Spore Story

Chapter 439 The Shadow Battle and Canyon Nostalgia

Chapter 439 The Shadow Battle and Canyon Nostalgia

"What are you going to do?"

"It's nothing, follow me obediently."

During the journey, because he was sure that the true god would not be a threat even if he woke up, mainly because there were two planetary wills beside him, and after adding that he was also the reason for the energyization of the main consciousness, Kong Huan also let go of the spirit of the true god. limit.

Thus, the unfortunate Guyun Zhenshen woke up, and discovered the even more unfortunate reality of being captured. Under the oppression of power, he had to fly by himself to keep up with his captors.

This saves Kong Huan, the energy to spend mental power to move this Guyun True God, although that consumption is very little for Kong Huan at this time.

As for Kong Huan's purely perfunctory answer, True God Guyun is obviously not satisfied, but he can't refute it either. Now he is dependent on others, and he can't escape at all, so he doesn't know what to do at this time.

They secretly looked around and found that the flight path of the people is inside the territory of the friend clan, not to avoid anything, but simply because the straight path needs to go through the interior of the friend clan to go from the Yungu Fortress to the Xiaoshu military camp. As for the so-called The weather of the air crash was a complete joke to several people.

Except for meteorites, of course...

"This is farmland!"

Plants have also begun to be planted within the Black Bone Tribe, but that is basically free-range, unplanned sowing, and only some cores of the True God Kingdom will have planned farmland as planting areas.

Of course, it is only the planning of the farmland area, and the behavior of intensive farming like the Pengzu is still out of reach for the black-boned people.

And now, it is the season of harvesting rice everywhere.

At this time, what they were passing under them was a large piece of farmland being harvested, and those piles of golden grains obviously shocked the True God Guyun greatly.

Unfortunately, for a person who has no future, emptiness is of no interest.

And 8051 and Shuangyue are existences who are only interested in the places they are interested in (nonsense=.=), as for the Guyun True God, it is not among them.

Soon, everyone passed through the farmlands, villages and towns of the Pengzu on the southern border, and arrived at Xiaoshu Military Camp in the south of Xiaoshu Village.


True God Gu Yun, who was ignored along the way, knew that he and others should reach their destination when they saw this military camp, because the few people who had been flying in the sky began to descend.

But what is waiting for you?He didn't know at all, and he didn't dare to think about it.

Moreover, everything here is far beyond his common sense.

At this moment, the one who seemed to be the leader of the group of people landed the defeated 'Winged Man True God' on the square of the building complex in front, and a group of winged men and tall creatures without wings surrounded the crowd.

"Master Void."

"Don't worry, this is something I brought to Chu Xia, there is no threat." Waving his finger to Gu Yun Zhenshen beside him, Kong Huan smiled and patted the garrison commander in front of him and said.

"Yes, my lord please."

True God Gu Yun, who couldn't understand Peng's language, could only follow passively under the pull of illusory thoughts.

Here, he felt a lot of 'Shishen' aura, and it seemed that all the creatures within his sensing range, no matter the winged man or those without wings, were of the 'Shishen' level, which made this person He, the veteran Black Bone True God Kingdom True God, felt great pressure.

These pressures do not come from the opponent's Shishen strength, but from the quantity.

The Shishen here alone is comparable to the number of all the Shishens in a true God Kingdom of the Black Bone Race, and this is only a part. Think back to the winged men in the Yungu Fortress, and recall the Shishen sensed during the flight (folk There are also non-combat soul-level =.=).

(Could it be that the beginning god of this race has reached the same ratio as our guard captain?)
Although the reality is not like this, but the winged people that this poor black bone true god met seem to give him such a feeling.

But other than that, he didn't feel the deterrence of the true god, even the existence beside him who was obviously stronger than himself did not reveal the oppressive feeling of the true god, and then recalled the scene when he saw the wings of thunder, he I felt a shudder.

(Is it possible that the true gods of this race can hide their deterrence, why?)

At this time, everyone had turned around several big houses and came to an ordinary courtyard.

"Chu Xia, we're here to see you."

Carelessly pushing open the door, Kong Huan and the others strolled into the compound, while True God Gu Yun, who was walking behind, secretly looked at the little girl who stayed in the courtyard because of his playfulness, and his thoughts changed.

