Spore Story

Chapter 446 Fighting, the End of the Shadow War

Chapter 446 Fighting, the End of the Shadow War

Thank you for the support of Dazizaifeng's monthly pass O(∩_∩)O
The ShadowClan Plain in the autumn night still reveals a piece of calm after the harvest. Even though the enemy is already in front of them, they have faith and ideas, so they have nothing to fear.

At this time, in the Shadow Clan Thunder God City located in the middle of the Shadow Clan Plain, as the commanders of the final battle on the western front, they are marking and discussing on a circular plain sand table...

"The enemy has now entered the place we expected in advance, but because the opponent's true god can detect a depth of [-] meters underground, the actual use of the Dunjia clan's trap strategy is no longer high. This is on the way from Luoxia Mountain to here. I believe everyone We already know, so we didn't trap there this time."

However, since it is a discussion, there will still be various suggestions.

A member of the ShadowClan stood up and asked, "Why not dig a trap below [-] meters? That should also cause damage to the Black Bones."


Glancing at the member of the Shadow Clan, Major Yiren Shanshe, who was the commander this time, was taken aback for a moment, then shook his head dejectedly and explained: "Thank you for your proposal, but you don't know much about the geological excavation. "

"In order to set up a trap that can threaten the ground below [-] meters, there are very high requirements for the size, width, stability mechanism, and inspection of the ground geological conditions that need to be excavated."

"Even if it is done by Dunjia people, it is not a project that can be completed overnight. You can refer to the city of Thunder God for the specific time and other consumption. Therefore, this kind of trap has no tactical significance at all."

"Moreover, even if it is an attack in a strategic sense, in actual use, you have to consider: how to lead the enemy there; how to control the enemy from collapsing before it is triggered; how to restore the stability of the ground afterwards, etc."

After hearing the words of Major General Shanshe, the people around sighed. After all, if you can use traps to solve the enemy, then it is definitely a good thing for your side.

And the congressman seemed equally unwilling: "This, if it depends on the power of God..."

"God can indeed, but! The only consequence of putting your hope in the gods is to be abandoned by the gods. Do you want to give up your belief in Thor?"

"No, that's not what I meant."

"Then don't open your mouth and let the gods do it. When it's important, you have to find a way out by yourself."

After scaring the poor congressman severely, Major General Shanshe, the commander of the Eastern Front, nodded in satisfaction and looked away.

Then, he glanced at the Yiren, Yuanren, Dunjiaren and Shadowman present.

For some reason, he felt a little weird.

(Is this the racial coalition? That black-boned man is really great.)
Feeling so unscrupulous, Major General Shanshe began to announce the latest campaign arrangement formulated by the Military Academy...


On October 26, 10 A.D., the army of more than 21 people from the Black Bone Clan finally arrived at the Shadow Clan Plain. The continuous tribal buildings of the Shadow Clan were already in sight, but because the distance was too far, he could not see the Thunder God in the distance. The city of Thunder God, and the Shadow Clan does not intend to let the black bone man live to see the city of Thor.

As for the few thousand people of the Black Bone Clan who stayed in Luoxia Mountain, they were still playing a cat-and-mouse game with the less than a thousand Dunjia people left by the Peng Clan in the mountain and a very small number of Shadow Clan members.

However, both sides clearly believe that their side is the ultimate winner.

But as long as you raise your gaze, raise it again, and continue to raise it...

Then, we can see on the unknown thing like a strategic map: At this time, there are two entire legions of original troops, under the guidance of a wingman team, from the east front where there is no war, to the Go south around the ancient gorge, then turn to the northwest...

The forward pointed at the place called Black Forest.

At the same time, nearly a thousand Shadow Clan troops were training between the Black Forest and Luoxia Mountain.

So, back to the line of sight, let us focus on the ShadowClan Plains.

After establishing the general situation of the enemy, the tribes south of the ShadowClan began to migrate in an all-round way.

In fact, this kind of migration can be avoided, because it is only necessary for the two parties that actually take the initiative to set the battlefield outside the plains.

In the beginning, the Military Academy's plan was indeed to set the battlefield in a valley, intending to attack the Black Bones Legion in an ambush.

However, after a lot of discussion, the Shadow Clan believes that in order for the Shadow Clan to lose their dependence on the forest, they must defeat the enemy on the plain. The question of the future of the race is gone.

