Spore Story

Chapter 442 At the end of the offensive and defensive battle at Luoxia Mountain

Chapter 442 At the end of the offensive and defensive battle at Luoxia Mountain

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At the True God Gate of the Black Bone Clan, they were discussing enthusiastically about the Winged Man they saw in the morning. It seemed that the Winged Man was treated as a UFO. There is also a small tree barracks in the north.

Afterwards, the Winged Man, who had flown for nearly a hundred kilometers, just nodded to Chu Xia, and went to sleep, minding his own business.

Because Chu Xia can actually see what he knows, sees and hears, and his only function is to stand there and confirm whether Chu Xia's perception has missed some creatures.

But even if she was a member of the Shadow Clan, Chu Xia could see clearly at this time, so what this Winged Man did was just fly in the sky to see the scenery, and then the Black Bones True Gods saw it as a scenery.

"The Black Bone Clan is about to attack in an all-round way. There are more than 1 Black Bone Clan members, among whom they are not counted as true gods, but there are more than 70 Shishen."

"In Luoxia Mountain, there are only three Shadow Clan legions and one Dunjia Clan legion. The total number is only 5 or 6 people. I'm afraid there will be some deficiencies in defense."

Looking at the worried Chu Xia, Kong Huan and the others just drank tea leisurely, perhaps because he felt that it was not good to be too leisurely, Kong Huan thought about it.

"Chu Xia, the purpose of the battle at Luoxia Mountain was to train the Shadow Clan Legion. You ordered the Dunjia Legion to assist in the defense. This is already our greatest support for the Shadow Clan. Shall we go?"

The Lingyue team, one of the three major teams of the Pengzu, is on standby at the edge of the Grand Canyon between the Yingzu Plain and the Xiaoshu Barracks, but the Pengzu side does not seem to use the Lingyue team prematurely.

The loss caused by this is second to none. After all, the Lingyue team is all soul-level, and it is not comparable to Shishen, who only has spiritual power, like the Black Bone Race. The most important thing is that the plan of the Military Academy is in the shadow clan. Attacking when you can't bear it, on the one hand, it will hone the Shadow Clan troops;

In this regard, the House of Elders had no objection at the beginning.

"This... Luoxia Mountain, the main force of the Black Bone Clan is about to arrive. If there is no accident, the defense of Luoxia Mountain will collapse. At this time, send the Lingyue team over, and at the same time let the Youshen class go forward to take precautions. It can also be rescued immediately in an emergency, right?"

(Chu Xia, your heart is still very kind.)
Shaking his head with a wry smile, Kong Huan recalled this sentence that someone seemed to have said to him before, drinking the slightly bitter tea in the cup, and looking at the ghosts beside him.

"Warhammer, what's your opinion? There is a ShadowClan Legion with the same name as you."

"It's just a coincidence."

Smiling and shaking his head, as the patriarch of the calcium carbide tribe, one of the five major tribes of the Pengzu tribe, Warhammer is still paying attention to the situation in his hometown that has been upgraded to the calcium carbide province after becoming a Youshen class. After unification, there will be very few.

But this time, the Elder's House split the east and the west and launched a full-scale mobilization to deal with the Black Bone True God. The battle hammers that existed in the same era as Lingxue and Chu Xia, of course, also joined in.

If Kong Huan hadn't come, he would probably be the one with the oldest records on the Western Front.After all, Bai Nong's record of qualifications started from the Western Waterland Province, and his time as a Youshen class was not as long as Warhammer.

In this regard, Bai Nong, who has no sense of existence, expressed no pressure.

After thinking for a while, Warhammer continued: "I also know what the Military Academy thinks, but the Shadow Clan is a race we want to control after all, so we can't lose too much, and if we wait until they have suffered a lot before rescuing them, maybe they will be rescued at that time." Grateful, but then... human nature is like this, any intelligent creature is more or less selfish, we can't expect too much."

"As for the support, um... we Youshen can go there first, as an insurance, as for the Lingyue team."

Having said that, Warhammer turned his head to look at Lingyue.

Anyway, the problems of the Lingyue team are the first Lingyue team leader who is most qualified to talk about them.

However, Lingyue directly expressed her support for Chu Xia.


"So lazy."

