Spore Story

Chapter 445 Assassination, both sides are growing

Chapter 445 Assassination, both sides are growing

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As the saying goes, Ye Hei Feng Gao kills Ye, although he no longer fears the dark night because of his belief in the god of thunder, and later, under the various educations of his friends, it is proved that the god of the dark night does not exist.

However, there is no doubt about An Ye's help in the assassination of the Shadow Clan.

Under the dim night sky, in a small forest on the edge of a plain, there are a large number of black shadows moving.

Of course, people can't see it, and this is just the speech of the narrator. (PS: We haven’t been haunted for a long time =w=)

The goal of the black shadows is a huge camp in the gap between the woods and the plain ahead, where countless black bone men are resting, and the black bone men inside are the food that these black shadows want to devour.

Of course, it is impossible for the black-skeleton man who suffered from the assassination of the Shadow Clan not to take precautions against this.

Therefore, there are various sentry posts around the camp.


Raising his fist lightly, Shadow Kaze, the leader of the three-person assassination team, stopped first, and quickly withdrew his fist.

As for whether his two team members saw it, he didn't pay attention at all, because he believed in his teammates.

Carefully holding the turf above his head, through the gaps in the vegetation, he saw the hastily erected fence of the Blackbone Camp ahead.

Almost every night, the black-skeleton man would pay no less than three-digit deaths in order to set up this crude fence.

However, as the Shadow Clan who caused all this, it is not harmless, because the black-boned man still has a true god and a brain that sums up experience.

Since the end of the battle at Luoxia Mountain a few days ago, the main force of the Black Bone Clan has moved northward.

And since then, their true gods no longer sit firmly. Although many times, even with the spiritual power of the true gods, they can't find the more powerful razor soldiers of the Shadow Clan. Like the Shadow Clan's conservative attack, these true gods also chose to determine the location of the Shadow Clan through the changes in the surrounding vegetation.

In this way, it will become more and more difficult for the Shadow Clan to ambush the black bone man.

Melee assassination has little effect at this time, and it is easy to cause greater casualties, so long-distance assassination has become more and more mainstream in this kind of battle.

At this moment, Shadowwind and his three team members were quietly lying in a place where there were not many plants with a small crossbow that belonged to them, looking at the black bone camp in the distance.

(About 120 meters, unfortunately there are only ordinary soldiers, do you want to attack?)
Today's assassination is a difficult task. After discovering that the Shadow Clan put the main assassination target on them, those guard captains and Shishen began to consciously avoid wearing clothes that are easy to be spotted when they are easy to be assassinated. appear in dangerous places.

As a result, most of the recent results obtained by the Shadow Clan razors are only ordinary soldiers.

Although ordinary soldiers can also accumulate little to make great contributions to future frontal battles, who would think of Razor, who tried his best to infiltrate the dangerous Blackbone camp, to those ordinary soldiers?Even the physical fitness of ordinary soldiers is much better than that of the Shadow Clan.

The night breeze blew slightly, and the green grass in the surrounding environment swayed and swayed gently, which made the black bone soldiers at the gate of the camp in front of them couldn't help but let out a sigh.

However, they obviously didn't know that they had been targeted by an unknown number of crossbows for a long time, but they didn't attack because the other party looked down on ordinary soldiers like them.

(I don't know if this is lucky or unfortunate.)
With a whoosh, a black shadow suddenly pierced the night sky.

(What! Is there anyone else assassinating here?)
Razor's assassination is done in groups, and each is assigned a general direction. It is not impossible for multiple groups to choose the same location, but the probability is relatively low.

But soon, Yingfeng realized that it was not an attack from his own people, because there was a sudden sound of a heavy object falling to the ground not far behind him.

Without looking back, he knew he had already lost a teammate.

(Damn! Exposed!)

However, Shadowwind couldn't be sure whether he was also exposed. If the opponent only discovered his teammates, then moving by himself would only make the opponent discover him further.

Therefore, the current him can only continue to lie here quietly.