In this regard, the friends thought over and over again, and finally chose to agree. Of course, the plan had to be revised, but anyway, the staff members of the Military Academy were idle.

However, when these tribes began to migrate, each of them began to express various dissatisfaction, which made their commanders very depressed.

"Is this the lair of the enemy who has been fighting with us?"

Standing outside the Shadow Clan Plain, looking at a large number of settlements in the distance, this time the four true gods on the eastern front ignored the Shadow Clan Legion arrayed in front of them, and turned their attention to the flying in the distant sky. wing people.

"True God Fengwen, I think, in Master Fengwenhong's last words, is Yiren's strength a little bit different from what we know?"

"This one……"

(Are you going to tell me that because I don't believe in Hong, I adjusted the strength of Yiren from the level of the true god to the level of only Shishen and even the captain of the guard?)
However, at this time, Fengwen Li'an was not in the mood to complain, because like the other true gods, he only felt cold all over.

It’s nothing to those fearless ordinary soldiers, guard captains, and Shishen who can’t sense that far away, but these four true gods can clearly feel the strength of the two hundred winged men in the sky, and they are actually one water. Shishen.

(This is cheating, how can this battle be fought!)

This was the true thought of the four Primordial Gods present, and they were even thinking about how to escape.

It's not that the more than 200 Shishen made them feel scared, but the powerful induction before the combination, and when they saw the two hundred and one Shishen Winged Men now, these true gods who had never seen other Winged Men generated ideas.

If these Winged Men are at least Shishen, it seems that it is not impossible for them to have a few Winged Men with the strength of true gods or even evil gods. (They haven't seen ordinary winged people yet, and the friends who support the Shadow Clan are all soul-level winged people from the Lingyue team =.=)

Then, the owner of the powerful induction at the beginning is much more likely to be the Yiren.

Then, if the opponent didn't attack before, could it be because his side was just fighting with the guys in front of them who can only assassinate and punch holes.

Then again, now that the Black Bone Race has attacked here, and winged men are beginning to appear in the sky, could it be that the other party feels that they have touched their bottom line?

The true gods, all of whom are old monsters, began to think seriously, or the thinking became more and more complicated.


This is really a problem.

But obviously, the Shadow Clan didn't care about these true gods at all, and the black bone rulers who were the actual commanders also didn't have these considerations.

Because the True God did not give further instructions, and the [-] Shadow Clan people in front (composed of reserve troops, not the main force=.=) have already made a charge.

So, these rulers began to order their respective legions to prepare for battle.

At noon, the Shadow Clan began to charge.

But in the face of more than 1 black-skeleton men whose physical fitness is far superior to that of the Shadow Clan, why these 4000 Shadow Clan people launched a frontal attack as if they were dying, this made the commanders who commanded the troops very confused.

But their four true gods still stared intently at the indifferent Wingmen in the sky at this time, with thoughtful expressions.

Then, the four true gods nodded to each other, thinking they had discovered the reason.

at this time……

"Aim the wooden spear! Release!"

Following the order of the ruler, the overwhelming rain of wooden spears suddenly rose into the air. In the eyes of these rulers and even true gods, the Shadow Clan people who charged forward like fools in front of them would definitely end up becoming hedgehogs, because they didn't even have shields. Did not bring.

However, just when the wooden spears reached the highest point and were about to increase their attack power, the Shadow Clan troops unexpectedly divided into three parts, as if they had trained many times, and escaped from the attack of the wooden spears from the left, right, and back three directions scope, and quickly returned to the previous assembly place, and became a whole again.

Then, nearly [-] wooden spears were foolishly nailed to the open space.


The entire battlefield was silent.

"What are these monsters thinking?"

The true god inside the Black Bone Legion looked at the land full of wooden spears like a lawn in doubt, and was at a loss.

"Perhaps, it is to consume our wooden spears."

A commander said not very confidently, and while saying this, he also turned his head to look at the large number of wooden spears carried on the backs of the surrounding soldiers, and the longbows of various shapes made by the soldiers along the way according to their preferences.

For these things, the woods along the way were almost cut down by them, but this also made the Black Bones Legion have no worries about consumable weapons.

But now, he can only find such a reason.

"Well, indeed."

