Spore Story

Chapter 444 The War and Destruction Explosion of the Ancient Gorge

Chapter 444 The War and Destruction Explosion of the Ancient Gorge
"My lord, it has been ten days."

"Ten days."

Looking up at the sky outside the tent, Yuanshi Zhenshen didn't know how he survived these ten days. The torment of the toxin made him paralyzed all over his body. Any movement could only be driven by thoughts. His body turned into a puppet.

In the eyes of ordinary Shishen, the last true god of them only seemed a little sluggish because of the bad situation at this time, plus his movements were stiff, and he could still provide some comfort to ordinary soldiers.

But Yuanshi Zhenshen himself is very clear that his body is actually useless except for his brain.

"Ten days, by the way, how is the food? Is there any more?"


After hesitating for a while, this Primordial God looked at the True God who hadn't eaten for ten days with a slightly thin face, and a feeling of respect was sprouting in his heart.

Instinctively, he didn't want the true god in front of him to know the bad news, but he didn't want to go against the other party's wishes, not to mention that the other party, as the highest official, really needed to know this.

"Master True God, five days ago, the food and baggage that people carried were eaten up; two days ago, even the animals and edible fruits in the valley were eaten up."

The valley of the Guxia is only that big. In the past, more than 1000 black-skeleton men stationed had to rely on hunting to maintain food and clothing, but now more than 1 black-skeleton men are besieged here, and they can persist for so long. In the eyes of the friends, it was already a miracle.

His mental strength trembled slightly, and the doomed true god of the original stone smiled wryly in his heart, but maybe there was nothing to do, and now he was just looking for some topics to pass the boring life.

So, he continued to ask.

"What about now? Judging from your appearance, it should not be the end of the mountain."

"Uh... this... I'm sorry."

I don't know why, although this Shishen faced the other party peacefully without a trace of reproach, he felt more heartbroken than the usual roars of those true gods' superiors.

In fact, as a true god, how could Yuan Shi not know why these primordial gods behaved like this.

The True God gets the tribute from the Shishen; the Shishen gets the tribute from the captain of the guard;

As long as there is no riot, it is absolutely impossible for Shishen and True God to be the first to starve to death.

"I don't blame you, I just want to know what else the soldiers can eat."

(Do you want to say it?) Shishen looked at True God Yuanshi who had no expression in front of him, and his mental strength was calm, and even gave him a warm sense of forgiveness, and gradually lowered his head.

"God, everyone has nothing to eat, all plants, animal bones...even, even dead corpses of the same kind."

Perhaps it had already been said, but the Shishen didn't care about it, and began to tell all the scenes that made him feel scared, tired, sad, and even numb.

It might be nothing if these scenes appeared alone, but when they were concentrated in this narrow valley, it made him feel terrified.


But the True God Yuanshi who heard this just listened to everything in front of him calmly, as if he had already stood outside the world, but his body was still in the world. From the eyes of the other party, Shishen did not notice any emotion fluctuation.

At this time, the voice of the true god entered the mind of the beginning god again.

"It's about time."

When he heard that some crazy soldiers had begun to no longer care about life and death, and rushed to all places with friends, the original stone god silently closed his eyes. When it opened again, it seemed to be carrying Gave a brilliance as deep as the starry sky.

Shishen, who had just raised his head, was deeply immersed in this brilliance, but he soon woke up.

Because, the true god who lay there for ten days without making any big moves actually stood up like a normal person at this time, and walked towards the door.

"Let's go, gather all people, we have lost the future, but we still have death!"

Every step he took seemed to increase his strength. When the source of the sound turned from the center of the tent to the outside of the tent behind Shishen, the Shishen felt that he was beside a mountain, and the boundless pressure made him feel endless. the power of.

At this moment, all worries and fears disappeared, and he knew that this was the last moment.

Soon after, facing the skinny soldiers, as well as the captain of the guards and Shishen who were barely better, Yuanshi Zhenshen didn't show any surprise, just waved his hand and pointed to the valley passage.


"The black bone man moved."

"Oh? I thought they would have to wait for a few more days. It seems that I think highly of them." Casually speaking ironically, Dark Blood looked at the commander of the Guxia battlefield who was reporting to him, and nodded. : "Do what you have to do, remember, to minimize casualties, and if possible, follow that plan."



On October 26, 10 A.D., less than 17 Black Bone Tribes remained under siege for several days in the ancient gorge battlefield. Friends from both places and Yafeng launched an attack.

From the opponent's attack pattern, it can be clearly seen that this group of black-skeleton men are no longer aimed at breaking out of the siege. Everything they do is aimed at death, their own death, and the death of the enemy. Less than a gleam of brilliance.

The cliff crevices in the west faced the pure air defense force composed of three winged men, and the black bone men attacked the cliff crevices with no way out, so this group of desperate black bone men could only face own death.

In front of those Winged Men flying high in the sky, this front is a completely one-sided massacre.

