Spore Story

Chapter 449 The Second Stage and the Black Bones and White Flag

Chapter 449 The Second Stage and the Black Bones and White Flag

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"This fire cloud is interesting."

Sitting in a hut made of thoughts, Konghuan listened to what 8051 told as an anecdote about what was happening in the Luoxia Mountain cave at this time. He kept a faint smile on his face, but he still couldn't cover up his mouth. They are still mocking infighting at this time.

(How can such a race be immortal?)
At this time, Kong Huan's hands were gently brushing over the wooden box sent by the Technology Bureau.

Anyone who has seen the Battle of Guxia before knows what is inside. If all the things inside are released, then the black bone men in Luoxia Mountain in front of them will not be able to pose any threat to the Allied Forces of Friends, no matter whether they are united or not. , because the war methods of the two sides were at different heights early on.

However, when hearing 8051's narration, Kong Huan hesitated.

"Why, don't you want to part with it?" Sitting beside her, Chu Xia wagged her energized tail, while teasing Shuangyue like a child, while looking at Kong Huan with teasing eyes.

"how can that be."

"But don't forget our ultimate goal," waved his hands, and continued with an expression of 'lost to you', "According to our plan, the first stage is now over, and the second stage' I suddenly discovered that the previous plan still had some loopholes in the plan to let the Black-Bone Race fight between the True God Kingdom and the No-True God Kingdom within the Black-Bone Race, causing massive losses to the Black-Bone People."

"Loophole?" Chu Xia was stunned for a moment, then nodded to indicate that Kong Huan should continue. After all, the main person in charge of the Shadow Clan still had to do it by herself.

And when they heard the conversation between Kong Huan and the others, the surrounding ghosts also approached, it was all out of curiosity.

"Actually, it's not a critical issue."

"Think about it, the Black Bone Race is used to the true god ruling the country now, right?"

The crowd nodded.

"Then, although there are only three true gods left in the Black Bone Clan, there are still many people who may become true gods."

"Moreover, the battle between the kingdoms of the gods within the Black Bone Race began to change from a large army battle to a high-end force confrontation as early as more than ten years ago. Ordinary soldiers rarely participated in frontal battles, and civilian casualties were also increasing. In this way, even if the Black-Bone Clan fights internally, it will not be able to achieve our goal of causing a lot of losses to ordinary Black-Bone Clan."

"So in the second stage, what we need to pay attention to is to bring the Black Bone Race back to the early era when 'killing all opponents and their accomplices' was used as a method of warfare in order to get the best results we need."

Although a little uncomfortable about this, everyone nodded in acknowledgment.

It's like people will feel uncomfortable when they see pigs and chickens slaughtered with their own eyes, but they still enjoy eating pork and chicken with relish. In the eyes of the current friends, the Black Bone Race is already an existence that is bound to be destroyed, so there will be no difference Few people care about the feelings of the Black Bone Race.

Even if people with good intentions feel a little uncomfortable, they just choose not to contact and understand, and still adopt a default attitude towards the group's plan.

"Therefore, we must first let these true gods start the war, and when they start to become chaotic, we will destroy these true gods humanely. At this time, let the second stage of the war of the Black Bone Race be led by the God of Beginning." Annexation wars by separatist forces everywhere."

"At that time, because Shishen could also rely on numbers to die, it was impossible for the leaders to avoid the tactics of using large armies to fight, and the casualties would naturally increase."

"At this time, there must be black-boned people with ambition, strength and status; there must be black-boned people with ambition but no strength and status; there are but not many people who are not ambitious but have strength and status..."

Following Kong Huan's words, the people who were about to be stunned finally reacted by relying on the speed of the five-level brain.

"You mean, this Huoyunzheng, and even some Shishen among them, should be preserved as a party or even several forces in the black bone civil strife?"

As expected of Chu Xia, although she didn't like these things, she reacted the fastest.

Nodding his head, Kong Huan pointed to the world outside the door, and said appreciatively: "The future world of the Black Bones belongs to these Primordial Gods, and belongs to the Black Bones who are about to die."

"It's time for us to start the next step and start the third stage after they reduce the race that is so large that its development has stagnated to a certain number according to our plan."

"So for now, let's wait for them to come to us for peace."

——————The dividing line when the conspiracy continues—————

Under the appeasement of the friends, the Shadow Clan finally accepted the agreement on the part of the Friends. The Black Bones of the Forest.

The other Shadow Clan troops began to adopt a wait-and-see strategy towards Luoxia Mountain, and tried their best to clean up all the scattered black bone men in the entire Shadow Clan Plain and the southern part. Some Shadow Clan soldiers even launched an attack on the Shadow Clan through the Black Forest. (Krosa said that this is just the personal behavior of a small number of soldiers =. =)

Of course, the Shadow Clan people who entered the Fire Cloud Divine Kingdom...or it was indeed a very small part that was discovered, and they didn't even attract the attention of the Fire Cloud Divine Kingdom supervisors.

