Spore Story

Chapter 440 The Beginning of the Battle of Luoxia Mountain Shadows

Chapter 440 The Beginning of the Battle of Luoxia Mountain Shadows

Qixi Festival, Yuanmu... We who have no experience until now can only be accompanied by code words, ga.

And lovers, get on with the fun, ga.

On October 26, 10 AD, Luoxia Mountain.

This mountain was named Luoxia, and it was only because when the Shadow Clan people came here, it was at the time when the sunset was falling and the night was completely falling.

Seeing the tranquil and peaceful atmosphere, the sunset glow descending, and the sky and earth return to the dark night, that Shadow Clan member with some literary hobbies casually named this hill between the Shadow Clan Plain and the Black Forest 'Luoxia'.

But as time goes by, people now only remember the name of this mountain. As for the name of the person who took out this name, no one remembers. The relationship between Xia and the God of Dark Night is just to treat it as a natural landscape.

However, Luoxia Mountain at this time has swept away the tranquility of the past, revealing the hustle and bustle that has never been seen before, causing the animals living around to temporarily move.

Up and down the mountain, the Black Bones of the Shadow Clan, the two sides confronted each other for a while.

At the foot of the mountain, 6000 Black Bones forwards had just arrived in the early hours of the morning, when they received information from the scouts that 'a large number of shadow clansmen appeared in Luoxia Mountain'. Afterwards, Huo Yunzheng, the leader of the team, decisively ordered all the troops to set up camp, and after the construction of Rong Nai The large camp of the main force, and at the same time send people to report to the main force of the black bones in the rear, explaining the situation at this time.

Facing the complete gathering of 6000 people from the Black Bone Race, they put on an attitude of shrinking the line of defense and sticking to it.The three major Shadow Clan armies with a total number of only 5000 people had to take into account the defense of the Luoxia Mountain Fortress dug and built by the Dunjia people, and they were unable to fully and proactively launch an attack.

Of course, they also had a grudge against the Black Bones, especially a Shadow Clan troop like Krosa who had a vendetta, how could he be willing to stay in the cave passages that run through every place in Luoxia Mountain, waiting for the enemy to attack?
Therefore, when the autumn tiger was showing its might outside, the Shadow Clan people in the Luoxia Mountain defense line gathered in the cool cave to discuss the subsequent arrangement.


Kroza didn't know if he was too stimulated, and now he speaks concisely and clearly as the code of conduct. At this time, he expressed his thoughts even more clearly, but everyone present didn't care much.

Shaking his head, as the Razor Commander, Chi Ying, although he has gained a lot in the previous battles, he also knows that he has suffered a lot of casualties, and half of the current Razor Legion is recruits, so it is obvious to fight head-on Some difficulties.

As for the Warhammer Legion, she knew it was the same.

Of course, she can speak from the standpoint of the Razor Legion or the Shadow Clan, but she can't speak from the standpoint of the Warhammer Legion, because it will make the Warhammers feel dissatisfied.

Therefore, after shaking her head, she pointed to the black bone man camp outside and said.

"The black bone man has already learned how to behave in previous battles. Razor can only be used by soldiers who attack with bows and crossbows. The poisonous stinger on the tail cannot enter the range at all, and close combat is more troublesome and easy to cause casualties."

However, it is impossible for Chi Ying to let others underestimate his razor. This is related to the competition between the three major legions, not to mention that the razor is the first component of the regular legion.

"Of course, our Razor is still strong, but I don't agree with the initiative to attack, because we can pursue harassment tactics to slow down the speed of the opponent's camp construction. In this regard, our Razor can bear it all."

"I agree with that," Akagi, the commander of the Warhammer, said, "Most of the land below Luoxia Mountain is open. If we take the initiative to attack, our Warhammer will have a big problem on the way to the impact, so we need to be surprised if we want to fight. But now we're asking for defense instead of offense."

"Lieutenant Colonel!"

Croza looked at Akagi with some dissatisfaction. Since it is in line with the Peng Clan, the military rank system is naturally applied to the Shadow Clan. Their distribution method is the same as that of the Dunjia Legion.

What I have to say is that Akagi instead of Krosa was the Warhammer commander set by the speaker, which was an unexpectedly good move.

