Spore Story

Chapter 441 When the offensive and defensive battle of Luoxia Mountain is in progress

Chapter 441 When the offensive and defensive battle of Luoxia Mountain is in progress

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West Line?

If you are on the western front at this time, as the only survivor among the five true gods, you can only hide in the urgently made totem tent (the original one was struck by lightning=.=), while suppressing the toxins in your body, counting The last time of his life; while waiting in fear for the final blow of his friends, Yuanshi Zhenshen, knowing that his kind on the east front only remembered him at this time, I am afraid that tears will flow down his face.

Of course, definitely not being moved...

"My lord, those wingmen still haven't moved."

Shishen, who heard the report from outside the tent, felt a little lucky in his mind, but more confused.And Yuanshi Zhenshen, who sensed these emotions, just let out a sigh of relief, and told the other party through mental power, "I understand, continue to observe".

At this time, it wasn't that he wanted to maintain the majesty of the so-called god, so he used this method of communication, but because of the toxin, he didn't want to bother to move his mouth to speak, which would make him feel painful.

The army is completely blocked in the valley, go out?Can't break through the opponent's line of defense; stay?It's doing it now, but food, wounded, despair, etc. are all eroding these black bone people, but those enemies who can give them relief are just watching there.

The current army of black bones only has the last hope of "waiting for domestic reinforcements".

(Lord Fengmo, why did you leave us with so many problems after you died?)

(No action? What the hell are these Wingmen waiting for?)

(Can't figure it out.)
Also unable to figure it out was Huo Yunzheng, the forward commander on the western front.

The number of enemies is not large, the individual strength of the enemy is not strong, the enemy can only passively defend, the enemy... No matter how you look at it, the enemy should be weak, should be a loser, just another group that should be destroyed by the black bones.

But why, until now, my own side has not captured this seemingly low mountain fortress?

"My lord, it's not that we can't do it, it's that the enemy is too cunning."

Shishen who said these words had been dispatched by Huo Yunzheng to lead the stormtroopers, and was wiped out in a head-on fight with a member of the Shadow Clan.

Well, a very heroic death. (official explanation =. =)

"My lord, there are two types of enemies. One is a creature that moves quickly and is the opponent's main force; the other is a creature that is short in stature and is good at digging. Both of these creatures have fingers and claws, and their bodies are fragile and vulnerable. .”

Inheriting the lessons of his predecessors, this Primordial God, after collecting information for several times, thought it was correct, and then spoke out the 'pertinent' information when the Primordial Gods discussed again.

It is a pity that his pertinent information obviously cannot be recognized by most of the people present.

(Vulnerable? Although their bodies are indeed vulnerable, but if we take this as a consensus, then we, who have been attacking for a long time, have not captured a group of creatures with fewer numbers than ourselves and whose bodies are not vulnerable, are we idiots? What! How can you embarrass us?)
Therefore, this sad Primordial God was unanimously voted by everyone to let him go to the battlefield to experience life, and then handed back his updated and correct research report for everyone to discuss again.

A few minutes later, the body of the sad Shishen was brought back.

He verified the conclusion that the enemy was vulnerable, because he heroically used mental shock to eliminate two Dunjia people, and then killed a Shadow Clan man with his fist, but then faced the 'mental shock' to the Shadow Clan He froze shamefully as the reality of 'invalidity' emerged.

So, he was tied into a hedgehog by several Shadow Clan people around him and Dunjia people hiding in the cave in the distance with spears, knives, crossbows and the like.

Fortunately, there were two 'real' teammates beside him. These two tiny Shishen teammates used his corpse as a shield, and finally brought the opponent back to the rear as a hedgehog, becoming one of the few who can Corpses form members back to the rear.

"Big, my lord, the enemy has, has a great advantage."

Another Shishen who was named, after seeing the sad situation of the senior, expressed his thoughts tremblingly, and at the same time began to analyze the expression of this colleague present.

