Spore Story

Chapter 438 The Victory and the Battlefield of the Elders

Chapter 438 The Victory and the Battlefield of the Elders
"If you only have this little strength, then go to hell!"

Unlike Kong Huan, who focuses on defense and mainly investigates the strength of the Black Bones True God, Dark Blood obviously has to take the initiative a lot, because she has no kindness towards the Black Bones.

After knocking the black bone god from the sky to the ground with a melee attack like a gust of wind, before the dizzy black bone god could stand up, the dark blood came close again.

Her fair and pink pairs were wrapped and protected by thought power, but she also had a bunch of spiked fists attached to them viciously. With just one punch, she broke through the counting force shield that the opponent had put up urgently, and then knocked out the opponent a few more times. ten meters...

"Black-boned man, die to me!" Recalling the years in the canyon, looking at the canyon not far from here, where countless black-boned men and friends were buried, the dark blood didn't hold back at all. It means that he completely ravaged the Black Bone True God with his physical strength.

And this Black Bone True God, who was about to become an Arhat, finally broke out under countless non-fatal but painful attacks...

It's a pity that his so-called explosion is just to concentrate his whole body's thought power around his body, and then eject it instantly, so as to push the approaching dark blood away tens of meters away from his body.

I don't know if it's due to thinking problems or haste. In the burst of the true god's thought power, there is not even a little bit of offensive spikes, so that the dark blood wrapped in the thought power, even if it is ejected dozens of meters, He didn't even suffer any pain from scratching the corner of his clothes. (If you were an ordinary person, either your internal organs would rupture, or you would fall to your death =. =)

Tens of meters, this distance is basically the conventional attack range for the Youshen class of the friends.

Therefore, when the poor Black Bone True God, who didn't even show his name, wanted to say a few words on the scene, and then escaped by teleporting the totem in the totem tent, the dark blood, who was not in the mood for conversation at all, impatiently launched the final attack. one strike.


It's hard to say which one is faster, the speed of light or the speed of thought, but here, it should be a little faster than the speed of light.

Nowadays, the strongest attack of the friends who energize Youshen is still to mobilize the clouds in the sky to form thunderclouds, and then use the thunderclouds to send out natural thunder to bombard the enemy, but it takes a little longer to prepare, for the impatient dark blood , It is better to use the energy of the body to launch an instant attack.

Therefore, when this thunder appeared with the dark blood as the starting point, before the sad nameless true god had the idea of ​​teleporting away, it turned into the end point of the ghost thunder technique with a standard energy peak of 2000N.

But after the flash passed, what surprised Dark Blood was that the opponent was still trembling and did not fall down.

"Hey! Is it because I've become weaker, or is the black-boned man more resistant to electricity?"

Darkblood, who had fought against the black-boned man since she was a child, was not in the mood to continue to explore. The moment she was sure that the thunderbolt strike was useless, she sprinted with all her strength and approached the miserable black-boned true god.

With a click, the unlucky Nameless True God finally ended his short and suffocating final battle. After a burst of brilliance, his body that was torn into two halves fell to the ground, and finally he was able to represent him. The consciousness of existence also dissipated into the sky, perhaps it was the illusion of Dark Blood, she found that the speed of the true god's consciousness dissipated seems to be a little faster.

After removing the mind power wrapped around the arm, the viscous blood and brains and other debris mixed together, just fell to the ground, and the dark blood stretched happily, got up and flew to the cloud jellyfish in the sky.


Greeting the dark blood was the thumb that Shuangyue learned at some point.

Smiling and nodding, Dark Blood rubbed Shuangyue's little head, sat carelessly aside, and began to wait for the next one to return.

At the same time, Lingxue also ended the battle.

Her fighting style is different from Darkblood's, and she is obviously more interested in one-hit kills, and she is also the only one who at least reminds herself in her mind that the Black Bone True God can teleport like a friend.

Therefore, from the beginning, she used various methods to attract the attention of the other party's true god, making the other party think that she was weaker than the other party, and did not have the idea of ​​leaving, but Lingxue was secretly mobilizing the clouds in the sky to slowly gather and form .

