent's black-boned man obviously knows it too.

Although unwilling to take risks, the Shishen still reluctantly pulled dozens of captains of the guards and stood in front of the black-skeleton troops between the two sides, which were already clearly divided between friends and black, and then looked at the opposite side. Patrol captain in blood armor.

As for jumping off the city wall and rushing to the north, these black bone men hadn't thought about it, but Shishen's idea was to solve their worries first.

"Get ready, when we charge, the troops behind will throw spears at me."

The two sides did not understand each other's language, and neither the Black Bones Shishen nor the patrol captain paid any attention to the order, but both of them noticed the ordinary soldiers in the opposing team, and began to take down or pick up the weapons that could be thrown, and waited tacitly. when attacking.

"Give me... rush!"

The distance between the two parties making actions at the same time is no more than 50 meters. The 50 meters are covered with the corpses of black bone men and original people, but it is obvious that there are many black bone men, which obviously makes Shishen and his guards Chang was both angry and worried.

Soon, under the decoration of various spears, stones, flying spears, smelly shoes, etc. above the head, the main generals of the two sides collided together.

——————The upper and lower dividing lines of the battlefield—————

Accompanied by Hum's whole body, flying arrows stuck in the forehead of the terrified black bone man.

A few seconds later, Yiren walked out of the woods, looked at the dozen or so black skeleton corpses present, curled his lips in disdain, but there was a hint of worry in his eyes.

"Captain Xinyun, now that the first cliff has been integrated, should we go to the rescue first?"

On the other side of the forest, Xin Yun, who was scanning the battlefield with his eyes closed, just stood there without moving.

Wrapped in full body armor, only the specially made breastplate and the slender and graceful tentacles on the back can indicate the gender of Xin Yun, who seems to be thinking about the situation at this time.

Hearing her subordinate's proposal, she thought for a while and nodded and said: "Yes, the first cliff will pass from the east, first help sniper Xin Xian to clear up the troubles on the east front, as for the west front, I believe that captain can win , so let him perform well."


Turning around and leaving, the new first Yaya Chief yelled at the open space on the other side of the forest. Soon, most of the Wingmen in short clothes carried a large number of bows and arrows on their backs, and brought their favorite longbows, from the sky to the sky. Fly to the east of the Wangxia defense line.

Rubbing his forehead helplessly, Captain Xinyun, who took off his helmet, landed from mid-air to the town square of Wangxia City where only the Sifang City Gate remained.

At this time, several conscripts who didn't know how to live or die were still arguing with the Yachang assigned to them. Xin Yun seemed to be able to hear "I can be a sniper", "I am very good at melee combat", "I But Lv3', 'Why can he be the captain who is obviously not as good as me' and so on.

"Damn it, these guys are endless, do they all think they are the protagonists of hero YY novels?"

At this time, a wingman with a handsome face, but whose image was severely damaged by those wretched eyes, walked up to Xinyun who revealed his face after taking off his helmet: "This beautiful lady major, look, my strength But at the beginning of the soul level, why can you only be a small captain and be controlled by the guy at the peak of the ghost level?"

However, Xinyun seemed to completely ignore the peacock, and said to himself: "It seems that it needs to be reported to the management, and the quality and obedience of the recruiting still depend on the quality and obedience. No, it should be recruited from all over the place regularly. Soldiers conduct obedience training, so that everyone will not be self-righteous."

"what did you say?"

A certain man in narcissism didn't hear Xinyun's beeping, so he asked a question recklessly, and soon he didn't have to continue.

With a bang, the rebellious members of the group of conscripts stared dumbfounded at a certain man among them, who was punched to the ground by the seemingly weak captain, and was then replaced. One foot, as for that position...

And those veterans who were sitting on the sidelines watching the show nodded approvingly, then stood obediently and waited for the assignment.

"What I want is an obedient soldier, not a narcissist! Go back to me if you don't want to do it!"

Finally, Captain Xinyun was furious. She turned her head to look at the original Xinyunya soldier who was still a little dazed, pointed at the Winged Man on the ground who was rolling over with his nose covered, and said vigorously.

"Did you see it? It's war time, and anyone who refuses to accept it will call me."

