Spore Story

Chapter 432 Military Issues and the Mahjong Girl

Chapter 432 Military Issues and the Mahjong Girl

"Damn it! 8051 hits hard."

Kong Huan opened his eyes again, and what he saw was a peaceful sky and cloud jellyfish floating leisurely in the sky.

At this time, a shadow will envelop the illusion.

"That's not why you always make 8051 angry on purpose."

The shadow produced dark blood and sat calmly at the side, drinking tea as if there was no one else around, but the corners of the raised mouth clearly pointed out the other party's schadenfreude.

Turning his head to look around, Kong Huan found that he was carrying Shuangyue who had already cleaned his face, abandoned backgammon, and played something called mahjong.

(Do you want to change your job as a mahjong girl?)

Kong Huan was a little confused. As for the problem of mahjong requiring four players, it didn't seem to be a problem for those two.

Looking at the two faint figures of unknown creatures on the table, Kong Huan knew what was going on.

Although Shuangyue looks very lolita, it is still a major part of the will of the planet. It is very easy to create a few temporary creatures occasionally, to give each other thinking and even life. (Although it is a temporary creature used to play mahjong? Is it a mahjong creature?)

However, there are limits to the lifespan and self-awareness of such creatures.

The reason for this situation is different between the two: 8051 is unable to produce real natural life due to lack of strength and mastery; while Shuangyue stubbornly adheres to the rules and has the ability, but does not create that kind of natural life .

However, from the fact that Shuangyue and 8051 each created a temporary life to play mahjong with them, it can be seen that the rules that Shuangyue little Lolita adheres to seem a bit problematic. (This is not a bit of a situation ==#)

"By the way, why don't you go play?"

Looking suspiciously at the dark blood beside him, Kong Huan asked his own question.

"The creations of both of them are obviously biased toward the creator, so I will break the balance, so I won't be so stupid." Dark Blood curled his lips: "Besides, I came here for business, anyway, I won't be waiting for you Wake up, no, just to wait for you to wake up, and then talk to you about this thing, yes, that's it."

Looking at the stack of reports slammed in front of him, Kong Huan didn't pay attention to the incoherent dark blood, and started to look through it.

"Wangxia front summary report?"


He raised the teacup in his hand and tasted it. Dark Blood took a deep breath and seemed to have calmed down and added: "The Military Academy has its own plans regarding pensions, military exploits, rewards, and tactical adjustments. What we have to do , just to learn about the details of the black-boned man, and prepare for departure at the same time."

"Really, the fight is really not bad," Flipping through the report in his hand, Kong Huan responded to Dark Blood's words: "But Dark Blood is better at you in terms of warfare."

"It's a fact," Darkblood accepted unceremoniously. "During the Battle of Wangxia, all departments performed well. The result of annihilating 5000 black-skeleton men is enough to make these guys happy."

"Of course, this is just the beginning. They are also adjusting the future battle plan based on this information."

"However, there are still many problems."

"what is the problem?"

Putting down the report, Kong Huan raised his head and looked at Dark Blood. For specific issues, Kong Huan, who didn't pay much attention to this battle, couldn't get it from the report.

Now, Kong Huan no longer interferes with the specific work of the friends, and only influences the friends in the general direction through the elders' house. Even the problems at this time, Kong Huan is more inclined to let the military academy find out by itself. He doesn't mind being called lazy or incompetent for a long time.

Of course, this doesn't prevent Void and Dark Blood from discussing some useful situations to fill in the gaps for the Military Academy.

Gathering his mind, Dark Blood looked back at the two people who were ping-pong-ping the pitiful mahjong, and continued: "There are three main problems this time."

Stretching out three fingers, Dark Blood turned to the last page of the report with a smile, and handed a large pile of messy notes to Kong Huan.

From those familiar handwriting, Kong Huan can recognize that this is Darkblood's cursive script (in fact, he himself is also like this=.=).

