Spore Story

Chapter 428 Ice Spirit Legion and the Gap Between Wars

Chapter 428 Ice Spirit Legion and the Gap Between Wars

Thank you for the monthly ticket support of Lin Ying and Wind Totoro yesterday.

Now it’s the beginning of January again, so I’m looking for all kinds of support~\(≧▽≦)/~
"Hey, beautiful Miss Xinyun, here I come."

On the morning of September 9th, the remaining teams of the Ice Spirit Corps finally arrived. After arranging for the soldiers of the two original human cliffs to expand to four original human teams to rest in Wangxia City, the Ice Spirit Corps corps Chang first came to the defense line of Wangwangxia, and found Major Xinyun who was commanding the defense line.

At this time, the Xinyun team, which was finally reorganized yesterday, has also deployed defenses, replacing those tired Wangxia militiamen.

After a day of fighting, most of the Wangxia militiamen who were already exhausted were still leaning against the city walls, resting under the care of the Dunjia people beside them. The whole front was full of post-war heaviness. breath.

"Team...ah no, Legion Commander, you are finally here."

"Sorry, Yuanren's speed can only be like this."

"It's nothing."

Shaking his head, Xinyun, who felt that these conscripts were not easy to control since the reorganization of those conscripts yesterday, did not say anything about the reinforcement speed of the legion, but pointed directly at the ashes in front of the battlefield and the Our corpses being carried in the rear.

Then, she began to explain the fighting situation of the past few days to her immediate superior.

"When we first came into contact, these black-skeleton men had little resistance to the attacks of the sky, but soon, they learned to avoid the attacks of these bows and arrows, and after that, large shields appeared. Even in places with few standard shields Under the circumstances, these black bone soldiers even figured out how to use items in the occupied area, such as door panels and tabletops, as temporary shields."

"Although it is simple, it is very effective. Even in the face of flying stones, it can barely save its life. This shows that the learning, adaptation, and imagination of these black-boned men cannot be underestimated..."

Things in this area cannot be discovered by the rough perception of 8051, so the soldiers on the front line can only summarize and improve them by themselves. At this time, the legion leader is communicating with the magnetic field to report the things reported by Xinyun to the Military Academy.

"During the battle, many iron objects that we use as civilian tools are actually used by them as battlefield weapons, and they can even play a very good role. Can you imagine that hoes, rakes, and kitchen knives can defeat standard lancets, spears, and Mitsubishi stabs?" Is it? Here it comes."

"Although this confirms the fact that the black bone man's tool production level is backward in the intelligence, it also proves the black bone man's fighting instinct and tool use ability..."

"After the renovation, the walls of the Wangxia Defense Line are six meters high. These black-skeleton men can actually jump up. The jumping ability and the ability to react on the fly are not to be underestimated. A rough estimate is that these black-skeleton men can jump. Five meters, and the city wall must be more than eight meters if it wants to defend against the Black Bones..."

The report on the details continued until noon...

"...There are a lot of things like this, because I don't always participate in the battlefield here, so for more specific situations, it's best for the army commander to ask the defense commander here, he can tell you more."

Nodding his head, the regiment commander's deep frown did not increase, but it did not ease. Judging from the current situation, the previous intelligence of the Elder's House was not wrong, but there was no information on the development potential. Now, after supplementing, The Military Academy should be able to make a better plan.

After thinking for a while, he continued to ask: "The black-skeleton man is indeed very powerful, otherwise he wouldn't have blocked the canyon tribe where Master Dark Blood is located for so long."

"But don't they have weaknesses?"


After thinking for a while, Xinyun turned his head to look at an area of ​​ashes in front of the line of defense, which were formed by the cremation of the corpse of the black bone man.

Raising her gaze, she saw the hill between the defense line and Yungu Village in the distance. There were black bone men active on the hill, and they were their scouts. At this distance, Xin Yun knew that the black bone man could see herself, but she But he couldn't see the black-boned man clearly.

"If we talk about weakness, maybe it's emotional. Their emotions are easy to fluctuate, and they are affected by the emotions of the group. If they can make most of the group confused and then eliminate the commander, they will be completely scattered."

"This, if you make good use of it, is indeed a method."

Xin Yun nodded in agreement. In the previous battle, everyone took advantage of this, and the battle line was able to resist for so many days. After all, the city wall was just a small ditch to the Black Bones.

"Yes, but this is also a double-edged sword. If the black bone man has a passionate fighting emotion, it will be difficult to control. Yesterday's battle was because the opponent rushed to the city wall under the influence of this emotion, which caused us There's a problem on the front line."

Pausing for a moment, he took off his helmet and combed some strange filaments (hair=.=) at the back of his head. Xinyun shook his tentacles and threw the helmet back and forth in the air, continuing to talk.

"At the end of yesterday's battle, the enemy began to retreat. The people on the wall were actually exhausted, so they couldn't pursue them."