This kind of lazy behavior obviously aroused the unanimous contempt of everyone, and even Shuangyue little loli pointed it out righteously, but Lingyue is not an ordinary person, she directly ignored the sight of everyone, and then played with herself constantly The perfect Psychic Soldier.

Speaking of the mind force soldiers, Chu Xia found that they were formed in a similar way to the luminous creatures of the Black Bone Clan, but Lingyue's psychic soldiers were just puppets, while the luminous creatures of the Black Bone Clan had a certain degree of self-awareness.

Of course, this is not the point at this time.

Since most of the Youshens, including the Yinshen Chuxia, agreed to the troops going forward to support, then Kong Huan had nothing to object to.

Therefore, when the main force of the Black Bones was advancing towards Luoxia Mountain, the five ghost gods of the Peng Clan (Empty Fantasy, Bainong, Warhammer, Liuyun, and Lingyue) also arrived at the Shadow Clan Plain, and the Lingyue team also began to cross over in an all-round way. The canyon runs south toward the ShadowClan Plains.

Of course, Void's two tails... ah no, it's Void's tail, and the tail of his tail is also there.

At this time, in the canyon between the Shadow Clan Plain and the Xiaoshu Military Camp.

"I heard that the fighting on the Eastern Front is almost over."

This is the message received by the Wingman soldiers flying in the sky through the magnetic field communication that now covers the entire friend clan.

Today's friends, as long as they can access the communication network (that is, energy control Lv3), they can communicate with their companions through magnetic field communication.

Of course, it is not difficult for the soldiers of the Lingyue team on the western front to communicate with other acquaintances on the eastern front.

And the soldiers who have been staying at the edge of the canyon for training, training, and training have long been salivating at the war on the Eastern Front.

So, after receiving the order to advance, this group of guys who were already in a hurry brought the items that had been sorted out almost instantly, and started to cross the canyon with the whole army.

"Eastern Front, we are almost there."

The original soldier hanging under the Yiren smiled and said: "Speaking of which, those fellows in the Dark Blood Squad are pitiful. They look good and good in Pengcheng. Basically, they don't want to fight."

"Tch, if it were me, I would still stay in Pengcheng. I heard that there are many beauties there."


The original soldier's head was full of black lines, but he didn't dare to move when the opponent was hanging him, let alone say anything to make the opponent unhappy, after all, there was a real abyss beneath him.

"Okay, let's go down, I have to go back to transport the luggage."

Putting the original soldier on the other side of the canyon, Yiren wiped the sweat off his head, took off his armor and put it beside him.Although it is a soul-level Wingman, in terms of flight load, it is actually not much more than ordinary Wingmen. I don’t feel much wearing armor at ordinary times, but now I bring an extra original person. This is completely the ability honed in the team.

Flying easily, he turned around and flew back in the direction he came from: "What a tragedy, why didn't the Executive Yuan think of building a bridge here?"

"I heard that it is to prevent the Shadow Clan from flooding into the territory of the Friends Clan." The Winged Man who flew past replied, and then he put down the baggage hanging under him.

"By the way, Baige, the team leader asked you to be in charge of negotiating with the Shadow Clan."

"Huh? I have to be a god again, uh." The Yiren who was stopped immediately covered his forehead and sighed.

Regarding this, Yiren who stopped the other party said with a look of contempt and envy: "You boy is not satisfied, you must know that we soul-levels now have no soul management gods to do, so to be gods, we still have to You have to work hard to become a Youshen class."

"And now, you can already dangle in front of the Shadow Clan, ah, my childhood dream, a great god." A certain winged person fell into nympho memories.

"Tch, you don't know how painful it is to be a god in front of the Shadow Clan." Glancing at the other party, Baige lowered his head in pain as if he was about to face the execution ground: "You must maintain your majesty, and you must not laugh; you must be cautious in your words and deeds." , you must not lie; you must keep your distance, you must not be ordinary..."

As Bai grid gesticulated and told one by one, knowing that there were not enough fingers, he replaced them with tentacles tails... The face of the winged man in front of him also became darker and darker.

(What is this messy tormenting thing? Why does it feel inconsistent? Is this the life of a human being?) After a moment of stunned, the Winged Man shook his head, (No, this is the life of a god, pain Ah! Is our dream so shattered?)
Recalling the majestic expression of the gods that I usually see, the scene that I used to yearn for and envy, seems to be so fragmented.