It's a pity that this group of people all looked blank, as if they were planning to pick him up, and then send him to the battlefield to delay their time on the battlefield.

(You are unkind, don't blame me for being unrighteous!)
A stern look flashed in his eyes, and the Shishen said, "My lord, these enemies are very cunning..."囧
The eyes of a group of Beginning Gods suddenly brightened, as if they were planning to immediately send this idiot who repeated the spirit of their predecessors to the battlefield, but this Beginning God obviously would not be so brain-dead.

"My lord! Please listen to me! The opponent has three major advantages over our army." He hurriedly shook his three fingers to strengthen the effect of his narration, and continued: "First, the opponent has a large number of excellent bows and crossbows. blocked our way like rain;”

All the Shishen nodded subconsciously, but then they all sat upright, as if they hadn't made any movements before, and Huo Yun, who was sitting upright, was staring at the Shishen in front of him.

He didn't think too much about who to let up.

What he was thinking at this moment was to accomplish the goal of 'capturing the Luoxia Mountain Fortress', rather than watching a bunch of his subordinates fight among themselves.

"Second, the opponent is digging holes in the mountains. Many times, they suddenly ran out from the place we just passed, which made our soldiers caught off guard and hard to guard against."

This is what most of the beginning gods have seen with their own eyes, and it is also a key to everyone's headache, so all the beginning gods nodded subconsciously again, and at this time, Huo Yunzheng had straightened up.

Under the attack for most of the day, Huo Yunzheng, the forward commander, was already feeling physically and mentally exhausted.

Especially in the face of the coming main force, if he hadn't conquered such a small mountain range by then, then he would never even think about raising his head in the Fire Cloud Divine Kingdom.True God Huoyun had more than one son beside him, besides, he had been with the rebellious Northern True God for a while.

"What about the third?"

"Third," facing the serious eyes of True God Huoyun and the other Beginning Gods, the Beginning God swallowed and said, "Thirdly, our attack power is too little."

"Too few? Except for a thousand-man team guarding the luggage, all of us have invested in it, so few!" A Shishen who couldn't help but speak roared at the Shishen who spoke.

And Huo Yunzheng also sat down again, and he also felt that the roaring Shishen was right, (Not enough? Do you want me to send a thousand-man team to guard the luggage? Who will guard the luggage? The enemy?)
"My lord, I said too little, not the strength of the troops, but the strength."

Looking resentfully at the roaring Shishen, this Shishen's loud voice attracted Huo Yunzheng's attention, and all the Shishen who were going to vote for this Shishen to go to the battlefield also stopped.

"My lord, we have invested almost all the ordinary soldiers, but what about the captain of the guard? Where is Shishin?"

Without waiting for everyone's reaction, this Shishen took advantage of the victory to make a suggestion, because he knew that as long as these Shishen reacted, he would not even think about saying anything, even if it was reasonable: "Master Huoyun, we should use a group of Shishen God leads the captain of the guards to form a powerful assault force, quickly break into the enemy's key caves, and open the way for the ordinary soldiers behind."

"In this way, we can break the current deadlock!"

"My lord, I object! Our Shishen's strongest attack ability is completely ineffective against the enemy's main agile soldiers, and in other respects, we are only a little stronger than the captain of the guard!"

"But this attack ability is effective against the opponent's digging soldiers, and to break into the cave, eliminating these digging soldiers is the key..."

"The key is your size! I want to send you to death! As long as the main force arrives, what can such a small number of enemies do, why should we fight so hard here!"


After the beginning god said it, he felt that something was wrong. There are some things that can be said or thought in private, but if you say it publicly, it will become a handle.

For example, now, the task of the striker is to open the way for the main force, but facing this task, this Shishen only thinks about waiting for the main force to come over, and does not consider how to complete the task, then he is dereliction of duty. Clan, if you lose your job...

"Okay! Stop arguing!"

