Spore Story

Chapter 447 Upper Dimensional Differences and Energy Weapons

Chapter 447 Upper Dimensional Differences and Energy Weapons

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"Okay, now, everyone, leave the test field for me, and the calculation team too, run farther away!"

After an orderly evacuation was completed, the voice of command came again.

"Glare light warning for all! Prepare..."


Accompanied by a flash of bright light, everyone present with sunglasses-like eyes felt the power of the test object.

As for the metal plates used as targets, each piece was red at this moment, as if it was about to melt in the next moment. As for the pieces of meat covered behind the metal plates, each piece smelled of burnt.

"Calculation team, hurry up! Speed! Speed!"

"Yes! Go!"

"Oh! It's hot."

"Idiot, use a thermometer!"

"The thermometer exploded!"


This is the Pengcheng Energy Weapons Laboratory. While fighting on the southern front, the Pengzu is still developing steadily.

At this time, except for the tense atmosphere of the battle in the provinces where several legions have been conscripted, the personnel of the other provinces only pay attention to the outside world through newspapers and magazines issued by the government in their spare time.

Nowadays, the promotional materials of the entire Pengzu are in the hands of the management, and the elders' house has not yet said when to develop it to the people, so at this time, these newspapers and magazines are all from government agencies.

People who stay in the friend clan care more about their own work, their own life, their own study...

As for the battle that was hundreds of kilometers away, they would at most observe a moment of silence for their dead comrades after seeing the battle announcements in the newspapers, and then continue with their respective affairs.

Back in the laboratory, the testers had gathered around the red steel plate and began to record the test results; and in the distance, a strange long object was emitting white smoke in front of it, and a gray-white crystal appeared behind it .

A tester carefully held one side of the object with his hand, and then pulled the mechanism, the off-white crystal fell out immediately, and turned into white ash after landing, splashing a cloud of smoke and dust.

After careful inspection, the tester reported to the back: "Team leader, the weapon is not damaged, but there is a high-energy reaction at the mouth of the weapon, and the temperature is too high. I am afraid that it is still difficult to carry it. The preliminary judgment is still a material problem."

At the same time, the testers around the steel plate in the distance also reported: "The target is normal, and the lethality is confirmed to be medium."

"The surrounding environment is normal..."

"The meat is burnt, do you want to eat barbecue tonight?"


"Lingyin, I'll leave the matter here to you. I'll go to the energy output control team to check the situation. Remember to bring me the experimental report here later." Seeing that nothing special happened, and the test was over, Aiyi After instructing the assistant next to him, he turned and walked towards the laboratory where the other team was located.

In fact, that team was her main job, and this weapons team was nothing more than an annual research task assigned to her by the Military Academy.

The so-called annual research tasks are some not very difficult research topics given by the government and private laboratory research directions according to the needs of ethnic groups.

At this time, Aiyi passed by the hall of the research institute, and found a familiar figure walking in from the gate.

Stopping, she sighed slightly, then walked up slowly: "Dark Blood, are you back?"


It seems that this elder who has always been very strong seems to have become a little depressed, but Aiyi is not good at psychological aspects at all. Compared with these, she prefers to talk to the energy circuit.

However, the other party still has the experimental data she needs, which is why Aiyi took the initiative to meet the dark blood.

"How effective is the calcium carbide bomb? What about the control ability?"

Seeing Aiyi who hurriedly asked research questions as soon as he saw him, Dark Blood shook his head helplessly, and then handed the report in his hand to the other party.

In an instant, the dark blood disappeared from Aiyi's attention as if it had turned into air.


"Aiyi, wait for a while." In desperation, Dark Blood could only hold the other party with his thoughts, and stated his main purpose: "How is the research on the one-time ammunition-type energy weapon that Kong Huan proposed before?"

"Um, oh, what?"

As if he had just realized it, Aiyi raised his head and looked around in surprise, and finally cast his confused eyes on Dark Blood.

"Hey, dark blood, when did you come back?"

"..." I fell...

"Haha, I'm just kidding," Aiyi, who didn't care about the lethality of his previous expression, laughed and patted the dark blood lying on the ground, and then said: "If the energy weapon proposed by Konghuan is only used as a large-scale city defense weapon, It is now available for general use.”

"But if you carry a weapon as an individual soldier, it will take some time, and the difficulty lies not in the direction of my energy but in the material, so I can't do anything about it, I can only wait."