As for the thunderclouds in the sky, as the opponent, Masami Kongaba did not pay attention at all, because he always felt that the next step would eliminate the enemy in front of him, so that he was not in the mood to pay attention to the changes in the surrounding natural environment. After all, he had never Think about impacting the natural environment.

Therefore, when the thunder fell, the poor God Kongting didn't even react, how was he attacked?

The next moment, he was gone.


Shuangyue Luoli seemed to have become a referee, sitting there calmly, waiting for the returning members, consuming a little bit of Lingxue, just nodded, and sat on the cloud jellyfish to breathe.

"What is the effect of Thunder?"

Dark Blood put a cup of tea on the ground for Lingxue, watched the other party slowly taste it, and then asked with a smile.

"It's not bad. The opponent's body was completely carbonized, and it turned into powder after falling to the ground. It seems that the effect of the direct thunder strike is very good." At the same time, Lingxue also added this sentence in her mind, I've been preparing for so long, and even acted like I dodged in embarrassment.)
Then, Chu Ling and Lingyun also returned to the cloud jellyfish.

"The speed of the illusion is so slow."

Chu Ling, who was covered in a pink poisonous mist that hadn't dissipated for the time being, just carefully flew in the distance of the cloud jellyfish, sighing the cunning of the black bone true god.

"That guy teleported away, but he was poisoned so much by me, so it's impossible for him to be fine, hehe."

The butterfly wings that were being reunited showed the price Chu Ling had paid for the victory.

As for the fantasy issue...

"With Unreal's strength, it's impossible for anything to happen, maybe it's just playing."

Then, everyone turned their attention to Xiao Lingyun, who seemed to be the most relaxed among them.

(Did she meet the weakest one?)

There is no way for everyone to think this way. You must know that Xiao Lingyun is the weakest of the five in the usual tests.

At this time, except for the possibility that Kong Huan may have played off and has not come back; both Dark Blood and Lingxue are out of breath (Dark Blood is tired from chasing and beating, Lingxue is pretending to be invincible and tired) Chu Ling even paid the price for a small piece of butterfly wings, and even let the other party run away, although death is certain; and Xiao Lingyun is still playing with Shuangyue alive and kicking, the relationship between the two Affinity seems to be high.

"You call that idiot."

Hearing everyone's inquiries, it was only then that he remembered that he wanted to tell about the little aura of his battle experience, tried his best to recall it, and then said.

"When I first rushed down from the sky, I knocked that idiot to the ground all at once, so I was a little dizzy."


"Then, I simply turned into a net rabbit and rested on the ground. At this time, that idiot actually walked up to me, and when he saw me, he seemed to be saying something, and then he grabbed my ears with both hands."

Speaking of this, Xiao Lingyun's face was filled with righteous indignation.


"So, I immediately mobilized all my mental power and gave that idiot a mental acupuncture, and then he fell down and didn't get up."


"What should I say?" Several people looked at each other in blank dismay.

At this time, Kong Huan had just stretched out the very visually effective Thunder Wings.

Of course, releasing the wings of thunder is not meant to show off, but only in this way can the maximum energy be mobilized, and the speed can be greatly accelerated.

As for why Dark Blood and Lingxue didn't use it, it was because of the power Dark Blood pursued, and Ling Xue was pretending to be invincible.

Speaking of which, the energyized Youshen level, you can tell from the name, the strongest attack method is thunder.

After a short period of stupor, Guyun's two luminous clones attacked again. Their flight was far less complicated than the main body, because these luminous bodies were not physical bodies, but bodies composed of thoughts under inexplicable circumstances.

Soon, the two luminous clones approached Kong Huan's side.

But Kong Huan just mobilized the energy of his whole body and issued a strong grid technique, covering his whole body with electric light, and the luminous clone was uncontrollably scattered by the energy riot. The energy gap between the two sides was too great.

"It's your turn."

Now that it is determined that this person has something good, the illusion is no longer retained, and the energy burst that Thunder Wings uses to explore pushes the body protected by the mind to move forward rapidly.

