Spore Story

Chapter 448 Siege of Luoxia and Peace Will

Chapter 448 Siege of Luoxia and Peace Will

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At the same time as the internal technology of the Pengzu was developing, the battle between the coalition forces in the Shadowclan Plain and the Black Bones entered the final stage.

On November 26, 11, the three supplementary Shadow Clan legions totaled 1 people, plus the two original human legions of the Peng Clan, the five Wingman clans totaled 4500 people, and the Dunjia one engineer legion with 4500 people.This large army of tens of thousands of people finally besieged the last group of more than 1500 remnants of the Black Bone Tribe on Luoxia Mountain.

I don't know if it was planned by the friends long ago, or because of the black-boned men's own bad luck. At this time, these poor black-boned soldiers are facing a coalition force with a total number of more than [-]. The outstretched fortifications surrounded the black bone army on the surface of Luoxia Mountain from the inside and outside of the mountain.

Only a very small number of caves are in the hands of the black bone men, but those are also obtained and guarded by the black bone men at a great price.

"Is this the end?"

In the end, the commander of the Black Bone Troop remained... In fact, it was not confirmed at all.

At this time, dozens of Shishen, who were named Shishen, were dressed in rags. They were sitting in a cave that had been captured in Luoxia Mountain. The steel weapons that were regarded as treasures before were placed randomly, and they carefully looked at them from time to time. Outside the cave, there is no more showing off in the ethnic group.

"How else can it be?"

"Ah, yes, that's it for us, the true gods are dead, let alone us little soldiers."

A desperate Shishen just fiddled with the lancet in his hand that he got from a primitive soldier, looking at the inscriptions on it, feeling the smoothness of the blade and the sharpness of the blade.

Oddly enough, his fingers brushed lightly across the blade, and a trace of blood oozes out from his skin. After a while, the pain came.

But not everyone felt hopeless. One of the gods did not give up, but asked cautiously: "Could it be...can't you make peace?"

I don't know if it was an idea of ​​this Shishen's despair, but he suddenly made such a suggestion, but it immediately made the eyes of Shishen who were still in despair shine brightly.

But unfortunately, they immediately discovered that this is not the inside of the Black Bone Clan, the enemy and us do not understand the language, and even the races are different, there is no communication, how can we talk about peace?

"I really didn't expect that communication is so important, but what can we do now?" The gods fell silent again.

"But isn't that group of enemies also of different races?" a Shishen interrupted suddenly.

Speaking of it, it is impossible for everyone not to notice this phenomenon, but for a while, no one really connected it with themselves, and Shishen, who first contacted this point, pursued the victory: "Why can they form a united force, and we Can't make peace with them?"

Hearing this, most Shishen became tempted.

In fact, after the True God was killed in front of them, the thunder in the sky instantly destroyed the totem tent, and after the tens of thousands of troops that were their last support collapsed in an instant, they had no fighting spirit.

All they want now is to survive.

"Harada is right."

"In the beginning, we thought we could escape back, but now it turns out that these enemies have already been prepared," smiled bitterly, Huo Yun, who was left behind in Luoxia Mountain because of his poor performance, but unexpectedly survived Looking at his colleagues around him, he thought about it.

Before the army left, the true gods did not immediately deprive Huo Yunzheng of the command of the remaining 4000 troops in Luoxia Mountain.

Although during the period when the army was attacking, the people in the remaining troops were dissatisfied with Huo Yunzheng because they couldn't enter the main force, so that he couldn't command for a long time, but during this time, he, who knew the inside story, was suffering from depression. Get low key.

However, as the news of the army's rout came, it was because of these actions that Huo Yun suddenly gained the main command of the troops left in Luoxia Mountain.

At the same time, relying on the 4000 people who still have a unified command, Huo Yunzheng gathered a part of the defeated army and prepared to flee south.

Of course, they were immediately blocked by two legions coming from the south.

At this time, the first gods of the Huoyun Kingdom who could replace him, and the rulers of other countries have all been killed in previous battles (these are the priority targets =.=), so at this time, Huoyun is just now. Still unable to control the Shishens in the defeated army, they have become the hidden commanders of the more than 7000 people now, and their voice is much more important than other Shishens.

Of course, this also aroused the fear of other Shishen.

Thinking of making peace at this time, Huo Yunzheng couldn't help but shudder in his heart. He frowned and reminded everyone: "Speaking of peace is indeed our only way to survive now, but it's best not to find that kind of monster who is good at assassination."

"Why?" A Shishen from the Divine Kingdom within the Black Bone Clan looked at Huo Yunzheng strangely.

But when Huoyun pointed to the black forest in front of the guide, everyone understood.

This is genocide hatred.

"No wonder I think these monsters are particularly ruthless when they kill people," a Primordial God said angrily, but he chose to shut up after seeing everyone's sinking expressions.

"Okay, now is not the time to discuss this." Although it is true, Huo Yun is not wanting to keep everyone entangled here: "Now what we want to think about is how to make peace with the other party? Well, why are you looking at me? ?”