And the secret communication team that set out from Kongting Shenguo before has also passed the information to the other kingdoms on the eastern front that lost the true gods. The country did not pass this information to Guyun God Kingdom.

Of course, these news entered Guyun Divine Kingdom through various channels.

And now the Guyun Divine Kingdom seems to be splitting up.

However, it will take some time for the supervisors of the Kingdom of God who have received the news to confirm the situation.

During this period of time, it began to be discovered that the Kingdom of Kongting, which had fled back to the soldiers from Guxia, decisively intercepted all the fleeing soldiers and put them all into a place similar to a refugee camp for centralized management.

At the same time, Kongniwa Divine Kingdom also began to deploy defenses everywhere on the border.

As for the empty island, because no one can go up, it seems to be temporarily abandoned. As for the servants left on it, perhaps the plants on the empty island can feed them. (who knew?)
For these, a shadow team that stayed inside the God Kingdom of Kongting had already conveyed the information to the Military Academy in real time through the commander of the Winged Man.

However, in order to transmit magnetic field signals between the border and the Kingdom of Kongting, which are hundreds of kilometers apart, the Pengzu moved the six soul management temples to this area during the Guxia War, making the deserted area The new Central District began to rejuvenate.

At the same time, through population migration, the entire southern part of Bingling Province and the large area bordering Kongting God Kingdom has been set up as a new province: Guxia Province.

In the early stage, the civilian population who migrated was only 1800 Pengren and [-] Dunjia people, but the garrisoned army included a Yuanren Legion and a Yiren Squadron, totaling [-] people.

Of course, between Guxia Province and Kongting Divine Kingdom, there is still a blank area of ​​about [-] kilometers, which serves as a buffer zone for both sides.

As for the role of Guxia Province, it is to provide a relay for the magnetic field communication of the friends of the Black Bones, and to prevent the Black Bones from entering the mainland from north to east. (Please refer to the data area map =. =)

As for the road that Black Bones goes deep into the interior of the mainland from north to west, let alone the Shadow Clan Plain that blocks there, even if they can pass through, if they continue to go north, they will be the Linhai Province, Xinzhong Province and Shuilan Province of the Peng Clan. important provinces.

In this way, the entire Black Bone Clan is blocked on the southern peninsula by the Peng Clan.

The rest is for the friends to clean up the black-boned men on the peninsula and clean up the scattered black-boned men while expanding outward to control Double Moon Star.

But at this moment, the black-skeleton men, who had been training in Luoxia Mountain for several days without being attacked, put on an appearance of solidarity, and finally couldn't bear the hunger and thirst, so they sent envoys towards the direction controlled by the Yiren of the Peng Clan.

And the people who had watched the play for a few days also stood on the top of the mountain laughing, waiting for the arrival of the emissary of the black bone man.


"It's a creative way to surrender. I'm glad the white flag hasn't appeared yet... No, I can't help it! Pfft! Ahaha!"

At this time, Lingyue and the others, who couldn't bear it, had turned their heads to the other side and laughed.

As for Kong Huan, he shook his head helplessly, stretched out his hand and patted the actual commander on the western front who was holding back his laughter.

"Okay, you'd better go chat with these black bone men, anyway, you have an interpreter, so I won't go there."


"It's nothing, this is the mission entrusted to you by the elders' house!"

Kong Huan said with a serious face, but as soon as he finished speaking, he laughed to himself: "By the way, remember to bring a black-skeleton man's clothes when you go there. Although the naked man looks like an animal, the black-skeleton man is after all It is still considered an intelligent creature, and a certain degree of respect is still due."

Turning to look at 8051 and Shuangyue, the two looked calm.

But obviously, 8051's eyes are not right, and Shuangyue is simply asked by 8051 to keep looking at her, although both of them can see the existence of any part of the planet at any time.

"Speaking of 8051, is it the way of surrender within the Black Bone Tribe that raises his hands, spreads his feet apart, and then takes off his clothes and walks over like an 'X'?"

"No, I think he did this entirely to expose all parts of his body to show that he is not a threat, although it is embarrassing, and..."

Speaking of this, 8051 shook his head a little strangely, and then continued to let Shuangyue look at him: "Why did they send a male instead of a female? Don't they know that the things under the male will also block part of the body?"


"No! I can't take it anymore! Wahahaha."

"You guys, forget it."

Shaking her head helplessly, Chu Xia flew lightly towards the tent, thinking that she still couldn't be reconciled to the fact that she couldn't form a luminescent creature.

The research on the true god of Guyun Divine Kingdom has ended, and although they still thought about whether controlling this true god would have a greater effect, in the end everyone agreed with Chu Xia's suggestion to let her return to the will of the planet.

It's a pity that everyone finally discovered that the ability to produce luminous creatures can be said to belong to the innate ability of the Black Bone Race. Without understanding the nature of life, the Friends Clan can't cross the racial limit to make luminous creatures.

Of course, soul level is excluded.

(End of this chapter)

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