Spore Story

Chapter 450 Huo Yunzheng's Thoughts and Tricks

Chapter 450 Huo Yunzheng's Thoughts and Tricks

Finally haunted, under the scorching sun, there is actually the sound of electric drills for decoration downstairs, even with a rhythm, our tragedy...

A more haunted = =
Thank you Jianpiaofeng for your monthly ticket support~\(≧▽≦)/~
"Huo Yunzheng, the third son of the True God of Fire Cloud, whose strength is close to the commanding level, was ruled by the former Northern Legion of the Black Bone Clan Fire Cloud God Kingdom, and is now the temporary commander of the Black Bone Remnants. Unfortunately, he seems to be squeezed out by the Primordial Gods..."

"...I already understand your thoughts. But your actions have caused great harm to both our side and the Shadow Clan side, so it is impossible to forgive them lightly."

"According to the usual practice, you should all be wiped out. For example, your Eastern Front Army has been cleaned up by us. From the true gods to the ordinary soldiers, there is not one left."

"But now, the benevolent God is willing to give you who have the will to survive and pursue a better life a choice: leave with no more than 10 Shishen, no more than 100 guard captains, and no more than 1000 soldiers; Or, die."

"Don't miss it, this will be your only 'life' choice."

"But we have more than 7000 people now?"

"That's your own problem. There are still more than 40000 black bone soldiers on the eastern and western fronts combined!"


"In short, 1000 people, you only have seven days, so you can do it yourself."


Walking in a daze on the road back to Luoxia Mountain, Huo Yun was thinking about the previous scene, silent.

Huo Yunzheng, who was leaving naked, was wearing a soft and brand-new robe provided by his friends.

It supported Huo Yunzheng's strong body with a gentle majesty. If he was in the kingdom of the Black Bone Tribe, he would probably be embraced by countless beauties when he walked on the street in such a suit.

Unfortunately, this is a battlefield full of blood and smoke.

The Black Bone Tribe has no tradition of cleaning up corpses. Their attitude towards corpses is to dismember and burn them.

It is said that this was inherited from the "Fall of the Cthulhu" battle at that time, and the purpose of doing so was to prevent the Cthulhu from turning their corpses into servants and bringing more deaths to their side.

According to folk rumors, there are no less than ten small tribes. Because such corpses were controlled by evil gods, they were all cremated in isolation. The number of deaths is unknown, but the rumors are solid, so no one dares to try;
The Shadow Clan and Friends Clan treat the corpses of sacrificed soldiers by sending them back to the rear of the battlefield after each battle.

Then these corpses are handed over to the temple cemeteries in various places, following the principle of 'dust to dust to dust, return to the cycle of nature'.

And [Natural Cycle], this is the truth that anyone who has attended elementary school for three years knows, and it is also the code of conduct for many [Pengzu Cultural Circle] (three areas of Pengzu + Yingzu Plain).

Therefore, in the Pengzu cultural circle, the steps to deal with the dead body are:

First of all, clean up the corpse, tidy up the corpse, and put on the clothes of the dead. If it is a winged person, he will take out the energy core without causing a lot of damage, and register and store it in the [core library] in various places;
Then arrange the cemetery. Every city in the group of friends has a shrine, and each shrine has a large cemetery, which is provided free of charge to the body of each deceased;

Then there is the funeral, the process is very simple, that is, let the relatives pay their respects to each other's remains.

Sometimes, the soul of the deceased would even attend his own funeral, but he would not appear in front of people, but silently watched people's performance. This step was only known to the deceased and the temple manager;
The last thing is to bury the corpse, wrap the corpse in a clean sackcloth, and bury it in the soil of the cemetery, so that the corpse can quickly decompose and return to nature.

By the way, the calcium carbide trees in every cemetery are growing well, and the white flowers that bloom every spring are the places where people remember the dead and appreciate the beauty.

Among the friends, physical death is only the end of a stage of life.

Friends divide their own life into two stages: physical life and conscious life, so they don't feel too sentimental about the end of the first stage of physical life.

As a result, the entire cultural circle of friends has developed this way of treating the dead.

Then, back to the topic...