(The weakest person present seems to be this little girl. She looks like the daughter of the two people in front of me. Without Shishen's oppression, she can't be a true god. Then, if you catch her, can you...)
Shaking his head violently, not sure if it was an illusion, Guyun felt that when he was thinking about this just now, the little girl and the woman in front all looked back at him.

However, he would rather believe that it was an illusion, because he knew very well that if it were reality, the meaning it represented would be devastating to himself and even the race.

(No, such a cute girl, how could I do that.)
But Gu Yun didn't know that the reason he resisted this kind of thinking was because of the affinity of Shuangyue's will as a planet. month thing.

Of course, the same is true for 8051.

Just like that, several people strolled into the hall, and Gu Yun, who hadn't figured out a way to escape from the beginning to the end, was also forced to enter the hall, and then saw the target in the hall.

So, he was shocked.

Of course, the shock here isn't the looks.

Two races with different races and different aesthetics, no matter how beautiful Chu Xia is, she is similar to other friends in the eyes of the black-boned man.

And what shocked the Guyun True God was Chu Xia's fully energized body, and the two pairs of shining thunder wings that were not put away because they were energized and not in the way.

Thus, Gu Yun realized that he didn't have to think about how to escape.

Having reached this conclusion, he fell completely silent.

And then, Chu Xia, who didn't want to distract him, took over the responsibilities of Kong Huan, causing him to fall into a coma.

"Does he really have the ability of the Black Bone Cthulhu?"

Chu Xia looked at the Black Bone True God who was "but" in the middle of the Youshen class in surprise. She and Chu Jie had been researching the production method of that kind of luminescent creature, but they hadn't made any progress yet.

But now, there is a ghost-level black-skeleton man in front of him, who can use this ability.

This made her feel ashamed as a yin god.

However, since there is a way, she will not let it go.At this time, Chu Xia had already started to plan how to use the dream world later, and use up the black bone true god in front of her.

However, it is still a time of war after all.

"How's the situation with Shadow Clan?"

Not paying attention to Chu Xia's fiery eyes, Kong Huan nodded to thank the high priest who brought tea and desserts, and then asked his own question.


Dazed for a moment, Chu Xia, who didn't seem to care about Kong Huan's side at all, blushed slightly, then looked at Kong Huan embarrassedly, and motioned for the other party to say it again.

"Um, what I mean is, how is the war on the Shadow Clan side? Although you didn't participate in the war, with your strength, it shouldn't be difficult to completely monitor the Shadow Clan Plain and some areas to the south."

"Oh, indeed."

Smiling, Chu Xia regained a calm expression, wrapped the Black Bone True God in front of her with her thoughts and threw it aside, motioned to several high priests at the peak of the soul level to take care of her, then recalled it, and then began to tell the story The development of the war on the Shadow Clan front.

Starting from September 9th, the Razor Legion, the main force of the three major Legions of the Shadow Clan, began to use their natural talents to harass and attack more than 14 troops in the southern part of the Black Bone Clan.

Because it is a legion that is completely trained according to racial characteristics, the members of the Razor Legion can be said to be completely assassins.

However, as the weapons provided by the friends began to change, the Razor Legion also developed two methods of 'close body assassination' and 'long-distance assassination'.

Not much to say about close-up assassination, that is, when the enemy is not paying attention, after approaching, use a Mitsubishi stab, short knife or even a dagger to kill him with one blow, and then quickly move.

The long-range assassination is somewhat similar to the snipers of the friends.

Of course, the long-range assassination troops of the Razor Legion are limited by their physical strength. It is impossible to use the medium-sized or even giant crossbows of the friends, nor can they exert much lethality with bows and arrows, so they can only use small crossbows uniformly.The shooting distance of these crossbows is only about 150 to 200 meters.

However, relying on these bows and crossbows, combined with the Shadow Clan's stealth ability, the razors can display unexpected abilities.

Under Razor Legion's single, double, triple and other assassination modes scattered and assaulted, they carried out a long and continuous attack on the Black Bones troops in the Black Forest.

Of course, the casualties (whether the enemy or us) or the second, the most important thing is to let the black bone soldiers live in panic all the time. As long as the true god does not take action, it can be said that the entire black forest, except for the black bones in the middle The open land surrounded by logs is the outside of the Black Bone Clan, and all of them have returned to the hands of the Shadow Clan.

