Spore Story

Chapter 443 Messenger Control and Destruction Conspiracy

Chapter 443 Messenger Control and Destruction Conspiracy

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Just when the eastern front was waiting for reinforcements but failed, and the western front was also blocked by Luoxia Mountain, the message for help sent by the last true god on the eastern front and escorted by the soul-level wingmen of the Longyue team in cooperation with the shadow team all the way, also appeared. Finally, they safely arrived at the God Kingdom of Kongting in the north of the Black Bone Tribe.

However, in order to ensure the success of the communication when they set off, the number of messengers reached dozens or even hundreds. After being screened by the wingmen who were "escorted" along the way, the first person to arrive finally ushered in the final boss of the messenger road: own people.

"Go to hell!"

"This is a traitor who deceives the public with false rumors. This god has sentenced him to death for the crime of 'blasphemy'!"

This is the messenger who went through 'tribulations' (mostly psychological=.=), and finally returned to the Kingdom of Kongting God from Guxia, and found the temporary prisoner of the Kingdom of Kongting God who stayed behind, and then sent his After the request for help was told to the country supervisor, he received a generous reward.

With this return, he won't have to travel so much in the future.

"My lord is right. How could it be possible for the five true gods to all fall suddenly?"

A legion commander who was recalled back to the capital because the true god left, looked contemptuously at the body that fell on the ground and was being cleaned out by a group of guards, and smiled at the country supervisor who was the strongest child of the true god Kongting on the stage.

"However, my lord, the other party will pass this kind of news to us, and the meaning it represents must be guarded against."

"You mean?" Slightly squinting his eyes, the prisoner's eyes flashed a cold expression.

It is almost impossible for him to believe that his extremely powerful true god father will die in battle, not to mention the death of several true gods who are not weaker than his father.

When he heard the question from the supervisor, the ruler immediately replied: "My lord, the actions of the coalition forces this time are already revealing weirdness. Just think about it. Before that, none of us who could be counted as rulers Never heard of that 'powerful wingman race'."

"But all of a sudden, this enemy seemed to come out of that dark night, and all the true gods seemed to believe in it. Even in less than a year, the Nine Gods Kingdom, which was still fighting before, suddenly united and formed a coalition force ,this……"

Pausing for a moment, the control said pointedly: "And now, there is this kind of betrayer who falsely claims to be 'destroyed by the true god'. Then, could it be the Nine Gods Kingdom? Something big is about to happen."

Looking at the ruler's eyes, the country supervisor, who seemed worried and outraged before, calmed down instead.

He fumbled lightly on the surface of the stone bench, but the powerful strength of the black-boned man still made the protruding water chestnuts on the surface of the stone bench a little bit smoother, and those water chestnuts that hindered the fingers of the overseer turned into strands of dust , falling to the ground.

Seeing this situation, the speaker's control felt terrified, and just as he was about to speak, the No.2 messenger, who was controlled by the Wings, returned to the capital and came out of the hall.

According to the situation monitored by the shadow team, the soul-level peak wingman major general who performed this mission, through the influence of mental power, made the No. 2 messenger not like his predecessors when he entered the hall where the overseers and rulers were waiting. Immediately reported the news of the death of the true god.

"My lord, let me convey the situation of the battle on the Eastern Front."

The messenger didn't know that this was the way he spoke after being affected. Although he was a little surprised why he didn't tell the most important thing about the true God first, but now that it has started, facing the cold-faced prisoner, he He simply left the army from the capital and told everything that happened along the way.

At the very beginning, when I saw that the messenger did not report the "rumor" of the "true god's death" as soon as possible, but told the battle process normally, several rulers and the supervisors above all showed satisfied expressions, but these people's hearts Whether there is still such a small loss in the heart, this is unknown.

But as the messenger narrated, the complexions of several people became worse and worse.

