Spore Story

Chapter 431 A Peaceful and Unreal Daily Life

Chapter 431 A Peaceful and Unreal Daily Life

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The drizzle of autumn, when washing the earth, also shrouded the world in a haze, adding some mystery to it.

Standing on the edge of the farmland outside Pengcheng, Kong Huan looked at the dense crops in front of him and the lush forest around the crops. Did his heart fluctuate a few times, and gradually fell silent.

【Hungry plant mission completed, get rewards. 】

After confirming the reward, he closed the task interface, and Kong Huan waved his hand to disperse the clouds in the sky, and the bright sunlight swayed on the ground, warming up the cold atmosphere before, and warming his silent heart.

Flying back to Pengcheng, he landed at the gate of the outer city of Pengcheng. Along the main road of the outer city, he walked towards the elders' house in the inner city.

In order to have enough civilization points to support the research mode that consumes more and more nowadays, Konghuan has to complete some tasks from time to time in order to achieve a balance between the acquisition of civilization points and the consumption of task modes. In fact, it is empty illusion, but what he does is not big, and there is no fixed, but it makes people always feel that empty illusion is lazy.

Of course, Kong Huan didn't mind this, but because the research consumed too many civilization points, he couldn't consider upgrading the civilization control center at all.

However, most of the research of the Pengzu has been handed over to [Technology Bureau], [Priest School], [Military Department], [Private Laboratory], [Factory Research Department] and other departments. The main role is to put forward theoretical research, so that the development of the Pengzu can always be maintained at a high speed.

Just like the inner and outer city of Pengcheng, the outer city is all reinforced concrete buildings made of cement, with running water suspended in the air and the sewer system forming a labyrinth underground.

And in order to reduce the compressed area of ​​the forest, the concrete buildings in the outer city have begun to appear with three or four floors...

However, for the sake of safety, most of these 'tall buildings' are only commercial buildings, and the residential buildings are still a two-story independent courtyard model.

In this regard, because the natural area is not much compressed, and Pengzu has been doing greening work, both Shuangyue and 8051 said that they don't have to worry about them being unhappy.

As for the inner city, because there are Youshen levels all the time, they don't pay much attention to the construction.

All kinds of ancient houses are mixed and intertwined here, including wood, cement, brick, tree house, basement and even thatched house. The architectural style of these houses is completely determined by the hobbies of their owners.

For example, the houses built on the ground in the elders' home in Pengcheng include ordinary concrete houses for Kong Huan himself, tree houses on ancestral trees for Chu Ling, cement compartments imitating rock caves for Xiao Lingyun, and Homes in various other categories abound.

In this regard, the elders' house fully considers the personal preferences of the elders without any restrictions. Even if there is a reason, it is not impossible to create a temporary suspended house.

Of course, if you want a long-term hanging house, you have to wait for the research on the floating mountain to be successful.

Walking on the streets of Pengcheng, the various attitudes of passers-by attract illusory eyes.

The businessman lying lazily on the counter, the waiter running between the tables, the fur ball jumping on the shoulders of passers-by, the carpenter waving tools, the old man sitting on the side of the road looking at the sky, the children running and playing, queuing up A family of net rabbits passing by, students arguing about their studies and life, workers sweeping the road, humming and humming camel dragons dragging goods, city affairs bureau personnel patrolling in the sky, hell butterflies following the patrolling wingman , a boy (girl) chasing a tearful girlfriend (boyfriend), a group of armored men...

There's even...

"Ah! How come there are two spirits?"

Kong Huan rubbed his eyes speechlessly. These eyes have already been energized, but because the whole body has not been fully energized, and temporarily unable to control the energy, a bunch of energy rays will emerge from the eye sockets from time to time.

Looking at the two spirits in front of him who are 100% spiritual beings in terms of energy, body shape, appearance, and telepathy, not some boring friend who has transformed into two spirits using transfiguration, he looks around suspiciously.

At this time, the two spirits were at a loss, surrounded by passers-by.

