Spore Story

Chapter 434 How to make the big clan self-destruct Ga

Chapter 434 How to make the big clan self-destruct Ga
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"Master Dark Blood, Master Void..."

"Thanks for your hard work, everyone." After generally praising the two colonels who came to greet him, and talking about some useless nonsense, Darkblood nodded and said the key point: "This time we will keep our arrival a secret, I believe you all know it. "


"So, you are still responsible for the specific battle. We will only be responsible for the opponent's true god. Although I am sorry, this time is a test for you and me, so in the actual battle, absolutely don't have illusions."

Although these words are a bit ruthless, they are after all the rules set at the beginning of the war. The two colonels nodded in understanding, dispelling the idea of ​​relying on the strength of the Youshen. However, if any battle must rely on the Youshen level, they I'm afraid they won't agree either.

The current location of everyone is further south of Yungu Village, which has been taken back. It is a gateway with better terrain to contain the north-south traffic. The width is narrower than the Wangxia defense line, only two kilometers.

At this time, more than 5000 Dunjia people and more than 2000 friends are installing the special city wall modules that arrived with Kong Huan and others. A large fortress will be formed here, which will serve as the border army station of the friends in Bingling Province in the south.

Although the status of this fortress under construction is not comparable to that of Xiaoshu Military Camp, in terms of actual functions, it is far stronger than Xiaoshu Military Camp. It has many functional areas corresponding to residential areas, training areas, storage areas, and military areas. .

In contrast, the Xiaoshu Barracks is very important because Chu Xia, a Yin God, is stationed there, and it is the node that controls the Shadow Clan.

And now this Yungu barracks, although there should be no Yin God level stationed in the future, it is still crucial because it will soon become a node to deal with the Black Bones.

At the same time, [Yungu Barracks] and [Xiaoshu Barracks] will also become two key points of the Pengzu's southern defense line. They will be combined with the Temple of the Dead, which is moving and will spread across the entire southern border, forming a southern border line;

At the same time, the northern and eastern border defense lines are also under construction; the west is facing the sea, but there is not much defense line construction. The most important thing is that Fukong Mountain is basically flying on the western border.

Of course, it doesn't mean that the Pengzu will stop on all sides and stand still; nor does it mean that the Pengzu will only defend and not attack.

The purpose of these lines of defense is to slowly clean up the Black Bones and prepare for further stable expansion.

"Kong Huan, why is the purpose this time only set at 'annihilating the attacking black-bone troops', but not attacking the inside of the black-bone tribe?" As soon as she sat down, Chu Ling raised her doubts: "If Eliminate all these troops, and our side will go straight to attack the Black Bone Race, which has greatly weakened its strength, and we will get great benefits."

Taking a piece of snacks on the table and handing it to Shuangyue, who was held in the arms of 8051, Kong Huan pointed to the guide surface and said meaningfully: "Now we haven't even traveled all over the land of Shuangyue Star, if we want to destroy a Civilization is easier said than done."

These topics are very sensitive, even ordinary friends, Kong Huan and others don't want to let them know, so they can only discuss them among the people in the elders' house.

Of course, at this time, there are people from the Elder's House, five Youshen-level and two planetary wills, and there will be no soldiers who think that this place is unsafe and need to send defensive soldiers or something, so the natural spirit of the few people In the force field, the entire space around the hut was empty.

Therefore, Kong Huan and the others spoke recklessly.

"What's that?"

Dissatisfied with the emptiness of being cautious, Chu Ling flapped her wings wearily, and said nonchalantly: "With the current strength of the Pengzu, we can push all the way through, just like when we were animals, driving the herds of beasts and cleaning the double scythes. Like a worm, is there anything left for the black-boned man under such an attack?"

Chu Ling and Xiao Lingyun are both ghost bodies. The other ghost bodies of the Pengzu have completed the thunder stimulation and have begun to accept energyization. Because they are the main consciousness, they are more cautious in energyization.

However, after 8051 told them that the two of them, who had the support of their race, were actually the safest existence of energy, the two readily accepted Chu Jie's energy stimulation.

As a result, the stimulation didn't seem to go very well. Because of the racial differences, the two fell asleep for two months after the stimulation before barely beginning to quantify. Note that it was the beginning rather than the completion.