And when the courier inevitably talked about the battle of Cloud Valley Fortress, and the "super wing man" who transferred the true god away and turned the totem tent into clouds by the "super wing man" was smashed into ashes with lightning, the poor courier still couldn't help it. Avoided being cleaned up.

But this time, it was a few leaders who made the move.

On the one hand, they couldn't believe that there was such a strong enemy; on the other hand, what the other party told was so true, which made several rulers and supervisors feel a little bit bad.

At this time, on a mountain peak far away from the hall where the rulers and supervisors were, Major General Yiren, who was observing the scene with a telescope made of glass that had not yet been mass-produced by his friends, smiled and turned the lens tube lay down.

"Let these poor people digest it today, and let the remaining messengers continue to circle around."

In the eyes of ordinary people, this wingman is talking to the air, but in fact, there are no less than thirty soul-level independent consciousness bodies around him, and many of them are mid-to-high-level soul-level or even peak soul-level existences.

These people are the main body of this mission.

In this way, while Yuanshi Zhenshen on the eastern front waited in fear for the final blow from his friends; while looking forward to the reinforcements that he didn't think would come, the country supervisors and rulers in this empty kingdom of God also Trapped in fear and doubt.

None of them slept that night.

Early the next morning, the supervisors and rulers were called up.

Although they tried their best to conceal it, the sleepy eyes of the few people still betrayed their emotions at this time, and when they saw another messenger, the expressions of these people inevitably became complicated and full of expectations.

The Messenger can also be terrified by this.

However, he still trembled and told everything he knew.

This time, after shielding the left and right, the few people who had some psychological preparations still heard everything about the messenger from the army to his return here.

Of course, the poor messenger eventually died.

But at this time, the few people who stayed in the hall also became hesitant. Is this really the case?Has the True God really fallen?

When the first messenger said this, it could be said that he was spreading rumours;

When the second messenger said this, it could also be said that he was spreading rumors;

But what about the third courier, he still received it like this, and everyone still deceived themselves and said that it was a rumor;

And on this day, the major general Yiren who carried out the plan obviously wouldn't make it easy for these people.

So, from morning to late at night, the continuous messengers only conveyed one message, three main points: the enemy in the north is extremely powerful;

By the time the tenth messenger arrived in the middle of the night, the prisoner was no longer in the mood to wait for the other party to repeat those same words.

At this time, he just sat firmly on the position of the overseer who symbolized power but could not replace strength, looked at the messenger below wearily and majesticly, and then asked first.

"What you want to convey is the three points of 'the only remaining true stone god is asking for reinforcements from us, and at the same time inform us that four true gods have fallen, and that the winged race in the north is extremely powerful', right?"

Looking at the overseer who seemed to be speaking calmly and in a declarative tone, and the rulers sitting around with different expressions, the messenger quickly realized that someone of his kind should have delivered the message before him, and they fate...

I don't know if the messenger has good eyesight or a good sense of smell. He seems to feel the breath of death from the floor of the hall.

But just as he was still considering whether to repeat the content of his predecessor and face death; Let the cronies in the hall bestow upon this messenger the only equal end to all life: death.

"The guards close the gates of the capital, and if someone who claims to be a messenger appears again, those who look flustered, kill them; those who preach failure and fall, kill them; those who promise to be ignorant, kill them!"

Soon after, the gates of the capital were closed.

Then, the several rulers in the previous hall began to notice that there seemed to be more people around their living places, and the traffic in the courtyard of the Overseer also began to increase. For most of the night, there were bright lights there.

And in the early hours of the morning, more than a dozen teams of unknown people sneaked out of the gate, and rushed to the nearby capitals of the Kingdom of God and the north.

And these kingdoms of God that are targeted are all "rumors" on the Eastern Front that the true god has fallen, and there is no kingdom of the true god in the country.

Of course, Major General Yiren, who has been closely monitoring here, can see all this clearly.

"Very well, the first team, let two more couriers go there, and then control the rest of the couriers and turn to the folks around after watching the show."

