Spore Story

Chapter 436 The Arrival of the Sniper and the Dispatch of the Ghost God

Chapter 436 The Arrival of the Sniper and the Dispatch of the Ghost God

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"Xinxian, did you see that tent?"

Major Xinyun, who was flying in the sky, looked away from the battlefield in the distance. After he fell, he patted the sniper Xinxian who was maintaining his giant crossbow, and then stretched out his fingers to the distant ones that were following the black crossbow. The bone troops acted, but seemed to bounce back very resiliently, so the winged man's bow and arrow brought great encouragement to the surrounding black bone soldiers.

This kind of thing, as long as you have a little vision, you can find the importance of the other party.

"I saw it."

The sniper, whose vision was obviously much better than that of Major Xinyun, smiled and wiped the crossbow clean, then got up and greeted his teammates beside him.

Then, he picked up the giant crossbow, and while choosing the arrows he needed, he said, "Should we get rid of that thing? Sister Xinyun."

"It's the team leader!"

Wearing a bright armor, Major Yiren, whose eyes were full of stubbornness and fighting spirit, glared fiercely at this young Yiren who was somewhat similar to himself, and then nodded: "Of course, if possible, we will destroy it." It is, but I think there should be the true god of the other party, so you still mainly harass."

"True God? This is a good thing."

Of course, a rational sniper still knows that it is impossible for him to break through the Psychic Defense of the Youshen level and eliminate the Black Bone True God of the Youshen level with such a crossbow and flying arrows.

So, he just smiled and told everyone to prepare the tools, and then slowly flew up.

"Then, Sister Xinyun, Captain, your brother is going to kill the True God. Would you like to give him an encouraging kiss?"

"Oh that's fine."

There was a sound of metal rubbing, and a certain captain who seemed to have a tendency to become black drew out the sharp and simple long knife at his waist. The reflected light seemed to blind the precious eyes of a certain sniper, so he chose to flee rationally. on site.

After a burst of air disturbance, the Wingmen belonging to the Xinyun team had already flown to the distant battlefield.

Smiling and pointing the long knife in his hand to the south, the beautiful captain covered his pretty face with a helmet, and began to issue cold orders.

(As for those true gods, as long as they are driven out, the elders will definitely be dispatched, so we don’t have to worry.) Turning her head and looking at the sky, although she didn’t know where the elders were, she still believed that the elders would be there in a crisis. Time to rescue.

At this time, she probably didn't know that the elders she trusted were caught in 'civil strife' again (obviously, a certain emptiness got into trouble again=.=).

For the Wingman on the road in the sky, there is almost nothing to worry about except for the abnormal airflow and magnetic field.

As for those flying creatures, they have no resistance at all in front of the powerful Winged Man (except cloud jellyfish).

Because of the battle at the Wangxia defense line, the friends who realized the important role of snipers have now begun to set up professional snipers in the Yiren team and the original army.

And because of Xinxian's good sniper performance in the Wangxia defensive battle (2 Shishen, 41 guard captains, and 11 ordinary soldiers), he became the captain of a sniper team. Although there are only six members, but All are excellent shooters selected from the team.

At this time, he was wearing a lieutenant rank, and he was holding a heavy giant crossbow with great interest. Surrounded by six sniper apprentices who could only wear medium-sized crossbows for the time being, he came to the side of the road that Black Bones must pass through. on the top of the hill.

In the previous battle, he was very aware of the black bone man's vision, and he also knew his actions, so it was difficult not to be discovered by the black bone man.

However, the sky at this time is the world of the winged men, and the black skeleton soldiers who don't know the power of the giant crossbow will only regard them as ordinary winged troops and will not pay too much attention to them.

What's more, compared to the Wingmen who took off at high altitudes and might give themselves an arrow at any time, the Xinxian sniper team just landed on a mountain peak of more than 400 meters. No matter how you look at it, they are all harmless elements who are tired from flying and resting.