"However," thinking of the previous experiment, Aiyi paused, and finally shook his head.

"I still feel that purely using energy crystals as an attack weapon like now is a waste of these energies."

Shaking the report that Dark Blood gave her, Aiyi pointed to the summary on it and said: "In your opinion, Dark Blood, an 8 cubic centimeter crystal has an explosion radius of only 20 meters, but according to our calculations , as long as the stimulation is strengthened, it is no problem to expand its explosive power to at least 100 meters."

"And the same crystal, put on our special excitation weapon, can attack 70 meters."

"But it is also an attack directly inspired by energy, and its power may not be as powerful as this pure explosion." Pointing to the laboratory behind him, Aiyi looked angrily.

"But in this way, isn't pure energy attack more powerful? How can you say it's a waste?" Dark Blood seemed confused by Aiyi's words.

"Listen to me," Aiyi, who seemed very dissatisfied with Dark Blood's interruption, but didn't realize how long she had paused before, swayed and sat on the reception chair in the lobby, and then said mysteriously: "I Let me show you something."

After finishing speaking, she put her hand deep into the collar of her chest like no one else was there, as if she was about to pull out something, and the dark blood clearly felt that the movement speed of some males around her began to slow down.

(Well, it also has a time deceleration effect==)


At this time, one hand didn't seem to take out the thing, and Aiyi stretched the other hand in from under the jacket with a surprised face...

There seems to be the sound of spurting blood...

(Blood circulation speed + N? ==)

"What's the matter?" With a strange dark blood on his face, the great researcher who looked at the front with his hands on his chest, but couldn't escape except for his blushing, couldn't help but have black lines all over his head. Come.

"Well, I clearly remember putting the drawings in there this morning? Isn't that girl Lingyin doing this often?"

Facing his chest, he gestured to clamp something up, and Aiyi, who was sweating profusely, seemed to be about to cry. This made Dark Blood feel amused, but at the same time worried, (it won't be important something fell off.)
At this moment, Aiyi, who hadn't found anything, actually started to lift up her shirt in a hurry.

Suddenly there was a sound of breathing around...

Seeing this scene, Dark Blood didn't know whether to stop it or do something. She glanced around and decisively kicked out all the surviving males in the hall.

At this time, Ling Yin, who had just walked out of the laboratory, happened to see this scene.

Just stunned for a moment, she seemed to remember what was going on, and rushed to Aiyi quickly, and then pulled down most of the clothes that had been opened; while hurriedly said: "Wait, Aiyi! Your I picked up the drawing after it fell on the ground, but I just didn’t remember it before!”

"Hey! Really?" Ai Yi stopped immediately.

"Yes, here, but Ai Yi, you should not put things on your chest in the future. You ran out in a hurry in the morning, but I saw things coming out from under your clothes..."


As soon as she heard that the drawings were fine, Aiyi ignored the other party's explanation, snatched the things handed over by her assistant, spread them out for confirmation, and then let out a heavy sigh of relief.

"Fortunately it's fine."

"But, why are you at Lingyin's place?"

Looking at the assistant next to him with a confused face, ignoring Aiyi who was ignored by the dark blood, he looked at the assistant and his chest strangely: "Speaking of it, you can put things there if you have a ring tone, why? Can't I?"

"Uh, this..." An assistant looked embarrassed.

(Do I want to tell you that your breasts are too poor?) Dark Blood complained helplessly, but hesitated after thinking about it, (It seems that poor breasts are rare and valuable, maybe telling her is nothing, uh... ...)
"Forget it, Aiyi, let's continue with the previous topic." He shook his head heavily, feeling like the dark blood who thought of something strange, and hurriedly brought the topic back to the right track.

"The previous topic?" Aiyi looked him up and down as if he had only noticed the dark blood now, Haoxuan didn't ask 'when did you appear' again, but nodded with a sudden realization.

"Thinking about it, it must be because of the size of the chest."

Speaking of this, a certain unscrupulous researcher stared at the two in front of him with a depressed face, and asked himself, and then began to think about it...

"..." (This guy is hopeless!)
"Lingyin, thank you for your hard work." Dark Blood expressed sympathy...

"No, it's nothing, it's what I should do." An assistant hurriedly explained.

But looking at the current situation, it seems that Aiyi, as the main character, has not yet come to her senses, so Dark Blood can only turn her target to her assistant whose "value of a certain part is slightly higher than normal".

