Spore Story

Chapter 433 The Black Bone Response of the East and West 2 Lines

Chapter 433

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Why is this happening?

Many years later, when the last surviving black bone people read the historical documents of various ethnic groups, they repeated these words several times.

This is to ask one's ancestors;
It is also an inquiry to the many civilized races on this planet;

Perhaps, there is also a question to oneself.

Looking for history, summarizing history, and analyzing history, for other civilized races, it may be to learn from the past; There is no history that has not been tampered with.

But for the black bone men at that time, they didn't need these.

Because they have no future.

Inquiring into the past of history is just to leave some evidence of existence for my once glorious race, to prove my existence, no matter whether it is right or wrong...

Therefore, the history passed down to that time by their family is actually the most authentic of Shuangyuexing, although it is still relatively speaking.

However, the black-boned men at that time could no longer be called clans in fact.

Because their population should be counted in three digits, but because they are intelligent creatures, it is impossible to enjoy the rare animal protection act. Even if they could, they probably would not agree.

It's not right or wrong, it's just success or failure.

In the historical records, whether it is "The Official History of the Peng Clan", "The Unofficial History of the Black Bones", "The Unofficial History of the Shadow Clan", "The Unofficial History of the Dunjia" and "The Unofficial History of the Moon Spirit" and other historical documents of various ethnic groups, they all have a unified view on this issue. The caliber: it was the Darkbones themselves who caused the destruction.

As for whether the black-boned man is too threatening and passively leads to destruction, or whether they are too aggressive and actively lead to destruction, people have not commented.

This kind of conclusion makes the black bone people even more desperate. Some of them choose to be crazy, crazy about themselves, and crazy about the world, and then they are quickly cleaned up by the people who protect the world; Desperate, I deal with it myself; what is left in the end is just a poor man who is holding on to the last idea in order to leave some traces of existence.

They bear the last traces of the race, they are extremely calm and intelligent, but unfortunately, they appeared too late.

Ultimately, these people chose history.

The only purpose of their existence is to lead history into the right path, because only in history can there be the past of those who have lost their future.

So, they continued to inquire in order to obtain the 'truth' that might have been discovered earlier.

At this time, a standard black-bone historian, with an inquiring mood, walked into the Shuangyue Historical Image Museum, the largest image recording department of Shuangyuexing.

This is the place where historical images, large and small, of Shuangyuexing are recorded. The former black bone people, with resentment, dismissed these solid image materials transformed by the consciousness of other races' power, because they are very There is reason to doubt the authenticity of this kind of material with subjective emotions, but they are unwilling to think about it, do these great powers still need to be faked?

However, for ordinary people in Bimonthly, this kind of information is obviously more interesting and convincing than written records and online information.

Therefore, just entering the video hall, the black-boned man stood in a long queue for more than ten minutes.

As for why he, as a "black-skeleton man who is about to be extinct, should hold resentment, and exists as an unstable factor", why he came to this video hall that was suspected by his kind and was allowed to enter this video hall, that is The black bone man was not in the mood to explain.

Under the curious eyes of a group of happy and beautiful members of the Bimoon race, he pulled out a card given to him by an unknown friend.

The card seems to be very useful. Although the card was not returned to his hand after being used once, he still passed the first level smoothly. After conducting a strength appraisal and confirming that he has the minimum level of consciousness to read these image crystals , he walked into the historical video museum with slow but firm steps, completely without the feeling of the rumored 'crazy black-boned man'.

His destination is the image area recording 'AD 20-30'.

For the only surviving black bone men, the source of the black bone destruction they believe is not the "destruction of the ancient shadow clan" widely recognized by all ethnic groups, but the "surprise attack on the friend clan". I think this is the reason for everything.

Therefore, the scholar first found out the information about the great battle of "the Black Bone Clan raided the Peng Clan" in AD 25.

[Battle of Wangxia], this is a battle that every black-boned man feels angry and helpless.

They who have fully confirmed this period of history, many of them complained openly to the black-bone ruler at that time, and chose to attack the friends instead of making good friends; but secretly, they were actually blaming the black-bone rear The procrastination of the true gods, the internal jealousy of the gods, the hesitation of the attacking legion, the gap in the level of smelting, and so on.

This pile of reasons to complain had already turned into a pile of loess at this time, and the remaining scholar just passed through the dream world quietly, experiencing all this from the perspective of a bystander.It is said that these images were left by the soldiers who participated in the war at that time, and the elders who grew up and survived to the present.