"Captain, the distance is 700 meters, our medium crossbow can't reach it."

A team member shook the crossbow in his hand depressingly, as if thinking that this would cover the target within his range, but of course it was in vain.

"It's nothing. The target this time is likely to be a place protected by the true god. The mind shield cannot be solved by ordinary crossbows, and our purpose is just to keep them from being too arrogant."

(Although, these timid true gods haven't shown up yet, so they are not arrogant.) Xinxian added his own complaints in his mind.

Calmly set up the giant bow and crossbow. Although it is okay to shoot close to the sky, the unstable sky cannot achieve the accuracy of shooting on the ground, let alone the 'cowardly' Black Bone God, he does not want to let himself Put yourself and your teammates in senseless danger.

Looking at the somewhat depressed teammates beside him, Xin Xian, who is used to working alone, was actually a little dissatisfied, but he still did his job as a mentor: "Set the crossbow well, it will be more accurate that way. "

"Your target is not those tents, but a valuable target within range. Do you know what a valuable target is?"

"The three of you are in charge of monitoring the guards to prevent us from being attacked by the black bone men; the three of you are in charge of attacking those Shishen who are within the attack range. You know what Shishen is wearing."

"I know," the three assigned to attack excitedly replied. As for how depressed the three assigned to defend are, Xinxian has no interest in caring. If they don't even obey the captain's reasonable order, then brush them down to save money. Your own energy is also a good thing.

"Okay, the other party is approaching. Before I attack, you are not allowed to attack, you know?"


After making sure that the surrounding team members were stable, Xinxian calmly took out the special crossbow from his back, and then gently drove it over the crossbow.

"Hey, although it may not be possible to break the defense, it doesn't prevent me from leaving some souvenirs for them, huh."

The sinister smile made the team members who were paying attention to Xinxian feel a chill.

But at this time, Xinxian had already stretched out his hand in front of the special crossbow. After a flash, the crossbow wrapped with fat and other combustibles inside the arrow shaft behind the arrow was ignited by the powerful electric shock technique of the Wingman.


A line of fire was drawn, and the long Firebolt hit the True God's totem tent with thick black smoke. That kind of strong defense really blocked the crossbow, but because there is a hole behind the shoulder for loading inflammables , Like a firebolt hitting an iron plate, it instantly shattered into several pieces, and the fire grease was scattered in all directions, and the soldiers who were closer were immediately hit.

"Transfer position!"

Before the three team members under him who were about to pull the trigger launched an attack, Xinxian unscrupulously raised the giant crossbow and flew aside. The six team members looked at each other and followed helplessly.

Of course, before that, the three unwilling team members still shot the crossbow arrows in their hands.

As for whether the corresponding harvest was obtained, it is unknown, no, maybe the members of the shadow team monitoring the battlefield know.

——————Super invincible kite flying, ga—————

"Something has to be done!"

Being harassed by wingmen and snipers for several days in a row, no matter how good-tempered he is, there will be times when he explodes, let alone the black-boned man who has a bad temper.

But what makes these true gods painful is that the winged people in the sky are flying roguely in the air above 600 meters. This distance is just at the edge of Shishen's attack, which limits the attack power of the army by 99.9% at once, but attracts 100% of the army. % attention.

In short, only the true god can attack those hateful Winged Men.

How long has it been since the real god bullied the black-skeleton men who couldn't fly in the sky, but now they have become the true god's army and have to face more flying creatures.

"Even if they are not true gods, or even Shishen, this one 'flying freely in the sky' alone is enough to drag us down." True God Guyun stimulated his temples helplessly. In just a few words, Nianli once again defended against a crossbow, and his heart seemed to contract painfully.

He was very worried about whether he would get a heart attack after a long time. Of course, he didn't know the scientific name of this disease yet.

"Fortunately, they still live on the ground, if they all live on the sky island..."

