Spore Story

Chapter 453 Rumors Out and Chaos at Luoxia Mountain

Chapter 453 Rumors Out and Chaos at Luoxia Mountain

"Those gods are lying to us! They simply want to run away by themselves. We ordinary soldiers are just abandoned by those gods! Didn't this kind of thing happen before?"

"What's going on here? Kill that nonsense person for me!"

Before Shishen in the cave asked the captain of the guard who reported the news, there was a clear roar from outside the cave. Regarding this, Shishen looked at each other and was even more angry.

Even if this is true, you are not allowed to say it, saying it is 'blasphemy', not to mention, this is not true at all.

However, at this time, the roar of rumors outside continued.

"The first team is composed of the captains of the guards. In fact, those Shishen want the first team to send them to death, and at the same time attract attention, so that these Shishen can run away by themselves! The brothers of the first team must not Fooled!"

"Bastard! Where did the rumor come from!"

The gods who were still a little confused at first, when they heard this passage, the first thing that came to mind was not the issue of spreading rumors, but "If you didn't surrender before waiting for others, maybe this method is not bad".

But immediately, they realized that the rumor itself was wrong.

Since even I think it's good, if the premise of 'smooth negotiations' is overturned, wouldn't this rumor be true, and if those humble ordinary soldiers believe this...

The faces of the 22 Primordial Gods darkened at the same time.

However, at this time, the roar outside the door became louder and louder, the soldiers they sent out seemed to be doing nothing, and the rumors became more and more.

"There is no negotiation at all. These Shishen are just staying in the cave, thinking about those disgusting conspiracies and tricks. The food of the so-called negotiation results before is nothing but what they have hidden in Luoxia Mountain for a long time, and now there must be and also!"

This is a bit embarrassing, Shishen present looked at each other again, just thinking about the consequences of overturning the premise of the negotiation, rumors quickly emerged here.

At this time, everyone couldn't stay any longer. A Shishen got up and wanted to go out of the cave, but when he passed by Feng Lin Shishen, he found that the titular leader had almost succeeded in a showdown just now. Shishen didn't move at this moment.

"Master Feng Lin, what about this?"

Although he hadn't had time to express his opinion, in this Shishen's view, if what Feng Lin Shishen said was true, then it would be fine for him to follow Feng Lin himself.

Therefore, at least in terms of words and actions, he has upgraded Feng Lin to the level of control.

Of course, Feng Lin was very satisfied with this, but he felt troubled and angry about the situation outside the cave.

At this time, the rumors are still being repeated, updated, and upgraded...

"What are you going to say when you get out now?"

Seeing Shishen intending to go out, Feng Lin seemed to be talking to himself without waiting for the other party to speak, and said lightly: "What you heard is not right? Say that the result of our negotiation is to leave in batches? Say that our Shishen must not Will leave you? Wait for something like that?"

"This...isn't it?"

Looking suspiciously in front of him because he was wearing that gorgeous robe, he looked very imposing. If he wore the True God logo, he would be Feng Lin, the complete Lord of the True God Kingdom. It's softened a bit.

"Of course not, but you have to know, what we can think of, can't Huo Yunzheng not think of it?"

"You mean, these are the ghosts of Huo Yunzheng?"

"Do you still need to guess!"

There was a loud bang, and a burly Shishen gasped and looked out of the cave. Hearing the soldiers' angry roars, he snorted coldly, and then left without waiting for Feng Lin to speak. said selfishly.

"At a time like this, besides Huo Yunzheng, who else would fan this group of lowly things and cause us this kind of trouble?
"Lord Feng Lin," Shishen, who had hurriedly walked to Feng Lin's side before, looked at the calm Feng Lin, and then at the chaotic scene outside the cave, frowning.

"Going out to explain now will only fall into Huo Yunzheng's trap." Feng Lin lightly glanced at the scene outside the hole, as if he was sure of winning: "However, if we don't go out, as rumors spread, people who support us will There will be fewer and fewer, then Huo Yunzheng can kill us just by relying on these soldiers, and by then, Luoxia Mountain will have the final say."