"Hmph, Black Bone Clan, the more chaotic the better."

—————Soft genocidal dividing line—————

Everyone is familiar with the name Tumu Xun. He was the first person of the Black Bone Clan to encounter the Shadow Clan (although he was an Ancient Shadow Clan), and he was the one who witnessed the destruction of his own country by God Shi, and even participated in the battle of the destruction of the Ancient Shadow Clan. , the battle of the northern rebellion, the offensive and defensive battle of Yungu Fortress... and other important battles.

And now, he was even sent as a messenger to return to the black bone group to seek the unpredictable reinforcements.

When leaving the ancient gorge, dozens of messengers looked at each other with despair in their eyes, because they believed that there were a large number of powerful enemies waiting for their arrival on the road at this time.

Therefore, among the soldiers in Guxia, messengers are considered to be sent to death, and if they stay in Guxia, they may still have a chance of survival.

However, Tumu Xun could not resist, because he was only a prisoner in the northern rebellion, and was exchanged for consumables on the Eastern Front like cargo.

If it was in the Evil God era, his existence would have a more accurate name: slave.

Therefore, he and dozens of others of his kind set foot on the way home.

On the way, they experienced active dispersion, which was to ensure the success of the mission, and passive dispersion, when their friends watching them asked them to separate.

So, at this time, he became alone.

"Damn! How could they do this!"

The current Tumu Xun is carefully lying on a mound outside the capital of the Kingdom of Konganiwa. About one kilometer in front of his line of sight is the gate of the capital of the Kingdom of Konganiwa. They have been running for such a long time. The ultimate destination after all kinds of hardships.

But Tu Muxun did not expect that this is also the final destination of his colleagues' lives.

When he saw the simple but magnificent gate of the capital of the Kingdom of God in Kongting from a distance, he was still full of joy and anticipation, hoping that after delivering the message, he would be able to have a good sip of hot soup and sleep peacefully, but The reality is so cruel.

He saw his companion before he left. What the companion who arrived at the gate first was not facing something in his dreams, but the cruel guards and the not-so-sharp long hair in the eyes of the courier who had seen the Wingman weapon. spear.

But they didn't realize it until the spear pierced them.

It turned out that even if they were not very sharp, these spears were enough to destroy their own people.

Shocked by this scene, Tumu Xun quietly lay on the mound not far from the gate. Although he was very hungry and thirsty, he didn't even dare to take a bite of the green grass in front of him, because he was afraid that such a movement would disturb a kilometer. The guards at a distance.

After seeing two messengers in a row, who died at the hands of his own people just before the mission was completed, Tumu Xun no longer had the desire to deliver the message to the God Kingdom of Kongting, anyway, they don't need it anymore, do they?

Taking advantage of the changing of the guards, Tu Muxun, who was almost exhausted, finally left here and retreated into the forest.


"Next, what are you going to do?"

"Ask for help from other kingdoms of God?"

These messengers chose Kongting Divine Kingdom for help at first because it was the closest to the ancient gorge on the eastern front. However, the response of Kongting Divine Kingdom made these messengers terrified. They had every reason to suspect that other divine kingdoms would do the same.

"The managers of these true kingdoms of God are all the same, why do we seem to pass on information?"

After thinking about it again and again, Tumu Xun finally chose to go further south, perhaps because it was far away from the Yiren in the north, or maybe because there were more of the same kind there, or maybe it was just a short-term goal...

It was some of the remaining messengers who made the same choice.

The other part of the messengers chose to go to the country that still has the true god. Their purpose is to pass this kind of news to the kingdom of the gods, and then instigate these kingdoms to annex the countries without the true god, so as to make themselves meritorious service.

"Does this really work?"

Putting down the binoculars in his hand, he handed it over to the Winged Man Commander beside him. The Winged Man looked at those messengers who were completely unaware that there were messengers of the same kind not far from him. With a hint of doubt.

