Spore Story

Chapter 454

Chapter 454
"Void, as you wish, they fought."

"Yes, Miss Soldier," a black-skeleton man dressed in the costume of the captain of the guards looked at the beautiful black-skeleton man next to him jokingly, and said with a smile without a shape: "However, fortunately, Let's run fast, otherwise you don't know what kind of treatment you, a beautiful soldier, will suffer."

"Do you really want me to be treated? 8051 is looking down at Sora majestically, and is planning to use a critical attack, a critical attack, or a critical attack if the other party's answer is wrong?"

"..." Kong Huan, who was dressed as a black bone guard, was sweating profusely: "How can I be willing? Even if I have to suffer, I will suffer what kind of treatment I have! Others, whoever comes, dies!"

"..." 8051, dressed as the captain of the beautiful black-boned man's guard, has black lines all over her head.

"Oh, really, it's a pity you don't even think about it, hum."

Seeing 8051 who turned around and disappeared in front of him, who was expected to have returned to the Luoxia Mountain headquarters, Kong Huan shook his head depressingly.

"By the way, 8051 seems to have become arrogant recently?"

[You are the proud one!Your whole family is arrogant! 】

"Uh... Group ridicule?"

Wiping off his cold sweat, Kong Huan felt that his future seemed a bit gloomy. Looking at the clothes and appearance of the Black Bone Race on his body, he shook his head helplessly.

Because of the energyization of illusory, now only the brain is left unfinished, so after adjustments, he, who originally developed the ability of transfiguration, can already perfectly transform.

It is not difficult to even transform into a small rabbit or a large camel dragon, which is different in size from friends, as long as it does not affect the brain. After all, his transfiguration only changes the shape, not even the internal organs, so there is no danger.

But now, Kong Huan has become a standard black-skeleton man, and his identity is an ordinary guard captain under Luoxia Mountain 22 Shishen, and he can barely be regarded as a confidant.

However, now that the initial task has been completed, the Luoxia Mountain in front of him is completely in chaos.


"Kill! For Lord Huoyun!"

"Kill! For Lord Shishigami!"

"Kill! For my lord!"


"What are you looking at, go and kill those rebels for me!"


Stealthily turned into a stone emptiness, just looking at the 22 Shishen not far away, commanding the soldiers below to start a scuffle with the soldiers on the front of Huoyun.

To be honest, Kong Huan felt that he still underestimated these black bones.

In the beginning, their plan was to use rumors to cause confusion among the soldiers, and then add more firewood, such as pretending to be Shishen to kill a few soldiers, and pretending to be the captain of the guards to assassinate Shishen once, so as to provoke conflict between the two parties. fight.

But unexpectedly, the two sides of the Black Bone Race quickly 'cleared up' the route, and then contacted their troops quickly and decisively.

So, in less than half a day, they divided the troops of Luoxia Mountain into two parties.

Shishen Fang: 22 Shishen, about 40 guard captains, and about 2700 ordinary soldiers;
Huoyun Fang: 1 Shishen, about 998 guard captains, and about 4100 ordinary soldiers;
In this way, under careful comparison, it seems that Huo Yunzheng has a greater advantage.

Well, if you don't do something, maybe after the battle between the two sides is over, there will still be a lot of black bone soldiers left. If you can't tell, you have to wait for someone, and continue to find ways to weaken the opponent's troops.

This is not what a lazy person like Kong Huan expected. Since there is such a great opportunity, why not weaken the opponent's strength at once?
As for using calcium carbide bombs to kill all such harmful things, in fact, Wu Huan has to take into account the natural black Shuangyue Lolita and the arrogant black 8051 Yujie.

【You are the proud one!you……】

"Okay, I see." Kong Huan said helplessly, "But 8051, can you stop staring at me all the time and say, this is comparable to those who spend money to hire detectives and follow their husband's tail all day long." , A wife who has no sense of security herself has no sense of security."

【……you!I!what!come back earlier!snort! 】

Feeling relieved, Kong Huan knew that 8051 had removed the monitoring of his thinking.

Although this kind of feeling is very mysterious, it is theoretically impossible to feel it at the current level of emptiness, but there is something called 'conditional reflex', and there is another thing called 'practice makes perfect'.

Even an orangutan can learn to peel a banana, smoke a cigarette, and make an abacus through the above two things. Why can't Konghuan learn to sense 8051's nostalgia?
(Well, I'm not a gorilla...)
Well, back to the topic.

At this time, the two sides had already started fighting.

It was said to be a melee, because the two sides fought so chaotically that there was no sign at this time, and the fighting seemed to have changed.