"..." A group of people were confused.

(Hey, do all the gods I can choose look like this?) Looking at the reactions of the group of gods, Feng Lin didn't mention the depression in his heart, and maintained a calm expression on the surface.

"Now, we must first ensure our own strength. The so-called don't panic if you have soldiers in your hands."

Having said that, Feng Lin looked at some of the Shishen.

Among the Shishen here, there are those who are at least superficially loyal to him like the Shishen in front of me; there are also those who come from the same kingdom of God, whom I understand.

He pointed to these people, and then said calmly and clearly: "Fang Mu, you guys immediately gather our trusted soldiers. Some of these soldiers have participated in our operations, so they know the real situation, so don't worry about being caught rumours."

"At this time, many soldiers in Luoxia Mountain still support Huo Yunzheng, so we must ensure that our original forces will not be affected, and we will continue to plan others."


Nodding their heads, the Shishen got up and wanted to walk towards the entrance of the cave.

But before taking a few steps, one of Shishen suddenly reached out and grabbed a few colleagues, and then quickly explained to Feng Lin: "My lord, let's go through the cave passage, and now there are soldiers aroused by rumors." , going out is impossible!"

"I made a mistake, be careful," Feng Lin nodded to the Shishen with a face full of relief, and he didn't look around again until the other party walked into the cave with a few other companions excitedly. people.

At this time, reminded by Feng Lin's previous behavior, these gods also reacted one after another, and began to order their subordinates to gather soldiers.

"In this way, there should be about 22 soldiers that our 2000 Shishen can control."

"However, this is seriously different from the number of soldiers controlled by Huo Yunzheng, even if we are Shishen, what's more, Huo Yunzheng also has the first batch of guard captains..."

"Do not."

Waving his sleeves, Feng Lin sat cross-legged on the stone slab and looked at his colleagues around him, feeling a little emotional in his heart.

The scene at this time seems very similar to the scene of his ancestor Feng Wenhong back then.

It's a pity that he hasn't reached the true god yet, so he can't leave instantly.

Smiling, Feng Lin, who retracted his thoughts, pointed out of the cave and said, "No matter how loud these humble guys are, as long as they don't dare to attack, it means that they are timid, hesitant, and they don't have a unified command. "

"And their timidity and hesitation are our opportunities."

After finishing speaking, Feng Lin ignored the other Shishen, closed his eyes, and waited for Shishen who was going to gather the soldiers to report.

The other Shishens looked at each other in blank dismay. Those who were calm or who believed in Feng Lin also closed their eyes and thought about the current situation; those who were impatient got up and walked around in the cave, but even if they approached the entrance several times Make up your mind to go out; there are also those who go with the situation, they are the calmest.

In the eyes of these easy-going Shishen, "chasing the strong" is their criterion. Now at least on the surface, there are still 22 Shishen on their side. Even if they break through by then, victory is impossible, but there should still be hope for breaking through.

And Feng Lin also clearly knew the thoughts of these Shishen, so he also knew that once Huo Yunzheng took the absolute initiative, the 22 people on his side had nothing to rely on.

So, what is Huo Yunzheng doing at this time?

In fact, Feng Lin and others misunderstood Huo Yunzheng, and his heart was far from that big.

So after contacting the captains of the guards, he didn't do anything, he just wanted to wait until the first batch left quietly and sneak in.

As long as they pass through the side of the friend clan smoothly, he doesn't care whether the people who stay in Luoxia Mountain live or die.

So, strictly speaking, he actually hopes for stability more than those 22 Shishen.

Therefore, this rumor has nothing to do with him.

Just as the rumors broke out, Huo Yunzheng was in a calm mood. Facing the situation of "everything is ready, only the east wind is owed", Huo Yunzheng is still enjoying a sense of security that he finally encountered.