"Whether it is effective or not, at least the seeds have been planted. As for how much fertilizer to apply, it is actually completely determined by the behavior of these so-called managers of the True Kingdom of God. There is only one thing we need to do next."

Smiling and standing on an index finger, looking at the subordinate who was still confused, this Yiren's face showed a sense of satisfaction as a teacher.

"This thing is to control the growth rate of this seed so that it can bear the fruit we need according to our needs."

"And the rest..."

"It's just going to the theater, watching the movie, and watching the movie."

Not long after, when the managers of the Real God Kingdom who had lost the True God were still discussing countermeasures and sent people to the north to confirm the situation, rumors began to erupt everywhere.

'The five true gods who attacked the Eastern Front all died this time. '

'The north is the kingdom of the real gods, and a group of self-righteous false gods are dead. '

"The true gods of the East and West lines are all hung up."

"The true god is actually not dead. This time, he wanted to hang out those rebels, so he made the scene of the Northern Expedition."

"The war is about to start again. This time, it is the real gods who have been angered in the north, and they want to punish the Black Bone Race."

"The Kingdom of True God watched tens of thousands of black-skeleton soldiers face death, but remained indifferent."

"It's all fake, including ourselves."


Perhaps it is already at the level of the laws of nature. The transmission speed of rumors is always one notch faster than the fastest official communication speed, especially negative rumors, and there is a certain speed bonus.

As a result, before the management of the Black-Bone Clan was in complete chaos, the hearts of the people inside had already begun to be chaotic.

Over the years, under the oppression of those managers who claimed to be the true gods and then did whatever they wanted, these people have already suffered terribly.

At this time, there is no oppression of the most dangerous true god above the head, only Shishen who can be killed by relying on the superiority of numbers, and the rebellious factors in the hearts of the people continue to grow under the catalysis of a long and painful life.

The commander of Major General Yiren, who was watching all this from the sidelines, sat on the top of a mountain inside the Black Bone Tribe, smiling and waiting for all the further developments.

Below the mountain where he was, there was a group of black bone civilians, discussing whether to rebel against the gods who oppressed them.

And in the magnetic field communication, a Wingman soldier more than ten kilometers away is reporting the changes of a True God Kingdom Legion under observation.

"I have to say that people of this race are too easily provoked."

"Yes, but in this way, will our plan be successful? Mr. Major General."

"no no."

Unexpectedly, the major general waved his hand.

"What do you mean?"

"Now is not the time for these ordinary people to rebel. You must know that the true god of the Black Bone Race has not yet been dispatched."

Mischievously blinking at his subordinates, the major general just put down the tin kettle in his hand, then looked at the true God Kingdom Legion that was gathering in the report in the distance, and said thoughtfully.

"The black-boned men on the east and west lines have not been resolved yet, and there are at least three true gods in the black-boned tribe. It is too early to be confused, and it will not be too chaotic."

Smiling with a hint of sarcasm, this subordinate seemed to disagree with the plan, but he also said what the major general wanted to say: "So, we must temporarily suppress the chaos of these ordinary people, and when the upper echelon of the Black Bone Race completely loses popular support , and then carry out the next plan?"

"Correct answer," the major general patted the younger subordinate next to him, pointing to the surrounding world, "You know what the black bone men know, they are rebellious, greedy, bloodthirsty... the most important thing is, There is huge potential for growth.”

"And we are friends, and we are born to consider our friends."

"For the future of our friends, for the future of our children and grandchildren, 'nipping this group of threats in the cradle' is the destiny of our generation, and it must not be pushed to the fate of the next generation."

Accompanied by his words, a group of troops from the Kingdom of God are rushing towards the valley below them...

"Clean up these damned blasphemers!"

"Kill these lackeys of false gods!"

By the way, I recommend "Spore Story: Shadow Clan Gaiden" written by a book friend =w=
(End of this chapter)

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