Nodding his head, the Black Bone God smiled coldly, and waved his hand to order the commander beside him: "If they continue to attack, just let them in. We don't need wooden spears to deal with such a small number of people."

This is due to their self-confidence in their own strength; it is also due to their disregard for the lives of the soldiers under their opponents; but more importantly, these true gods believe that if the opponent takes the initiative to attack, will that powerful wingman not Pay attention to their counterattack? (I have to say, their thinking is too complicated =. =)

This is a somewhat naive conclusion, but it makes sense for these true gods, after all, they usually do this kind of thing.

So, after the two sides were silent for a while, and both sides laughed at each other for a long time but found that the other side didn't understand at all, the Shadow Clan side launched a charge again.

However, this time, the Black Bones didn't even take off the wooden spears. The soldiers in front just held the weapons in their hands nervously, staring intently at the Shadow Clan people rushing forward.


Seeing that the Black Bone Fang had no intention of launching a long-range attack, the 4000 members of the Shadow Clan Fang immediately roared, as if they wanted to use this to get rid of the Black Bone Fang.

More than 4000 members of the Shadow Clan held their spears neatly and charged aggressively at the front troops of the Shadow Clan. This scene was obviously shocking.

The good charge effect attracted almost everyone's attention.

People imagined the battle after the contact between the two sides, the splashing of the bodies of the Black Bone Clan and the Shadow Clan, and the arrogant expression of the Black Bone Man who finally stepped on the Shadow Clan... (The gap is too big =.=)

However, when the Shadow Clan people at the front were still 30 meters away from the front of the Black Bone Clan, things changed again.


Following the roar of the Shadow Clan people in front, the troops rushed forward again for ten meters, and all the Shadow Clan members resorted to it again, making the black-skeleton man covered with black lines and evacuating in a dumbfounded manner, and retreated leisurely to their starting point.


"This is cheating! Do you still fight or not!" Several true gods were about to go crazy.

At this time, a ruler rubbed his chin and said with a shrewd look: "God, there is something weird about this."

"You idiot, even a fool can see that there is something weird in it!"

The ruler was punched into the crowd of soldiers by the angry true god, causing a small commotion.

"True God Huoyun, do you think they deliberately lured us to take the initiative to attack, and then Yiren had a reason to attack us?"

"But why are they looking for a reason?"

"If the winged people want to attack, just attack directly?" This is also the thinking inside the Black Bone Clan. You must know that the current Double Moon Star has no rules of engagement, even hidden rules. As for the Winged Man with hidden 'evil god' strength, the Black Bone Race has already launched an active attack.

But now, the battlefield is so messy.

However, at this time, the 4000 members of the Shadow Clan charged again.

In this regard, the soldiers of the Black Bones Fang did not know what kind of emotion to respond to, and could only adopt a wait-and-see strategy.

"Just see what they want to do."

Glaring fiercely at the winged crowd in the sky, the true gods were unwilling, but they also knew that there was nothing they could do.

The original purpose this time was to attack these winged people, but after discovering their strength, the four true gods had actually reached a consensus of 'no longer targeting the winged people'.

Turning to look at the surrounding rulers, the true gods ordered one after another: "Those monsters don't attack, and we don't take the initiative to attack, let the people in front remember clearly!"

"This is."

The control obviously didn't know the consideration of the four true gods, but they must obey the orders of the true gods, so they only hesitated a little, and then conveyed the orders to different places.

But just as everyone was paying close attention to the Shadow Clan troops who were charging forward for the third time, and wondering if they would play tricks on themselves again, the soldiers on the edge of the Black Bone Clan became restless in all directions except the front.

"what happened!"

This time, the real god was completely angry, because the wingman in front actually stopped 100 meters away from the forward, and then swaggered there to organize the team, playing with the feelings of the black bone soldiers again, and because the distance was not far Not close, coupled with the order of 'no active attack', the emotions of the soldiers can be imagined.

At this time, there was a sudden commotion around the large army of ten thousand people, which was lined up very wide. In the eyes of the true god, this was the spark that ignited his anger.

Soon, the surrounding situation was transmitted to the true god in the center.

The ShadowClan army united with a strange and powerful race, suddenly attacked us on three sides, and because all the attention was focused on the front, these idiots were caught off guard.