On the east side, under the accumulation of human lives by the black-boned soldiers, the defense line of the valley passage in the east of the ancient gorge was finally attacked by the black-boned men. fighting spirit.

In order to avoid greater losses, especially when the number of our own side is not large, the two original army corps defended by the friends quickly received the order from the commander, and immediately led them to retreat eastward slowly, and then flew a kite together. Little by little nibbled at those black-boned men who rushed out of the valley.

At the same time, the Ice Spirit Legion let go of the blockade of the valley passage, and at the same time let go of the black bone man's way to the south.

"Major General, just let go of the line of defense, do we have the power to wipe out all the black bone men?"

At this time, facing the defense line of the valley passage that was accidentally 'broken', the black-skeleton man, who had already had gray eyes, was completely stunned.

Because, when the passage is opened, it indicates that the way home is at least superficially open.

Continue to desperately kill the enemy?Or rushing towards a possible ray of life?
With a glimmer of life, there is no reason to support the outbreak of despair. Soldiers who have come to their senses look at the same kind of people who are starting to charge towards the crowded passage with bright eyes, and no longer hesitate.

After all, why die when you can live?

The original stone true god, who is completely like the backlight, can only exert strength stronger than the beginning god but weaker than the true god under the control of the mind.

At this moment, he was besieged by several soul-level wingmen.

Being unable to fly, he had no idea of ​​survival, but facing the passageway that was suddenly released, he still developed a survival instinct at that moment. Therefore, once the puffed up Qi was released, it was difficult to regain his life. full.

At this moment, three giant crossbow arrows pierced through his fragile thought power defense, nailing the body of this true god to a plain far away from the valley passage.

At this time, Yuanshi Zhenshen, who reacted under the stimulation of the darkness, looked at the crowded passage and the corpses of black bone soldiers trampled by the same kind, and slowly let go of the spoils he got from the soldiers of the friends: a standard The primitive spear.


The one who died with this original true god was a little-known beginning god. When everyone was charging and squeezing the passage, he turned around and rushed towards the corpse of this true god, and then got the same A god-like ending.

"See, this is the benefit of letting go of the line of defense."

There was no explanation before, but after everything appeared, the battlefield commander pointed to the valley passage filled by densely packed black bone soldiers who wanted to survive, and said quietly.

At this time, the commanders present fell silent, and emotions such as admiration, envy, approval, and intolerance flowed among them.

For many things, it is one thing to learn in a military academy, but it is another thing to apply them in practice.

Seeing the remaining 6000 black-skeleton men crowding and moving outward in the valley passage less than [-] meters wide and one kilometer long, everyone felt a chill in their hearts.

Because, according to the plan, these people have no way out.

There seems to be no one blocking the front, but the Dunjia Legion has dug a large number of active traps underneath; there is a Legion of Yuanren and three teams of Yiren chasing behind, but as long as you are interested, you can find it. The Wingmen are more than 100 meters away from the black-skeleton men, and this distance has not been shortened in the slightest.

At this time, a group of middle-aged and elderly Wingmen landed steadily not far from the valley passage, where the commanders of the group of friends were.

"Master Darkblood."

"Bring it up."

Dark Blood looked calmly at the crowded valley passage in front of him, as if thinking of the night when he led the team to escape here.

At that time, the quack apes in the canyon left the valley passage without any risk, but how many people were there when they left?How many people were there in the first few days before leaving?She and the wingmen behind her will never be forgotten.

At this time, several Yiren dressed in researchers' clothes respectfully and carefully placed several one-meter-long rectangular boxes in front of everyone.

The slight sound of the wooden box opening was not covered by the noise of the black bone men who had pushed into the middle of the valley passage in the distant valley.

The weapon of war is to pursue the minimum casualty and the maximum damage.

Rows of crystal clear thumb crystals are neatly placed in the box.

Their pure and holy appearance made unsuspecting people even use them as raw materials for sacred statues, but those present who knew what they were, their faces changed, and they all took a step back.

Then, they looked at Dark Blood in embarrassment.

But at this moment, Dark Blood turned around and nodded to the Winged Men beside him.

"I'll come first."

Uncle Dark Star, whose wings seemed to be stitched with unknown lines strangely, looked at the mature, once small and cute face in front of him, smiled slightly, and took out a crystal that exuded a faint white light from the box, and then Spread your hands.

"The endless years of hatred, let it end here..."

Under the control of Dark Blood's thoughts, the crystals began to float, and then slowly flew towards the valley ahead. Under the scorching sun at noon, the warm white light trembled quietly like something from another world.

At this time, An Ye also stepped forward to take out one, and then spread his hands like An Star.

"The battle of endless years, let it stop here..."

The crystals that also floated up caught up with the same kind in front of them in the air, like two children.

"From now on, the hatred of the canyon will go away..."

Another crystal flew into the sky, and the surrounding commanders and research institutes all stared intently at the crystals approaching the valley passage, while those wingmen who followed the dark blood raised the crystals in their hands one after another. .

