Spore Story

Chapter 435 The Containment Battle Under the Watch of the Elders

Chapter 435 The Containment Battle Under the Watch of the Elders
Thank you Nine Colors Paint and Flying Dragon Keither for your support~\(≧▽≦)/~
It's another sunny day...

(Even if it wasn't, the spirits would let it be, Miss Shuangyuexing Meteorology ran away in tears =. =)

Sitting on the back of the cloud jellyfish floating in the sky, several ghost gods looked at the densely packed marching troops below them with great interest.Of course, it is a friend's army, and the current ghosts will not pay attention to the true god of the black-skeleton man for the time being, and it is even more impossible to run around the head of the black-skeleton man and float around.

"It's been a long time since I flew on the cloud jellyfish." For this kind of gentle, large, almost unlimited flying creature, all winged people love it very much, so there are many voices among the people to domesticate the cloud jellyfish. Unfortunately, neither wants to harm the cloud jellyfish. , Have you ever made friends who guide the cloud jellyfish? Up to now, you can only watch the cloud jellyfish who are leisurely and autonomously acting in a daze.

Of course, this still won't stop friends from finding a nearby cloud jellyfish as a temporary foothold when they are tired from flying.

"Yeah, I miss these guys so much." Gently rubbing the soft skin of the cloud jellyfish under his body, Dark Blood simply lay on his back on the cloud jellyfish's back, his tail sank into the soft surface of the cloud jellyfish, without any discomfort.

He opened his eyes and looked at the dazzling sky, then turned his head to look at the cloud horizon with a clear arc in the distance (the cloud version of the horizon?), Dark Blood showed a kitten-like expression, and couldn't help purring a few times.

In this regard, several people around turned their heads and looked at the surrounding world intently.

And Dark Blood seemed to be too focused, so he didn't notice the abnormalities around him: "It feels like everything in the Friends Clan is on the right track. Now we seem to have nothing to do."

Rubbing his forehead boredly, Dark Blood looked up at the sky, because it was too dazzling, his thoughts distorted the air in front of him and gradually dimmed the light: "I am good at military matters, but now, let's not talk about Long Yue Under the management of staff officers like Yao Tian, ​​the Military Academy no longer needs us, the old antiques left over from the era of 'primitive war'."

Thinking of this, Dark Blood shook his head rather desolately.


"You don't have to be so negative."

Stretching out the energyized tail to pat Dark Blood, Kong Huan comforted him with words.

Since the last time 8051's tail was viciously pulled and failed to escape, he worked hard, and finally let the tail, like wings, be easily retracted into the body and stretched out according to his own ideas.

In this way, as soon as he feels danger, he immediately withdraws his tail, so that after the last time he became addicted to pulling his tail, 8051 and Kong Huan launched a protracted "tail tug-of-war". The little loli, who was looking for fun things, of course followed her older sister and 'played' unscrupulously with emptiness.

In this regard, Kong Huan didn't have any major expressions other than a few words of protest.

"So, I can put my tail down now."

Speechlessly looking at Shuangyue who was proudly showing off to 8051 that he had caught Kong Huan's tail ahead of time, Kong Huan could only helplessly shake his tightly grasped tail to signal the other party to let go.

Now that the purpose of grabbing the tail has been achieved, Shuangyue also let go of it sensibly, so the tail emitting light blue light was quickly taken back into the body by Kong Huan.

Then, he looked at Dark Blood again.

From Kong Huan's point of view, if only good things are said to comfort, obviously it will not have much effect. Then, letting the other party find out that there are similar or worse existences may be able to "build one's own happiness on top of other people's pain". Under the influence of the vices of intelligent creatures, he becomes more relaxed. (Don't do it, ga =. =)

"Speaking of which, if there wasn't a civilization control center, wouldn't I have become like you?" Pulling the cloud with his thoughts, forming a large panel in front of him, Kong Huan waved his arms as if writing on the 'cloud whiteboard' Write calligraphy and draw pictures on it, and explain it at the same time.