Moreover, the energyization of the two main consciousnesses obviously had some impact on their respective races.

The Hell Butterfly does not have an energy core. Chu Ling's energyization has caused slight changes in the entire Hell Butterfly race. Now, their attacks even carry a little electricity, so that everyone suspects that the Hell Butterfly Has started to produce energy cores of level 0 and less than level 1;

Because the net rabbits have electric energy cores, although they are weaker than the energy cores in terms of level, they are better than pure ones. The aura relies on the energy of the thunder stimulation, making the net rabbits become agile.Of course, that's just a slight difference, and it's impossible to tell the difference without careful attention.However, in subsequent statistics, people found that the speed of net rabbits from ordinary white rabbits has slowed down a lot.

Now, both are visibly tired.

This is reflected in their race as well. The members of the entire Hell Butterfly and Net Rabbit groups have begun to feel a little lethargic, making the friends have to urgently gather a group of members of the two races to prevent the population from decreasing too much.

Hearing Chu Ling's words, he looked around at the crowd and found that most of them had such illusory expressions, so they shook their heads depressedly.

"The destruction of the race, as far as we are concerned at this time, can't be killed by just killing it. What's more, the population of the Black Bone Race is now approaching one million, which really pushes them to attack us in an all-round way, even if they can stop , our loss will be huge.”

"What does this have to do with just annihilating the enemy this time?" Xiao Lingyun shook her ears, hugged the little rabbit in her arms, and looked curiously at Shuangyue who was also looking at her, while asking: "Say Tell me about your specific plan, Kong Fan, I'm curious."

"A plan," Kong Huan Yuanmu...


"Forget it, I'm not kidding," he waved his hand, in fact, he could feel the blackening energy gathering around him, and he had already had the illusion of a 'crisis' premonition and returned to his senses decisively.

"I will deal with the black bone man in three steps."

The three fingers were dangling in front of everyone. Although the top 8051 and the little Lingyun Shuangyue were not upset with Kong Huan's complacent expressions, but at this time their curiosity allowed the three fingers of Kong Huan to energize most of the energy, avoiding rebirth suffering.

"First, our original plan was to kill the Black Bone Fire Cloud Divine Kingdom on the basis of the Shadow Clan, and then let the Shadow Clan create a large area of ​​chaos within the Black Bone Clan. But now the Black Bone People are actually actively attacking us , so the plan was revised as early as September 9th."

"Now the first step of our plan is two aspects. First, it is the foundation of the other party. Eliminate all the black-skeleton attacking troops. If all the [-] to [-] strong labor forces are wiped out, the benefits will go without saying; second, It is to kill the opponent's high-end strength and destroy the stability of the opponent's rear. Specifically, it is to clean up the true gods they came this time, at least to reduce the number of true gods of the black-boned man..."

Smiling, he tapped on the table, and Kong Huan reached out and patted the shoulder of 8051 who was sitting on the side. Under the gaze of 8051 with black lines all over his head, and the expectant eyes of everyone, Kong Huan, who was temporarily tolerated the unruly behavior, said with a smile: " lower than nine."


There are no fools present, and everyone knows what emptiness means. Less than nine, and the Black Bone Race now has nine god kingdoms, which means that at least one god will face the danger of extinction due to the loss of the true god.

Considering that there are plural True Gods in the Kingdom of God within the Black Bones, then the result of 'less than nine' may be that several True Gods will be destroyed.

It's just that the invisible teasing of 8051 in the illusory and clever way obviously got the consequences it deserved.

As for this, several people around ignored him. After Kong Huan recovered, 8051 looked down at Kong Huan coldly, obviously very dissatisfied with the title Jiu.

"go on!"

"Isn't it just a joke?" Kong Huan grumbled dissatisfiedly and continued rubbing his fingers.

"In the second step, we will not engage in war. Because of the massive loss of the True God, there is likely to be great chaos within the Black Bone Race. At this time, we will maintain peace and wait."

However, not everyone agrees with the idea of ​​emptiness. Dark Blood spread his hands and pointed out sharply: "Who knows if they will be confused, and they have lost such a big loss just now. They are obviously vigilant against us first, and they may even be wary of us because of this." peaceful reunification."

