Spore Story

Chapter 451 The Dark Bone of Luoxia Mountain and the Dark War

Chapter 451 The Dark Bone of Luoxia Mountain and the Dark War

The heat in autumn is sometimes worse than summer, and for Luoxia Mountain where the whole mountain was burned clean by the black-boned man himself, the black-boned man on it can only blame the person who gave the order to burn the mountain; While looking for every shady place, lest he become a mummy.

Shishen'22+1' (22 Shishen + Huo Yunzheng who was excluded and ignored=.=) The meeting finally decided to attack the existing Luoxiashan troops under the circumstance that Pengying said that it would not continue to attack Training.

Of course, in order to avoid turmoil, what the Shishens announced to the outside world was, "In order to fight for our chances of survival, the Shishens will reorganize the troops and let the other party know that we are not easy to mess with." '

As for the first batch of guard captains, Shishen also pointed out very high-profilely that "this is to assemble elite troops and become a fist that makes the enemy frightened." '

As for the negotiation, because the scene of Huo Yunzheng's previous actions was driven by a group of Shishen in order to weaken Huo Yunzheng's prestige in the army, almost all the soldiers saw it, so they couldn't hide it.

So the Shishens worked together, and finally told the soldiers, "Huo Yunzheng's negotiations have not yielded results for the time being, and the other side will start further negotiations with our Shishens in the passage inside Luoxia Mountain, and the negotiations will be handed over to them." These Shishen are in charge, and there is no light with Huoyun. '

As a result, Huo Yunzheng's dissatisfaction became even greater because of the 'unfavorable negotiations'.

However, to the satisfaction of these Primordial Gods, and a little unexpected, Huo Yunzheng just protested verbally, and never participated in the meeting of the Primordial Gods. Artistic conception, of course, the black-boned man didn't say that, neither did the entire Shuangyuexing.

And on the third day, the friends mentioned in a vain way that some food and water were sent to the black bones through the passage (2000 people, from the baggage that the black bones were captured =.=).

While filling the stomachs of the black bone soldiers a little bit, it also made the soldiers feel extremely excited about what Shishen said 'the negotiations have made good progress'.

But what is Huo Yunzheng doing at this time?

As the protagonist of the group of spectators, Huo Yunzheng voluntarily withdrew from the Shishen meeting on the first day, and remained silent on the second and third days. This was actually because of the group of Shishens. , has been keeping a close watch on Huo Yunzheng, not allowing him to make any more moves.

On the fourth day, because of the food "sent" by the friends on the third day, the soldiers' support for them, the gods of the beginning, became higher; coupled with Huo Yunzheng's self-control these days, the gods of the beginning thought that the victory was at hand As a matter of course, the monitoring of Huo Yunzheng was less.

At least from Shishen's surveillance to Guard Captain's surveillance.

On the evening of the fourth day, Huo Yunzheng, who had a mouthful of porridge under the cynicism of the Shishens, sneaked to the corner of Luoxia Mountain while a group of Shishens continued to discuss the composition of each batch of members. (The hierarchical system allows Huo Yunzheng to dine with the Shishens even if they are excluded by the Shishens =.=)


With a strange pronunciation from his mouth, Huoyun was peeking around from time to time, and his mental power sense greatly controlled the surrounding space, even the slight vibration of the dust in the air was not let go, this was bought in exchange for life experience.

This aspect is a defense against the Shadow Clan, because although the Peng Clan no longer attacks Luoxia Mountain, many soldiers of the Shadow Clan maintain a low frequency of attacking the Black Bone Clan under the influence of their personal emotions under the special attack method Therefore, even if he was walking on his own territory, Huo Yunzheng did not dare to be careless;
Of course, on the other hand, which is also the main aspect, is to be on guard against one's own people, because what he does must be kept secret.

From Huo Yunzheng's point of view, this is really a tragedy. While guarding against the enemy, he also has to guard against his own people.

(True God of the North, it seems that as you said, this is the real reason for our failure.)
Sighing, he felt the gentle night wind, which brought a little bit of coolness and dispelled the heat around him. Huoyun was not daring to slack off. He didn't wait for a response for the first time, and he squeaked again.