"From now on, enemies and friends, everything depends on the future of the race..."

"The winner lives..."

"The loser dies..."

"He who obeys lives..."

"Those who resist die..."


"From now on, the passage of the Guxia Valley will become history."

Looking at the dozens of thumb-sized crystals floating above the valley passage like a line, it is not that there are no black bone men in the passage who have discovered this vision, but they don't know what it is.

Moreover, the black bone man in front has already seen the exit of the valley.

go back……

"Go back."

After saying something coldly, everyone felt that the clouds in the sky were gathering rapidly, and the faint sound of thunder seemed to be coming out, which made the black bone people in the passage even more confused.

After a while, current disturbances began to appear in the entire valley channel, and the thoughts around the dark blood also trembled rapidly.

At the same time, the crystals above the valley passage also trembled.

The next moment, it was a bright world that seemed to be quiet for an instant...


"Teacher, what does the development of technology bring?"

"It depends on the group that develops these technologies, what is his main emotion or personality."

"Oh, what is the main emotion of our friends?"

"This, little guy, you can stop asking me. However, everyone can get along peacefully now, which should be regarded as a good mood and personality."

"Oh, so why develop weapons?"

"This, because there is one thing that is absolutely indispensable in this world, and that is the enemy. And weapons are the key to ensure that we can survive when facing the enemy."

"Is that right?"

"of course."

Looking at the 'Valley Passage' like a flat ground, Xueyue, who is a researcher of [Calcium Carbide Bomb], suddenly hesitated. He looked at the empty wooden box beside him, and for some reason, he felt that he and others had opened a dangerous of boxes.

The things in this box can bring glory to oneself, safety and victory to the group, but will it bring more other things?

"Blood Moon researcher, this is the data just obtained."


"This is the calcium carbide bomb data I just obtained." I was a little surprised that the researcher in front of me was distracted, but after seeing the valley that had disappeared, the researcher also sighed with lingering fear, but then his face was full of excitement.

"Just obtained the data, the calcium carbide crystal with a diameter of 8 cubic centimeters has an explosion radius of at least 20 meters. This power, purely in terms of lethality, has surpassed the Lightning Strike Technique and is close to the Thunderbolt Technique."

"However, it is still very difficult to induce, mainly because the fuze is too dangerous."

"It seems that we can only rely on the power of the Youshen level to attract." Thinking of this, the researcher lowered his head a little bit disappointed, but soon regained his spirit: "However, we only need to make a little improvement to be able to Make it a fixed-trigger bomb."

"That's a new kind of trap, we just need to..."

Listening quietly to the researcher's narration, Xue Yue just nodded from time to time. In his opinion, the researcher's method is indeed good.Still, what Bloodmoon is thinking now is, 'Do the friends really need this kind of technology right now? '

"Of course."

A firm voice suddenly sounded in Xue Yue's mind. After a brief panic, he calmed down, and then nodded to Dark Blood in the distance.

Xue Yue thought, it seemed that his previous performance had obviously caught the elder's attention.

"Master Dark Blood, with the current strength of our friends clan, even without this kind of weapon, isn't it already the strongest?" Regarding these elders, he chose to have no reservations, because at least within the friends clan, they all can be trusted.

"A weapon is just a weapon, please don't forget this," Dark Blood told the researcher through a spiritual connection: "No matter how powerful the calcium carbide bomb is, it is just a weapon, and it can effectively reduce the death of our personnel, so why not use it?" ?”


"What you saw was the massacre of the black bone men, but what I saw was that without this bomb, more friends would have to face these crazy black bone men, and it is impossible that there would be no casualties among them."

"And the final result is that the black bone man is still going to die."

Pointing to the original valley passage full of broken limbs, broken arms and rubble, Dark Blood's spirit was very calm: "Since the results are the same, why don't we use calcium carbide bombs in exchange for the survival of our kind? Right?"

Blood Moon fell silent.

"Of course, this is on the premise that the bomb will not harm us."

Finally, I added that the dark blood disconnected from the opponent.

"Let's go, the war on the Eastern Front is over." Slightly sighed, Dark Blood looked at the completely buried passage.

All the troops have already left the battlefield in the whole team. As for whether there are still black bone survivors in this passage, it doesn't matter to them.

The strategic goal of 'annihilating the Eastern Front' has been completed, and what they have to do afterwards is to continue with the next task.

"Dark Blood, do you want to visit the New Central District?"

Patting Anxue on the shoulder, Uncle Anxing, who didn't care about the difference in identities between the two parties at this time, looked at the eastern horizon with nostalgia.

Of course, nothing can be seen here.

"You guys go, I want to go back and have a rest."

"OK then."

Not much to say, the dozens of Wingmen who followed Dark Blood bid farewell to Dark Blood one by one, and flew to the abandoned New Central District together.

(End of this chapter)

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