Spore Story

Chapter 437

Chapter 437

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"Five directions?"

"Hmph, do you think I'm a fool?"

If the true God had spoken these words in the first place, people would think he was a bit smart.It's a pity that he only said the above words after chasing him for a while and several attacks were ineffective. We can only say that he was belatedly aware of it.

Controlling that mysterious power, they stopped themselves in the air. The flying of the black bone true gods is more often used for rushing and showing off, so they are not very good at flying with their bodies. After all, before they became true gods, they were always on land. Life.

Therefore, the true god looked at the Yi crowd who had already flown far ahead, although he was unwilling, but under the stimulation of the inner crisis, he stopped and began to descend slowly. In many cases, they are still better at ground warfare.

And the most important thing for him to stop was that when he used all his thoughts to push his body close to Yiren several times, and then used his mental power to attack, he found that the opponent was unscathed, as if there was some barrier blocking his attack. This reminded him of the scene where he waited for the true god to block the opponent's crossbow with his thoughts.

"Do you want to tempt us to leave the army, and there is a real god who wants to ambush me?"

After thinking for a while, the true god looked back at the other true gods who were already far away, as well as his own troops who were not very far away on the ground. A mocking smile appeared on his face, and he smiled smugly, and landed carefully with.

"Unfortunately, you still haven't been able to transfer me away."

The true god who thought he had discovered the enemy's purpose, after combining the current situation, came up with an idea: since the opponent has not been able to break through the true god's defense, he came up with this situation of using flying wingmen to mobilize his own true god to disperse away from the battlefield.So, could it be because the other party is afraid of true gods like himself?In other words, does the opponent want to concentrate their strength on their own True God?

In this way, is he the first, or the last?Do you want to use the power of the totem to escape now?
But running away now is obviously not very suitable for the identity of the true god. Besides, although the true god still maintains a trace of sobriety, the continuous attacks for several days still make these true gods feel annoyed.

At this time, the thoughts of doubt, combined with the situation of the previous few days, made these true gods quickly come to a conclusion: the opponent's strength is not strong, even if there is a true god, they may be afraid of themselves and others, so they did not show up.

However, reality is always so naughty.

Just when this true god thought that the opponent's true god was not a big threat, and wanted to turn around and wipe out the friends' fortress defenses and open a passage for his own troops, suddenly, a creature fell from the sky and floated less than 20 meters in front of him .

"This is?"

What a strange creature this is, at least in the eyes of the Black Bone God. In terms of general size, it is similar to those winged men flying in the sky, but it only lacks wings and tails.

This made the true god quickly realize that the other party also does not rely on wings to fly.

Then, according to the experience of the Black Bone Clan, the opponent can only be... a true god.

"Finally out?"

Although the other party appeared openly, the black-boned true god still didn't feel worried, because among the black-boned people, the strength of the true god can be clearly felt through coercion, but the true god in front of him gave him a sense of continuous The feeling that Shishen is not as good as it is. (The Black Bone True God did not develop the ability to restrain and release mental power and magnetic field, because they usually don't need it at all.)
However, the creature in front of him still has something to make this true god vigilant.

That is, apart from the skin, the other part of the other party's body is not a real creature no matter how you look at it.The eyes that looked like light blue luminous bodies, the body that emitted a strange blue light, and the space surrounding the opponent's body made him feel a bit tingling and unknown (electromagnetic field)...

And so on, it makes the black-boned man feel strange as a true god.

If you only look at it from the appearance, if you want to describe it simply, it is...

It is more like a god than the real gods who have the same appearance as ordinary black-boned men.

"Cut, something that looks like something."

In the Black Bone Clan who judged strength by coercion, this Black Bone True God could only come up with such an evaluation of the creatures in front of him.If he didn't think it in his heart, but said it out, maybe he is already experiencing the critical attack of illusory anger.

At this time, the empty illusion on the opposite side was also engulfing the black-boned true god, and it wasn't until the two sides were in a stalemate for a while that the black-boned true god was surprised to find that the other party suddenly spoke strange black-boned human language.

"Hello, I don't know which true god you are?"

"Uh," this felt completely like a dog meowing in front of a cat, which made the Black Bone True God sound weird, but the situation is unknown now, and he is not in a hurry to fight, so he quickly replied: "Gu Yun .”

