Spore Story

Chapter 452 Krosa's Depression and Black Bones

Chapter 452 Krosa's Depression and Black Bones

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"Why let those bastards go!"

In the hall of the Allied Forces of Friends, under the gloomy and worried expressions of a group of Shadow Clan councilor commanders, Croza slammed the dagger in his hand on the table with a roar.

Krosa, who had just led a unit of Warhammer One Gorge and returned from the Black Forest, was in high spirits, but he happened to hear the Friends of the Allied Forces discussing the process of letting go of the thousand black-skeleton men in a few days.

For the whole family who died at the hands of the black-boned man, and even saw his family members die in front of him, and his friends rolled in the fire, he even felt that the only reason he was still alive was to kill the black-boned man.

This kind of emotion created Warhammer's fierce style and his powerful strength, but it also made him accidentally offend many people many times.

For example, now, he rushed in angrily, and started yelling without even asking the specific reason.

"Crosser, be quiet! This is the result of our joint discussion."

Akagi nodded apologetically to the commanders of the three tribes around him, and then looked at Croza reproachfully.

If it was in normal times, Krothar would choose to restrain his emotions when faced with this legion commander who had been taking care of him and even thought of himself as the next commander of Warhammer, but at this time, facing the harvesting There are 7000 black bones in Xiashan, but he can't calm down.

"7000 people. Back then, the Ancient Shadow Clan had only 8000 people. Now you are discussing letting go of 1000 of them, but what about the Ancient Shadow Clan at that time? Did those black bone men ever think about letting go of even 100 people! 10 people!"


"Forget it, let me explain." Seeing the scene at this time, Lieutenant General Wu Yao, the commander of the Pengzu, shook his head.

He is not only the supreme commander of the current coalition forces, but also has the status of [Thunder God's subordinate God of War] in the Shadow Clan. Therefore, no one in the Shadow Clan has any objection to him standing up to manage Croza inside the Shadow Clan. Still slightly looking forward to it.

"Crosser, huh?"

"Yes, my lord." Although he was unwilling, but in the face of the powerful gods, especially Thor, who were related to his own beliefs, Croza still did not dare to be too presumptuous, but his stinky expression continued. It is impossible to hide it.

Of course, when he first came into contact with the issue of Thor, he still had a bit of a grudge in his heart that he didn't encounter any so-called Thor's rescue when the Guying Clan was destroyed.

However, after being silenced by the sentence "you yourself abandoned the belief in Thor, why are you still blaming for not being rescued by Thor?", Croza maintained a basic respect for the belief in Thor.

Of course, because of his character, he didn't go deep either.

Seriously looking at the young Shadow Clan member in front of him, the commander patted him on the shoulder sighingly, and said like a gentle elder.

"In our friend clan, there is a story."

"It is said that a long time ago, in a place isolated from the world, a group of people fought with a group of black-boned men who had vendettaed them for generations.

Finally one day, they defeated these black-boned men with great casualties, but because of their own losses, they had to leave their homes to avoid possible counterattacks by the black-boned men.

A few years later, the black-boned men's counterattack really came, but at this time, they also relied on the recuperation of these years to block the attack of these black-boned men again.

In the end, they even surrounded the black-skeleton men, and the black-skeleton men became lambs to be slaughtered in front of them.

But at this moment, they learned that there were more black-skeleton men, even if they killed all the black-skeleton men here, it would be nothing more than a drizzle for the larger group of black-skeleton men.

At this time, some of the besieged black-bone men were dissatisfied with the black-bone tribe, and they vowed to overthrow the rule of the evil true god inside.

Do you know how this group of people who have a deep hatred for the black-boned man chose afterward? "

"How? Kill these black bone men?"

Because the story is derived from reality, it is still somewhat attractive, especially the protagonist in it resonates with Croza. Think about it, why didn't he retreat temporarily in exchange for his current success?
It's just that, after the tragic victory, the other party bought time for cultivation, while I...