"Can't beat it? If you can't beat it alone, wouldn't you fight in a group? You are soldiers, this is a war! It's not a duel!"


The eyes of the soldiers began to shine, which obviously put a lot of pressure on the conscripts, and many of them began to sweat profusely.

"Anyway, I want to see troops ready to attack in an hour!"

Putting the chronograph hourglass provided by the mayor on a flat boulder, Xinyun glanced at the troublesome recruited soldiers, put on his helmet again, and his voice suddenly became a little dull.

"If I find out who is messing with me, I will kick him back without mercy! It doesn't matter if you are a regular soldier or a conscript!"

After finishing speaking, Captain Yiren left a group of stunned soldiers and flew to the front of the Wangwang Gorge.

On the other hand, on the ground in front of the battle line, the friends of the clan who confirmed the ground situation through the vibration of the passage, and then began to gather, are making their own decisions.

"After Dunjia dug the passage for us, we will retreat along the previous passage under the city wall."

In the dark tunnel, this mid-level ghost-level patrol soldier, because of his high strength and some contacts, became the temporary captain of the 200 original people underground at this time.

In the spiritual power communication network formed through the interconnected spiritual connections, his order was quickly sent to the original person in the entire channel network, and then the original person informed the Dunjia people beside him.

"Captain, do you want to dig some more traps, no matter how you say it, it can be regarded as having some effect."

The armored man next to the captain hesitated for a moment, as if he didn't intend to just retreat, but upon hearing his words, the original captain hesitated for a moment, but still shook his head.

"No, we'll all be fighting under the city wall later on. If we are in a hurry to kill, we may not remember where we are stepping and the traps. If we trap our own people, it will be a disaster."

Once the traps are formed, except for some actively controlled traps, they are indiscriminate between the enemy and the enemy. At this time, everyone has no time to set up active traps, so the Dunjia quickly gave up his thoughts and began to follow the original captain's order. , leading the Dunjia people to evacuate.

This is also the helplessness or luck of the Dunjia people.

At this time, in the double-moon star and the civilized race's frontal battle, the Dunjia people are completely the ones being bullied, and with the original people and the winged people standing in front, they can better display their own characteristics.

However, some Dunjia people who yearn for the bloody battlefield obviously can only watch the battle of the original human winged people from behind, and at the same time do some work within their ability.

After the Dunjia people were completely evacuated and the passages were closed, the captain of the original people in the densely packed network of underground passages notified all the original people with a series of spiritual connection networks one after another.

"Now we still have some black bone men above our heads. Our previous perception tells us that there are nearly a thousand people on the other side, and they are gathering more and more."

"We only have 200 original people. It is obviously difficult to eat them all."

The network was very quiet, and all the original people calmed down their mental strength so that they could hear the captain's order clearly.

"So, after we go out later, we will gather together as quickly as possible, and destroy the enemy on the premise of protecting ourselves."

There was a wave of fluctuation in the network, but it quickly calmed down.

Some people may still hesitate about the success rate of getting together. After all, there are more than 200 people present, who are actually scattered under the entire four-kilometer defense line, but everyone is rationally waiting for orders.

"Everyone remember to go as fast as possible, and don't fight if there are black-boned men entangled on the road. Only when we get together can we exert greater strength. Our purpose is only one, to kill as many black-boned men as possible. "

200 against nearly a thousand, still blocking the opponent's back, the original captain was not willing to take risks, so he did not plan to swallow all the black-boned men's attacking troops.

After explaining part of the problem and unifying everyone's opinions, the captain looked at the thin ground above his head dug by the Dunjia, took a deep breath, raised his hands above his head, and bent his legs.

"Everyone... rush!"

At the same time, a wingman of the Yiren team also approached the defense line from behind.

The people who were fighting on the defense line didn't see it, but the black-skeleton man Zhizhi and others who were far away from the front line could see it clearly.

There are only more than 1600 troops left around, and now there are more than 1000 black bone soldiers on the defense line, and the full-line attack may be able to win, but when seeing the reinforcements flying from the opponent's rear, the commander hesitated up.

(Do they have more reinforcements, can they win if they attack? Moreover, the loss is too great, where is the true god...)
In the end, he was ruthless.


(End of this chapter)

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