Walking between the enemy and us in Luoxia Mountain at this time, Huo Yunzheng was enduring all kinds of suffering in his heart.

On the one hand, it is necessary to make a choice about the life and death of the same kind, after all, less than 1/7 of them can leave; on the other hand, should they fully tell the gods who threatened them?Because he didn't think he could be selected under the quantity limit.

As a result, he ignored the Yiren he was negotiating with and why he used his own language. This may become a natural phenomenon like "it should be like this" when he sees the other party kills the true god.

(These guys wanted to push me out at the beginning in exchange for their own lives. Why did I tell them all about it? I’m the one who might die after telling them.)
(They are my kind, and they are all Shishen. If I don’t tell them, once they are discovered, even I, Shishen, can’t fight against so many people.)
(However, no more than 10 Shishen survived, but now there are more than 20, so who lives and who dies?)

(Resistance? No, even the true gods can't win. What are our dozens of gods?)

(Why? Why am I facing this problem?)

(No, fortunately, I face it, otherwise I'm afraid I will be kept in the dark by those bastards.)
"Wait! Mon?"

Suddenly, Huo Yun looked up at Luoxia Mountain in front of him, a cruel smile appeared on the corner of his mouth, but quickly disappeared: "Since you were the ones who were ruthless first, then don't blame me for being ruthless!"

Soon, Huoyun was regaining the bewildered appearance of Shishen, even more bleak than before, making people look like, even wearing that elegant robe is just a waste.

But when Shishen who had been waiting for Huo Yunzheng waited hard, they were really frightened when they saw him like this.

"Huo, Huo Yunzheng! What's going on? Why did you come back so soon? Why is that expression?"

Feng Lin Shishen, who had mobilized everyone to design Huo Yunzheng before, forced himself to ask majestically, but he still felt uneasy.

However, these Shishen are not to be blamed for this, because it took less than half a day for Huoyun to enter the enemy's territory in the 'X' shape of surrender, and then Huoyun was returning.

But from the perspective of these Shishen, the two sides do not understand each other's language, so in order for the other party to understand what they mean, it seems that it is not impossible for the two sides to talk for ten days and a half months.

Therefore, they even set the initial conditions of asking each other for a little food and water.

But now, in less than half a day, Huo Yunzheng came back wearing a new suit with a gloomy expression, and hadn't brought back any substantive things he expected.

Of course, it is not impossible if you bring the most desired 'survival news'.

But at this time, Huo Yun was sitting at the entrance of the cave, looking at the people who tried to drive him into the cave, while sneering in his heart, he kept the indifferent and confused expression he had always had before, but he didn't take a step forward.

As for fear, if he made an expression of fear, I am afraid that the gods who knew him in front of him would immediately become suspicious.

Now, after hearing the stern and introverted words of that name, Huo Yunzheng did not answer in a hurry, but took off the robe on his body, and then changed into the clothes he had taken off before.

He still remembers the scene where a group of Shishen threatened him to take off his clothes before.

There may be some reasons for making the opponent feel non-threatening, but more, I am afraid that these guys humiliate themselves and reduce their prestige among the soldiers.

But now, Huo Yunzheng had to say that they had succeeded a little.

At least some of the soldiers in the cave showed much less reverence when they handed Huo Yunzheng his clothes.

(Wait, you will all die, but I will live.)
"Okay, Huo Yunzheng! Tell me what's going on! Did they agree to our terms?"

"Our terms?"

He cast a contemptuous glance at the other party, this time Huo Yunzheng didn't foolishly be surrounded in the cave, but sat at the entrance of the cave.At this time, with his strength close to domination (soul-level peak), it is not difficult to escape from these ordinary gods in front of him.

Of course, at this time he still had to answer according to his own plan.

"I didn't say anything about those conditions."


"Don't howl! You don't want to die, do I want to die?"


With a cold snort, several Shishen hesitated for a moment, but still indicated that Huoyun was continuing.

He glanced at everyone coldly. Anyway, the relationship is already bad, and Huo Yunzheng is not interested in giving these Shishen good looks.

"The other party is not an existence that we can guess at all. Before I got there, they might have learned our words from somewhere..."

"You mean, they can communicate?"