Thinking of this, True God Kongting immediately shut up.Now Sky Island is a pain in his heart. Obviously, if he talks about it a few more times, he might get a heart attack too.

However, after hearing the words of True God Kongting, True God Yuanshi's eyes lit up: "I think we all thought about a wrong question."

"What?" Several true gods turned their heads to stare at this unremarkable true god at the same time.

Although he enjoys this kind of sight, Yuanshi Zhenshen, who has always had a low sense of existence, is not procrastinating: "Everyone knows that these creatures live on the ground, so they have been harassing us so densely for four days, give us The damage caused was only more than 3000 people, why is that?"

Glancing at one of the gods, Yuanshi Zhenshen continued: "Think about it carefully, these winged attacks have the biggest impact on us, or in two aspects, one is speed, we have not arrived at the empty court before the four days The location of the Northern Legion of the Kingdom of God is proof; the second is emotion, I don’t know if you have noticed that those ordinary soldiers have looked at us a little bit wrong recently, I’m afraid it’s our reaction that disappointed these soldiers.”

For ordinary people, these true gods don't pay attention to anything, so after hearing the words of the original stone true god, they all focused on the issue of speed.

True God Yuanshi didn't say anything about this.

Then after half a day of discussion, or after being attacked by crossbow arrows more than 30 times (this is a foolish way of recording time), the army of the Black Bones suddenly started to speed up.

"Oh, did you finally react?"

In this regard, Kong Huan and the others sitting in the clouds were not surprised at all.

"If these true gods don't respond again, I need to think about whether these guys are a civilized race."

However, the elders are very curious about the opponent's True God, who is still sitting still like Kong Huan and others.

"Why don't you take the initiative to attack and wipe out the opponent's true god?"

After playing mahjong for four days, Dark Blood obviously couldn't bear the loneliness. Lingxue and Chu Ling next to him unexpectedly agreed with this.

But after thinking about it, Kong Huan still shook his head and refused: "If you attack the opponent's true god at this time, no matter whether you win or lose, the opponent will most likely choose to retreat, but our encirclement has not yet formed, so why not give up? A good opportunity for encirclement and annihilation?"

"Hey, how long will it take, I'm tired of playing mahjong."

(Did you think of taking the initiative to attack because you have nothing to play anymore?) The corners of the empty eyes twitched. After thinking for a while, he simply mobilized the mahjong, which was regarded as a building block in front of him, and began to condense and transform with his mind. After a while, a new pair of mahjong The game tool appeared in front of everyone.

"Let's play checkers."


On October 25, AD 10, after paying the loss of almost one legion, the black-bone tribe's attacking force, which desperately kept their supplies, arrived at the south of Yungu Fortress, which was mostly (mainly south) completed.

"Is this why the Northern Legion failed?"

Looking suspiciously at some new fortresses, Masami Kongaba, who has almost become a bare-handed commander, has broken his cans and looked at the surrounding situation without any scruples.

He thought that the heavy soldiers were in the rear, and he was heavily protected by black-boned soldiers. Even if he lost 2000 people, he would not be too big. He never thought that the attack would come from it. weapons.

Now, there are less than 2000 of his 300 people left, and he has become the party with the most casualties now, so he has to suspect that these enemies will not have hatred against his empty court kingdom.

Of course, now he thinks that as long as he clings to his own life, everything else doesn't matter.

"Impossible. The scouts said that when they were investigating some time ago, there was still a spacious passage here. Although they were unable to infiltrate it again because of the blockade of those wingmen, it was only a dozen days before and after."

"If this kind of thing is placed in our country, even if the whole country is built together, it will take more than a year, not to mention the rock-like city wall."

It is obvious that Gu Yun, the true god who just communicated with the scouts, frowned worriedly. Now there are winged people in the sky, and there is a strong city in front, attack?
"Attack it. If you don't attack it, no one will know if this thing is a fake."