"Kong Huan, the elders of the friend clan you are attacking." He nodded with a smile. Kong Huan was not in a hurry to attack at this time, because his purpose was not to directly kill the Black Bone True God in front of him. The guy in the mid-stage of the Youshen class has no power to fight back in front of the energized and advanced Youshen-class Kong Huan.

"Gu Yun?" Kong Huan looked at the black-boned man in front of him jokingly, and said with a sincere smile: "It was one of the three true kingdoms of God, but was besieged by the other two true kingdoms of God, and it is a tragedy to sign the alliance under the city." Is it really a god?"

I have to say, Kong Huan has been with 8051 and Shuangyue for a long time, and he still learned a lot of poisonous tongue skills.

But when he heard these lonely clouds, he immediately got mixed up.

You know, what happened at the beginning was cited as the shame of the God Kingdom by the Guyun God Kingdom. Although the Guy Cloud God Kingdom has been catching up and became the only God Kingdom among the nine true God Kingdoms with three true gods, it still cannot forget the beginning. The shame of the Nine Gods is now even more because of the balance of the Nine Gods and even united with the enemy.

However, no matter how you look at the creatures in front of you, they are enemies rather than friends. As the true God of the Real God Kingdom, the True God Gu Yun still has the ability to control his emotions.

But even so, even if he was curious about why the other party knew about the internal affairs of the Black Bone Clan, he had no interest in chatting.

"What nonsense, go to hell!"

Accompanied by the roar, True God Gu Yun instantly spread the mobilized mind power from the inside to the outside, and at the same time issued a mental shock. Under the burst of mind power focused on the top of the head, the body of the pusher sank rapidly.

The enemy in front of him was obviously the true god of the Winged Man, so he, who came from the land race, obviously would not fight an air battle with the opponent who came from the sky race.

"Nonsense?" Kong Huan was stunned, and shook his head with a wry smile: "I didn't expect that we would have a day to talk nonsense before fighting."

However, in the face of the opponent's mental power attack and thought power attack, Kong Huan didn't panic at all.

For these Youshen class, especially those like Konghuan Lingxue, who have retained their bodies but are more refined in mental power, their perception of spiritual power has already reached a certain level.

Even if it is a sneak attack, the impact of mental power can hardly cause them any damage.

However, Kong Huan also knew the true god in front of him, so he didn't intend to use his mental power to attack Jiangong.So after easily dodging the impact of mental power, Kong Huan shot his body to the ground like a bow and arrow with the same mental impact.

"Fighting on the ground? I'm afraid you don't know that the Yiren are also derived from the original people on land."

As for the Black Bone True God who was still descending rapidly, of course he didn't understand what Kong Huan was talking about in his friend's language. Seeing Kong Huan chasing after him, he suddenly waved at the place where Kong Huan was.

At the same time, Kong Huan felt his body was blocked by something, followed by a tingling pain in his brain, although it disappeared quickly, and the blockage was only as ineffective as water mist, but he was still slightly surprised and took it seriously Some.

"It's actually mental acupuncture? It seems that you really underestimated you?"

First use the power of thought to block himself, and then send out the acupuncture with mental power. Because the speed has dropped, the accuracy of the acupuncture attack is much higher. With a satisfied smile, Kong Huan also raised his hands, facing the seemingly unimpeded space in front of him for a while. With the shock of thought power, several thought power barriers arranged by the opponent were smashed, and Kong Huan took advantage of the path opened by the shock of thought power to get closer to True God Gu Yun in front, putting more pressure on the opponent.

Seeing this situation, True God Guyun began to control his body to swing left and right in the air, while avoiding the impact of illusory thought power, while continuing to use his thought power to push himself closer to the ground, but he didn't dare to increase the speed too much, otherwise he would not be caught If the enemy is killed, but he falls to his death, then...

At this time, Gu Yun's true god Gu Yun in Kong Huan's eyes suddenly clasped his hands together, and he immediately felt a sense of oppression coming from both sides.

"Think this little thing can work?"

Accelerated in an instant, Kong Huan easily escaped from the opponent's attack range, and the air under him became blurred as if squeezed by the opponent's attack, showing the power of Gu Yun's attack.