"First, there is the issue of border defense. Our border force configuration is very unreasonable, and we have not set up an external monitoring system, so we didn't find out until the Black Bones invaded Yungu Village this time. This is because there have been Black Bones In the case of mobile warning."

"Think about it, if the black-skeleton men move in one go and attack in an all-round way, the Wangxia defense line won't last long at all."

"In this regard, we rely too much on 8051."

He turned his head and nodded to 8051 who turned his head and looked over in doubt when he heard the two talking about himself. Dark Blood ignored Shuangyue Luoli who was peeking at 8051's hole cards, and continued: "It's not that 8051 can't do it, but As a species, as a civilized race, we cannot hope for anything in just one place."

To this, Kong Huan nodded deeply.

Nothing can be perfect, and he believes that after this incident, it will obviously not be easy for the enemy to raid the border of the friends in the future.

Just like with the War of Friends, the friends have almost no loopholes in the underground monitoring, and now, apart from the Black Bone Raid, the Military Academy can also do a good job of coordinating defense.

"The discussion on establishing a [temple monitoring system] at the border, they should have already started."

"Yes, because the Harvest of the Revenant has shadow troops, the court of God is already discussing the relocation of the partially duplicated Temple of the Revenant, and the most important location will be used as a monitoring agency."

Talking about dead souls not far from the will of the planet obviously makes both dark blood and emptiness feel a little exciting, but Shuangyue little loli doesn't know that the two are talking about dead souls below the soul level, and 8051 has long known and has no idea don't care.

So this seemingly thrilling, but actually trouble-free action is nothing more than an evil taste of dark blood and illusion.

"The second question is the mobilization of troops. There should be a clear timetable for the speed of mobilization of troops in various places, the time for expansion training, etc. This time, many times, it was because of the different mobilization of troops. Some confusion."

Speaking of this, Darkblood seemed a little indignant.

"If the speed of the Bingling Army can be faster, there is no need for Wangxia civilian soldiers to resist the regular black-skeleton army; if the Longyue team is faster in the later stage, there will be no Ice Spirit Army chasing the black-skeleton remnant soldiers and running out After more than ten kilometers, the situation where we worked together with the Longyue team to annihilate appeared..."

"Of course, there is no way we can solve this."

After venting his dissatisfaction, Dark Blood quickly recovered.

Picking up the teacup in his hand again, he narrowed his eyes slightly and looked at 8051 and Shuangyue who were arguing not far away. The two creatures created for playing mahjong sat there without saying a word.

(It seems that temporary creatures do not necessarily all favor their creators, tea~~)

"Although Bai Min's technical bureau technology has not made a breakthrough, relying on the existing technology, they have been able to establish a combination of [magnetic field communication] as a medium and long-distance communication method and [mental power communication network] as a short-range command method. , similar to the [information-based command system] of the human army in the previous life."

"As long as the Military Academy cooperates with the Technology Bureau, the system should be able to mature within three years."

"Of course," Darkblood continued with a smile, "The most important thing is to let the soldiers get used to it."

"Oh, in this way, the Pengzu has entered the information army."

Smiling, he drew a long line with a pencil on the note on the report that said this situation, Kong Huan was very satisfied with this situation.

However, Dark Blood curled his lips at this: "It's just command informationization. In terms of lethality, the Pengzu's army is still at the stage of cold weapons. Although due to the quality of the Pengzu itself, these cold weapons are not lethal. Weaker than the human weapons that have just entered the mechanized age, but there are not as many friends as humans."

"Okay, then there is the third question, the problem of troop conflict caused by physical factors."

A piece of mahjong flew past Anxue's eyes, and Anxue didn't even blink his eyes. After taking a sip of tea, he put the mahjong captured by his thoughts back on the table of 8051 and Shuangyue.

In this regard, Kong Huan could only look at the two planetary wills in "Mahjong field is like a battlefield" with black lines all over his head. Are you children?
Then, he decisively looked away and continued to listen to Dark Blood's narration.

"Now the army is in the form of a team and a legion. Although there are Dunjiaren, Yuanren, and Yiren, they are only on the scale of the cliff."