He was no longer in the mood to envy the strength of his friends.

After appreciating all the content of this battle and comparing it with his own historical knowledge, the black bone scholar slowly opened his eyes, leaned back on the chair, and then took out the image crystal from the dream world generator. The translucent crystals were slightly dark red, which seemed to indicate the gloomy future of the black-boned men at that time.

Exhaling heavily, he shook his head with a wry smile, got up and put the crystal back to its original place, and then searched the relevant crystals for the next time period he needed through the mental power network.

"Time is running out, let me feel the beginning of everything."

This is the only thought of this scholar at this moment.

At this time, two series of crystals appeared in his screening list: [Battle of Guxia (Eastern Front)], [Battle of Luoxia Mountain (Western Front)].

Time begins to go back...

On September 25, 9 A.D., the Allied Forces of the Nine Kingdoms of the Black Bone Race were ready to go. They reorganized their respective legions. There were four legions on the eastern front and four legions on the western front. The combined total was 20 people. It can be regarded as an absolute battle within the Bone Race.

At this time, the true God of Kongting Shenguo, who had returned to the Eastern Front, had just received the news that his northern legion was completely wiped out.


The gods on the entire eastern front fell into silence. Of course, their reactions were different: they gloated and set aside to watch the show, and the active ones began to aim at the angry God Kong Niwa. The vigilance of friends...

However, none of these could stop the True God Kongting from being angry with his subordinates and friends from the north.

"Everyone, according to the agreement, we should attack."

After venting for a while, the True God Kongting said through gritted teeth.

After all, he is a true god, and this true god of Kongting is not a fool. He can wipe out all the enemies of his own legion. Even if he can deal with it, his kingdom of God will pay a great price. All the true gods have been dragged into the water. As for the so-called coalition covenant, no true god has ever taken it seriously.

But the reality is indeed the case. After hearing that the northern legion of the Kongting God Kingdom was completely wiped out, these true gods showed some intentions to fluctuate.

Hearing the words of True God Kongting, the True God of Guyun God Kingdom played with the accessories in his hand, turned his head to look at the other true gods present, smiled, and changed the subject unexpectedly: "Speaking of which, the empty island of Lord True God Kongting, It seemed empty."

The other three true gods who were seen by him were stunned for a moment and reacted one after another.

Therefore, the group of foxes ignored the trembling True God Kongting, and each of them thought about whether they should take the opportunity to obtain more practical benefits, such as land and population; A messy empty island.

But soon, they made a decision.

Compared with the benefits of land and population in reality, Sky Island is obviously more attractive to these true gods, so they all smiled and echoed: "Yes, Sky Island is a very charming thing, great you, you should It won't be exclusive."

It is difficult for people in later generations to understand why these true gods gave up a large number of land and population that they might get for a corner of a small island floating in the air?Are these true gods brain-twitched?

But in the eyes of the black-boned true god, or all the black-boned people, it is a profit to allow the true god to occupy the corner of Sky Island.

If you think carefully about the ruling system of the Black-Bone Clan, you will know that all the kingdoms of the Black-Bone Clan are in fact the private property of the true gods.

The true gods exist in the world as gods transcending ordinary people, and they have mastered the beliefs of the entire country, but the true gods are still human after all, and they inevitably live with ordinary people to reduce their mystery.

But Kongting Divine Kingdom is different. They own the island floating in the sky. The true god stands in the sky beyond the reach of ordinary people. On the contrary, the belief of the people of the Kingdom of God is far stronger than that of other kingdoms of God.

The other true gods couldn't figure out the reason for a while, so they attributed it to the geographical advantage of Sky Island, so they all coveted Sky Island.

But if they really want to grab it, they can't do it for a while, not because they are afraid of the strength of the God Kingdom of Kongting, but because they are worried that the true God of Kongting will be destroyed; they are also worried that they will make wedding dresses for others.

After all, this incident will affect the whole body. If the one who does it first succeeds, it is impossible for other true gods not to copy his success. Then this one who did it first is probably the second true god who died because of Sky Island.

What's more, the true god is the foundation of the black bone true god country, and they generally cannot leave the kingdom of God easily.

Because there is no true god in the country, it will soon be divided by various domestic and foreign forces. This joint attack can be regarded as the last grand event.

Therefore, in the case of not being able to get it, the covetousness for Sky Island is constantly rising among the true gods.

But now, there is finally a method that does not involve bloodshed.

