Spore Story

Chapter 430

Chapter 430

September 25, 9 AD in history was a very peaceful day.

On this day, the small problem in the northern part of the Fire Cloud Divine Kingdom of the Black Bone Clan was solved by several true gods together.

The Northern True God, who was formerly in charge of the North and established the Northern Divine Kingdom two years later, faced the invitations and temptations of many True Gods, but in the end unexpectedly chose to self-destruct.

This result was obviously beyond the expectations of many true gods, but it left a strong impression on ordinary people who had only lived in the northern kingdom of God for two years.

Because, in the past two years, although life is still difficult, at least these ordinary people can have their own huts, can work together to build their homes, can not worry about the excessive oppression of the gods under the suppression of the true god, and can work hard for their own pursuits struggle.

Perhaps in the eyes of the friends, the people of the Northern Kingdom of God are still miserable, and the army of the Northern Kingdom of God is trained harshly.But in the eyes of the people of the northern kingdom of God who have gone through wars and come from almost all parts of the black bone kingdom, this is already the most benevolent and happy one among all the black bone kingdoms.

Unfortunately, it only actually existed for two years.

After they wiped out thousands of enemies with their own lives, they had to face the threat of several true gods and the destruction of their own true gods.

History's comments on this northern true god are very complicated. After all, he previously led the Northern Legion of the Fire Cloud Divine Kingdom and fought for the Fire Cloud Divine Kingdom.

After that, he rebelled, he was cruel, he destroyed the Guying Clan, he taught Huo Yunzheng, he...

And the appearance of this true god directly led to the far-reaching and even more controversial "one thought, two wars" that had a profound impact on the Black Bone Race.

However, no matter what happens next, the Kingdom of God in the North, which was announced less than half a year ago, has easily fallen into the dust of history.

Those people and soldiers who were shocked by the self-destruction of the true god finally chose to lay down their weapons after losing their spiritual support.

Then, under the angry and helpless gaze of the True God of the Fire Cloud Divine Kingdom, these people were divided up by several divine kingdoms present.

It can be said that the "Northern Counter-insurgency" war, which was extremely short-lived but far-reaching in its impact, suffered the greatest loss from the Fire Cloud Divine Nation.

After this, the black bone countries further strengthened the management of the true gods that may appear in the country.

The countries that want to have the power of the true god to strengthen their own countries, but do not want to cause the true god to rebel, have begun to reform the domestic true god management system, and completely abolished the previous decree that was upgraded from "Shishen Jianguo" to "True God Jianguo".

At the same time, they also revised the true god system within each country, which directly led to the emergence of the rules of the god system and the division of the power of the true god within the Black Bone Race.

As an ordinary guard captain, Tumu Xun, he has no ability to interfere with the decisions of the true gods, and can only be forced to accept the orders of all the true gods, including separating from his newly married wife and becoming a member of the empty court god kingdom. Common minions.

Also on September 9th, the three major armies of the Shadow Clan stationed in a mountainous area between the Shadow Clan Plain and the Black Forest, waiting for the Dunjia Legion of the Pengzu and the Lingyue Squadron, one of the three major armies, to prepare for the battle against the Black Forest's Black Forest. The skeletons attack.

It was still September 9th, the Longyue team was making preparations (blocking the back road), the Ice Spirit Legion was making preparations (a full-scale attack), and the Black Bones Legion, who was caught between the two but did not know it, was also making preparations. Getting ready (offensive or retreat =.=).

Then, the day just skipped over to September 9th.

"My lord, are you going to attack again today?"

"What if you don't attack?"


The battle on the 13th made Black Bone Commander very angry.

But those soldiers were also in a bad mood. In desperation, he made the decision to take a day off.But today, the investigating soldiers reported that they found a large number of enemy soldiers gathered on the front line.

The word 'enemy soldier' ​​is very different for control.

If it was the kind of short soldier with fingers and claws that looked powerful but was actually vulnerable, he would not be afraid of any number of arrivals; if it was the four-winged monster in the sky, then he might choose to run away.

But after hearing the soldier's narration, he found that what came was a creature whose combat power was stronger than ordinary black bone soldiers, but weaker than the captain of the guard.

"We have more than 3000 people. If we retreat now, it is no longer justified by the true god. At this time, the opponent only has more than 1000 people. Relying on the superiority of numbers, we will eliminate them in one go, and then rely on the reinforcements that go to the defense line to defend the opponent. Wait for the true god. can offset some of the errors."

This is the idea of ​​the ruler, although his subordinates actually don't mind retreating or not, because in this situation, even if they are guilty, the ruler will be punished, and their subordinates are just silent for a while.