In the eyes of True God Guyun, the emptiness in front of him appeared in front of him in the blink of an eye. Before he could react, a strong stimulus came from his chest, his heart shrank slightly, and the True God of Black Bones was lost. consciousness.

Looking at the Black Bone True God at his feet, Kong Huan smiled and restrained the opponent with his thoughts, then retracted the wings of thunder and flew to the cloud jellyfish in the sky.

"Bring it back, Chu Xia will definitely be happy, Quack."

"Caught alive?"

The few people who had been waiting on the cloud jellyfish looked at the black bone god beside Kong Huan in amazement, and were speechless for a while.

"Void, what's the use of catching this guy back? You can teleport to his temple as soon as you wake up."

"There's nothing to worry about. As long as their totem tent is destroyed, this person's connection with the temple will be temporarily removed. As long as there is no temple around him, he won't even think about going back, Quack."

"Also, aren't Chu Xia and Chu Jie studying the luminous creatures of the black bone evil god? This guy will also, take it there, and let Chu Xia deal with it. They should be able to find out the reason."


After finishing speaking, the four people who came back early turned their heads and continued their journey of mahjong girls.

But at this moment, Shuangyue walked up to Kong Huan with small steps, lightly patted Kong Huan's... waist, and said, "Finally."

"Well, I know I'm the last one."

"But right now, there's one more thing that needs to be resolved."

A few minutes later, the Black Bones Gods guarding the place where the Black Bones Man's totem tent was located and in the rear of the battlefield found strangely that the cloudless sky suddenly began to gather pieces of thunderclouds.

Then, under the horrified sight of these poor Shishen, Leiyun took the form of a giant winged man.

I saw this giant winged man raised a finger, and a strong thunder suddenly appeared, and then hit heavily on the invincible totem tent in the eyes of these primordial gods, and the tent was unpopular... It turned into ash.

Then, the giant winged man turned into a thundercloud again, and finally dissipated completely.


The surviving gods fell silent.

—————High-end and low-end dividing line—————

In the case of the death of the true god, the black bone troops below are no longer a concern.

Although they don't know the real god and the situation in the rear, even if there are more than 2 black-skeleton attacking troops, they can only leave behind the Yungu Fortress where 4000 original people, [-] winged people, and more than [-] armored people are stationed. A pile of dead bodies.

"Where are the Southern Army and Qinghe Army located?"

The commander of the Western Front campaign who was above the fortress, a major general from the Military Academy, looked at the liaison officer beside him. The commander of a campaign needs to communicate with a large amount of magnetic fields, and it is impossible to press all of them on the commander. One person, so there is the post of liaison officer.

Each of these liaison officers is responsible for the communication of one or several parties, and follows the commander behind him, acting as a microphone.

Of course, the loyalty requirements for liaison officers are very high.

Hearing the commander's question, the liaison officer began to mobilize the magnetic field of the body. After the signal was translated and encrypted by the liaison officer, it began to spread in space, then spread out, and finally reached the target person, attracting the attention of the other party.

Then, the target person interprets the signal, and converts the content that needs to be answered into an electromagnetic signal in the same way, and finally reaches the contact person.

After interpreting these feedback signals, the liaison officer nodded with joy.

"Major General, the Southern Legion and Qinghe Legion have arrived at their positions. In addition, the elders sent a message just now, and the true god of the other party has been wiped out, and we have no losses."

"it is good!"

There is nothing more satisfying for a commander than a campaign in which everything is carried out according to one's own military plan.

Of course, the necessary vigilance should be.

"Let the Xinyun team go out to contact the Southern Army, and the Feiyu team go out to contact the Qinghe Army, and send them the latest battle plan."


After the liaison officer issued a mission through magnetic field communication, the major general above the fortress and the surrounding soldiers saw the Wingman team flying out from two directions.

After the elders fought against the opposing true gods, these winged soldiers returned to the defense line of the fortress and began to take on their respective combat tasks.

Relying on the advantage of flying, their losses are minimal, but the results of their subordinates are far superior to ordinary soldiers.

"Sure enough, it is correct to divide the sky-winged people and the land-based natives into two arms." A major staff officer stood not far from the major general, looking at the black-skeleton man who was constantly being shot by the winged people but helpless, Said with emotion.