The specific battle is the command and coordination of the following. After setting the tone of the attack, several true gods refocused their attention on those wingmen who had harassed their side for several days.

In the past few days of contact, they also confirmed that the other party cannot be a true god, otherwise they would not be able to reach here safely.

They didn't attack after that, but it was because they were in a hurry and had no time to take care of it.

And now...

"We should have a good chat with those Wingmen. How about it, together or separately?" Primordial True God looked at the Wingmen troops in the sky with hatred. He was very annoyed by the continuous attacks these days .



Xinxian, who shot the crossbow again, did not take the initiative to move, but took out the crossbow again, ready to continue the attack.

The attacks of the past few days have completely wiped out their fear of the so-called Black Bone Gods. "It's just a turtle shell." Youshen rushed out before there were so many casualties.

Therefore, although he could be regarded as an excellent sniper, he also began to feel a little slack.

But at this moment, he noticed a blur in front of his eyes.

"how come!"

Because, the crossbow arrow he shot before actually shot back quickly. Fortunately, the crossbow arrow lost its aim and failed to attack Xinxian, but broke the calf of a teammate beside him.

Regardless of the reason, at this moment, he could only pin his hopes on his best attack, Xinxian, and immediately raised his crossbow arrows to strike back at the black shadow approaching him in the distance.

This time, he could see clearly.

The moment the crossbow arrow approached the opponent, it was supposed to be the power of thought, and the guide circled around the target black shadow, and then accelerated and flew towards him again.

The speed was so fast that he only had time to raise the giant crossbow of the part-time shield.

But the next moment, the attack did not arrive. The crossbow arrow seemed to be blocked in front of Xinxian by an invisible shield, and then lost its strength and fell to the ground.

"Take your troops and retreat immediately!" A majestic order came from my mind.

At the same time, the winged troops in the sky suddenly divided into five parts and dispersed in five directions.

The true gods who planned to gather together to attack those Winged Men saw that the Winged Men were scattered and hesitated for a while, and they were not very good at coordinating attacks, so they simply separated and chased after the target.

As for the Black Bones Legion on the ground, they have already begun to attack the defense line under the leadership of the commander.

Some black-skeleton soldiers who saw the Yiren "scatter and flee" when they saw the appearance of their own true gods even shouted excitedly.

But they didn't know that above the clouds, five figures were also covered by the clouds, chasing after five unaware true gods separately.

"This is a test of our Youshen's actual combat ability. Let's go one-on-one and see who can deal with the enemy first."

Kong Huan's words were still echoing in everyone's minds, and at this time, Kong Huan was also chasing after one of the true gods.

As for 8051 and Shuangyue, they didn't keep up with Kong Huan, but sat firmly on the back of the cloud jellyfish, looking in five directions calmly.

"Dark Blood and I shouldn't have any problems. We didn't take part in the Pengling War. So if possible, take care of Xiao Lingyun, Chu Ling and Lingxue."

In this regard, 8051 was noncommittal, and Shuangyue didn't make it clear, but Kong Huan still smiled and flew out.

At this time, the Wingmen in the sky were still flying in their respective directions at full speed, and the orders that sounded in their minds from time to time let them know that the elders of their own side were above them, so they all took the attack of the Black Bone True God behind them. The attitude of ignoring.

The role of these Winged Men is to lure these true gods out of the range of the Black Bones Legion, and then annihilate them.

However, the Black Bone True Gods were obviously not fools, and when they flew a certain distance and were about to lose sight of their own troops, four of them stopped.

Seeing this situation, the elders in the sky ordered the Yiren to return to the battlefield, while they themselves flew down from the clouds and faced their opponents.

"Is this a fighting general?" Looking at the black-skeleton man in front of him, Kong Huan smiled, (Dujiang? Soy milk? Haven't had it for a long time, gah.)
Then, he looked at the other party jokingly, and a slightly jerky black bone language came out of his mouth.

"Hello, I don't know which true god you are?"

(End of this chapter)

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