This is not only because Kroza is a member of the Ancient Shadow Clan, but more importantly, Kroza is too aggressive, especially when facing black-boned men, he often goes berserk; and Akagi, the seemingly muscular commander, However, it has the stability that Krosa lacks the most, which just allows the Warhammer Legion to develop and grow steadily. Otherwise, if Krosa leads at this time, the best result will be a big change in every battle.

At this time, looking at Croza's dissatisfied gaze, Akagi just smiled, then patted the other person's shoulder like an elder, and said: "As commanders, we must face up to our strengths and weaknesses, and understand the current situation. The current situation. The Warhammer is the strongest frontal attack among the three legions, but it is not as good as defense in defense, and it is not as good as Razor in assassination, and the purpose now is defense, this is the fact."

This was determined by Warhammer, Razor, and Guardian's initial concept of forming an army, and several people present were silent about it.

As for Guardian Commander Yingge, his legion has been used as a defense force for Luoxia Mountain from the very beginning, whether it is frontal combat, active attack, sneak attack or harassment, it has nothing to do with his protection.

So when he was present, he had a calm expression on his face, and he was still thinking about the problem of Luoxia Mountain's defense at this moment.

The two parties, Warhammer and Razor, who knew about this, didn't care about the protection situation, and the two parties began to discuss various situations of harassment and attack.

In the afternoon, the Razor Troops began to appear on the outskirts of Luoxia Mountain through the passages dug by the Dunjia Legion in batches, and then began to use long-range sniper harassment to continuously attack the Black Bones Legion.

The purpose is only to further slow down the construction speed of the black bone forward troops, and at the same time curb the scouts in front of the black bones to buy time for the new recruits to run in, the defense line to be stable, and the reinforcements to respond, etc.

Regarding this, Huo Yunzheng, the commander of the black bone forward, hesitated for a while, and then began to change his tactics.

He divided the forward force into two parts, leaving 4000 people to continue to build camps and part-time defense. In addition, he separated two "Squads of Thousands of Shadow Clans" that imitated the battle in the Black Forest, and began to clear the roads to the north and south. , creating an open area to prepare for the ensuing battle.

However, this is not a forest, but a mountainous area, and the open land cannot be filled by people pulling up a few more trees.

In the evening of the same day, the Black Bones Thousand Team, which was going to the north to clear the road, was attacked by the Warhammer Legion that rushed out of the hidden caves dug by the Dunjia people in the mountains along the way.

The black-skeleton men who were clearing the trees and rocks along the way, faced some Shadow Clan soldiers who even rushed out from the holes under the rocks that their own troops were clearing, and most of them were caught off guard and caused a little confusion.

And this thousand-man team, because the rear was intercepted, could only shrink its defense and send troops to Huo Yunzheng for help.

"Are you sure you didn't encounter an ambush along the way?"

Looking at the Black Bone Communication soldiers in front of him, Huo Yunzheng could feel that something was wrong, but it was impossible for him not to save one of his thousand-man troops when he was surrounded.

After all, this vanguard unit is not the unit of his Huoyun Kingdom.

(Hey, it is easy to say that the command must be unified, but how to do it is the key.)
"My lord, there's something weird about it. How could the signal soldiers come back unscathed when the thousand-man team's rear has been robbed?"

"No, my lord, we have sent a total of dozens of signal soldiers, but now I am the only one!" The signal soldier hurriedly explained.

"My lord, I think rescue should be done quickly. Those who can only sneak attack only have a few hundred people. Moreover, they are weak and fragile. As long as we act quickly, we can even unite with the besieged thousand-man team to take these hundreds A guy eats it, and then storms Luoxia Mountain (of course the Black Bone Race is not called that, it's just for convenience, gah=.=)."

Making a gesture of slashing and waving his hands, the black-boned Shishen looked at Huo Yunzheng in front of him self-righteously.Of course, it is impossible for these Shishen from other True God Kingdoms to willingly accept the leadership of the Shishen of the Fire Cloud God Kingdom. Although they usually do not resist orders, it is not impossible for Huo Yunzheng to be disgusted in some small places.

Of course, Huo Yunzheng had to admit that what the other party said was somewhat reasonable, but he always felt something was wrong.