There is some deviation between reality and Huo Yunzheng's expectations. Obviously, people at this time seem to be "putting all the blame on the hatred started by Huoyun Shenguo and Shadow Clan", which makes Huoyunzheng feel bad.

At this time, a Shishen from the Wind Pattern Divine Kingdom suddenly spoke.

"Huo Yunzheng, now that the true god of the Fire Cloud Divine Kingdom has fallen, and several of your brothers have also died, now in the Fire Cloud Divine Kingdom, I am afraid that you are the only one who is the most powerful successor, right?"

"This is a matter within my Huoyun Divine Kingdom..." Feeling that the atmosphere was not right, Huoyun just didn't want to continue this topic.

But the Shishen who were more in number obviously didn't care about Huo Yunzheng's feelings, and even two Shishen who were close to the entrance of the cave had quietly guarded the entrance of the cave.

At the same time, the Shishen of the Wind Pattern Divine Kingdom interrupted Huo Yunzheng, and continued: "So, Huo Yunzheng, you can now be said to be the representative of the Fire Cloud Divine Kingdom, no, the lord."

"No, there are still country supervisors in our country. You should be very clear about this. She controls the other three legions."

"Guardian, what is the use of your sister who can't even be regarded as the god of the beginning, as long as the news of the true god is sent back, I'm afraid she will have to warm the beds for the remaining three rulers, the supervisor? Hahahaha .”

"Feng Lin Shui Yun! What do you mean!"

Regardless of whether it is true or not, the aura exuded by Huo Yunzheng at this time has indeed calmed down a few Shishen who are not considered to be in control, although it is not the aura brought by strength.

However, looking at the people around him, this Shishen seemed to be a bachelor. He glanced at the furious Huo Yunzheng with disdain, and continued, "What do you mean? If it wasn't for your Huoyun Divine Kingdom to wipe out a group of people, these Could the assassin be so vicious?"

"If it weren't for that, we probably wouldn't have fought at all. After the true god confirms the strength of the Yiren, everyone will return to the Kingdom of God to do their own things!"

"Speaking of which, Huoyunzheng, you seemed to be attacking the Northern Legion of that race."

"Oh, no, it's in the army led by the True God of the North."

A burst of ridicule made Huo Yunzheng calm down instead.

Although it was a bit of a miscalculation that Huo Yunzheng himself was blocked in the cave by these people and could not exert his influence in the army, but Huo Yunzheng himself was not a vegetarian.

And the gods who laughed for a while could only calm down boredly when they saw Huo Yunzheng with a calm face.

Looking at everyone with a calm face, Huo Yunzheng's brain continued to function.

In fact, he didn't have much thought about the successor to the Kingdom of God.

Because the kingdom of God within the Black Bone Race is based on the true God.

Before the Luoxia Mountain battle, he was the most important son of Huoyun True God of the True God Kingdom, but at that time there was no successor at all.So no matter how hard he tried at that time, he would only be in a dominant position in the end.

And this status was achieved long after the end of the 'Northern Rebellion', and he became the commander of the Northern Legion.

As for being eliminated from this position later, both the real god Huoyun, who proposed it at the time, and the elder brother Shishen who replaced him, have all died, so he is still in charge of the north.

However, there is no real god in Huoyun True God Kingdom now, even if he, Huoyun, can return to God Kingdom smoothly and replace his sister as the successor.

However, how to resist the annexation of a country that still has a true god?How to resist the attacks of these powerful enemies now?How to even deal with several legions in the country? ...

He had no clue about these questions.

Therefore, the so-called successor position, at least Huo Yunzheng at this time, does not value it.

But the question now is how to deal with Shishen's opinions on him, or the opinions on Huoyun Divine Kingdom.

"Hmph, it's already this time, what's the use of discussing the reasons for this war?"

"Why is it useless?"

Feng Lin Shishen looked at the people around with a smile, then stared at Huo Yunzheng who was isolated in front of him and said: "Since our hatred with the assassins was based on the extermination of your Huoyun Kingdom, then we ..."

"Hand me over, and then pray for peace like a loser, do you think it's possible? Oh, forgot, at the beginning, you Feng Lin seemed to hand over your own Shishen Kingdom to become the current Shishen of Fengwen Shenguo Yes, right."


Being robbed by Huo Yunzheng, Feng Lin Shishen laughed to hide his anger.

However, Huo Yunzheng didn't stop: "I thought you guys had something to do, but it turns out that's all there is to it!"

Looking at the crowd coldly, Huo Yun was not giving anyone a chance to speak: "Don't forget, our original goal was actually the Yiren, and these assassins are just incidentals."

"And now, at this point in the battle, who among us has never killed the assassins, who hasn't killed those monsters, do you really think the other party is an idiot, or are you all idiots? Will you let us go? Or we These leading gods?"


"What are you, the reality now is that we are defeated and we have to pray for peace in the face of death; while the other side has won and is looking down on us from a high place."

"At this time, what we need is to get together and let the other party think that we need to pay a high price to eliminate us. At this time, we have the conditions to pray for peace."

"Otherwise, we are nothing but lambs to be slaughtered!"

(End of this chapter)

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