"But from the situation of this battle and the exercise in the fantasy world some time ago, it can be seen that this situation is very unreasonable. Because when it is transferred, this kind of command organization will cause confusion due to the physical reasons of the three types of people. After all, in an emergency Under such circumstances, the Yiren's emergency support speed is obviously much faster than the Yuanren; and in the underground offensive, the Dunjiaren have an irreplaceable advantage."

"Besides, it's not easy for Dunjia people to accept orders from the ground when fighting underground."

"Is that so, I have a suggestion." With the growth of this life, the thinking patterns of the two of them have changed a lot. Kong Huan put his tail back in front of his body and said, "Yingren, The original people and the Dunjia people can set up separate military branches, just like the air force, army, ground army, etc., you should think so, right?"

"It's almost the same, but..."

Pausing for a while, Dark Blood continued: "The method of emptiness is one method, but there is another method, which is to form a battle formed by the fusion of Yiyiren, Yuanren, and Dunjiaren after the [Information Command System] is completed. unit."

"That was way ahead of its time."

"Huh? How to say."

Being refuted before explaining, Anxue drank the green tea in his hand, but stared straight at Konghuan, obviously a little dissatisfied.

"Well, be gentle with your eyes. I just said it was ahead of the curve, but I didn't say it was bad."

After softening unscrupulously, Kong Huan caught Shuangyue flying from the direction of the mahjong table, put her in his arms, rubbed his small face as a sign of punishment, and then handed it over to the black air standing beside Kong Huan 8051 hands, and then said to Dark Blood.

"Think about it, let's not say that the establishment of the [Information Command System] will take at least three years, and it will obviously take longer to complete the command system, but in the past few years, our friends have been troubled."

"Without the support of an informationized command system, the combat units you mentioned will probably have similar effects to the current army and legion system, right?"


Although he really didn't want to admit it, Dark Blood found that he had indeed neglected the intermediate period in which the command system was formed.It's okay if it's peacetime, but now the Pengzu is in wartime, and every detail must be paid attention to.

"Right, so I said that yours is a bit advanced, and it can be used temporarily by the three-armed system."

"Well, I admit that this is a bit advanced, but it's always okay to study in advance."

"Of course not. Advanced is reserved for future use. Research and research are definitely necessary, huh."

Ignoring the dark-blooded Tsundere, Kong Huan smiled and picked up the little loli who was forced to draw a big cross on his face because he was handed over to 8051 by Kong Huan. , and then continue the story.

"So, now we can propose to the Military Academy to retain the formation of the team, but after purification, set up the [Wing Army] of the Wingmen, the [Army] of the Yuanren, the [Dunjun] of the Dunjiaren, and even the [Wing Army] of the Moonlingren in the future. [Spirit Army] Four military branches."

"During wartime, it can be mobilized more flexibly and conveniently."

"Okay, I will inform the Military Academy about this."

"Um, so, is there any question? Hiss!"

Shuangyue, who was put down by 8051 at some point, stomped heavily on the hollow of the tail, and glared gloomily at the little loli who showed no sign of weakness.

Of course, generally speaking, those who lose are poor illusions.

Regarding this, Dark Blood ignored the attitude: "The other details will be resolved by the Military Academy itself. The rest is to make preparations. We need to leave for the south."


Stopping his movements, Kong Huan turned his head to look at 8051: "8051, how are those black-skeleton troops now? It's mainly their true gods."

Hearing Kong Huan's question, 8051 paused for a moment, still holding the little loli in his arms, and conjured up a tail behind him, and was having a great time playing at the moment.

After the empty illusion and the dark blood had eaten the third piece of snack, 8051 opened his eyes again: "As for the Black Bones, both sides of the east canyon and the west black forest have calmed down, and there are five people on the east. True God, there are four True Gods on the Western Front, and there are three True Gods within the Black Bone Clan."

"What about the signs of mobilization? Have you found that the Black Bones Legion has been destroyed by us? Are there any signs of a large-scale attack?"