As the war progressed, there were more and more cases where the Black Bone Race obtained bows and imitated bows and arrows, while the previous bows and arrows were obviously shot in the camp.

In this pitch-black state, the black bone man without Shadow Clan's heat vision obviously has the true god level, at least the beginning god level, and has noticed the abnormality of the target location with mental power.

(Why is this guy so careless!)

The muscles of the whole body were relaxed as much as possible, slight drops of sweat dripped to the ground, and there were bursts of insects in the surrounding environment.

Because Yingfeng's body is covered with turf, whether it is visual distance or spiritual perception, he can only perceive that this is a piece of turf growing on the rock.

And the fact is officially so, after waiting for a long time, until several ordinary black bone soldiers in the black bone camp regained their calm for a while, there was no attack on the other team members of Shadow Wind.

(Looks like only that guy was exposed, hey.)
The black bone men did not enter the woodland to search, because they were not sure whether they would be in greater danger after leaving the camp in this dark night.When the assassination experience of the Shadow Clan increases with the number of assassinations, the anti-assassination experience of the Black Bone Clan also increases.

After several mental power scans, it was confirmed that there was no abnormality, and then troops were sent into the woodland to search, but the situation of never returning is very common in the black bone army. Therefore, they usually wait until daytime and organize a large number of people to clean up the woods around the camp. .

At this time, there was a commotion at the gate of the camp, and several black-boned soldiers who had been wobbling before suddenly stood up and turned their heads in unison to look in one direction.

Seeing this situation, Shadow Wind immediately raised his spirits and looked in the direction these soldiers were looking at.

(Cut, it’s just a food delivery.)
What Yingfeng Hot Energy saw was an ordinary soldier carrying a basket of hot food. He was slowly walking towards the guards, and at the same time glanced at the woodland from time to time, as if he was very worried about the situation in the woodland. It is quite normal among ordinary soldiers.



When I saw an ordinary soldier delivering something, Shadowwind was already planning to continue lurking and waiting for a high-value target, but suddenly remembered these black-boned soldiers. It was a lazy soldier who suddenly found out that the officer had checked his post.

Taking a closer look, Yingfeng quickly discovered that these soldiers did not look at the food basket that should be the main target under normal circumstances, but at the 'ordinary' soldier who delivered the food, and these eyes were also very uncomfortable. Normally, it was a kind of longing, awe, and...

(communicate with?)

(Clearly did not open the mouth, but felt that there was communication?)
Thinking of this, Yingfeng suddenly became a little excited.

At this moment, he only hoped that another soldier in his group could maintain a tacit understanding with him, and he must not disturb the enemy in front of him.

At this time, Yingfeng himself, while carefully moving the bow and crossbow under his body, recalled the scene when he was studying the materials of the Black Bone Clan in the Peng Clan.

"You have to remember that both the Beginning God and the True God of the Black Bone Clan can use a special method to communicate with the same kind without making a sound or even moving."

"And when you are lurking, you have to pay attention to one thing: if the two black bone men don't make any other movements, but give you a feeling that they are talking, then you have to pay attention, at least one of them is probably Shishen."

"Could it be a real god?" Yingfeng asked this question at that time, and the Yiren God of the friend clan quickly answered with a smile.

"The true gods of the Black Bone Race may not play other roles. Because they have become too proud under the compliments of the members of the group, and at the same time, they also have the power defense ability that can even block giant bows and crossbows. There is no need... "

The striker of the crossbow had already aimed at the head of the black-boned man who delivered the food, but Shadow Wind did not attack anxiously, because he also knew from the gods of the friends that the black-boned man's Shishen could perceive Movements in the direction of tens of meters or even tens of meters around the week.

Therefore, as long as the bow and arrow enters that range, and the opponent is in a situation where it is easy to dodge, the only result is that his attack misses the target and exposes himself at the same time.

At this time, the black-skeleton man who acted as the food delivery did not leave in a hurry after handing over the food to the soldiers.