"Look at my current job: doing tasks, labeling tasks, doing research, digitizing, and monitoring and judging the general direction."

"The purpose of doing tasks is to obtain civilization points and support the work of the civilization control center. It takes up 80% of my working time. In your eyes, I am busy and fulfilled, and I do this most of the time. To be honest, although the tasks are strange, But it's a bit boring, and I wouldn't be bothered to do these things if I didn't have to."

After nodding to 8051 and Shuangyue, expressing that he didn't have any opinion on their subconscious tasks, Kong Huan continued.

"Marking tasks is to mark some small tasks in the Civilization Control Center that I don't have time to do, and let qualified friends do it. Obtaining a better future in cultivation can be regarded as indirectly enhancing the strength of our friends."

Carefully looking in the direction of 8051, Kong Huan, who only reacted after speaking, unexpectedly found that he was not attacked by 8051.Thinking to himself, "Could it be that 8051 is already used to the name of small 8?" This is something that is likely to seek death, but the empty arm continues to write on the "cloud whiteboard".

"Doing research is actually starting research and waiting for completion. The specific work is handled by those researchers and systems, so I am just a transfer station. Moreover, the research mode of the civilization control center is now concentrated on basic theoretical research superior."

"What's more, there are so many research institutions in the Pengzu, and the status of the control center is getting lower and lower as we can downplay it. Although the importance remains unchanged, at least, even if the control center is gone in the next moment, the Pengzu It can also develop steadily. So I am thinking, whether to further reduce the research projects of the control center and save civilization points for the upgrade of the research center and the digitization of friends."

"As for digitization, because of the formal screening system, the management will bring a specified number of people who need digitization to my elders' home every month, and what I have to do now is to go to the Civilization Control Center. Just choose 'Yes', the legendary human-shaped seal."

Empty tears...

"Basically, there are only jobs that rely on the Civilization Control Center." Spreading his hands, Kong Huan helplessly twisted the 'cloud white board' into a ball, turned into a friend, and turned into something else The shape, its boredom is evident...

"Look, I'm just a guy who is nothing but a civilization control center."

"Only supervision and judgment in the general direction can be regarded as my own job, but this job is only because I have experience in my previous life. In this regard, no matter me, you, Dark Blood, or Bai Nong, who is often ignored, can all be competent .”

"So in this way, I seem to be even more useless," Kong Huan completely depressed...

And after hearing these words, Dark Blood, who was being comforted, became even more powerless. Obviously, Void, who intended to comfort Dark Blood, brought himself into it because of his lack of ability.

"Hey~~" X2
"You two..."

Chu Ling and Xiao Lingyun who were sitting on the side said that it had nothing to do with me, while 8051 had already seen a black line on the forehead under Shuangyue's enthusiastic gaze, and a hammer hit the empty head.

"If you are really useless, how can you let your friends feel so embarrassed!"


However, after 8051 was only a head hammer this time, there was no further attack. It seems that Xiao 8's temper has finally begun to improve.

It's a pity that at this time the battlefield below seemed to start to move, and everyone immediately shifted their attention.

——————The upper and lower dividing lines of the battlefield—————

Because it was stipulated from the beginning that the ghost gods would not participate in the battle until the opponent's true god appeared, so several ghost gods hid on the back of the cloud jellyfish in the sky early in the morning and became a professional onlooker group. (Seven people watching tens of thousands of people, ga.)
On October 25, 10 A.D., because the Yungu military camp was still under construction, but the scouts of the shadow troop reported that the black-skeleton men had launched a large-scale attack, the friends urgently adjusted their combat strategy and moved their troops to an area near the canyon.

But instead of fighting directly, the crowd began to rely on the maneuverability of the winged troops to roam and attack the black-skeleton troops, and restrain the enemy while ensuring safety.

And the effectiveness of the flying stone attack is clearly demonstrated when dealing with such a large force of tens of thousands of people.

There were no friend villages to plunder, and there were not so many black-boned men with shields inside. After paying thousands of losses, they could only respond by widening the range of the march and hiding in the woods along the way.