Although the quality of the passers-by in Pengcheng is pretty good, and they didn't make any moves to block the two people's way, but the situation of walking all the way and being watched all the way obviously made the two spirits feel extremely troubled, and they leaned close to each other as if He moved forward cautiously like a weak spirit, but unfortunately, the sturdy body of the spirit man made the scene peaceful.

However, there are not many expressions on their faces, because judging the emotions of a spirit person is based on the fluctuation of mental power, not the eyes like a friend.

At this time, the two spirits finally seemed to be unable to bear it any longer, and began to speed up their pace.

From their military actions, Kong Huan finally saw some clues, and then patted his forehead depressingly.

"It's the Moon Spirit, how could I have forgotten."

In fact, Kong Huan should have thought of this a long time ago. If it wasn’t for the moon spirits, let’s not talk about how ordinary spirits would appear in Pengcheng. Well, friends don't have a good impression of spirits.

Just look at the middle-aged and elderly people who have participated in the Pengling war on the side of the road. Their eyes are watching the two moon spirits all the time. If the other party didn't make any threatening moves, they would even look very hurt. Temperament, coupled with the fact that it is no longer a time of war, these veterans may have chopped these two into meat sauce.

"However, it's not the right time for the Moon Spirit to walk on the street like this."

Rubbing his forehead, Kong Huan looked around, but he couldn't help being a little annoyed when he didn't find the staff he assigned to take care of the Moon Spirits. These guys are too dereliction of duty.

Although since the two moon spirits were born, I have said that I want them to get used to the life of the friends, and try to get in touch with the friends, so as to strengthen the friends' control over them.But it was obviously too early for the only two Yueling people to walk on the street so early. At least the government should issue a notice to inform the public.

Going forward to grab the two poor Moon Spirit people, Kong Huan nodded to the friends around him, motioning for everyone to disperse.

When seeing Kong Huan, the most important thing was Kong Huan's energetic appearance, the friends around him temporarily dispelled their curiosity, as for the vigilant old people, they nodded to Kong Huan and stopped paying attention.

Although, because of the large number of people in Pengcheng, not everyone knows Kong Huan anymore, but everyone can still feel the affinity of Kong Huan and the strength shown by the energy of his body.

"Let's go, why did you run out?"

"Kahei (Master Konghuan), the air controller, Guogeguda... (Let's come out...)."

"Uh, stop!"

For the two moon spirits, apart from the two friends who were in charge of supervising and taking care of them, and a few guards guarding the breeding lair, the most familiar ones were illusory.

Because at the beginning, this plan was proposed by Kong Huan, and Kong Huan often went to the lair to check the progress, and he was also very concerned about the education of the two moon spirits.

However, Kong Huan still felt very helpless about the pronunciation of the moon spirit man.

"Forget it, you should use your mental strength to say it."

Rubbing his forehead helplessly, although the spirit man's voice can read some pinyin, it is really difficult to combine them. Up to now, the two moon spirit men who are the only two moon stars have made their friends who teach them frown all day long.

In desperation, everyone just thought of letting the other party communicate with the same spiritual power as the friends.

(Isn’t this just that, except for changing the language of spiritual power, is it no different from other spirit people?) This can only be said to be a helpless move. Kong Huan patted the two of them to signal to follow, and then asked through spiritual power: “You How could you run out?"

"Chief Zhishu asked us to go out to buy things." In terms of mental strength, Yue Lingren is obviously much better.


Kong Huan felt powerless again, (That guy, did he treat these two moon spirits as servants?)

"Forget it, you should go back first, and don't walk on the street in the future. By the way, tell Zhishu that you must apply if you want to come out in the future."


Not wanting to get too entangled in these illusions, after taking the two harmless moon spirits out of the lair, he checked the leisurely breeding insects in the lair, turned around and continued walking towards the elders' house.

The Moon Spirit Man Project is a plan proposed by Kong Huan to control the Spirit Race, and its nature is the same as that of the Black Bones Man Plan.

However, the plan of the black bone man is to destroy the black bone man race, which poses a great threat to the friends, is difficult to control, and most importantly has great potential; while the moon spirit plan is to control the spirit race within In the hands of the friends, it will take a lot of time for the spirits to become a subordinate branch of the friends.