"However, the original people in the trap army suddenly rushed out from the ground. This kind of sudden attack has achieved considerable results. Unfortunately, if there were more people at that time, only as many people as a team would be needed, so now we alone The Wingman team can deal with the remaining remnants."

"However, this tactic has been used once now. In terms of the learning ability of the black bone man, I am afraid it will not be able to produce a big effect. However, those original people did a good job. Although it is not enough to count the army's credit, the reward Still have to be enough."

"In this regard, you can rest assured that the records of battle achievements are the responsibility of the Temple of the Dead and the Shadow Team. After the battle yesterday, the statistics have been submitted to the Military Academy, and the rewards of some members have already been distributed. "

Smiling and pointing to the tower built in the center of the battle line not far away, the legion leader said nonchalantly: "Those guys from the Shadow Squad, ever since they learned the transformation of Master Void, no one can tell where it is."

"Can you think of a scene where a stone you pass by suddenly turns into a human and then gives you an emergency order?" Thinking of this, the legion commander felt a chill, after all, he was the one who encountered such a scene, and it was not long ago. forward.

"Perhaps, that Hell Butterfly on the tower might be someone from the Shadow Team."

"Um, indeed."

Wiping off his cold sweat, Xinyun took a deep look at the Hell Butterfly on the tower. These creatures with toxin attacks have performed well on the battlefield these days, but unfortunately their bodies are too fragile, so we cannot let them Join the frontal battle.

As for the Shadow Squad, although there are quite a few of its members, they are scattered throughout the friend clan. As an organization for monitoring the friend clan in the Elderly House, they are fully Eliminate the possibility of being discovered.

In addition to these members, they are originally the soul level raised by the undead in the undead world. Although the attack only has the spiritual attack ability of the ghost level, they are the highest in terms of concealment and loyalty.

Therefore, the shadow team has become the supervisor of a series of tasks such as collection of dead souls, battlefield statistics, and group patrols.

Ordinary people who don't know the inside story are fine, but as time goes by, because the shadow team is not easy to find, and the reason for the rare occurrence, the high-level people of the friend clan are also getting used to this phenomenon.

Of course, except for those who are not righteous.

As for everyone, the attitude of ignoring the shadow team is exactly what the elders and the members of the shadow team hope. In fact, no one knows how many people the shadow team has, because the number of souls who break through the soul level every year They are all controlled by the court of God, and only a small number of meritorious deeds can see their relatives in the past in a formal capacity.

For these undead, the shadow team is a transit point for them to leave the identity of the undead and return to the real world.

Shaking his head, Xin Yun, who also didn't want to worry too much about the problem of the Shadow Team, retracted his gaze, shaking the armor that started to fluoresce due to the power of the line after the power was input, looking gorgeous and simple, and then put the helmet in his arms , Turning his head to look behind the front line, the neatly placed corpses.

"In fact, most of the casualties, friend or foe, were caused yesterday."

"In order to prevent the enemy from jumping on the city wall again, my team and the Dunjia people worked together to raise the height of the city wall overnight. However, this is only a temporary facility after all. If we really want to solve the problem, we must take the initiative to attack."

"Fortunately, Legion Commander, you came on time. Speaking of which, do you have a battle plan?"

"Don't worry about this aspect. For frontal combat, leave it to our original troops."

Without hesitation, the legion commander patted the long knife on his waist, showing a strong confidence in his words.

Indeed, the Ice Spirit Legion has now all arrived at the Wangxia front, and among them, the four primitive teams of 1200 people who arrived today are also ready to launch an attack at any time according to the plan of the Military Academy.

However, looking at the corpses below the battle line, the legion commander and Xin Yun were not in a good mood.

"In the past few days of fighting, we have lost a total of 3 Yiren, 207 Yuanren, and 92 Dunjiaren. The corpses have been placed and are waiting for relatives to claim them."

These corpses are militiamen of Wangxia City, and most of their relatives are in the town of Wangxia City in the rear, so many corpses have been claimed back.

For the soldiers who died in battle, whether they were ordinary militiamen or others, the government gave generous pensions, and specially designated places in burial areas in various places. Of course, they can also choose by themselves.

However, after all, pensions are just pensions. For the ordinary people of the Peng family, death is a long-term parting.

After the realm of the dead is formed, death is already dead. Let alone how long it takes to become a soul-level existence, even if they break through the soul-level and leave the world of soul-death soon, these soul-level beings will still be busy in various necessary tasks. at work.

In the view of Kong Huan and the others, the degree of pain of the friend family is only a little better than that of human beings when their loved ones die.

After all, they also know that the souls of their loved ones are going to the world of souls, and they may meet by chance one day in the future, but it is not acceptable to completely mix souls with ordinary people. The previous reason is to avoid letting people die in the "first death" mode , and now it has to be added to prevent Shuangyue from finding out.

Sighing, the legion commander rubbed his forehead in some distress, as if he was going to say something, but in the end he just choked out a plausible sentence.

"They are good. At the level of the militia, they can resist so many black bone men's troops, which is enough to be recorded in history."


(End of this chapter)

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