Surprisingly, the true god of the black bone man did not move at all.

"Are they scared?" Kong Huan and the others who had waited in the clouds for a day and didn't have time to deal with the appearance of the true god sat boredly on the clouds and played a temporary mahjong made of clay: "Er Tiao."

"How is it possible? This time, there are only three wingmen with 900 members in the team. Even if there are more than 300 soul-level people among them, it is not a big threat to Youshen."

Subconsciously looking at the shadowy black-skeleton troops on the ground, Dark Blood couldn't help feeling a little bit emotional: "If our friends can easily organize so many troops at any time, then why should the black-skeleton people worry? The only one to blame is the black-boned man himself."

Shaking her head, she regained her attention, hesitated for a while, and then played the cards in her hand: "Twenty thousand."

"Bar! I want it," shouting suddenly and snatching 300 in her hand, Lingxue took out the next card with a face full of pride, and did not forget to add a sentence: "Maybe those true gods still insist on some kind of demeanor, So don't bother to attack ordinary Winged soldiers, even if there are more than [-] of them at the same level as their Shishen."

"Oh, yes, but I suddenly felt..."

"Ah! There are flowers on the bar! We win, Quack!"

"Uh, if you win, get out of the way, don't blah blah blah." Depressedly looking at the good cards that were taken away, Kong Huan habitually rubbed his forehead to express his dissatisfaction.

Lingxue, who had been taught a lesson, didn't even realize it. She arranged the cards in front of her complacently, and stared at the three remaining players, Void Fantasy, Dark Blood, and 8051 one by one. Suddenly remembered and asked: "What did you think of Kong Huan just now?"

"Well, Erbing, what do you think?" Dazed for a moment, Kong Huan realized that he had just been interrupted, and depressedly arranged the cards in his hand, waiting for the 8051 card.

"I think it seems a bit brain-dead for us to say 'the other party's true spirit doesn't move, and our elders don't move'. It is to exercise the behavior of ordinary soldiers."

"This is a rule you made yourself. I didn't expect you to have a good habit of self-reflection, Jiuwan."


"Um, you don't have to say that, after all, we really need to train ordinary soldiers, so we can't let them become dependent on Youshen," Kong Huan looked at the three ninety thousand in his hand, looking at Jiuwan who was captured by Dark Blood. While guarding against the mental power of the two to peek, he shook his head depressedly.

"In fact, the rules I mentioned were just the keynote from the beginning. But now that I think about it, we are ghost gods, elders, and gods in the minds of these friends. Sometimes, we can also make Isn't it helpful?" (A bunch of gods are playing mahjong on the battlefield =. =)

"Oh yes, it's silly! The emptiness is a cup of tea, Quack."


Because of the failure of the illusion, he was replaced by Xiao Lingyun, and he simply chatted with a few people about the previous topic. As for whether it interfered with the mahjong process of the few people, he said that he would not mind. (Of course you don't mind if you didn't type at all--)

But at this time, those who were not doing their jobs on the battlefield and turned the cloud jellyfish into a mahjong table probably didn't know that the reason why the black bone god didn't appear was really a factor of fear.

"Hundreds, well, many."

The True God Kongba sitting in the black bone totem tent looked timidly at the Winged Man in the sky, and looked back at the other True Gods in the tent with such expressions.

However, as a veteran true god, Guyun True God is still calm, he suppressed the fear in his heart, raised that trace of doubt to the position of the main emotion, and then calmed down.

"Don't be intimidated, everyone. How could there be hundreds of true gods? If it were true, we wouldn't be able to sit here now."

The reason of the matter has to start with the reason for the joint attack of the Black Bone Race this time.

It is said that the former leader of the Black Bones Rebel Army named Hong Fengwen, before the last battle against the "evil god", recalled the past to his brother Fengwen Lian (no wonder he died in the subsequent battle, it turned out to be auspicious = .=).

In the memory, he told his brother, the cause and effect of his rebellion, and the source of his symbol (six-winged black bone man).