But if they continue to attack, they are likely to lose their lives.

But when they reached the battle line and saw the opponent's all-steel armored army, the control actually flinched a little.

However, at this time, the formation was already lined up, and the opponent also abandoned the line of defense, choosing to fight head-on, and there was no way to retreat.

——————The dividing line of the battle between friends—————

Friends history has very little record of this battle:

On September 25th, 9 AD, the northern legion of the Black Bone Kongting God Kingdom, which attempted to invade the Pengzu, confronted the Bingling Legion in front of the Wangxia defense line, and was subsequently wiped out.

But the reality is of course not so simple:
At 10 o'clock in the morning, the two sides lined up.

Friends of the clan [strength 1500], among which 1200 original soldiers are uniformly dressed in steel armor, shining brightly under the bright sun, [morale 100];
Black Bones Fang [strength 3300], all the black bones are dressed in mixed clothes, the formation is scattered, and the weapons are simple, but the morale is not bad, [morale 70].

At 11 am, the battle officially started.

first round
The friends wait for the black bones to attack, intending to defend and counterattack;
Black Bone hesitated, not knowing what decision to make;
So, the time passed a little bit like this, and it drifted to 12 o'clock.

second round
Friends Fang waited for the black bones to attack but failed, and the original troops of the Ice Spirit Army launched an active [charge] in order to go back to have lunch early;
Hei Bone Fang didn't say anything about lunch. Facing the majestic offensive of his friends, he immediately formed a [Shield and Spear] formation in front of the formation, and launched a [Battle Cry], intending to make a defensive counterattack.

the round

Friends: [Attack +10%] [Morale +10];
Black Bones: [ground defense +30%] [morale +0].

After a few minutes:

Round three
The 300 Wingmen of the Xinyun team, who were in the sky on the side of the friends, went through the clouds and launched a [Flying Stone Rain] attack on the black-skeleton men before the original troops rushed to the black-skeleton army.

Because the Black Bone Race adopts a defensive formation against the ground troops, it is impossible to disperse the personnel scattered. Facing the flying stone rain in the sky, the soldiers can only use various simple shields, or actively evade, which eventually leads to the negative effect of [chaos] in the team State, unable to act this round.

the round

Friends: [morale +30];
Black Bones: [Strength -388] [Morale -30].

A few minutes later:

Fourth round
The party-winged troops of the friend tribe continued to use [Flying Stone Rain]; the original troops on the ground, when they were about to approach the front of the black bone formation, suddenly split into two lanes, bypassing the opponent's frontal defense, and using the [flank attack] tactic to attack The two sides of the black bone square launched [Assault], and the soul-level members were in the front of the formation as the main force of the assault.

The Black Skeleton Man Commander and the Primordial Gods had just used the [Threat] skill to get the soldiers out of the chaotic state. Faced with the enemy's unexpected flanking tactics, the defense in front of the formation immediately loosened, and the ordinary soldiers on both sides began to attack. Form defenses spontaneously.

the round

Friends: [Attack +20%] [Morale +5];
Black Bones: [Strength -277] [Ground Defense -10%] [Morale -3].

Fifth round
The soul-level original person, the forward of the friends tribe, used [cluster mental shock] to quickly break through the outer defense line of the black bone tribe, and fully charged into the interior of the black bone tribe.At this time, in order to avoid accidentally injuring teammates, the winged troops in the sky began to throw all the remaining flying stones into the middle of the Black Bone Race formation, accidentally producing the [Flying Stone Critical Strike] effect.

The Black Bone Fang hastily mobilized Shishen to [reinforcement] to the two wings, and the troops on the two wings quickly squeezed the friend soldiers who rushed into the interior. The 500 commanding troops behind the Black Bone Clan also began to move, ready to activate the [Suppression] skill.

the round

Friends: [Strength -57];
Black Bone Race: [Strength -517];
Sixth round
The Pengzu winged troops quickly returned to the Wangxia defense line to replace the [Bow and Arrow for Protracted War] equipment, and the ground barbarian troops did not rush into the core of the Black Bone Race battle formation, but launched a [nibble] tactic like a knife cutting flesh on the edge , at the same time, the armored troop underground began to use the [Rotating Excavation] skill, quickly approaching the bottom of the Black Bone Race.