"Do you think the remaining true gods of the Black Bones will surrender their rights peacefully?" Kong Huan glanced at the dark blood, shook his head and said: "Of course, it is true that they are vigilant against us first. In this regard, we Just use the border to garrison troops, but not to attack temporarily so that the opponent can feel at ease, and if possible, sign a useless agreement."

"And it's impossible for us to really do nothing. Some infiltration and interference to the Black Bones can be used to lure these Black Bones into civil strife, and further induce their bloodthirsty factor, causing them to lose themselves in the civil strife. huge population."

Speaking of this, Kong Huan frowned, seeming to have remembered some bad things, but quickly recovered: "If you want to destroy a big country or a big clan, you can only destroy it from within, and basically external attacks can only be induced." factor."

The spiritual power in the space seemed to have stabilized, and Kong Huan took a sip of the tea and said: "Our second step is to maintain peace on the surface, and secretly use various methods of infiltration and temptation to make the black-boned man In the face of external threats, they fall into their long-standing reincarnation, swallowing themselves."

The air is getting colder, the illusory laughing sinisterly, I don't know when I became so sinister, (Is it the price of maturity?)

Shaking his head and smiling bitterly, he tapped the desktop and continued: "These are actually things learned from humans in previous lives. It may take thousands of years for the people of the friend race to develop these conspiracies and tricks by themselves, but we can't wait that time."

"Our purpose is to speed up the turmoil within the Black Bone Clan in ten or twenty years, so that they will reduce their population of close to one million to 20 or even less. The number of them should exceed 30, and it will be much easier to clean up the Black Bones."

"Of course, we still have to be gentle."

At this moment, everyone present became quiet. On the one hand, they were shocked by Konghuan's plan, but on the other hand, they also felt helpless at the evil of human beings in Konghuan's previous life.

"So, when the civil strife of the Black Bone Race approaches or reaches our standard, and then stops by itself, we will proceed to the third step."

"The key to this third step lies in three points: breeding restrictions, strength restrictions, and settlement restrictions."

"Breeding restriction is to make the rulers of the Black-Bone Tribe restrict the population growth within the Black-Bone Tribe by means of side effects. There are various reasons, such as keeping the population balance of the internal tribes and improving the average population life. Quality and so on can be whatever you want, in short, one purpose is to seal the advantage of the Black Bone Clan's reproduction speed."

"Strength limitation is to monitor the entire Black Bone Race in the dark, and limit their internal strength to Shishen, oh, that is, our soul level. Once there is a possibility of true gods appearing, all of them will be eliminated secretly."

"As long as you keep it secret, you can just make up any reason for the outside world. This also makes the Black Bone Clan, who can have overwhelming strength in the Double Moon Star, no longer a way to be called a powerful race."

"Cohabitation restriction is the third stage. Gather the black-skeleton people from all over the planet, gather them together, and build settlements and the like. The only purpose is to prevent the black-skeleton people from being scattered all over the place, making it difficult to deal with. Of course, At the same time, it can also limit the population of a certain settlement area, reduce the internal connections of the Black Bone Race, so that their knowledge accumulation will not change qualitatively due to quantitative changes."

Gently put the teacup in his hand on the table, but the sound caused the people around him to tremble undetectably, 8051 seemed to look at Kong Huan again, looked at Kong Huan complicatedly, and said: "These insidious things, if you It’s barely believable if it’s Mu Wen’s words, but if you say it, it’s really peacekeeping.”

"Uh," shaking his head with a wry smile, Kong Huan stretched out his hand to rub... Shuangyue's head, sighed and said: "These are just the experience of human society, not to mention, I am the main consciousness of the friend race first, and I have to be the main consciousness of the friend race. The family is looking for it."

"However, the will of your planet will not object to this plan to destroy a civilized race."

"Neutral." Shuangyue shook her head and opened her mouth.

"Yes," nodded, 8051 put Shuangyue on the chair next to him, threw his entire upper body on the table and said: "Civilized races get very little attention from the will of the planet, even if the score of the Black Bone Race is positive. Yes, but in our opinion, the struggle within a civilized race is the same as the struggle within a species. We will not interfere with the struggle within a race. Wars against civilized races, as long as they do not cause large-scale damage to nature, of course Completely neutral."

"I can rest assured that."

(End of this chapter)

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