Regarding the details, 8051 can't investigate more clearly, and she can only analyze the other party's situation from the general distribution of black-skeleton people. When she heard the illusory question, she thought for a while and said.

"Both sides seem to be training troops, but the signs of attack are not very obvious, but the three Shadow Clan legions outside the black forest in the west have signs of mobilization."

"I have received a notification about this," Dark Blood seemed to have remembered the relevant matter at this time, and hastily added: "Chu Xia has notified the Military Academy in the morning that the Shadow Clan will take advantage of the black-boned people's internal affairs before the official attack." In the midst of chaos, launch a large-scale assassination operation to prepare for the subsequent battle."

"Really? Speaking of which, should we also mobilize some Shadow Clan people on the Eastern Front to assassinate the Black Bones Fang for future actions?"

The illusory idea is that if there are Shadow Clan people on the Eastern Front, and when the people in the Presbyterian Court suppress the opponent's True God, they will assassinate the commanders of the opponent Shishen and the Captain of the Guards, which will obviously have a good effect on the subsequent attacks of the Friends Effect.

However, Dark Blood shook his head.

"Someone in the Military Academy also proposed this, but it was rejected."


In this regard, it was so illusory that there was no excitement of being rejected before Dark Blood.

"It's simple."

Dark Blood waved two fingers in front of Kong Huan, and then said calmly: "If we on the Eastern Front can't deal with the enemy by ourselves, and ask the Shadow Clan to help, what will the Shadow Clan think of our 'God Clan'?"

"What kind of God Clan, don't you need our help? In such a situation, how can you control them?"

"So, what is important is that in this battle, we must show the strength of our friends, the overwhelming strength. In this way, we can be in a dominant position in the future wars. Isn't this also your proposal to garrison the Lingyue team? Is it because it is not far from Shadow Clan?"

"Isn't there still Chu Xia?" 8051 interjected: "Now the spread of Thunder God belief in Shadow Clan can no longer be stopped."

"Religion is just a means. To be safe, we must put our friends in a detached position, but this detached position requires not only personal support, but also overall strength, so that it can last for a long time."

Now that the tone has been set, Kong Huan and the others will no longer talk about this issue.

From the perspective of the friends, to deal with the true gods of the Youshen level, only the elders of the same Youshen level can be dispatched. After all, except for Chu Jie, none of the righteous gods of the Shenting can leave the realm of the temple.

It used to be said that the Youshen level does not move, to exercise and test the strength of ordinary soldiers; now it has become the Yinshen level, to exercise and test the strength of the elders of Youshen.Should it be said that it is self-inflicted?

"So, my idea is that I, Konghuan, Lingxue, Chu Ling, and Lingyun go to the east front to be in charge of the true god there; Liuyun, Warhammer, Bai Nong, and Lingyue go to the west front to be in charge of the true god there, Watch the Ministry of Development and Reform, so stay in Pengcheng."

"This is really respectful of the Black Bone Race. One-on-one, the ones who go there are at least half-energized Youshen-level, Quack."

"I think we can't be careless. The Black Bone Race still has a lot of strange things, like totem sticks. Up to now, we haven't researched why; and Chu Xia and Chu Jie haven't researched each other. The luminous life of the evil god."

Regarding this, Dark Blood frowned worriedly, but quickly relaxed it again.

"Although this is the case, it is impossible for us to lose to the black-boned man one-on-one. That would be too embarrassing."

"Um, indeed."

At this time, Shuangyue Lolita's voice came with obvious excitement.

"Huh! Victory."

Then, Kong Huan noticed a blur in front of him, 8051 hid behind Kong Huan, but Shuangyue stood in front of Kong Huan aggressively.

(Hexi in 30 years in Hedong and 30 years in Hexi?) Empty and full of black lines, (I said, since when did you two like me as a shield.)
(Ah, emptiness is really popular, ha ha.) Dark Blood snickered...

daily life continues...

(End of this chapter)

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