So, when rumors spread around in the middle of the afternoon, soldiers everywhere were restless, and even when some soldiers came to him to ask for news, he was still at a loss.

Of course, in order to avoid affecting his plan, he didn't lie, but he didn't tell the truth either. He just delayed the time vaguely and understood the current situation, while sorting out the current situation in his heart.

"You mean, at noon, someone suddenly reported that those enemies didn't negotiate with us at all, but wanted to kill us all?"

"Yes, Lord Huoyun, but didn't you go there that day? Everyone saw it with their own eyes. You are a nice person, so we still believe in you."

"Calm down! Of course I went to the enemy's place that day and negotiated. Everyone has seen this with their own eyes, so I am very happy that everyone trusts me."

At this time, try not to expose more things as much as possible, and Huo Yun is asking and sorting out his thoughts.

Gradually, an incident happened in front of him:
At noon, I don't know which soldier heard the current issues they were talking about from the discussions of some soldiers of the 22 Beginning Gods.

And those idiot soldiers just said that 'the 22 Shishen are negotiating with each other' is just a lie, and by the way, they also said something like 'the first batch of thousand captains were sent to die to explore the way'.

Afterwards, it’s easy to say that the power of rumors grows fissionally under the human brain. Although Huo Yunzheng doesn’t know what fission is, at least he knows that rumors are becoming more and more dangerous.

If he doesn't go out to sort out the situation, then wait until the rumors completely replace the reality in the soldiers' minds and become 'truth', and then even the fact that Huo Yunzheng risked his life negotiating on the first day will become 'just a walk in the woods Huo Yunzheng may not even think about getting out alive.

You know, he is still alive now, and the captain of the thousand guards is only one of them, and the other one is that he indirectly affects the four or five thousand soldiers in the middle.


(If I go out, I will inevitably be exposed to Feng Lin and those people, and my previous plan to escape after being turned into a passer-by will be impossible.)
(Damn it! Those two cronies are idiots, no wonder Feng Lin and these idiots can't achieve anything.)
However, at this time, Huo Yunzheng couldn't help thinking too much, the ordinary soldiers on the opposite side began to show doubts after Huo Yunzheng repeatedly changed the subject, and they seemed to have the tendency to retreat and leave.

"Don't worry," originally wanted to say something comforting, but when Huo Yunzheng saw the soldier's expression, his heart twitched and he secretly thought something was wrong.

At this time, he didn't dare to talk nonsense anymore, the most urgent task was to keep his position in the hearts of ordinary soldiers.

"Well, since you trust me, I can't let you down."

Speaking of this, Huo Yunzheng sighed, delayed the time a little, and then said: "I'm afraid you also know that I have been watched by those Shishen recently."

"This... yes."

Speaking of this, the soldiers nodded in embarrassment. Although they were not participants, they may have been captured by the power of the 22 Shishen on the other side. We have adopted a default strategy for Huo Yunzheng's surveillance.

"Master Huoyun, you also know that we were all deceived by those Shishen, we..."

"It's nothing, since you are looking for me now, it means that you still agree with me as Huo Yunzheng."

Patting the other party on the shoulder, looking at the slightly relaxed expression of the other party, Huo Yunzheng breathed a sigh of relief and continued: "Actually, I was the only one who participated in the negotiations on the first day, and the so-called negotiations in the future are all about those who started the negotiations." It's just fabricated."

"Could it be! We really have no hope?"

The soldier looked at Huo Yunzheng with a pale face, and roared uncontrollably, attracting a group of excited soldiers outside the cave to watch.

It seemed that this soldier was a representative launched by the soldiers outside.

Whether it was coercion or trust in the soldier, Huo Yunzheng had to look at the soldier more, and his eyes became more friendly.

"No, we actually have hope, and that's what I negotiated for the first time."

Hearing this, whether it was the soldier or the soldier looking outside the cave, there was a gleam of light in their crazy and desperate eyes.