"Okay, let me tell you, Lingyin, what happened to that blueprint? By the way, Aiyi and I were talking about energy utilization."

"Yes, Elder Darkblood, this blueprint is..."

"The blueprint is the blueprint of the electromagnetic gun," a small-breasted researcher forcefully inserted.

I saw her proudly shaking the stack of papers in her hand, as if what happened before didn't happen, the researcher ignored the expressions of the two, and explained to himself.

"Combining the method of using electromagnetic force to launch ammunition in the past, and now that the research on the energy output control circuit is nearing completion, I made this thing. Relying on electromagnetic force, the object is accelerated to a great initial velocity in the magnetic field, and then The rapid ejection, although it takes a few steps more than simply using energy, but as long as it is well controlled, the energy consumption will be much smaller."

"In this way, as long as the family can meet the production requirements of the relevant components, the energy utilization rate produced is definitely better than a simple energy explosion."

"What, that guy Kong Huan actually got all the electromagnetic guns out?"

Looking at the ostentatious Aiyi in shock, Dark Blood was a little overwhelmed, because it is not that she has never experimented with electromagnetic guns. Although the reason for the love in her heart is not clear, she is at least sure that she has not been able to simulate it successfully. Make a real railgun.

But hearing Dark Blood's words, Aiyi shook her head.

"Empty Fantasy didn't succeed either, he just used mind power as a clever trick, but this also proves that the theory is feasible."

"Really?" Although he was in a complicated mood, he was a little bit regretful when he heard that the emptiness had failed, and Dark Blood said, "Then Aiyi, you should be able to succeed, right? You are Lv6."

"Well, of course, but it is too troublesome for someone to control all the details. It is better to make external weapons."

"Okay," Darkblood felt a little confused, although he didn't know if it was the problem of autumn, but he still held his forehead and said word by word: "Aiyi, what you mean is that you want the government to provide more resources Here you are, to conduct research on electromagnetic weapons, right?"

"Hmm! Mmm!" Nodding...

"But now you are leading the 'energy output research' team, the 'portable energy weapon' team, and the 'energy array research' team, and are also assisting in the research of [fourth-generation active assist armor] and [practical electric motor]. Is there time for that?"

"I'm not against it, but I think you have too many things on your side, and these are things you can't dismiss."

Having said that, Dark Blood ignored Aiyi's answer, but turned to look at Lingyin.

You must know that even if you are at the Youshen level, you don't need to rest, but Dark Blood found that every time she saw Aiyi, no matter whether it was morning, noon or evening, the other party seemed to be doing research. Authority, will die due to overwork.

"This," seeing the dark blood's sight, Lingyin looked at Aiyi with some embarrassment, and naturally saw the kitten-like begging expression of the other party.

(Aiyi, with this expression, what do you want me to do.) A certain assistant has tears in his eyes...

After hesitating for a while, the assistant took a deep breath and shook his head at Aiyi.

"Elder, the few questions you just said, the energy output research is coming to an end;"

"Portable energy weapons are currently limited by the material problem, which cannot be solved by Aiyi, but based on the current results alone, the goal of 'using weapons to city defense' has been achieved;"

"Theoretical research on the energy array is also over. When the energy output research is completed, only a group of researchers under Aiyi can develop independently;"

"As for the armor and the electric motor, those are just a theoretical support for Aiyi, and it doesn't take much time. And these things, the researchers brought out by Aiyi are now competent, so..."

Aiyi, who was already a little desperate when she saw Lingyin shaking her head, suddenly burst into fiery gaze.

Dark Blood felt that at this moment, Lingyin might be greater than a god in her eyes.

(These two guys.)
Speechlessly glanced at the two masters and servants, not sure if it was an illusion, but Anxue thought of Die Wu and Chu Jie.

Shaking her head, she thought for a while and said, "As far as the facts are concerned, Suzune, you are right...well, I can say something good about the application of the Electromagnetic Gun Research Laboratory when the Ministry of Industry approves it. , but success or failure still depends on the planning of the Ministry of Industry, in this regard..."

"Yeah! Lingyin, you are so great." Before Dark Blood could finish speaking, a researcher with small breasts had already rushed towards the flustered ** assistant...

"Hey, what about me?" Dark Blood continued to be speechless...

"Dark Blood, you are fine too."

"Um, this perfunctory tone..."

(End of this chapter)

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