But the premise is that the true god does not make a move.

On September 9st, the second day after the Black-Bone Tribe troops on the eastern front attacked Yungu Fortress, the Black-Bone Tribe troops on the Western Front in the Black Forest began to follow the method of their predecessors, clearing large areas of forest trees, and the forest Clean up means.

It's a pity that what they encountered this time was the Black Bone Legion assembled according to the characteristics of the race after being formally reorganized and trained by the friends.

This time, the Shadow Clan razors did not take the initiative to attack like the ancient Shadow Clan. On the surface, they let the black bone men remove the forest, but secretly, they kept wandering and attacking the weak black bone man troops. Seek to kill the enemy.

As a result, the casualties of the black-boned man began to increase instead.


It's a pity that this still can't restrain the Shadow Clan's more and more frenzied assassination, and because the number of troops of the Shadow Clan is very small each time, even if the true god takes action, the number of Shadow Clan members wiped out is very small.

On October 10, the Shadow Clan Warhammer Legion secretly arrived in the Black Forest. Using a small number of Razor Troops to lure a Black Bones troop that had expanded to 2 in response to the Shadow Clan assassination, they introduced a group of people who were relatively far away from the Black Bones camp. Between the forest and the mountains.

Subsequently, the Warhammer Legion with a population of 1500 suddenly launched an attack, and the Razor Legion also harassed the outside, catching the black bone man by surprise, and quickly swallowed the black bone man's unit.

Unfortunately, due to physical factors, the Shadow Clan is not as good as the Black Bone Clan after all. Although relying on tactics, skills, and equipment to successfully eliminate the 1000 Black Bone Clans, including five Shishen and hundreds of guard captains, the Warhammer Legion They also paid the loss of 400 people, and had to temporarily return to the Luoxia Mountain between the Black Forest and the Shadow Clan Plain for repairs, accepting additional soldiers from the Shadow Clan.

But they also escaped a catastrophe.

Because after receiving the troops being swallowed by the establishment, the black bone true god's anger is a matter of course, and the reaction is also a matter of course.

And they did not further increase the number of soldiers in the unit, but reduced the overall number of troops, reducing the 15 black-boned thousand-man troops to 5 thousand-man troops, and the remaining soldiers were all shrunk in the black bone camp. middle.

At the same time, they increased the strength of the unit troops, increasing the number of 5 Shishen in the original thousand-man team to 15 in the thousand-man team, and the number of guard captains was further increased, making these thousand-man teams no matter in early warning or The attack ability has increased a lot.

In this way, although it seems that the speed of the Black Bone Clan clearing the forest has slowed down, the number of people lost and the number of Shadow Clan soldiers eliminated are increasing.

At the same time, these black bone troops were also equipped with a very small amount of steel weapons and crossbows obtained from the fallen soldiers of the Shadow Clan, which made the battlefield casualties between the two sides even out.

On October 10th, seeing that it could no longer have a greater effect, ShadowClan recalled the Razor Legion to Luoxia Mountain.

At the same time, the Guard Corps, which had completed training, also arrived at Luoxia Mountain, which had been excavated and processed by the Dunjia Corps for dozens of days, and officially entered as a defense force.

At this time, the entire Luoxia Mountain, which guards the north-south communication between the Black Forest and the Shadow Clan Plain, has become a defense line like a fortress. There are a large number of small crossbows, crossbow arrows, blacksmithing equipment, food, medicines that the Friends Clan provided for the Shadow Clan... …

It can be said that at this time, the Pengzu did not have the idea of ​​directly participating in the war, so it was almost all-round in terms of other support. Even after the war, Luoxia Mountain could be used as a comprehensive small town comparable to the towns of the Pengzu. exist.

On October 10th, after discovering that the Black Forest had been cleared without being attacked again, and that the attack route to the north had been cleared, the Black Bones also gathered their troops and stopped attacking the Black Forest that had been cleared by 6% start.

After gathering the troops, the Black Bone Tribe started to advance towards the Shadow Clan Plain with 6000 mixed troops from various countries as the forward; while the remaining 12000 people in the rear left 2000 people to defend after the forward moved forward for two days, and the rest 10000 people, accompanied by the true God, began to follow the vanguard.