(Sure enough, the elders' house is our final destination.)
As if he had figured something out, the Winged Man patted the white grid in front of him sympathetically, and then extended his thumb.

"Work hard. Many years from now, I will drink tea in the elders' house and watch you shine in the court of God and contribute to the children's future dreams and goals. Shine!"


Facing the teammate who seemed to have fled away after flashing his teeth, Bai Ge seemed to be petrified, and flew towards the Shadow Clan mechanically...

"We are Lord Thor's genus, huh."


—————Luoxia Mountain Dividing Line—————

When Kong Huan and others arrived in the northern sky of Luoxia Mountain, what they saw was a strange scene of more than 1 black-skeleton men surrounding Luoxia Mountain with no intention of attacking.

"what happened?"

"You ask me, who am I going to ask?"


Soon, the only three wingmen in Luoxia Mountain who acted as liaison officers received a letter signed as 'The Elder's House'.

"Lieutenant Colonel Rock, the House of Elders asked what happened here, why did the black bone army surround us but did not attack?"

The Dunjia who had been with the liaison officer was also observing the situation of the black bone man. After hearing the liaison officer behind him, he quickly understood that the powerful existence of the Elder's House had arrived at the Luoxia Mountain defense line. Feeling relieved, he let out a heavy sigh of relief and sat down in a corner of the cave.

"finally come."

"By the way, Lieutenant Colonel Rock, the elders said that their actions must be kept secret." The liaison officer who seemed to have just received the communication twitched his eyes, and hurriedly reported to Lieutenant Colonel Dunjia Rock, who seemed to be planning to share it with his subordinates and the Shadow Clan. .

"Uh, I see."

Rock paused depressedly, then looked at the black bone army outside, thought for a while but couldn't come up with a reason.

"Call back: This situation only happened less than an hour ago. Two hours ago, the main black bone army arrived, and its forward offensive stopped immediately; an hour and a half ago, the black bone army cleared all the caves along the way, because the formation around Luoxia Mountain The situation is complicated, and we have to shrink Luoxia Mountain; an hour ago, the black bone army surrounded us."

After thinking about it, he continued to say to the liaison officer who was shaking the magnetic field: "We suspect that the enemy may want to surround us in Luoxia Mountain, but in this regard, as long as we have our Dunjia Legion, we don't have to worry about it. Will go to the ShadowClan Commander for further discussion."


Kong Huan, who received the message, stood on a mountain not far from Luoxia Mountain, looking at the besieged Luoxia Mountain in the distance, with a confused look on his face.

The luck is not very good, and the few people who did not meet the cloud jellyfish can only choose to land on the mountain.

Although it's nothing to float in the air, it may be infected by the illusory laziness. All the ghosts are not interested in controlling the power of thought or magnetism to float in the air at all times, even if it is already as normal as instinct.

"After fighting for so long, it is impossible for the Black Bone Race not to know the digging ability of the Dunjia people. Surrounding the dead, this is only possible if they can block the ground." Warhammer stood under a big tree, looking at the battlefield in the distance. Thoughts.

"Look, are those black bone men carrying wood or something?"


Looking around, although it is still dark, but after folding the air to form the effect of a telescope through the force of thought, Kong Huan and others can still see the specific situation there.

"Could it be..."

Thinking of a way, when Kong Huan looked at the black-skeleton man's actions again, he couldn't help feeling a little admiration for the black-skeleton man's ruthlessness.

"Set fire? Smoke? No matter what, it seems that these black-boned men are not interested in fighting the Shadow Clan." Bai Nong spread his hands, but he didn't have any worries about the behavior of the black-boned men.

"No matter what, let's report the situation to the Dunjia people in Luoxia Mountain first." Having said that, Kong Huan turned his head to look at Liu Yun, who had the least seniority present: "Ask the Shadow Clan and the Military Academy if you want to go down Xiashan will continue to guard."


At the same time, the commanders of the Shadow Clan's three major legions in Luoxia Mountain were also discussing the current situation with the commanders of the Dunjia Legion.

And the focus of discussion, of course, is still the issue of how to deal with the Black Bones.

At this time, after repeated battles, most of the razor and warhammer had been damaged. Although the recruits had been replenished before the offensive and defensive battle of Luoxia Mountain, the Shadow Clan also seemed exhausted in the face of the black-skeleton's non-stop attacks.