(If only everyone were still alive.)
Croza's expression dimmed again, but he wanted to know the other party's choice even more, although, in fact, he already had a result in his heart that he was not very willing to accept.

"Looking at your appearance, I've actually thought of it, smart boy."

Patting Croza on the shoulder, the commander praised with a smile, and then continued: "After that, they chose to suppress their hatred temporarily, and released this group of black bones who had a strong hatred for their ruler. people."

"Many years later, they were relieved to find that the group of black-skeleton men they released back started a big war within the black-skeleton tribe."

"After this great battle, the population of the Black-Bone Clan was not even one out of ten. The Black-Bone Clan that could pose a threat to them has now become meat on the chopping board in front of them."

"Do you know who these people are?" Looking at the silent Croza, Wu Yao sighed with emotion, and continued: "They are a branch left by our friends many years ago, and now, they have Returning to the arms of our friends, not long ago, they even destroyed the last of the Black Bone Race troops on the Western Front."

Hearing this, the people around fell silent.

Some people are curious about the secrets of this kind of friends they don't know; some are thinking about the current situation; of course, some people are thinking about the issue of the Western Front.

To be honest, ShadowClan chose the method of 'letting go of 1000 of them' to induce civil war on the other side more because of the possible loss of personnel and the ideas of Thor and Friends.

After all, after this war, the Shadow Clan has lost more than 2000 people, which is nearly 1/15 of the population of the Shadow Clan, and all of them are young and middle-aged.

This is also impossible. The total population of the Shadow Clan is now just over 3. Although the reproduction rate is faster than that of the Friends Clan, the base number is less than 1/6 of the current number of friends, and it is even worse than that of the Black Bones. Forty thousand level.

Think about it carefully, how imagined the current Shadow Clan is compared to the legacy branch of the Friends Clan in the story.

"ok, I get it."

As if giving up, Croza shook his head with a pale face, while the surrounding Shadow Clan looked at him with relief and worry.After all, this young man has brought a lot to the Shadow Clan, and now he is the fighting hero of the entire Shadow Clan.

If you don't like it, you don't like it, but the recognition of the other party in your heart will not be affected by emotions.

At this time, Croza suddenly turned his head, looked straight ahead at Thor's war god and asked: "But, can you guarantee that the return of these 1000 people will have the same effect as those black-skeleton men in the story?" ?”

"I pledge in the name of the god of war."

Looking firmly at the Shadow Clan soldiers exuding fighting spirit in front of him, if not for their different races, this commander would have the urge to pull him into the military academy.

As for the guarantee, this commander of sufficient rank is actually very clear in his heart. In fact, regardless of whether the 1000 black bone men go back or not, the civil strife of the black bone tribe is doomed.

But after thinking about it, the commander added something.

"However, you have to be patient."

"If you just want the Black-Bone Clan to have civil strife, you may have to wait five or six years; but if you want the Black-Bone Clan to be in such a mess that they can never lift their heads, you may have to wait decades."

"Also, you have to work hard for it."

"I was born for this!"

————————The scorching sun, the sound of the electric drill is endless (headache = =) dividing line—————

"Wu Yao, you talked too much."

"I'm sorry, Elder Kong Huan, I was excited at the moment, this... didn't cause any problems to our plan, did it?"

Apologetically looking at the elders in front, this commander named Wu Yao actually remembered what he said before after he finished speaking.

Although those didn't say it clearly, they also implicitly raised some things that involved confidentiality, so he was afraid for a while after he finished speaking.

"Forget it, maybe it's better this way, and it will also allow the Shadow Clan to make preparations in advance. The intelligence of those old foxes is not as poor as that of ordinary winged people."

Rubbing his forehead, Kong Huan shook his head and said, "However, Wu Yao, your actions this time did violate the secrecy law."

After hesitating for a while, he thought for a while and said: "Well, now that the battle here is almost over, you can command the returning troops, and the disbandment of the conscripts, etc. will also be handed over to you. As for this, I will leave it to Ling The captain of the Moon Squadron can command."

"Don't worry, this is just to set an example and give everyone a little warning."