The Black Bones side, on the other hand, breathed a sigh of relief after losing the threat of the Sky Winged Men. Facing the encroaching tactics of the original people on the ground and the increasing losses of the Shishen troops, the commander chose [shrink the defense line].

the round

Friends: [Strength -109];
Black Bones: [Strength -531] [Ground Defense +30%] [Morale -5];
Round [-]
Seeing that the loss of their own troops began to increase, the head of the legion decisively ordered the troops to gather on both sides, and then began to adopt the [squeeze] tactic of battle formation oppression from the northeast and southeast.At the same time, the Dunjia troop crossed the ground of the Black Bones Legion, moving behind the Black Bones Legion first, and the Winged Man team also flew over;
Faced with the enemy's coercion and the loss of a large number of soldiers on their own side, the commander of the Black Bone Legion had no choice but to choose [retreat slowly]. A complete rout].

the round

Friends: [strength -11] [morale +10];
Black Bones: [Strength -101] [Morale returns to 0];
—————Comprehensive pursuit of the dividing line—————


Facing the fleeing black-boned troops, the Pengzu original army began to charge in an all-round way, in order to exert their strongest combat power and kill all the black-boned soldiers along the way.

"Legion Commander, wouldn't this turn into a rout? Why kill them all?"

The communication in the mental connection made the chasing legion leader feel helpless. He shook his head, slashed and killed the black bone soldier who was already trembling with fright, and frowned in some trouble.

There is no sense of accomplishment in killing such a defenseless soldier.

"The whole army takes the team as a unit, attack from the left and right wings, don't let them disperse into the left and right forests!"

After quickly notifying all the original team leaders through the mental power network, the army leader stopped and raised the blood-stained long knife in front of him.

However, the dark red blood did not cause him any reaction, after all, my friend's blood was light blue.

With a slight flick, the red liquid fell to the ground along the simple blood groove on the long knife.

"It is indeed a rout. The previous team also showed that it is still difficult for us to eat these black bone men in one bite. Don't worry, the south is prepared."

After finishing speaking, the legion leader looked at the troops that had been divided according to the beginning, and divided them into four batches to stop the Yuanren team from the left and right, and turned his gaze back to the Wingman team passing in the sky.

The Wingman troops will be responsible for chasing from the rear, while the Yuanren team will nibble and intercept on both sides, preventing these black bone men from scattering.

However, this will also provide the leader among the black-boned men with an opportunity to gather troops.

Friends, however, are not worried.

"Remember what I said earlier?"

"Don't worry, I, Lujia, have more than ten years of hunting experience, and I haven't missed a shot yet."

The sniper Xinxian curled his lips for these wingmen who were said to be good at shooting, picked out from the conscripts, but he did not ask these soldiers to have their own skills, as long as they can guarantee the general accuracy.

Besides, he was not interested in chatting with these soldiers.

"Here we come! Everyone prepare!"

The figure of the black-skeleton man appeared on the horizon in the distance. The sniper set up his giant crossbow and began to look for the target, while a dozen soldiers beside him eagerly put their arrows on the medium-sized crossbow.

Among the crossbows of the Pengzu, the giant crossbow has a range of 1000 meters. Of course, that is a distance with low accuracy. Xinxian likes to snipe at a distance of about 600 meters.

The accuracy of the medium-sized steel crossbow at a range of 600 meters is not bad, but because of the size of the bow and arrow, it is easy to flutter, so it is used as an ordinary soldier, and the effective range is also calibrated to 300 meters.

"Bastard! Don't run around!"

"Come closer to me! You are only looking for death if you run around!"

Facing the sudden change in the situation, and never expecting that he would encounter such a control, he was already desperate.

But after discovering that the soldiers around him started to move closer under the pressure of the enemy, a glimmer of hope suddenly appeared in his heart, and he began to bring his 500 personal guards to gather these defeated soldiers.

And as the ruler of the peak of the Beginning God, he also used his huge spiritual power to command the soldiers who could hardly hear what he and others said through spiritual communication.

The communication directed at the brain had a very good effect, although the emotional problems of the black bones made them easy to lose their calm and run around in such chaotic scenes.But on the one hand, the squeeze of friends made them have to stay in the group all the time, and the spiritual power communication of several Shishen, such as Tong Zhi, also adopted a piece-by-piece method.

Finally, when they reached a high ground, the Black Bone Troop, which had calmed down and had only about 1000 people left, stopped.

However, they didn't stay for long. After quickly letting Shishen take control of the troops, the more than 1000 black-skeleton troops began to flee to the south along the mountain road.

But at this time, the sniper team flying in mid-air had already aimed at the commander.



Accompanied by a sine sound, more than a dozen flying arrows slanted downward from the sky and rushed towards the obvious target of the black bone control place.

With the help of mental power beyond the sensing range of ordinary Shishen, the control quickly pulled a soldier over his head, making more than a dozen medium-sized bows and arrows disappear, but at this moment, the giant crossbow arrow passed through the soldier's body, from Domination overhead piercing...

(End of this chapter)

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