After this recollection, Fengwen Lian knew the existence of friends, most importantly the existence of Yiren.

But the terrible thing is that the winged people that Feng Wenhong has seen are too strong. Die Wu and the priests, in the eyes of Feng Wenhong at that time, were all powerful existences like "evil gods".

Even after he grows into a true god, he can't erase the impression of it. On the contrary, because of the repressed years of the rebels, Yiren's status in Feng Wenhong's mind has been aggravated.

He even forgot about the existence of other Yiren, and only left in his heart the impression of Die Wu, who was only soul level at that time.And in Feng Wenhong's later memories, those Yiren who brought him the seeds of rebellion are already as powerful as the "evil god".

It can be seen from the six-winged symbol that he is always thinking about becoming or even surpassing the original 'winged man'.

But after that, he never saw the Winged Man again.

So, gradually, the image of Yiren in his mind became stronger and stronger as he set his main target as the "evil god". This may be one aspect of the situation brought about by the mystery.

For Fengwen Li'an, who has never seen a winged man, after hearing the story of his respected brother, he also inherited the other party's fear of the winged man. He still remained skeptical about the strength of the 'wing man'.

But even so, in the years that followed, he raised the 'Winged Man' to the strength of a true god.

When the Nine True God Kingdoms took shape and the Black Bone Clan was considered to be the most powerful, Fengwen Li'an told these things, and also heard about many true gods.

Then, a group of true gods who believed that they were invincible in the world after all kinds of praises in the country joined forces to attack the friends in the north.Afterwards, some specious investigations by black bone men made these true gods even more confident.

It can be said that this war is entirely the result of the two extreme judgments of the "Wing Man"'s strength "very high and very low" within the Black Bones.

Until today, these black-boned people have really seen the winged people. They thought they were six-winged winged people, but only four-winged. Of course, this does not prevent these true gods from thinking about the winged people.

But the Winged Man flew in the sky, and his powerful attack also gave these true gods some bad impressions.

After sending dozens of primordial gods to test them out, but getting the conclusion that they would be wiped out after a single face-to-face meeting, these true gods were really timid.

Of course, misunderstandings are always cleared up, even if it is a favorable misunderstanding for the friends.

After the five true gods calmed down, the true gods who did not have the guts to test it in person discussed with each other, relying on the method of "raising doubts and answering each other" (in fact, they are dismantling the stage together=.=), they are still the strength of the Yiren Dropped a level, from 'true god' to 'beginning god'.

However, in the face of 900 "beginning gods" who can fly, it seems that they, the five true gods, can't take advantage of it.

As a result, what Kong Huan and others saw, the black-boned man's true god sat firmly in the totem tent.

As a result, the Wingmen became unscrupulous. With the attack effect of the first batch of flying stones, after the Black Bones learned to dodge and weakened, the Wingmen put on light armor, brought longbows and arrows, and started Turn range attacks into precision attacks.

Of course, all this is just to slow down the black-boned man's marching speed and buy time for the Yungu Fortress to take shape, and no one thought about making the black-boned man back down.

In this way, the depressed black-skeleton soldiers, while discussing the true god's indifference to the soldiers' lives, avoided the bows and arrows flying down from the sky, and marched carefully.

"What the hell are we doing?"

Tsuki Hiromi, who was brought to this side from the Black Forest in the east, just put on a shield taken from his lost comrade, and switched his gaze from time to time between the sky and the tent of the true god.

In fact, the enemy had less than 1000 people, and they were not a big threat to the more than 2 black skeleton troops. However, this kind of march that could not guarantee safety at all made most soldiers feel hopeless about this attack.

The heavy and low morale attracted the attention of some non-brain-disabled generals in the team.

However, because the true gods are not responsible for the specific battle, their role is to suppress the formation and deal with the enemy's high-end strength, so it is impossible to ask the generals to dispatch the true gods to think about it, and they all got together and started discussing "the black man who can only act on land." Skeleton, if you deal with the winged man of the sky' this tricky problem.

(End of this chapter)

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