Of course, Kong Huan and the others are very clear that neither the Moon Spirit Man project nor the Black Skeleton Man project can be solved in the short term by stealing a few breeding nests and fighting a few wars.

For the friends who are still planetary civilizations, to destroy civilized species like the Black Bones, war is obviously only an auxiliary method.

Thinking about it, Kong Huan came to the gate of the elders' house.

"Stop and don't run!"


"It's just a drop, it doesn't hurt!"


"Oh heh heh! Do you think you can outrun me?"



As soon as I walked to the gate of the elders' house, I heard the funny sound of 8051 and Shuangyuebuhexi coming from inside. Judging from the sound, the evil Queen 8051 is launching a powerful attack on the weak and pitiful little Shuangyue loli. Lily Offensive...

In this regard, Justice Konghuan stated that it must impose a strong and inhuman onlooker to let 8051 recover from this abnormal state.

So, Kong Huan opened the door of the Elder's House recklessly, and walked in without hesitation.

After a few minutes……

Dark Blood, who just came back from the Military Academy, has a pair of eyes exuding light blue energy light, looks at the battle report in her hand from time to time, and hums a beautiful melody all the way, showing that she is in a pretty good mood. At this time, She was walking slowly towards the elders' house.

The performance of the Pengzu in Wangxia City this time is not bad. Whether it is the combat power of the militia, the command of the chief officer, the trap of the Dunjia people, and the final finish of the main force, they all show the strength of the Pengzu army. This made her very satisfied as the first head of the military academy of the friend clan.

Of course, some flaws are inevitable.

Therefore, now they need to find out and solve these flaws, so that they can better face the enemy in the future, and let the fighting power of the friends be raised to a higher level.

So, after receiving these detailed reports, Dark Blood excitedly brought the battle report to the Elder's House.

Of course, in addition to looking for flaws, the subsequent battle may encounter the true god of the black-boned man, so the people from the elders' house must also be dispatched for one reason.

After all, even though he knew that Chu Xia could resist these weak true gods, how could the Youshens of the Presbyterian House do nothing?After all, it was said before that the entire race must be trained by this war.

It has to be said that these guys from the Pengzu seem to have acquired some of the bad qualities of the devil.

Turning a corner, Dark Blood came to the gate of the Elder's House.

Then, she stretched out her hand with part of the skin that had begun to energize to the gate of the elders' house that needed to be pushed open...

"Shuangyue, run! I'm covering!"

"Quack, you can't escape, just accept my punishment obediently!"

"Hmph, no matter how I say it, I'm still an elder, how can I be overwhelmed by your lustful power!"


"Oh, wan-wei! Is that so? Then, go to hell!"


Dark Blood took a few steps back, and the door of the Elder's House was smashed open from the inside. Before confirming that the shadow that smashed the door was an illusion, her first thought was (So the door of the Elder's House can still be opened from the inside. )
Then, she felt her calf being grabbed.

"What! Let go!"

"Dark Blood! Help! 8051 is gone!"

"It's none of my business?"

At this time, a slender hand suddenly stretched out from the door, like a lover's caress, gently holding the empty tail.

Then, accompanied by an evil laugh, Void's tail suddenly straightened.

And then……

"Help me! We will never watch again!..."

Kong Huan screamed and disappeared at the door.

The dark blood with a calm expression looked at the tragic scratches on the hands on the ground, and the little double-moon girl who suddenly rushed past the door with a lot of strange patterns on her face, put her hands on the door, and then gently With a push, the door closed again.

"It must be the wrong way for me to open the door. Open it again."

Changing the way of pushing the door from the outside, Dark Blood gently pulled the door and opened it from the inside to the outside. There seemed to be a sound of breaking from the door hinge, which made Dark Blood pause in confusion.

But just when she wanted to observe the composition of the door hinge, there was another tragic roar from inside the door.

"Wait, the tentacles are about to break!" A cupped, illusory voice.

"Crack." Shuangyue's voice.

"Don't worry, it's better to break the top than the bottom! Oh hehehe." The voice of the evil 8051.

"No, no matter the top or the bottom, you can't break it. Those are just for your own future happiness... ah!" A certain life-or-death voice said.