Seeing this, Huo Yunzheng felt a little sour in his heart, and couldn't help but think again of the words of the teacher at the time and the traitor who later became the Northern True God.

'Ordinary soldiers what are they doing?It's just a stable life, a sound family, and enough food. As long as you can satisfy these, you can ask them to do anything. '

But at this time, he was unable to satisfy the wishes of these soldiers.

(Teacher, if I can go back alive, I will definitely build a country that is as beautiful as the Kingdom of God in the North, but not as weak as the Kingdom of God in the North. Use this country to satisfy everyone's good wishes!)

Closing his eyes, Huo Yunzheng ruthlessly buried this wish in his heart, and after renewing his belief, he raised his head and looked at the crowd.

He wants to remember every face in front of him, young, fierce, weak, desperate, gloomy...

(There is a price for everything, and now, let's pay for it.)
He didn't have time to organize better reasons. Hearing the increasingly restless roars outside the cave and the occasional howls, Huo Yunzheng knew that he could no longer delay.

After pausing for half a breath, he used his quick wits and nodded to the soldiers present.

"If you hadn't rushed in, I'm afraid I'm still under surveillance, so I can't tell you the truth."

"But now, with your support, I have nothing to be afraid of!"

Looking at a group of excited soldiers, Huo Yun was smiling.

"In fact, the content of our negotiation is: only half of the people are allowed to leave, only the three gods are allowed to leave, and the rest will be handed over to the other party."

"Half of the people?"

Several soldiers looked at each other in surprise, and finally focused on Huo Yunzheng.

As for the departure of the three Beginning Gods, it's no wonder that those Beginning Gods would unite to hide it from everyone.

Looking at the expressions of the soldiers, Huo Yunzheng was a little bit dumbfounded, when is this, and you still feel sympathy for those Shishens.

Although he knew that these soldiers would find out about their current situation soon and burst into anger at those Shishen, but it was another scene for Huo Yunzheng to say these things, so he couldn't wait for these soldiers to think for themselves.

Therefore, Huo Yunzheng nodded immediately, and took advantage of the victory to pursue.

"In the beginning, these Primordial Gods were afraid that I would tell you these words, so that they would not be able to think for themselves, so they put me under supervision."

"And their so-called negotiations afterwards were just delaying time and preparing for them to sneak out with their cronies."

"The food?"

"Those food are neither the so-called food left in Luoxia Mountain, nor the negotiation results that they didn't have at all, but the things that I had agreed upon during the negotiations."

These words are true and false. If it is Shishen and others who have experienced conspiracy and hardships in the Black Bone Race, I am afraid that they will be able to see it at a glance, but fortunately, the people waiting for Huoyun are just ordinary soldiers who have not received any education. .

"Think about it, there are now more than 7000 people in Luoxia Mountain, and half of them are only 3500."

"Who goes? Who stays?"

Facing Huo Yunzheng's questioning, several soldiers hesitated.

At this time, several captains of the guards rushed in from outside the cave. At first, Huo Yunzheng was a little worried, but after seeing the face of the other party, he was determined and his face became calmer.

"Master Huoyun, of course we are going! They stay!"

"Yes, so what about the 22 Shishen, they are just ordinary Shishen, I can beat three of them by myself, and the remaining 20 guard captains can deal with one of them!"

After saying something coldly, Huo Yun was looking at the adoring expressions of the soldiers, and said calmly: "Then, those cronies of Shishen, and the soldiers controlled by their cronies, may add up to 3500 people!"

"By the time……"

In fact, no matter how Huo Yunzheng calculated, the opponent should have less than 3000 people, not to mention the question of what would happen if the number of his own team exceeded 1000 after the victory.

But who cares about this at this time, the black-skeleton man after his emotions are incited is very fanatical.

Just like now, after hearing Huo Yunzheng's foreshadowing before, and then facing his last dragging sound, all the captains of the guards and ordinary soldiers roared out almost in unison.

"Kill them! Kill them!"

(End of this chapter)

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