But since it is dodged, it is useless.

But at this time, Kong Huan found that something seemed to be pressing down on his head.

"Is there another way?"

Just hesitated for a moment, Kong Huan didn't choose to dodge left or right or below, but condensed his thought power into spikes. Driven by the thought power, the whole person froze for a moment like a spear, and broke through the pressure of thought power above his head.

Then, Kong Huan floated above the opponent's head, looking down at True God Gu Yun who was a little surprised by the failure of the attack.

"Let's try my mind bombardment, huh!"

Condensing the mind power under the body, compressing the mind power layer by layer, and also compressing the surrounding air, the mind power technique used by Konghuan, which has been improved several times by the friends, is obviously much higher than the simple use of mind power of the black bone man.

Under the stern gaze of the Black Bone God, the mind power under Kong Huan's body was extremely compressed, to the point where anyone with normal vision could see the square board-like objects.

It was a temporary product formed by the compression of the air surrounded by thought power, and the passing sunlight even produced some colors under the refraction.

But just when the Guyun True God wanted to avoid it, he found that the environment around him seemed to have become sticky.

"The preparation time for this thing is a bit long, we must at least make sure that you can't escape, Quack." Of course, this is what Shikonghuan thought in his mind.

After all, an attack that cannot attack the enemy, no matter how strong it is, is just a waste of ability.

Therefore, what cooperated with this mind bombardment was the grid-like interference of mind power that Kong Huan had arranged around the body of the Guyun True God early on.

With a whining sound, the square-plate weapon mixed with compressed air stirred the airflow, bringing out a white mist that suddenly blasted down.

When Guyun found out that his surroundings were not right, he had already focused all his attention on saving his life. While constantly destroying his lower body, his illusory thought power interfered with the thought power grid in relatively weak areas; Out of the spherical protective cover.

And just when the illusory attack was sent out, as if he had a flash of inspiration, the spherical shield turned into a rhombus and completely wrapped his body.

In an instant, the True God Gu Yun was like a cannonball. Under the bombardment of the colorful square board falling from the top of his head, he was driven by the diamond-shaped mental power cover that wrapped him and smashed heavily into the ground.

The shock wave brought up a large piece of soil, and a deep pit appeared on the ground of the cup, as if it had been hit by a meteorite.

Kong Huan, who landed on the ground, looked at the deep pit in front of him with eyes that radiated energy from time to time, and a trace of doubt flashed in his eyes.

"Is it that much power?"

And what appeared with these words was a huge amount of flying stones bombarded from the deep pit.

"Sure enough, he didn't die."

At this time, the body's reaction still needs a short time, and Kong Huan directly used the thought power controlled by consciousness to push the body to dodge left and right, avoiding these high-speed flying stones.

Although it won't be knocked down even if it is bombarded on the Psychic Shield, only a fool will stand there and be smashed.

"Worthy of being the true god of Yiren, an existence that even the great Fengwen is afraid of."

The voice coming from the deep pit was normal, showing that the opponent's injury was not as severe as expected. Seeing this situation, Kong Huan's eyes froze, and the thoughts around him began to spin at a high speed.

This kind of ability requires a lot of mental strength, but it is not easy for the Youshen class like Konghuan.

In this way, all the flying stones were deflected and smashed around Kong Huan's body the moment they touched the mind shield, and Kong Huan himself quickly jumped into the air, and then deployed a mind bombardment weapon in front of him again, slamming Hit the pit.

"Come out, you can't escape."

However, True God Guyun, who has had a lot of experience in fighting against true gods, has already escaped from the deep pit and is currently shuttling through the forest.

The enemy in front of him seemed to be stronger than expected, and he was not sure that he would eliminate him quickly, but he didn't want to just leave, so he had to seek stability.And under the long-term self-protection principle of the Black Bone Race, he resorted to his best attack method, sneak attack. (racial talent?)
First of all, shield yourself with mental power to avoid being discovered by the other party's mental power. Although this method is old, it is indeed very practical. At least at this time, Kong Huan found that he had lost the other party's figure in his mental power.

Of course, this is nothing to Kong Huan. If he wants to eliminate the opponent now, he actually has many methods, but this time he needs to understand the fighting style of the true god of the black bones through the actions of the opponent. If there is a bit of surprise, then It's even better.