"It's broken." Shuangyue's voice.

"..." seems to be 8051's silence.

He froze at the door for a moment, the dark blood was already red from his neck to the top of his head, he blinked calmly, took a few steps back, and slammed the door hard, not paying attention to the tragic roar and the painful moan of the door hinge.

Continuing to take a few steps back, she thought for a while and said deceivingly.

"It seems that the problem is not the method of opening the door, but the wrong time. I'd better go and rest."

A few minutes later...

The chaotic elders' house has regained its tranquility, and the peaceful atmosphere seems to have been flowing in the elders' house, and under the ancestral tree that has always been growing, beside the stone table that has always been there, the tea set that has been placed all the time is smoldering. Steaming hot.

Of course, this peaceful atmosphere would be even more perfect if one ignores the already artistically half-outside, half-inside gate at the gate.

"So, it's just a punishment for playing games?"

"Yeah." Nodding X3
So the reality is so cruel. After knowing the reality, Dark Blood felt stupid.

"Isn't it just playing backgammon? You actually played it like a world war."

"Who made 8051 so devoted?"

Still rubbing the swollen and wet tentacles, Wu Huan depressedly wrapped warm water around the poor tentacle with his thoughts, and through the squeeze of his thoughts, let the soft warm water soothe the pain on it.

As for the tail that was used by 8051 as an arresting tool before, it has been dangling and placed on the waist by Kong Huan at this time, so as not to be caught again.

And it seems that because Kong Huan made her a scapegoat, Shuangyue, who is grateful to Kong Huan, is squatting on Kong Huan's side with a small face, gently blowing the tail on Kong Huan's leg with her small mouth ...the finger-shaped red mark on it.

This scene obviously made 8051 envious and jealous.

At this moment, her white, smooth and culprit hand was pointing at Kong Huan's neck one by one, as if planning to divert the attack target.

Fortunately, 8051 still had some self-control and didn't really attack.

But seeing this scene alone was enough to make Dark Blood break into a cold sweat as he was unaware of the illusion.

"I would like to admit defeat, Shuangyue, there are still two strokes short, and the cute little rabbit face is finished." (Are you sure that's not a cat? Dark Blood Tucao ==)

Hearing the voice of 8051, Shuangyue trembled unnaturally, then stared at a pair of big pure eyes, grabbed Kong Huan's tail with both hands, turned behind Kong Huan, and a human shield appeared again.


Seeing this scene, 8051 was speechless for a while, and immediately turned his target to Void: "Your crab is still missing two pincers." (Hey, isn't this a lobster? Dark blood continues to complain ==)

Facing the gaze of 8051, Kong Huan swallowed his saliva, and subconsciously shook his tail. Unexpectedly, he accidentally hit the mischievous Shuangyue's mouth, which was blowing at this time, and immediately let the poor little Loli's eyes were filled with water mist.

After a while of scrambling, the screen reverted to a scene where Kong Huan and 8051 were sitting opposite each other, Shuang Yue was hiding behind Kong Huan, and Dark Blood was sitting between them watching a play. (PS: There is still a backgammon endgame on the table =. =)

(Why do we feel that it's like a husband and wife competing for a daughter who loves a perverted father, and we are the mediator? Dark blood complains as always==)

At this moment, Kong Huan's eyes lit up, and he turned to look at Dark Blood.

(No, could it be that I was heard? Impossible?)

"By the way, Dark Blood, you came to see us at this time, is there something important?"

How serious and serious Kong Huan's eyes should be at this time, as if everyone is not sitting in the elders' house for leisure, but sitting in the highest war command center of the friends, commanding the ever-changing battlefield. (Obviously a change of subject.)
It's a pity that the big crab pattern on his face is more clear and full of joy under the light of the energy light that emerges from time to time.

"Damn it, you're ignoring me!"

At this time, 8051 has a cross on the forehead.

"Unreal, dangerous."

Covering her small mouth, Shuangyue hid behind Kong Huan, blinking her big eyes painted as rabbit faces, and said so.

Continue to have a loving daily life.

(End of this chapter)

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