"Yes," Wu Yao smiled wryly, and nodded. From the present point of view, the 'dissolution of conscripts' is an offending job. If I had known earlier, I would not have talked so much nonsense.

"Actually, what Wu Yao is doing now is actually not without benefits, and it's just one of them for the Shadow Clan to make preparations," Kong Huan said with a smile while pointing at the tabletop.

"He can also remind the problems of the Black-Bone Clan from all tribes to the 1000 Black-Bone Clan people who returned this time. Isn't he indirectly helping our friends to take the blame?"

"Hehe, that's right," Warhammer looked out of the door and said thoughtfully, "However, in this case, there must really be a black-boned man going back."

"Don't worry, no matter how hard they fight, it is impossible to kill them all. Maybe there are less than 1000 people, maybe a little more than 1000 people, but it doesn't matter."

Spreading his hands, Kong Huan smiled evilly.

"Kong Huan, don't teach children bad things. 8051 feels that Kong Huan's hateful smile seems to be attracting his fists, but he still has to hug Shuangyue with both hands, which makes him cheaper."



On the other hand, it was early in the morning, and Croza, who left the commander's gathering tent, agreed to let them go, but he was still simmering with anger, and the department had to find a place to extinguish the fire.

(Anyway, only 1000 people are released. For the rest, it's okay if I kill one or two.)
This was the thought of Croza, who was sneaking at the foot of Luoxia Mountain at this time, and at this moment, he suddenly realized that there was a morning glow in front of him, and it seemed that something slightly white was approaching him.


Immediately changed from stealth to latent, the things in front were approaching a little bit, the thermal vision seemed to be affected a little in the early morning, the thermal energy of the white things in front seemed to become a ball, and the normal vision was still in the process of transformation, so As for making Croza's judgment a little off.


(Coming from the direction of Luoxia Mountain, I heard that all the animals there have been eaten up, so it is either the same kind hiding in the mountain, or Dunjia people, friends, or black-boned people.)
(And the Dunjiaren and friends have underground passages, and it is impossible for the same kind to stealthily do so swaggeringly... Well, it is still an X-shaped movement, so weird, it seems a bit unreasonable to say that it is a black-boned man?)

What is it?

Croza was a little confused...

So, it wasn't until this poor white X-creature approached Croza about 10 meters away that Croza, whose eyesight had deteriorated due to the early morning, could see the other person's appearance clearly.

"Damn it! When did the black-boned man come up with such a shameless tactic! He actually took off his clothes and changed his mode of action to break through our defense line! Fortunately, I, Croza, are wise! Go to hell."

Using the tail thorn that had not been used for a long time, the poisonous needle was mixed with Croza's anger and embarrassment, and ruthlessly pierced between the legs of the poor black bone messenger...

"Oh! Oh! Oh!..."

Because the sad black bone messenger still kept opening his mouth, even his voice was distorted.

And before the poisonous needle took hold, he saw the Shadow Clan people rushing out of the woods, yelling and waving their arms like a conditioned reflex, as if they wanted to tell the other party something.

It's a pity that at this time the toxin started to take effect. Starting from the expensive stick between the legs, the poor messenger finally turned into a mummy, and the thing with the thick arm also transformed into a small earthworm...


At this time, a group of black bone gods were still "patiently" waiting for the "good news" from the messenger.

At the same time, Huo Yunzheng had already chatted with the guard captains he was familiar with.

"Fire Cloud Control, there are still two days left, please get ready."

"Please rest assured in this regard, I will not put everyone in danger."

Carefully taking advantage of the opportunity when everyone was a little drowsy in the early morning, Huo Yunzheng sneaked back to his residence, took out all kinds of things, and Huo Yunzheng, who had regained his usual calm and composure, was the lamb waiting to be slaughtered (now with the title of "Suspected Deceiver") Yun Zheng.

So, the watcher who woke up in the morning told the Shishen that there was nothing abnormal about Huoyun.

"The biggest abnormality is that he has no abnormalities! How can a person like Huo Yunzheng do nothing!"