True God Kong Niwa, who was watched and pressured by the crowd, was hesitant. He was indeed very angry, but was it appropriate to pay for the uniqueness of Sky Island for this anger.What's more, if I'm bored and don't send troops, and everyone doesn't send troops, then what's the point of this coalition? At that time, the only one legion that will be lost... No, it will be myself and Huoyun Divine Kingdom, the two countries that have suffered the most losses , will not be swallowed.

At this time, it is no longer a matter of waiting for others to fight or not, but that these people must be dragged in to at least equalize the strength of several countries.

As for Sky Island, True God Kong Niwa, who was still a little reluctant at first, twitched in his heart after seeing the greedy eyes of the surrounding True Gods.

Keeping that thing is a disaster, so it's better to take the opportunity to distribute it and collect more real benefits.

When the sky turned from noon to dusk, the true god Kongting finally figured it out.

He first glanced at the north with resentment, sighed heavily, turned his head to look at the beasts who were waiting for his answer, then made a helpless expression, and finally nodded slightly under the expectant expressions of all the true gods .

"It can be agreed, even if we divide the sky island equally."

The other four true gods present smiled.

"However, my Kongting Kingdom has already attacked for the coalition forces and lost a legion, so in the next battle, I need to reduce the number of troops."

After hesitating for a moment, the four temporarily united true gods looked at each other and nodded one after another.

As a result, 22000 troops were dispatched on the Eastern Front, including 2000 from the Kingdom of Kongting, and they were responsible for the transportation.

At the same time, the four true gods on the western front were sitting around a large wooden house in the Black Forest, staring at each other with tightly locked brows, and there was actually a hint of flinching in their eyes, although it was very faint.

Huo Yunzheng, who was standing behind his father, kept his eyes fixed on Shishen behind other true gods, but he clearly felt the heavy presence.

But these primordial gods didn't understand the reason why their true gods were so heavy. They just made obedient statues and didn't move there without saying anything.

At this moment, one Beginning God shyly walked in under the leadership of another Beginning God.

Regarding the performance of this Primordial God, his leader True God frowned in dissatisfaction, but he didn't explode on the spot.

"What's going on? Tell me quickly."

"Yes, yes," the not-so-good Shishen was taken aback by the tone of the True God, and before he had time to wipe off his cold sweat, he hurriedly nodded to the True God present and reported: "My lord, in the past four days, we Already lost 21 Shishen, 1172 guard captains, and 764 ordinary soldiers, the assassination of those monsters is too powerful."

"Really." It seemed that the reactions of the true gods present were very weak. After all, it was only a drizzle for such a small number of people to be assigned to each kingdom of God, but Huo Yunzheng, who was behind the true god Huoyun, frowned a little.

After all, he has fought this kind of monster head-on, and even wiped out a group of the other party, but he has seen these attacking monsters before, and they are exactly the same in appearance. How can there be such a big gap in strength between the two sides?What does this have to do with everyone's goal this time? ...

However, the report of the beginning god is not over yet.

"My lord, although some people were eliminated, our heroic soldiers also killed 311 people from the other party. The corpses have been divided, but the equipment is very good, this..."

This thing involves profit. The true gods have seen the weapons of the Shadow Clan. For the black-boned man who doesn't even have smelting technology and still uses wooden spears for long-range weapons, those things are obviously an absolute weapon.

The left and right true gods looked at each other, and most of them remained silent.

After the True God who was the boss of the Shishen secretly scolded 'a bunch of hairballs', he could only reply reasonably: "Let's divide them all equally, first choose some good ones and bring them to the True God Shishen here."

Hearing this, several true gods nodded in satisfaction, and Shishen behind them all looked calm. After all, there are many good things, and they are just good things.

"That's it, go down."

"Yes, my lord."

"You guys go down too, choose something that is convenient for you." True God Huoyun looked at the two people behind him, and nodded to signal them to go down. After a while, there were only four True Gods left in the room.

The heavy breath returned to the cabin again.

As for the True God Huoyun, who had been divided up a lot of benefits by various divine kingdoms just now because of the 'Northern Rebellion', he rubbed his forehead in distress and sat on a high chair, bowing his head in meditation.

However, no one can bear this dull atmosphere for a long time. A true god looked at the surrounding personnel, thought for a while, and finally asked.

"Several, have you felt it these days?"


Although they didn't explain what it was, and they hadn't communicated about it before, the four true gods knew clearly what the fellows present were talking about.

"That huge aura, I only felt it when I was still a beginning god, when I faced that almost invincible 'evil god' with dozens of true gods and hundreds of beginning gods."