Then, the time came to October 10th.

On this day, Kong Huan arrived at the Xiaoshu Barracks; the Black Bone forwards on the western front arrived at the south of Luoxia Mountain, and the main force left the Black Forest; Under the leadership of Yuanshi Zhenshen, he retreated to the Black Bone Barracks in Guxia, and began to build a line of defense, while sending the news that "the True God has lost a lot, and more than 1 remnants are in urgent need of rescue" back to the Nine Gods of the Black Bone Nation and the Western Front Army .

Of course, the Longyue team of the Peng clan on the eastern front had already lurked in the south of the ancient gorge one step earlier, secretly letting go of the messengers who sent letters to the Black Bone clan, but cleared out the messengers who sent letters to the western front.

Afterwards, the three expanded provincial legions of the Peng Clan rushed to the outside of the ancient gorge and began to block the connection between the ancient gorge and the outside world. At the location of the seam, more than 1 black bone troops were completely blocked in the Grand Canyon, the valley where the black bone men lived in the former canyon.

At this time, on the cliffs of the Grand Canyon, a group of nostalgics are sighing.

"In the 30 years of Hedong and the 30 years of Hexi, more than 1000 black-skeleton men blocked hundreds of us in the canyon. Now, more than 5000 original people and more than 1000 winged people have blocked more than 1 black-skeleton people in the canyon. The valley where their ancestors lived!"

"We are invincible!"

"Has it been 30 years? Hahahaha!"


Standing on the cliff above the crevice of the cliff where he used to live, Anxue looked at Anye, who used to be the name of Xiachang in Xinzhong District, and Anxing, the leader of Yachang, who used to be on the cliff beside him, feeling a sense of emotion and the pleasure of revenge in his heart .

And there are not a few people like Dark Star who are old, they are all survivors of the canyon quack ape living here.

In fact, if it weren't for the support of the elder Dark Blood, they would not have been able to participate in this battle with wounded bodies, old and weak bodies, and important positions.

Looking around and looking around, as long as they can still move, the members who lived in the canyon and are now members of the Winged People are all in this temporary army formed by Dark Blood, reminiscing about the land behind them.

It has been 30 years, and in the original Canyon Quack Ape, whether it is the young loli, the stubborn Zhengtai, the mature uncle, or the stubborn cliff chiefs...

Now, they have all become the chief officers of the military academy with generals on their shoulders, the mayors and ministers of a place who are middle and senior managers, the teachers and professors of various schools, and the leaders of various researchers...

30 years may not be long for a friend who has a lifespan of more than 100 years, but it is enough to change many things.

But now, in the eyes of other friends, this small group of old, weak, sick, and disabled people who are about to retire, or who are in their prime and hold important positions, are looking at the familiar and unfamiliar canyon cliffs around them one by one with emotion. .

"I remember that Anxue was still a little girl at that time, and she was arguing for me to take her out to play all day long. At that time, she was no taller than my waist."

"I remember that the crack above the cliff seemed to be attacked by a black-skeleton man once. I was only ten years old at that time, so I had to pick up a weapon to defend."

"I remember that gentle slope. When I remember from birth, it is the place that we need to guard."

"I remember……"

The surrounding Yi people from other areas of the Pengzu may not understand the emotions of these middle-aged and elderly people who are generally in their [-]s and [-]s, and only Dark Blood stands there with a smile, the corners of his eyes seem a little moist, but he carefully uses Nian Li blocked it, and then secretly removed it.

(I haven't found out before that the usefulness of this thing is really great.)
Before he knew it, Dark Blood realized that he had lost his mind.

At this time, a winged man with a colonel on his shoulders walked slowly in front of Dark Blood.

"Master Dark Blood, look at our three teams..."

While talking about this, he turned his head from time to time to look at the group of outing-like, but crying and making noise, and each of them was either a senior official of the mayor, or a major general and lieutenant general, and most of them were middle-aged and elderly wingmen at the soul level .

It has to be said that the canyon quack apes who walked out of the canyon have rarely done nothing since they grew up, because the difficult environment has honed their characters well.

"Here you are the commander. These people and I are just here to nostalgia, so just do your best."


(End of this chapter)

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