Suddenly interrupting Huo Yunzheng's speech, the Shishen stared at Huo Yunzheng with a hint of surprise.

For the current Black Bone Race, communication is based on language, so as long as the enemy on the opposite side can communicate, any exchange of interests, any conspiracy to deceive, any surrender and rebellion, etc., can all come in handy.

Looking at the Shishens whose eyes were getting brighter and brighter, Huo Yunzheng didn't mind being interrupted, but watched coldly for a while, until these guys became more and more outrageous and started discussing how to plot against each other. Only then poured cold water on these people again.

"Don't use your IQ higher than that of meat ball beasts to speculate on each other, but don't forget that they can kill the true god in seconds."

"Furthermore," Huo Yun looked at the direction of the friends who had been negotiating with before with a puzzled expression, and continued: "The other party's understanding of our Black Bone Clan is far beyond your imagination."

"They even knew that I was the ruler of the northern part of our country before, and I was eliminated by the true god. This kind of thing is known to only a few people such as the true god, me and my dead brother. Do you know what this means?"

Hearing Huo Yunzheng's words, the group shivered uncomfortably, and even looked around cautiously.

And Feng Lin Shishen gave Huo Yunzheng a stern look, and hurriedly changed the topic: "It doesn't matter whether this kind of thing is correct or not, Huo Yunzheng, let's talk about the content of your negotiation, don't try to lie a little bit, That will only make you die faster."

Although I feel a little surprised and funny about this Feng Lin Shishen in my heart, it seems that I am going to lie, but if you ask me to be honest, do I have to be honest?

Therefore, Huo Yun was maintaining a calm expression, pointing to the distance and said indifferently.

"After I went in, I didn't really say a few words. The other party seemed to know our intentions completely, so they directly stated their conditions..."

"What conditions?"

"..." Looking at the other party, Huo Yunzheng continued, "They only allow us to take away 1000 people now."

"What! You are only allowed to take away 1000 people, but we have more than 7000..."

"Quiet, idiot!"

Feng Lin glared at the other party viciously, then turned his head to look at Huo Yunzheng at the entrance of the cave.

"Don't worry, I ordered the soldiers to stay away."

"It's your acquaintance."

With a cold snort, Feng Lin Shishen looked at the dozen or so Shishen around him: "So what about 1000 people, we have more than 20 Shishen here, plus the remaining guard captain, it's almost the same."

This is a normal choice within the Black-Bone Clan. Although it is not accepted by ordinary soldiers, "Let the leader go first" in an emergency is at least the consensus of the high-level inside the Black-Bone Clan. In the Black-Bone Clan, the high-level is the public opinion.

(Just fight hard, hum.)
Huo Yunzheng, who was sitting at the entrance of the cave, was listening to a group of Shishen in the cave discussing the authenticity of Huo Yunzheng's words and discussing how to allocate the number of guard captains, looking out of the cave in boredom.

I don't know if his dead ghost father, True God Huoyun, planned it long ago, or did it unintentionally. At this time, all the gods suddenly realized that in Luoxia Mountain, 90% of the captains of the guards were actually Huoyun. Kingdom of God.

However, there is only Huo Yunzheng as the Shishen of the Fire Cloud Divine Kingdom.

Such a strange situation caused Huoyun to control at least 5000 soldiers by controlling the guard captains of Huoyun Divine Kingdom.

But now, while discussing and discussing, these Shishen suddenly realized that even if there were 1000 people, if it was a combination of 'Shishen + Guard Captain', most of them would listen to Huo Yunzheng's words.

In other words, even if everyone escapes at that time, if Huo Yunzheng speaks out, Shishen who offended Huo Yunzheng thoroughly will be killed by the captain of the guards who are close to Shishen in strength and rely on their numerical advantage.

But without that model, it inevitably involves keeping rank-and-file soldiers informed, creating confusion...

Is it time to pull a brick house out?
"Wait, Huo Yunzheng. You said 'take away 1000 people now'." Looking at Huo Yunzheng suspiciously, Feng Lin Shishen said seriously: "It's better to tell the whole negotiation process! Xiao Thoughts are useless."