While he seemed to be communicating harmoniously with these ordinary soldiers, he glanced at the woodland from time to time.

Suddenly, those ordinary soldiers seemed to have heard something terrible, and Qiqi looked at the food delivery person who was still 'communicating' with them a moment ago.

The other party was obviously dissatisfied with the reaction of these soldiers, glared at the other party with a hint of majesty, and then quickly swept around. Shadow Wind, who was staying in the distance, could even think that the other party must be using that ability to perceive the surroundings now.

(Really poor acting skills.)
Regarding the interaction between these soldiers and the food delivery person, Yingfeng curled his lips in disdain.

Of course, these actions are hidden by the surrounding environment.


The atmosphere fell silent again. It seemed that several ordinary soldiers were very reluctant, but because they couldn't disobey the order of the food delivery person, they began to get up slowly, and then walked around the other side towards the woods.

(God help me too!)

Shadow Wind, who was staying in the woods, almost held his breath completely. The other party unexpectedly entered the woods in the middle of the night without knowing his life. What is this for?

Recalling the sound of falling before, it represented the sacrifice of a team member, but what did it mean to the black bone man?

(By the way, could it be... a weapon? A corpse? Leather armor?)

No matter what was attracting the food giver, Yingfeng knew that his success rate was getting higher and higher.

Carefully adjusting the movement of his body, he adjusted his body to point at the food deliverer almost at a speed of more than one degree per minute.

He didn't plan to attack now, because even if he successfully shot the food delivery person, the remaining ordinary soldiers could still escape. Since the opportunity was rare, why didn't he put these people into the woods and clean them up one by one?
Anyway, their destination is behind Shadow Wind, just wait until they walk over.

Time passed like this bit by bit, Shadow Wind turned his body very slowly, but the group of black-skeleton men moved even slower, they even used their spears to stir up any place on the road where there were clues. open for safety.

If this action is placed on the farmland, it is a standard plowing and digging. Unfortunately, if there are no enemies on the way forward, their efforts will be useless.

And at this moment, Shadow Wind couldn't help but rejoice that the exposed team member didn't choose to hide directly behind him.

Otherwise, with the confirmation method of the black-boned man, he couldn't hide at all.

But at this moment, these black-skeleton men suddenly became nervous. Under the guidance of the food delivery person, they aimed the wooden spears on their bodies at the depths of the woods, and then threw the wooden spears.

At the same time, a familiar figure of Shadow Wind jumped out from the depths of the woods, it was another member of his team.

(Damn, why is this guy in that direction!) Your crow's mouth...

After the figure jumped out, the team member jumped to one side to avoid the thrown wooden spear, and then launched an attack with the bow and crossbow in his hand, pinning one of the black bone men on the tree trunk next to him.

Seeing this situation, the remaining black-boned men were in a commotion.

The food deliverer quickly took off the wooden spear on his back, and threw it at the team member who failed to lurk and was about to turn around and flee without aiming.

"Be careful behind you!"

Although it is possible to obtain greater results by continuing to lurk without exposing himself, Shadow Wind cannot just sit back and watch his team members be killed.

Therefore, after discovering the movement of the food delivery person, he quickly shot the crossbow that he had aimed for a long time, then jumped up from his hiding place, and chased after the team member.

Hearing Shadow Wind's reminder, the team members easily dodged the wooden spear.

But because the reminder sound preceded the bow and crossbow, the food deliverer also easily dodged Shadow Wind's bow and crossbow.

If they continued to attack at this time, the two of them would obviously be able to achieve some results, but it was a pity that it took time to rewind the crossbow, which was enough time for the opponent to kill the two razors who exposed their identities a few times.

Therefore, after shooting the first arrow, Yingfeng and the team member quickly fixed the bow and crossbow at their waists.

Then, the two moved closer to each other, while running towards the location of the companion who had fallen to the ground before.

At this moment, Yingfeng felt a familiar whistling sound coming from behind him.

(Black bone man's crossbow!)