Finally, on the sixth call, when he was considering whether to leave, there was a regular 'squeak' response from the corner of the rock ahead.

(It's finally here! It's not in vain that I trust you so much.)
Roaring excitedly in his heart, Huo Yunzheng's whole body was like a floating feather, flying around the rocks and jumping to the corner of the previous sound. The whole process showed a different way of action from the Shadow Clan.

Fortunately, it wasn't the real little animal that responded mischievously to Huo Yunzheng, but the 'companion' he had agreed upon earlier.

"Huoyun Commander, I hope you are not deceiving us."

"Everyone wants to survive. I will tell you the truth. Besides, you all followed my father all the way down. Some even watched me grow up. Don't you know who I am?"

"That's good, now, please come with me."

The black figure in front nodded, turned around and walked in one direction. Huoyun sensed the surrounding vigilantly, and at the same time scanned it under the dim moonlight before slowly following.

In fact, he didn't intend to bring other Shishen with him from the very beginning, the 'below 10' in the conditions of friends, in his opinion, is '1', and he is 1 Shishen himself.

Because, although the strength gap between the beginning gods is not small, it is easy for three beginning gods to deal with one beginning god, and now Huo Yunzheng has a bad relationship with the other beginning gods.

Unless Huoyun can become the dominant level, then only three to five Shishen can win.

But now, he can't even defeat three Shishen, so how many Shishen should he set up for friends with less than 10 Shishen?How can you make the other party listen to you?How to deal with the remaining dozen Shishen?
So, just have one for yourself.

And from the previous war experience, the previous life experience in the Kingdom of God, and the words of the Northern True God, Huo Yunzheng, who is deeply aware of how serious the civil strife is, firmly disagrees that there are still people in the fleeing team he is in. internal problems.

So, how to ensure the stability of this team?
Huo Yunzheng was suddenly pleasantly surprised to discover that his true God father was really great.

When forming the coalition before, True God Huoyun replaced Shishen with a large number of guard captains on the grounds that the "Northern Rebellion" caused the shortage of Shishen on his own side. It's like sending it away, if you want to come back, ask those true gods first.

Later, when forming the forward force of Luoxia Mountain, Huoyun True God basically took the captain of the Huoyun Kingdom's guards as the middle-level, but because Shishen belonged to other kingdoms except for the commander Huoyunzheng, it did not cause any trouble. who objected.

After that, Huo Yunzheng indirectly controlled a large number of soldiers by relying on these guard captains, and gained a stable position.

Perhaps True God Huoyun was just preparing for 'once the coalition fails, the captains of the guards can control the ordinary soldiers and achieve the purpose of attracting the population', but no one (in the Black Bone Race) thought that it really failed, and The true gods are all dead, but Huo Yunzheng, the son of the true god Huoyun, is now trapped in Luoxia Mountain, facing the oppression of other Shishen.

Now, Huoyun just took advantage of these, and all the captains of the Huoyun Divine Kingdom Guards were arranged in the first batch of teams.

He planned to secretly join this group of teams when they left.

As for the requirement of 'only 100 guard captains' among the conditions of friends, Huo Yunzheng actually had his own thoughts.

In the Black Bone Race, the captain of the guard is the middle layer between Shishen and ordinary soldiers. His main role is to command small-scale battles and control the training of ordinary soldiers.

Therefore, in many cases, as long as the captain of the guards changed his clothes, he would be an ordinary soldier.

In this regard, even the friends are not easy to judge, because among the ordinary soldiers of the Black Bone Clan, there are not a few who are better than the captain of the guard. To be promoted to the captain of the guard, more depends on command strength, connections and credit.

Although Huo Yunzheng didn't know that 'friends can't distinguish between ordinary soldiers and guard captains who wear the same clothes', it didn't prevent him from thinking of this way to take risks.

As for the Kong Huan and others who were watching Huo Yunzheng's "The Chaos in Luoxia Mountain" starring Huo Yunzheng at this time, they didn't really mind it.

The standard set before was just casually stated by the commander, and its main purpose was actually to make the black-boned men in Luoxia Mountain mess themselves up.