Up to now, there are only more than 1000 people left in Shadow Clan Razor, and less than 1000 people in Warhammer and Guardian. Although the Dunjia Legion is hiding underground and attacking from a distance, it is still participating in direct battles after all. A standard legion of 1500 people Now there are only 1100 left.

In contrast, there is a large army of more than 16000 on the side of the Black Bones.

Of course, both the Shadow Clan and the Dunjia Clan are confident, relying on the various tunnels dug by the Dunjia people to impress the Black Bones.

However, if the battle really stays in the passage, then the strategic task of curbing the northward route of the Black Bone Race seems impossible to complete.

"Fire attack?"

Hearing the report from the liaison officer, Dunjia Yanyan, the commander of the Dunjia Legion, was a little surprised, but calmed down soon.

"Lieutenant Colonel Rock, what's the matter?"

Akagi, with a broken hand hanging from a bark strap, asked the rock that he was also injured a lot when dealing with the black bone assault troops before, after all, the black bone man's single body strength is too strong , They are also in great danger when they are close.

"It's nothing, it's just that the black bone man may use fire."

He waved his hand nonchalantly, the confidence of the Dunjia Rock is unquestionable, not to mention that the entire Luoxia Mountain has been dug out by the Dunjia Legion to extend in all directions, even the Youshen around the battlefield can control the weather and let the black The skeleton man's fire attack turned into a joke.

However, the Shadow Clan people who had no common sense in this area changed color suddenly, especially Krosa, who was the most sensitive to fire. When he heard the black-boned man attacking with fire, he immediately recalled that time in the black forest where the flames were raging. Pianguying clan settlement.

"These souls! Do you still want to burn us to death!"

With a roar, Croza actually ignored everyone's resistance, thinking of rushing out to fight.

Of course, he was quickly pulled back by the people around him.

"Why are you crazy! Even if you want to fight, you can't do it recklessly! Besides, didn't you see that Lieutenant Colonel Rock didn't have any worries at all?"


"Hey, you have such a temper." Akagi felt helpless about this.

Seeing these dunjia rocks, he also smiled awkwardly, and then explained his countermeasures to everyone.

Kroza, who heard this, just sighed silently, "It would be great if there were Dunjia Legion there at that time." '

In this regard, everyone expressed silence.

On October 26, 10 A.D., the black-boned men launched a fire attack on Luoxia Mountain. All the Dunjia members of the Shadow Clan retreated into the cave, and then quickly closed the cave entrance.

The black-boned men who thought they had a plan began to fully occupy the surface of Luoxia Mountain, and then looked for the entrance of the cave to drive them away with smoke.

However, the Dunjia people sealed off the passages in various places very well, and the black-boned man found helplessly that smoke and dust came out from some places far away from Luoxia Mountain.

But at this time, the black-boned men, who had failed to make a plan, began to change their methods. They changed the smoke driving to smoke path detection, and began to compete with the Dunjia people one by one, which caught the Dunjia people by surprise.

However, this is not a tunnel battle in the human world, nor is it a battle within the Black Bones.

At this time, the powerful digging ability of the Dunjiamen once again played a role. After the Dunjia Legion reacted, every time the Black Bones just occupied a passage and found another passageway, they would find that their original passage had been occupied by the Dunjiamen. Use methods such as excavation, blockage, etc. to seal.

Some of the deeper black bone squads even appeared to be enclosed in the passage, so that they suffocated to death.

After thousands of people were lost, but only negligible corpses were recovered, and even many units did not even see the enemy, the Black Bone Troop quickly changed its strategy, using the forward troop to completely monitor the small Luoxia Mountain.He planned to rely on the quality of the Black Bones to seal the Dunjia and the Shadow Clan in Luoxia Mountain.

At this time, the black-boned men's troops of more than 1 began to continue marching north.

But what they didn't know was that the three major armies of the Shadow Clan in Luoxia Mountain had sneaked out of the range of Luoxia Mountain through the tunnel dug by the Dunjia people in the soft part of the ground below, and then went to the Shadow Clan Plain and Black Forest respectively.

As for the troops in Luoxia Mountain at this time, only the Dunjia Legion and a small number of Shadow Clan members remained.

(End of this chapter)

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