(By the way, they were able to encircle and annihilate our thousand-man team before. Why can’t they kill this thousand-man team even though they are in the place where the opponent’s main force gathers this time, and let the soldiers who deliver the letter relax... um, how about returning?)
Thinking of this, Huoyun turned his head to look at the trembling signal soldier, and at the same time told Shishen around him what he thought.

At this time, it is necessary to maintain a certain degree of sincerity and transparency to these Shishen, otherwise, it is impossible to say when, these guys with different thoughts will use this as an excuse to trip themselves up.

"Your Excellency, this is too worrying," a Shishen stood up and said, "At the beginning, those things were able to destroy a thousand-man team on our side, because there were only five Shishen in that thousand-man team, or they were unprepared. Engage the enemy at the edge of the forest."

"And the current thousand-man team is a strengthened force composed of 15 Shishen who have been proven to be effective. In addition, they have strengthened their vigilance from the beginning, and the opponent has to protect their defense line, so it is impossible to mobilize a large number of troops. So our thousand-man team was able to defend and wait for rescue."

(There is also some truth to this.)
Nodding his head, Huo Yunzheng, who couldn't think of any other explanation for a while, could only think about his next move.

The most important thing is that I have to save this thousand-man team, otherwise it will definitely leave an excuse for other true god kingdoms, and even lead to the weakening of the Huoyun God Kingdom because of the 'Northern Rebellion' at this time.

After thinking for a while, Huo Yunzheng looked at the dark night sky above his head, and nodded heavily, as if he wanted to shake off the worries in his heart.

Then, he said: "Well, leave a thousand-man team to defend the camp, and I will personally lead 3000 people to the rescue."

"Of course, it's better to be able to kill these daring guys."

—————Separation line of offensive and defensive battles—————

"They have come out, hurry up and inform Master Chi Ying."

The Shadow Clan lurking not far from the Black Bones camp, calmly informed his companions behind him that he turned his head and continued to lurk to monitor the assembled Black Bones after the other party hid in the trees and rocks.

"God of Thunder bless you, these evil black bone men, you will never be able to break through Luoxia Mountain, hmph."

In the middle of the night on October 10th, a team of 10 people headed northward to clear the road was besieged by Black Bone Frontier. The commander of Black Bone Frontier, Huo Yunzheng, personally led 3000 people to the rescue.

But on the way, they were constantly harassed and attacked by the Shadow Clan Razor Legion. Although they didn't lose much and didn't kill many enemies, the speed of their march was slowed down a lot.

However, because of this, Huo Yunzheng dispelled some of his suspicions.

He began to urge the troops to ignore the powerless harassment around them, march at full speed, and strive to arrive at the destination on the morning of the 11th to rescue his own thousand-man team.

But at this time, this team of thousands of black bones is enduring the long-range attacks of the Shadow Clan rogues, and they can only use the inferior wooden bows made by imitating the bows and arrows of the friends. They are not hidden in the woods, but hidden in the rocks The ShadowClan people fought back.

The two sides fired bows and arrows in this small mountainous area, but the soldiers who pursued close combat were completely reduced to bystanders and could only serve as rescue and defense personnel.

In the early morning of October 10th, the Black Bones Rescue Force arrived at the outskirts of the mountain. After receiving the report, the Shadow Clan troops attacked with all their strength, leaving dozens of corpses behind, and after cleaning up hundreds of opponents, they calmly withdrew with the corpses and weapons.

But the remaining soldiers of the thousand-man team, who were terrified by the Shadow Clan's sneak attack by relying on rock groups, did not realize this situation at all. They were still waiting for the next confrontation with the Shadow Clan that would never happen again.

In the middle of the morning, the Black Bones Rescue Team finally arrived, and by this time, the Shadow Clan members had long since disappeared.

Some of the discovered holes have also been closed and cannot be used.

Huo Yunzheng, who was in an even worse mood, led the thousand-man team who seemed to have escaped from death, leaving the valley with the remaining several hundred soldiers, but at the same time, he was still very anxious, so that his return speed was much slower.

Just when they passed through the open land under Luoxia Mountain again, this black bone army suddenly encountered a large area of ​​land subsidence.

This time the ground subsidence was not a passive trigger trap like the Wangxia defense line, but an active trap supported by various tools from the beginning after the Dunjia people improved.