Carefully follow the soldiers in front of them into a hidden cave. After staying in Luoxia Mountain for so long, it's not that ordinary soldiers haven't found some small caves to escape from the battle. Even if they want to control this, Shishens can't control it.

Entering it, the narrow cave can only fit less than ten people, and at this time, there are 7 captains of the guards inside. They are from the first batch that has been arranged. A secretly chosen representative from the formed team.

After seeing Huoyun coming in, the seven people had different expressions.

There are those who doubt, those who admire, those who look forward to, those who miss, and those who ignore... almost represent the views of all the captains of the guards on Huo Yunzheng at this time.

"I know that everyone has some distrust of me, and the reason is probably because of the speeches of those Shishen."

He didn't care about the sight of these captains of the guards. After Huo Yun saw the captains of the guards present, he seemed to relax completely, and sat carelessly in the center of the cave.

Just this kind of sincere and trusting attitude made these captains of the guards feel a little bit of goodwill.

After all, under such circumstances, if they wanted to kill Huo Yunzheng, they might only have to pay less than the price of the two of them.

Of course, no one would be bored enough to kill Huo Yunzheng at this moment.

Therefore, although everyone has regained some goodwill towards Huo Yunzheng, it is not yet to the point of recovering their approval.

"Huoyun Commander, although we believe in you, those Primordial Gods at least brought us food and hope, didn't they?"

(Food and hope for a sun! This is what I got for you.)
But even though he was annoyed, Huo Yunzheng didn't want to get entangled here, that would only make these captains of the guards look down on him.

Therefore, he just smiled faintly, then looked at everyone mysteriously, pointed to the enemy outside the cave and said.

"Do you think those assassins who killed many of us, and were killed by us, will agree to let us all go?"

Several guard captains paused and struggled for a while, some of them still shook their heads, while the rest sighed helplessly and nodded in agreement.

"And do you think, why are you all placed in the first batch?"

Seeing everyone looking at him, Huo Yunzheng didn't wait for them to continue thinking, but said what happened in Shishen's cave that day after a little modification.


At the same time, Huoyun was acting, and those Shishen were also acting.

"We can't pin our hopes on what Huo Yunzheng said about the negotiations."

"Indeed, we were all focused on forming troops before, but seven batches? All of them can leave? Think about it carefully, is this possible?"

In fact, at this time, it was entirely because everyone had a disagreement on '22 Shishen, who is in which batch', and they suddenly discovered this situation under the quarrel.

The people under the shock finally regained some calmness, so it was at this time that Shishen gathered together to discuss countermeasures.

"How about calling Huo Yunzheng over, if he doesn't say anything, we'll catch him and torture him!"

"No." To this, Feng Lin Shishen was the first to object: "Now the captain of the guards of the Huoyun Kingdom still listens to him, but most of the ordinary soldiers are actually facing Huoyun."

"However, we have just gained some support from the soldiers by relying on food. If we suddenly arrest Huo Yunzheng, it will only cause internal problems among the soldiers in Luoxia Mountain."

"Then what should we do! Could it be that, even if that bastard Huo Yunzheng is really lying to us, are we still foolish to be deceived?"


After a moment of silence, a Shishen suddenly raised his hand.

"I said, why don't we send an emissary over there to ask?"

An impatient Shishen immediately looked at this Shishen with contempt: "Are you stupid? Huo Yunzheng said, the other party said, if we send another envoy..."

"At once……"

"Who is the fool?"

At the same time that the impatient Shishen stopped, everyone looked at each other, seeming to realize something.

"I just said there must be a problem! If it wasn't for that bastard Huo Yunzheng who lied to us! Why did you add that you are not allowed to send envoys?"

The impatient Shishen seems to have reacted, yelling and asking someone to go over to be an envoy to ask the other party for clarification, and at the same time grab Huo Yunzheng.

But at this time, Feng Lin Shishen quickly grabbed the opponent.

"Give me quiet!"


"What if that fire cloud is not lying to us?"


"Could it be that the envoys stopped sending, and we continued to arrange batches like this? And then that bastard Huo Yunzheng plotted against him?" The Shishen were obviously unwilling to do so.