At the beginning, when the soldiers chose their opponents, they still saw that the opponents were the servants of Shishen in their impression, and they even shouted something like 'for Lord Huoyun', and confirmed whether the opponent's reply was 'for Shishen' or ' Go with 'to attack;

But after a while, the battle seemed to turn into, seeing the previous enemies, such as the hatred of taking away his wife, the hatred of grabbing food, the hatred of occupying a seat, etc., and then he rushed forward and chopped, anyway. In this kind of opportunity, except for those who know each other, it is generally impossible to tell who is who.

As a result, the battle seemed to have changed from a two-sided battle to a private vendetta between soldiers, and the chaos further intensified.

Not long after, the soldiers gradually turned red-eyed under the impression of the overall chaos on the battlefield, as long as they only appeared in front of them wielding a knife, as long as they were not very familiar friends, then... kill!

"Eh? It seems that the battlefield of ordinary soldiers has nothing to do with me." (This guy can't be a god of death, right?

Slightly relieved, a rock jumped up from the ground trembling strangely, and shifted its location.

If there is still a sober black bone soldier seeing this scene at this time, maybe he will also become unconscious.

So as far as the result is concerned, he will be unconscious anyway, and Kong Huan doesn't mind the weird situation of walking around on the battlefield in the shape of a stone.

"Feng Lin! It's time for your death!"

"Huoyun! We don't know who will die!"

"Why do these words sound familiar?"

Shi Konghuan stopped his movements, looking down at the gentle hillside ahead.

Because the ordinary soldiers started to fight completely, and the high-level people of Luoxia Mountain Black Bone seemed to acquiesce, or didn't have time to care. Ignore attitude.

"Huh? Look at the situation."

Cautiously lurking on the edge of the battlefield, Kong Huan turned himself into a fur rat that can be seen everywhere (extinct in Luoxia Mountain=.=), and walked to the edge of the center line of the battlefield through the cracks in the stones.

Perhaps the words were not speculative, and after the two parties howled at each other for only a cup of tea, they began to launch a full-scale charge. Shishen used the terrain (narrow area of ​​the cave) to entangle with Huoyun Fang.

I don't know if it was to fulfill the previous promise, Huo Yunzheng actually rushed to the front, and picked three Shishen to fight alone.

Fortunately, he was still a little sensible, so he didn't pick Feng Lin, whose strength was similar to his own, but the three dragon suit members who belonged to the "Group of Primordial Gods" from the beginning to the end, and they fought inextricably.

Seeing how heroic their boss is, the captains of the guards also burst out with great enthusiasm, and began to rush towards the shrine gods in the cave fearlessly.

However, before these Shishen's spirits are exhausted, what these guard captains have to do is to rely on skills or human life, and wait for the tactics such as the spiritual impact of the Shishens to fail.

Otherwise, if the captain of the guards gets close before Shishen loses his strength, unless there are a large number of people, it will only be death.


Finally, a few smart captains of the guards chose bows and crossbows. As for the crossbows, most of them were sent by the Pengzu Ying tribe.

Of course, it was sent directly to their companions' bodies.

At this time, these bloody crossbows pierced into the bodies of their companions again. If the factory workers who made these crossbows for the purpose of single consumables knew that their crossbows had produced multiple attack effects, they would not know what to do. think.

However, when I saw this, at least there were only three things in my imagination: [-]. Reuse can indeed save wood and save logistics; [-]. The merchants who produced these crossbows must be unhappy, because they consume less and earn less. Thirdly, the black-boned man really has the traditional virtues of being thrifty and frugal.

However, these things are just fleeting thoughts, and Kong Huan's real attention is still focused on the battlefield in front of him.

With the first crossbow flying out, various throwing weapons instantly wiped out the two Level [-] Primordial Gods blocking the entrance of the cave. Some of the guard captains who were smart and thought they had good skills even mobilized their weapons and started attacking them. Hashigami who is fighting Huo Yunzheng.

Taking the opportunity to eliminate the three Shishen Huo Yunzheng, he looked at the crossbow arrows that almost destroyed himself with some fear, and nodded to the captains of the guards who were "helping" with a forced smile.

Then, he stopped charging, but looked ahead at the cave where Shishen was located that seemed to be open to the captains of the guards because Shishen was eliminated at the entrance of the cave.

"Rush in, rush in, let you survive."

Kong Huan really wanted to say this at this time, because he clearly sensed that the gods of the cave were watching the entrance of the cave with all their attention, and there were even a dozen surviving captains of the guards who raised their knives and raised their bows, waiting for the opponent's attack. rush in.

This kind of terrain is a typical one man guards the gate and ten thousand men can't open it. As long as the captains of the guards keep rushing, although the victory is certain, they will definitely suffer heavy casualties.

At this time, Huo Yunzheng, the only one who could serve as an assault force at this time, was not sure that he could survive the mental impact of more than a dozen Shishen.

Therefore, against Kong Hua's will, he stopped the guard captains who were about to charge.