No need to think about it, Yingfeng knew that this must be the crossbow fired by the black-boned man hiding in the camp, because it was the sound before, knocking one of his team members to the ground, and thus the latter one came into being thing.

But now there are trees all around him, and he has just turned around, his strength is exhausted, and there is no time to dodge.

(Did he just die like this?)

The roar was accompanied by the sound of crossbow arrows entering the flesh, but unexpectedly, he didn't feel the sting of being hit at all, instead he felt a thrust.

Looking back, the team member he rescued was stretching out his right hand, with a familiar crossbow stuck in his wrist.

"Damn! Let's go!"

With no time to talk, Yingfeng quickly dragged his companion towards the destination, and the team member, enduring the severe pain, also held his right wrist and quickly followed Yingfeng's footsteps.

When passing by the corpse of the former teammate, Shadowwind hesitated for a moment, only quickly took away the other party's crossbow, weapon and identity badge, and disappeared into the dense forest with the injured team member without hesitation.

At this time, it was no longer possible to carry the corpse of his companion, although he was very unwilling, but Yingfeng was responsible for the two of them at this time.

Fortunately, the opponent's True God might be too lazy to move, or he might be dealing with assassinations from other directions, so he didn't appear in the direction where Shadow Wind and the others were. The two of them headed east and then turned north, and returned to Razor in the early hours of the morning. camp.


"Shadow Wind, the 2rd group of the 3nd Gorge long-range troop."

Walking to a table at the gate of the camp, he handed over the team members to the healer, and reported to the Shadow Clan people sitting in front of the table.

"Hey, Team Leader Shadow Wind, how much have you gained this time?"

But seeing the expectant expression of the other party, Shadow Wind could only sigh helplessly, and silently put the crossbow and weapons he brought back from his companions on the table, and the recorder who saw these and even the razors around him , all looked at Yingfeng in surprise.

"In this operation, it is uncertain to eliminate one ordinary soldier of the black bone man, lose one member of the team, and seriously injured one."


Looking at the weapons on the table, the recorder also had a gloomy expression.

After being silent for a while, he carefully put the weapon back into the wooden box behind him. There were already a lot of weapons in it, showing the intensity of the recent battle.

Then, with the pencil in his hand, he wrote down the members of the shadow wind report on the table-like white paper.

"Team Leader Shadow Wind, please be sorry. Recently, many groups have suffered heavy losses. Now, please go to the inspector to record the battle process. This will be our reference to avoid similar problems in the future."

"Thank you."

Nodding his head, Shadowwind walked indifferently to several Shadow Clan captains in the distance, where a bunch of razors were lined up, waiting to report their battles to the inspector.

The inspectors will collect the battles every day, sort them out and submit them to the council.

Afterwards, the council will hand over the sorted out battle history to the subordinate gods sent by Thor, and the subordinate gods will use the fantasy world to simulate various battle situations for the recruits who are training in the Shadow Clan based on the process. .

On the other hand, these battle experiences will also be sorted out, printed into various pamphlets, and sent to every unit of the Shadow Clan squad, which will become their goal to avoid similar situations and learn from successful experiences.

At this time, there seemed to be a little restlessness in the soldiers in front.

I just finished reporting my situation, and the next verification is not my business, and Kagekaze, who is temporarily free, has nothing to do (or doesn't want to do things for the time being), so he walked over curiously.

Only then did he realize that everyone was looking at the sky.

Looking up, a round of red sun was rising from the distant horizon, but soon, Shadow Wind found dense black spots flying from that direction with their backs facing the sun.

"This is……"

"Wing people? They are the reinforcements of the friends!"

"Is it finally here?"

Looking at the Yi crowd in the distance, Yingfeng couldn't hide his excitement.

This is not how much he expects from the friends' reinforcements. After all, he has never seen the strength of the friends' troops, but he knows that as long as the friends' reinforcements appear, then the general attack will begin.

"Let's launch the final attack!"

(End of this chapter)

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