Speaking of this, all the true gods present trembled a little. After all, it can be said that the true gods of the Black Bone Race today all survived the great war back then, and one of them was also a true god back then.

"That's right, if Lord Fengwen hadn't led us back then, we would still be living under the rule of the 'evil god' until now, how would we be where we are now?"

A kind of true god immediately nodded in agreement, anyway, the other party was dead, and as time went by, everyone also remembered that it was good to have a unified command.However, if Feng Wenhong really wanted to appear at this time, if he wanted to seek leadership, he might be directly labeled as an "evil god" and then destroyed by humanity, which was definitely a hundred times more likely than if everyone readily accepted the rule.

"What now?"

The true god present is not a fool: "Although this breath looks neutral, it will not appear sooner or later. It appeared just when we were about to attack those flying winged creatures."

"Moreover, there have been continuous assassinations in the past few days. Those assassinated monsters are obviously similar to... the monsters encountered by the Northern Legion." I'm holding back my unhappiness.

In this regard, the three true gods around chose to ignore it, because they knew very well that 80.00% of the other party's unhappiness was aimed at themselves and others.

"Could it be the 'evil god' of these monsters?" A true god rubbed the corners of his eyes worriedly, but an irrational look appeared on Fangzheng's big face, as if he wanted to destroy everything, but he could control everything. .

For these true gods, as long as they are still alive, there is hope. Therefore, even if they have the ability to destroy the powerful 'evil god', they don't want to become the next Feng Wenhong.

Of course, there are still guys who are not afraid of death, or those who are lucky: "How about we join forces and kill this 'evil god'?"


No one paid any attention to such nonsense. When they faced the black bone evil god, they paid the price of several true gods, dozens of nearly a hundred first gods, and at that time they were united in fighting the war.

And now...

(I really miss the days of mutual trust at that time.) I am afraid that this is the desire hidden deep in the heart of many true gods, but they will never express it.

"We must fight. We can't stop just because of a breath." True God Huoyun tapped the stone chair lightly, looked at the sky outside the house, and said sadly: "Don't forget, those on the Eastern Front The true God and people in China are watching."

"Now the number of true gods in all countries is increasing. If we choose not to attack at this time, although we avoid the possibility of fighting with that breath, we will definitely lose our prestige; and if we attack, whether we will encounter that existence is still unknown. Say two."

Although it was a bit alarmist, several true gods nodded in agreement. Some things, as long as there is a possibility, they must be on guard.

Offensive, however, does not mean ignoring possible threats.

As Fengmon Hong's relative, Fengwen Rian, before everyone could say anything, knocked on the handrail beside him, and calmly suggested in a voice similar to Fengmonhong: "At this time, we obviously won't be the one to attack." All rush forward, you must know that the reconnaissance troops have not been able to obtain effective information about the enemy, so we must be cautious, and it is necessary to send some troops to explore the way first."

Everyone nodded...

"These troops cannot be missing, because they are likely to be assassinated completely, and they have to be responsible as the forward."

Everyone continued to nod...

"Not much, because we have to be prepared for the situation where this army is swallowed up by the opponent's 'evil god', causing us to lose too much."

Everyone is still nodding...

"Ah," it was obvious that Fengwen Li'an was very depressed about the reaction of the three true gods, but he still chose to finish his sentence: "At this time, if we let the troops of any of our four countries go forward to attack alone? , I don’t think everyone here will agree, right?”

Everyone hesitated for a while, and found that there was no other way to express it, so they nodded decisively... (The true god of this group of cups=.=)

"So, I suggest that everyone deploy some troops each, not too many. There should be nothing wrong with 10 Shishen and 1500 soldiers on one side, right?"

Everyone looked around, and the number was less than 1/3 of a legion. After thinking for a while, they all nodded in agreement... (Still nodding =. =)

However, at this time, maybe he felt that it was embarrassing to keep nodding, so God Huoyun suddenly interrupted.

"Everyone also knows that the northern legion of my Huoyun Kingdom is useless, and Shishen lost a lot in the previous battle. Why don't I send Shishen, but provide more guards, okay?"


The discussion that followed was some chaotic internal arrangements.

On the other hand, we debated for a while about the placement of the commander, and finally used the Fire Cloud God Kingdom to understand the situation in the north. In addition, everyone has benefited from the Fire Cloud God Kingdom without much effort, so everyone agreed to let the Fire Cloud God Kingdom Huo Yun is serving as the current northern governor of the country.

(End of this chapter)

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