At this moment, True God Guyun's attack continued.


Shocking thunder sounded from a distance, and this certainly wasn't an illusory attack, because the thunder sounded far away.

"Is it dark blood or Lingxue?" Both Chu Ling and Xiao Lingyun are better at their own race's attack methods, so the attack ability of Thunder should not be issued by those two.


"It seems that both of them have used it."

The corners of the mouth were slightly raised, and now there were two thunderclaps in two directions. Obviously, both Dark Blood and Lingxue wanted to wipe out the enemy as soon as possible.They didn't have the mood of Kong Huan to train themselves and test the strength of the true gods of the Black Bone Clan at the same time. Now, there are probably two idle gods, so Kong Huan can carry out his activities more easily.

At this time, Gu Yun, who was hiding not far behind Kong Huan, also heard those two thunderclaps.

When the lightning streaked across the sky, he subconsciously looked up at the sky, but to his surprise, the sky was clear and cloudless.

"How can there be thunder and lightning in this kind of weather?"

But he couldn't connect Lei Dian with his two temporary true god teammates and their enemies. What's more, at this time, he didn't have the heart to think about other things, because the pressure from the enemies in front of him seemed to be increasing. .

"What kind of monster is this?"

Although no matter how you look at it, Kong Huan is always on the bright side and is constantly being attacked by Gu Yun, but every attack is easily dodged by the opponent. Gu Yun feels uncomfortable that he is completely being played by the opponent, which makes He began to think about quitting, but he was a little unwilling.

After hesitating for a while, he smiled, and still planned to continue fighting.

"Come out, my soldier."

Following Guyun's thoughts, two faint figures began to gather at the place where the two flying stones appeared before.

In the end, the two figures turned into two creatures identical to the Black Bone True God.

After shaking slightly for a while, Guyun felt that he had lost the perception of the large area covered by his mental power before, and instead, he felt as if he had become three people.

Afterwards, the two figures suddenly rushed out at high speed, thinking about the emptiness approaching in the distance.

"That's right, this is it!"

To Gu Yun's complete surprise, he saw two figures appearing in the air in front of him. They didn't show any unexpected expressions, but instead looked excited, as if they had been waiting for such a thing to appear for a long time.

In this regard, Gu Yun was even more worried.

These two figures were actually a long time ago. When he participated in the battle of "Cthulhu's Fall", he observed the luminous creatures in the God's Legion of "Cthulhu" who had the ability to attack the spirit of Shishen, and then he was constantly exploring and advancing, until recently. out something.

The thing that looks like a clone also has the strength of a true god, and has a more flexible body. Although he can only create two now, it also makes him feel very satisfied, and uses it as his trump card.

But I didn't expect that just entering the battle this time, I had to lift my cards.

"If that's the case, you're going to die."

Gu Yun, who had no back moves, began to approach Kong Huan cautiously, planning to give the opponent a final blow between the attacks of the two clones.

"I thought it was just to exercise my ability, but I didn't expect that you would give me a surprise."

Turning around to avoid the melee attack of the luminous figure, Kong Huan swung his energy arm and slammed heavily on one of them, and then used the mind shield to resist the attack of the other.It seems that the improved luminous creature is more reasonable than the luminous creature that Dark Blood and the others encountered back then. Under the attack of Void Phantom, which can smash rocks, the opponent only took a few steps back, and then stepped forward again.

Taking three steps back to let go of the attacking emptiness, he suddenly remembered the warning signs in his heart, and couldn't help but jump up into the air, just in time to avoid the sneak attack of Guyun True God's body.

"The black bone man seems to only be able to sneak attack, even the true god. Forget it, it seems that you don't have any good things, so just obediently grab it with nothing."

Smiling contemptuously, Kong Huan had already learned about the black-boned man's sneak attack habit from Dark Blood.

Of course, the true god on the ground will not have any big mood swings because of what Kong Huan deliberately said in black bone language.The family situation is different, there is no such thing as immoral sneak attack in the Black Bone Clan.

Just when he was about to hide, he suddenly felt a flash of light from the sky above his head.

"Wings, wings?"

(End of this chapter)

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