"Of course not, we will also send envoys!"

"Now if we follow the steps and see that Huoyun is so calm, there must be something wrong inside. Anyway, we are dead, we send envoys to fight, maybe say something nice or even pay a price, maybe we can succeed..."

Looking at the Shishens again, Feng Lin recalled that there was also no True God, but belonged to the old True God Kingdom, Fengwen God Kingdom with rich heritage, and a flash of greed flashed in his heart.

(If you bring back all these primordial gods, even if you can't become the lord, then it is not impossible to become the ruler of one party. If you mobilize those people...)
"...And if Huo Yunzheng really lied to us, sending envoys can get accurate conditions, so as not to be tricked by Huo Yunzheng."

"Okay! I'll prepare the envoy, and then send someone to arrest Huo Yunzheng!"

"and many more!"

Holding the other party again, Feng Lin rubbed his forehead depressedly and said, "Don't worry about Huo Yunzheng at this time, and don't even do anything unusual to alarm the other party. Since he can lie to us, why can't we lie to him?"

Seeing Feng Lin Shishen's smug expression, all the Shishen present laughed with satisfaction.


At dawn, several Shishen led a stripped black-boned man, carefully avoiding ordinary soldiers, and arrived at the junction of the Pengzu and Luoxiashan Black-boned control areas.

In the past few days, they have clearly felt that the number of enemies on the opposite side is decreasing, but in the expectation of returning home peacefully, they have no courage to continue attacking.

(The friends' army consumes a lot, and it is impossible to stay here for a long time, so with Chu Xia and a few elders staying behind, plus the Shadow Clan army, the Shadow Team. The friends' army is in Luoxia Mountain , now there is only one legion and two teams left, and the others have been evacuated.)
"Remember, don't bark, speak softly."

"Yes, my lord."

"Also, if you take off your clothes and walk in an open area, you need to spread your legs and raise your hands!"

"Uh, yes."

"By the way, it's better to open your mouth too, so that you don't think your teeth are dangerous!"

"Ah, ah." A poor emissary nodded with his mouth open.

At this time, a Shishen seemed to think of something, and looked down at the object under the messenger, which shocked the messenger into a cold sweat.

"Well, the one below seems to be blocking..."

"Forget it, Huo Yunzheng was hanging that day, if he cut it off or found another woman, he would have to worry about something hidden inside..."


A certain messenger is speechless, (What are you thinking?)
"Okay, let's go."

The envoy who received the amnesty turned around quickly, and in the standard "X" posture, he broke out at a running speed not weaker than that of ordinary black-boned men, which made the Shishen watching there sigh.

"Look, it's better for me to choose someone. This is the best guard captain of our Divine Kingdom personnel."

"Okay, let's go back."

Shaking his head, after confirming that the other party had not entered the woods, the Shishen took his teammates and walked towards the cave where Fenglin Shishen and others were waiting.

Of course, they still carefully avoided ordinary soldiers, in order to avoid possible Huo Yunzheng's eyeliner.

"How about it?"

As soon as they entered the cave, the few beginning gods faced the probing eyes of other beginning gods.

Nodding his head, the impatient Shishen directly passed his teammates and said, "Don't worry, we saw him enter the woods with our own eyes, and he will enter the territory of Yiren in a short time."

"That's good," nodded with satisfaction, Feng Lin Shishen smiled and beckoned everyone to sit down.

All they had to do afterwards was to wait for the messenger's return.

Judging from Huo Yunzheng's previous behavior, the other party was still very friendly to the envoy, and even gave Huo Yunzheng a beautiful robe as proof.

Of course, Feng Lin was wearing the long robe at this time, he didn't snatch it, but Huo Yunzheng changed it and put it there outside Wuzhu after he came back.

(Perhaps the envoy can bring back some good things.) Feng Lin Shishen and the group of Shishen chatted and waited.

"Hmph, Huo Yunzheng, play with us, you're still a little tender."

At this time, Huo Yunzheng was sitting in the narrow cave with a calm face, sharing the jerky he had kept with the 8 guard captains present.

(End of this chapter)

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