It is not a secret in the Military Academy that the friends will be divided into military divisions, so it is okay to say it at this time.After hearing this, the colleagues beside him nodded in agreement.

"Yeah, if it's still a branch, the calculation of military merit is the same. Even if the rank of Yiren is higher than that of Yuanren at the beginning, so that it is much more difficult for Yiren to upgrade, but if it is like the current situation, only a second lieutenant Yiren may have to be promoted to lieutenant after today's battle; and a native soldier present may not be able to be promoted from corporal to sergeant."

Regarding this, the major general remained neutral. He knew that this was a matter for discussion within the Military Academy, and he didn't need to get involved now.

At this time, after notifying the Yungu Fortress Command of his own situation, so that they would have no worries, Kong Huan looked again at the poor Black Bone True God who had been dropped under the cloud jellyfish.

Although he usually shows off his power in his own kingdom of God, but here, he is just a weak existence, and the few people present can easily deal with him.

Therefore, under Kong Huan's great mercy, the other party is still in a coma until now, and does not know his situation.

"Okay, we don't need to worry about the battle here. I'm going to take a guy to the Xiaoshu Barracks to find Chu Xia. Who will go with me?"

As soon as they looked down, Dark Blood, Ling Yun, Chu Ling and Ling Xue were playing mahjong on their own...

Turning his gaze to 8051 and Shuangyue...

The increasingly mischievous Shuangyue is currently using her ability to destroy the world to control Yun Duo to play modeling games (the culprit is Void =. =), while 8051 is doing her sister's very well. The character, commanding his lovely sister, changes the thing named Cloud from a puppy that looks like a dinosaur, to a kitten that looks like a rabbit, and then to a ball that is forcibly named as a furball shape.


Apparently, a group of people seemed to ignore the poor illusion.

"Okay, I'll go by myself."

But just when Kong Huan was about to take off with the hapless Gu Yun God, he found that he was caught, turned his head and looked, 8051 was standing two meters away, according to the length of Xiao 8's arm and the current It can be analyzed from the action that it is not 8051 that holds the void.

Then he looked at the dark blood four who were jokingly looking at him from the sidelines. Although they didn't play mahjong anymore, it was obvious that they didn't hold back their movements.


"Ah!" The foot was stepped on...


"I know it's you, Shuangyue, but the reaction is a little slow."

Kong Huan, who was covering the soles of his feet, looked at the angry Shuangyue Lolita depressedly, and could only reach out and rub the opponent's little head in resignation, then nodded to signal the opponent to follow.

"Okay, those who stay, take the initiative to attack when the situation is right. Anyway, our goal of inspecting the troops has basically been achieved."

After speaking, Kong Huan took 8051 and Shuangyue to the east.

"When is the right time? When."

Withdrawing her gaze, Chu Ling waved her wide butterfly wings and tilted her head to look at Dark Blood and Lingxue.

"Well, let's wait until the troops below launch a full-scale attack." After thinking about it, Dark Blood pointed to the battlefield below him.

The black-skeleton man among them also seemed to find something wrong, and the offensive had slowed down a lot.

"The final predicted location of this battle is Guxia, which is the canyon where I used to be. At that time, we will carry out the final siege of these black bone men, as long as we make sure that our army surrounds these black bone men , after the opponent can no longer escape, we can use our mental power to cover the whole field first, and use our mental power to secretly protect the soldiers."

"Wait until the black-boned man begins his final resistance, then take the initiative to attack."

After finishing speaking, Dark Blood arranged the mahjong on the table and began to call everyone to continue fighting.

"Well, this will not only exercise the soldiers' abilities, but also reduce casualties," Lingxue clapped her hands and said, "Moreover, it can also show our Youshen-level strength among ordinary soldiers and make an effort for them." The goal."

From this, we can see the direction of Dark Blood and Lingxue's thoughts.

Of course, for Chu Ling and Xiao Lingyun, apart from their race, what they cared about was the Great Wall of Mahjong that was being built before them.

(End of this chapter)

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