"Strange race?" Already in his heart, the true god hurriedly asked: "Isn't it a winged man?"

"No wings," Shishen who was in charge of delivering the message shook his head as he looked at the Winged Man in the sky.

Hearing the soldier's answer, True God breathed a sigh of relief, but then frowned again.

However, since the Shadow Clan side has already launched an attack first, there is no need for our side to hesitate, otherwise we are standing here waiting for them to kill.

And just when the frontline soldiers who were a little slack turned their eyes to other lines, the four thousand shadow clansmen in front suddenly ignored the black bone soldiers who were all holding melee weapons, and unscrupulously took out their bows and crossbows, facing these The black bone man who had just reacted sent out continuous crossbow arrows.


The Black Bones are a tragedy.

"Why do I feel that this battle is so chaotic."

Standing in the emptiness at an altitude of [-] meters, he rubbed his head to express his powerlessness as he looked at the two sides that finally hit him after going back and forth.

Regarding this, 8051 pouted contemptuously.

"It's just that you didn't understand it. 8051 is indifferent to the illusory war command ability, and it turns out that the dark blood is the successor of the war ability."

"Tch, do you understand?" Stare~~
"Of course." Unexpectedly, 8051 raised his head proudly, and then gave a lot of explanations on his own.

Its detail and enrichment made Kong Huan stunned, (When did 8051 become a military strategist?)
At this time, Shuangyue beside her stretched out her hand and pulled the corner of Huankong's clothes.


Kong Huan, who quickly reacted and lowered his head, saw the booklet handed over by Shuangyue, with a few large black characters on the cover: "The Battle Plan of the Shadow Clan Plain (Detailed Explanation Version)".

"8051," Kong Huan looked at the target with resentment on his face, but at this moment, the great Comrade Little 8 had already shifted his gaze to the battlefield below.

"Quick! Kong Huan, the other party's true god is dispatched!"

"I don't need to move."

Quickly dodging 8051's 'Who Pushed Me' skill, Kong Huan pointed to the four Warhammers who had rushed out, and said nonchalantly: "This time it's Warhammer's battle, I don't care about my business."

Then, he no longer paid attention to the ground battlefield.

Of course, he was also very self-aware and didn't bother with 8051's spoof anymore, but turned his head to look east.

"8051, have you sensed the calcium carbide bomb used by Dark Blood on the Eastern Front? I heard that it destroyed the entire valley passage."

"I feel it." Hearing the empty words, 8051 looked at the east side with a complicated expression, then shook his head and said, "There is nothing wrong with calcium carbide bombs now, but if more powerful weapons appear in the future, such as the ones you remember That, that would make us uncomfortable."

"Among them, Shuangyue will definitely change her attitude towards friends, so you have to pay attention."

"Two moons..."

Turning his head to look at Shuangyue who was jumping up and down on the cloud jellyfish, as if communicating with the jellyfish below, Kong Huan sighed slightly.

"More powerful weapons will not be applied to the double-moon star race at least, but what about the Zerg race in the future? If there is, we can't just leave it alone, right?"

"The Zerg is an alien species from the Double Moon Planet, and is obviously not protected by us. 8051 clearly explains the public and private."

"That's good."


When dusk fell, the battle was over.

Of course, there is no suspense that the winner is the Pengying army. After the true gods of the Black Bone Clan took action and were subsequently blasted away by the Energized Psyche Gods, the Black Bone soldiers below had no fighting spirit.

After clearing out most of the active Shishengo, they completely fled.

And the fleeing black-boned men will finally face only the two friend clan legions and one shadow clan legion who have been waiting in the Black Forest, the only way they must pass through to flee south.

"In this way, the battle of the Shadow Clan is basically over."

"However, looking at the situation, the Shadow Clan didn't give up at all."

Pointing to the Shadow Clan soldiers who were still chasing and killing the black-boned man who had no fighting spirit below, Chu Xia naturally floated in mid-air, and said pointedly.

"That's also a matter for the Shadow Clan people. As long as they don't interfere with our plan, they can do whatever they want."

Speaking of this, Kong Huan laughed.

"Of course, if the Shadow Clan people know about this plan, I'm afraid it's too late to support it. Unfortunately..."

"It's a pity to maintain the image of friends, right?" 8051 complained.

"it is necessary."

(End of this chapter)

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