He patted the rock under him heavily, and Huo Yunzheng gave Shishen who made a mistake, and then looked seriously at Shishen who had issued the "three key points" before.

"You mean to say that we should use Shishen as an assault force to break into the bottom of the opponent's cave?"

"Yes, yes..." Looking at the shattered rock area, Shishen smacked his lips in fear.


Before this Shishen continued to speak, Huo Yunzheng glanced at the people around majesticly, and then said: "In this case, you will lead the team yourself, you, you, and a few of you, cooperate with him! With 10 people Shishen, a commando team composed of 100 guard captains, I want to see the captured Luoxia Mountain before sunset today!"


After all, it is impossible to escape the battlefield, but with so many backs on the battlefield, it may be possible to succeed. This Shishen is already very satisfied. As for the resentful gazes of the other Shishen, he selectively ignore.

It was already noon on October 10th. The offensive and defensive battle of Luoxia Mountain, which officially started in the middle of the afternoon yesterday, turned out to be almost perfectly performed by the coalition forces of the Shadow Clan and the Dunjia Clan. The powerful combat power combined with digging and assassination made More than 12 black-skeleton attacking troops were unable to move an inch.

At noon on the 12th, the Black Bone Clan's assault force finally set off.

Because it was mixed with ordinary soldiers, and even those items that could reveal their identities were replaced, the defenders who had been fighting for nearly a day had been fighting intensively for nearly a day, and the already exhausted defenders became slack.

In this way, the assault force led thousands of ordinary soldiers and finally rushed into a main cave guarded by the coalition forces of the Shadow Clan and the Dunjia Clan.

At this time, Akagi, the commander of Warhammer, was commanding the soldiers to fight in this cave.

"Kill! Destroy the enemy!"

"Come on, get rid of these garbage!"

The two sides would not have any nonsense at all. When the assault troops rushed in, the soldiers rushed towards the Shadow Clan soldiers under the leadership of the captain of the guards, and Shishen first attacked the armored men with mental shock.

"Fall down obediently!"

Shishen, who had already killed three Dunjia people, blasted his full strength at the Dunjia people who were approaching one of the passages in the cave, but what made this Shishen depressed was that the opponent did not respond as expected. He fell down, but swayed and leaned against the wall, turning his head to look at himself.

He knew exactly what this meant, because when the opponent was shaking his body, he himself fell down facing a crossbow in dizziness because there was no wall to lean on.

"Shishen?!" This was his last thought before he died.

As the main army composed of Dunjia people among friends, how could the Dunjia Legion not have soul-level Dunjia people in the formation.

Although Dunjia people of this level are extremely rare, the commanders and commanders of the three Dunjia legions can at least be at the soul level, and this Shishen attacked one of the commanders, the rank of major.

This confrontation ended very quickly. It can only be said that these black-boned men were very unlucky, because what they invaded happened to be the rest cave of the Shadow Clan's Warhammer troops who were good at close combat. Although most of the soldiers were still resting, I also have some experience in dealing with emergencies.

Therefore, after the black bone man rushed in, after the initial panic and leaving a lot of corpses, they immediately organized and relied on the narrow space of the cave to deal with the tall black bone man.

The Dunjia Legion quickly sealed off, and most of the passages in this cave and other caves left only the passage behind the Shadow Clan troops.

After all the Shadow Clan troops retreated into the passage, the Dunjia immediately closed the passage, and then began to conduct segmented passage closure tactics against the black bone troops that went deep into the cave, and then closed the door to beat the dogs with the help of the Shadow Clan.

And Huo Yunzheng, who had just seen his large army entering the Luoxia Mountain Cave, was happily planning to add more such assault troops, and even wrote down this assault method as a reference for future operations. We saw the black skeleton soldiers rushing out of the cave in a panic, and the sudden rain of arrows.


Seeing this scene, the fool also knew what happened.