Because it is not easy to wait for the envoy to return, Feng Lin and the others chatted about Huo Yunzheng's situation again.This high-prestige Shishen made them feel very troublesome, and they were even a little impatient when they heard the monitor's report.

In fact, if Huo Yunzheng made some moves at this time, they would probably be very happy.

But they didn't expect that it was only because of the negligence of their own surveillance personnel that they didn't find Huo Yunzheng's abnormality. This might be the legendary "darkness under the lights".

"By the way, what happened to the first batch of guard captains from the Fire Cloud Divine Kingdom?"

Feng Lin asked the cronies who monitored the first batch of 1000 troops seriously.

"Back to the adults, they didn't do anything, it's just..."

"Just what! As long as there is something abnormal, you must tell it!" Feng Lin was obviously a little impatient, on the one hand, the weather, and on the other hand, the surrounding atmosphere.

"Yes, it's just that at noon, some people seem to start changing into ordinary soldier clothes, and many people are doing this, and we don't know what happened."

Looking at the doubtful confidants, a group of Shishen looked at each other in blank dismay.

"The captain of the guards changed the clothes of ordinary soldiers?"

Before the coalition attack this time, if those people had made such actions, it would definitely be strange and not to be blamed. Perhaps because of this, everyone would think that Huo Yun was finally taking countermeasures.

but now……

"I heard that those assassins are very active recently," a Shishen sharply pointed out the key point that everyone thinks. Nowadays, in the face of "glory and life", more and more people choose life.

Speaking of which, except for Fenglin Shishen who was still wearing the majestic robe brought back by Huo Yunzheng, everyone else was wearing miscellaneous clothes, except for Shishen who did not identify himself as Shishen.

Therefore, these gods don't think this is an abnormal situation.

"Obviously the other party has promised to let us go. As the first batch of elite troops, they are still so cautious."

"It seems that these guys are just people who are afraid of death, hehe."


A group of Shishen looked at a certain Shishen who wore the clothes of the captain of the guards but wore leather armor, all showing contemptuous expressions.

"Okay, the trouble now is, why hasn't that messenger come back yet?"

"This... Could it be that it took a while to explain, after all, it's only been half a day now, hasn't it?"

"I hope, but everyone is waiting, isn't it a waste of time?"

"Then what?"

"How about, let's think about the problems after we go back," Feng Lin Shishentu saw poorly, and looked at the sitting gods with a spring breeze on his face: "Everyone knows that the real god is gone now, and our respective gods The country is facing a big problem."

"Anyway, I'm just a soldier. After I go back, there are still a few rulers in the country, and there are supervisors on top, but it's not our turn to think about it?"

"You can't say that?" Feng Lin, whose face was slightly stiff, smiled and said with a concealed smile: "Everyone, don't forget, we failed this time, and even the true god fell."

"Just go back like this, what will those supervisors think? How to do it?"


The faces of a group of Shishen suddenly turned ugly. Before, they wanted to win, but then they failed and were surrounded;

"Feng Lin Shishen, what do you think?"

"We are friends by fate, and I, Feng Lin, don't talk nonsense with everyone." Finally, at this moment, Feng Lin couldn't help being a little excited: "Everyone thinks that I, Feng Lin, are an ordinary Shishen in Fengwen Divine Kingdom."

"However, in fact, my elder, Feng Lin, is the great True God Feng Wen Hong. It was only because of Feng Wen Li'an's oppression that we had to choose to change our surname to hide."

"And now, Fengwen Li'an has fallen, and there are many people who support us in Fengwen Divine Kingdom. As long as everyone is willing to follow me, after returning, it may be difficult to control, but it is not difficult for the leader of a small country; work hard, control It's not impossible."

"Everyone should think about whether to go back and face the trials in their respective countries, or follow me, Feng Lin..."


"So, what's everyone's choice?"

However, at this moment, a guard captain suddenly looked flustered and rushed in recklessly.

"Hajime, Hashigami-sama, rumors are spreading everywhere! Rumors say..."

(End of this chapter)

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