When the Black Bone Tribe troops passed by this area without any vigilance because the trees were cleared by the Black Bone Men, and there was nothing unusual on the surface, the Dunjia people who were underground suddenly pulled a support that was more than one meter thick. Various wooden pillars in the soil layer.

The entire ground was divided into dozens of large and small areas and suddenly collapsed, catching the black bone man by surprise.

At this time, a large number of soldiers of the Warhammer Legion suddenly rushed out from the underground openings on the edge of these large pits.

However, according to the guideline of "breaking ten fingers is worse than breaking one", due to the small number of people and the time constraints, the Warhammer Legion only concentrated their efforts to maintain local numerical advantages and cleared several of the pits one by one.

As for other pits, only a small number of Razor Legion personnel harassed and restrained them to prevent these black bone soldiers from reacting prematurely and gathering together.

After a quick raid for a while, the Warhammer troops quickly returned to the Sunset Mountain through the underground cave passage, and the Razor and the Guardians also retreated from the battlefield in their own ways.

After the angry Huoyun was regrouping his troops, he found that his own troops of about 3500 had lost another 800 troops.

However, what made Huo Yunzheng even more annoyed was that when his troops returned to the camp in a low mood, what greeted him was the camp that was still emitting green smoke, and more than 700 black bone men with even more depressed expressions.

"what happened!"

A Shishen who was equally shocked ignored Huo Yunzheng, and asked directly past him.

Because, the troops left behind are the thousand-man team of the Kingdom of God where he is.

"Do I still need to ask? These monsters who have no strength and only know how to attack sneakily attacked our camp first when we rushed to the rescue last night. Depending on the situation, they used fire spears."

At this time, Huo Yun's energy and blood were not going well, and he was not in the mood to argue with these Shishen who wholeheartedly encouraged him to rescue.

Looking at the camp that was burning with green smoke, he just broke off the rocket that seemed to have been shot into the edge of the pond in his hand, and it was preserved intact. The fat in front of the arrow was not known to be from animals or plants, and it was greasy along the way. It fell to the ground through the fracture, splashing a cloud of smoke and dust.

"Order all the troops to assemble. Since they don't want us to build a camp to rest, then they don't want to rest either!"

In the afternoon of the 11th, the sun was scorching.

Including the withdrawn Southern Thousands, the total number has dropped to 4400 forward troops. Except for 1400 people left in the camp to protect the remaining baggage, the remaining 3000 people are all assembled in front of Luoxia Mountain. Take a frontal attacking stance.

At this time, the main force of the Black Bones had arrived a few kilometers south of Luoxia Mountain and was approaching the battlefield.

"Having a child like this, True God Huoyun is really happy."

"Huh," snorted coldly, and also received the forward commander Huo Yunzheng, who analyzed the situation with the help of the Southern Thousand Team's True God Huoyun, ignored the sarcastic True God, and looked at the other people.

"From the current situation, things in the sky didn't appear, but the ground was in chaos first."

The meaning of True God Huoyun is clear to everyone. Their trip was originally to attack the winged race that flies in the sky in Feng Wenhong's last words, but from the beginning until now, all they encountered were creatures that were good at sneak attacks.

But this time, the forward simply encountered the enemy digging holes in the ground, but he didn't even see the shadow of the Winged Man flying in the sky.

"Hong's last words cannot be wrong, and even if the other party is not as powerful as Hong said, relying on the ability to fly in the sky, it is impossible to perish," Fengwen Rian, who felt the distrustful eyes of the surrounding true gods, hurriedly added: "What's more Everyone, don’t forget, why do we want to attack the Yiren together?”


Looking around the crowd, Fengwen Rian raised his voice and said emotionally: "Isn't it just to clean up a clean world for us Black Bones!"

"The crusade against the Winged Man is like this. Now that these intelligent creatures that can threaten us appear, taking this opportunity to eliminate them is not the same as our original purpose?"


Seeing that everyone was temporarily shocked by the reason he cleverly distorted, in order not to let them wake up too quickly, Fengwen Li'an didn't wait for everyone to continue thinking, complaining why Yiren hadn't appeared yet, but hurriedly changed the topic .

"Speaking of which, why hasn't there been any intelligence on the Eastern Front recently?"

(End of this chapter)

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