After instructing his subordinates to wait until Shishen returned from the assault force and then bring them to his own location, Huo Yunzheng walked back to his small tent in a daze, looked at the enemy weapons collected in the tent, and looked back at the mountains. The looming passage is thoughtful.

(Is it because of the weapon? Or something else?)

At the same time, the Black Bones main force, not far to the south of Luoxia Mountain, was still living and cooking.

Here they can fully see the scene of the same kind attacking Luoxia Mountain in the distance, but the true god ordered to stop, and they are also happy to rest. As for the death of the same kind?Have you seen less?
At this time, the several true gods in the totem tent were passing through the open tent door with different expressions, admiring the battle at Luoxia Mountain in the distance.

The true gods who also saw the scene of attacking the Luoxia Mountain cave were still feeling in their hearts that the forward troops did not disappoint them, and seeing the true gods of their own side in the army, they even proudly took a sip from the stone cup in their hands. blood to celebrate.

But then they saw them retreating in embarrassment, but they were not in the mood and smiled.

Among them, the one who reacted the most was Huoyun True God. He even crushed the stone cup in his hand under excitement. The bright red blood in the cup was left on the ground along his arm but he didn't notice it. Obviously, The greater the expectation, the greater the disappointment.

Although among the Black Bone Race, because the true gods have not yet experienced natural death, and even the aging is very slow, they have never considered the situation of abdicating, but they have raised their children who they can trust to important positions of power and true gods. , It is also one of the ways for them to stabilize their dominance.

Therefore, in the Black Bone True God Kingdom, the children of the True God are still the privileged class, and they are also the focus of the True God's training.

Although Huo Yunzheng, because of the Northern True God's rebellion, made Huoyun True God feel dissatisfied with him, but Huoyun True God still has high hopes for his son, after all, Huoyun is the most flexible brain among his dozens of children of.


"True God Huoyun, it seems that the striker won't be able to do anything. We can't rest here any longer, leaving time for those winged monsters to make preparations."

Dangling the scarlet liquid in his hands, his feigned graceful movements could not conceal the savage aura in the true god, even though these movements were made by the true god who lived for many years to pass the time and change his image.

But after hearing Yiren's question, a group of true gods looked at the wind pattern true god again, but this time, everyone's eyes were no longer suspicious and questioning, but worried.

(Hmph, I doubted me before, but now I saw it with my own eyes, what else can I say?)
Just this morning, these true gods saw the Winged Man from a distance in the sky. Their powerful eyesight made it impossible for the Winged Man flying in the distant sky to hide. Of course, whether the Winged Man flew there deliberately Unknown.

But in this way, everyone's doubts about the true god of wind pattern will of course be self-defeating.

And because the Yiren appeared in the north, which was the direction everyone was attacking, there was no need to doubt it.

"Don't worry, if the Yiren are really as powerful as Hong said, those Yiren flying in the sky that day would not be able to turn a blind eye to us."

"Yes," everyone agrees.

However, it was obvious that few people at this time wanted to talk about the Yiren issue. After all, the current problem was that the passage to the north was blocked by a hill that could not be attacked by 6000 strikers.

Therefore, after briefly talking about the situation of Yiren, everyone looked at True God Huoyun again. After all, this was the one who proposed to wait for the striker to capture Luoxia Mountain before marching.

"Okay," Shaking his head, Huoyun True God, who seemed to have let go of something, looked deeply at the north, and then said: "Since the forward is so disappointing, we don't need to wait any longer. We will start tomorrow morning." attack!"

After saying these words, he held the shattered stone cup and sighed, looking at the northern vanguard with disappointment in his eyes.

(It seems that the people cultivated by the loser in the north are only losers after all.)
Turning his head to look at the Black Bone Shishen behind him, who was also somewhat similar to himself, the Huoyun True God nodded and said: "From now on, you will lead the Northern Legion, but of course you will be responsible for the reconstruction, I will not Any support for you."

"Yes! True God."

(End of this chapter)

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