"Okay, okay, I didn't expect you to turn so fast!"

Making an expression of being seen through, Huo Yunzheng said "full of helplessness" about the process from contacting friends to returning to himself.

However, from these words, the gods of the beginning can only draw: it is true that only 1000 people can be taken away, but they take away 1000 people at a time, and the time is 7 days later.

It means that they can leave with 1000 people at a time, divide the 7000 people into 8 batches, and start to leave after 7 days, instead of only taking 1000 people away when everyone was 'misled' by Huo Yunzheng at the beginning.

In this way, it is the first time to leave with some danger.

For, in the case of the plural, the first temptation is heavy.

"Hmph, you don't think 'Let our group of people leave with 1000 cronies first, and then leave you in Luoxia Mountain to destroy our command position, and then lead the remaining soldiers who are disappointed in us Go back, or even kill us in the middle, will this kind of plan work for us?"

Feng Lin Shishen, who thinks he has seen through Huo Yunzheng's schemes, bears the admiration of Shishen around him, and looks contemptuously at Huo Yunzheng, who seems to be a little 'flustered' at the entrance of the cave, and said with a sneer, "Don't think you have too much money." Clever, Huo Yunzheng, you are just a plaything of your dead father."

"As for the first batch of candidates..."

Looking at the tense Huo Yunzheng at the entrance of the cave, Feng Lin Shishen seemed to enjoy this feeling very much. When he was about to speak to let Huo Yunzheng lead, he was suddenly interrupted by a Shishen beside him.

"Feng Lin Shishen, what if Huo Yunzheng lied to us this time, but the first batch is actually safe?"


Everyone was stunned, and Huo Yunzheng at the entrance of the cave was also the same.

His plan was originally to let these Shishen be in chaos, and let himself, the Shishen, lead the first group of people to leave as a 'pathfinder', so that he could escape easily.

But now, if you can't join the first batch, what's the point?
Fortunately, he still has a backup.

But now, I can only watch these guys perform.

Sure enough, after a discussion, a group of Shishen who thought they were smart ignored Huo Yunzheng and decisively decided that the first team should be composed of guard captains from Huoyun Divine Kingdom, but Huoyunzheng was not among them.

In this way, Huo Yunzheng's control over the soldiers was eliminated, and the insignificant captains of the guards of the Huoyun Kingdom could go to 'exploring the way'.

What Huo Yunzheng and his peeping friends had expected was that the group of gods had been discussing for so long, but they hadn't thought about the fact that only one group could survive.

"What's going on here?" Kong Huan, who had been monitoring these, was full of doubts.

"It's actually very simple," a Yiren who was not far from Luoxia Mountain pushed his eyes on the bridge of his nose, looked at the puzzled and searching elders, and said calmly with a little respect.

"First of all, they can't judge whether the first batch is safe or not, and the comparison between risk and acquisition cannot be judged, which makes them hesitant;"

"Secondly, because of Huo Yunzheng's previous 'deception' behavior, and when Huo Yunzheng lost the first batch of qualifications, he didn't show too many actions that made them suspicious, so they subconsciously believed that 'only one batch' was a lie."

"Because if 'only one batch' is true, Huo Yunzheng obviously knows it well, then when he knew that he was not included in the first batch, Huo Yunzheng should be more or less terrified;"

"And the most important thing is that after the continuous fighting and facing death before, this group of primordial gods subconsciously resisted the possibility of 'only one group' with a small survival rate based on their sharply improved survival instincts."

Smiling, the Yiren said sarcastically: "Psychologically, these Shishen have fallen into a state of 'self-hypnosis' amidst the external environment and Huo Yunzheng's serial lies."

When it was over, the eye-wing man still did not forget to say with emotion: "We can confirm that this Huo Yunzheng has no knowledge of psychology and acting, but he can perform so well now. I have to say that he is a genius."

"Oh, genius."

Smiling and looking in the direction of Luoxia Mountain, the murderous intent in Kong Huan's heart disappeared in a flash, and soon returned to normal.

Then, he stretched out his hand and patted Shuangyue, pulled 8051 to sit beside him, and said with a smile, "That's what makes it interesting, isn't it?"

(End of this chapter)

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