Looking up and listening to the battlefield of ordinary soldiers on the other side, the shouts of killing and roaring can be heard endlessly, and it seems that they are still passionate, which shows that there are still many soldiers.

For this, Huo Yunzheng nodded in satisfaction, but Kong Huan could feel a trace of pain in the opponent's spirit.

(Could this guy be consumed by the soldiers on purpose? It's really cruel, no, it's really decisive.)
The cause of this kind of fact is the 1000-person quota issued by the friends, so Kong Huan didn't get entangled here, but continued to watch the actions of Huo Yunzheng and others in front of him, and thought about whether to give the Shishen in the cave A little help.

After all, at this time, there are still about 900 people left on the captain's side.

From the beginning to the end, because the enemy was too weak, and the captain of the guard quickly came up with a long-range attack tactic, the captain of the guard on Huoyun's side suffered very few casualties.

At this time, on the other side of the battlefield of ordinary soldiers, there were at least 4000 people fighting, which did not meet the standards in the minds of Kong Huan and even Huo Yunzheng.

"Master Huoyun?"

A guard captain walked up to Huo Yunzheng and looked at Shishen in front of him with doubts in his eyes.

"Why stop, just rush in. Although we have casualties, we can kill them quickly!"

"No," Huo Yunzheng shook his head.

Whether he really wanted to delay time and let more people die on the other side of the battlefield, Kong Huan didn't know, but at least this Huoyun was speaking beautifully.

"I can't let your fearless sacrifice, don't forget, we have to go back together."

And hearing this Huo Yunzheng's "sincere" words, the guard captains around were a little moved, and the various weapons in their hands were gripped even tighter.

Time passed by, Kong Huan was lying outside the entrance of the cave, carefully protecting himself while monitoring the surrounding situation.

The number of ordinary soldiers on the other side of the battlefield has dropped to 3000, and the strangulation of both sides has entered a stage of real fanaticism, which is quite similar to the division of the "Fall of the Cthulhu" battlefield.

The ordinary soldiers without a unified command, whether it is the soldiers of Huoyun Fang or Shishen Fang, have the idea that 'only 3500 people can leave' reverberates in their minds.

Some of this idea came from Huo Yunzheng's narration, and more came from rumors passed around. Whenever the soldiers were tired from fighting, the soldiers would look around the situation to confirm the number.

Unfortunately, how much is 3500 people?They don't really know because they haven't learned arithmetic.

But these soldiers also have their own thinking. Since the number of departure given by the enemy, according to the internal experience of the Black Bones, 3500 people should be very few.

So, tired, look up, look around, there seems to be a little more people, then continue to kill...


On the other hand, Huoyun was making an anxious expression half-truthfully, looking at the captains of the guards who were confronting Shishen in the cave.

Huo Yunzheng also knew about the other passages in the cave, so he ordered them to be closed early on. At this time, the Shishens had to come out to die, and there were two ways to die inside, at least that's what Huo Yun thought.

Therefore, at this time, both parties are wasting time.

The guard captains are waiting for Huoyun to figure out a way to reduce their own casualties;
Huo Yunzheng is waiting for ordinary soldiers to consume, waiting for their casualties to be greater;

And ordinary soldiers are working hard, trying to reduce the number of people, which is actually lower than 3500, to below '3500';
As for the gods, they are the most confused, because they are just waiting for the enemy's attack.

"Is this the end for us?"

Feng Lin Shishen was wearing that gorgeous robe with a calm face, but the hand holding the willow leaf long knife at his waist was already wet with sweat.

"My lord, what is Huoyun going to do?"

A Shishen couldn't bear this silent atmosphere, and seemed to be on the verge of collapse.

With a heartbeat, Feng Lin's eyes lit up, but quickly dimmed.

After a while, his eyes lit up again when he saw the two Shishen corpses at the entrance of the cave covered with sticks of various thicknesses.

As if he had made up his mind, Feng Lin stood up from his seat and looked at the people in the cave.

"Today's battle, we lost!"

Seeing Feng Lin standing up, everyone who thought that the other party had some plans and raised a glimmer of hope, their eyes showed a trace of disappointment uncontrollably, and the few Shishen who were not strong-willed were even more hesitant to turn to the fire cloud outside. surrender.

Rumors say 'half soldiers, three Shishen', this should be the real content of the negotiation.

Then, there is only Huo Yunzheng on the opposite side, if he surrenders himself, if he wants to come...

Looking at the expressions of everyone, Feng Lin confirmed the relationship between Shishen and himself for the last time, sneered in his heart, and then put on a bleak expression and said: "I, Feng Lin, am sorry for everyone. Now, I want to report to Huo Yun Those who surrender, please go, and the rest, fight to the death with me."

Hearing this, Shishen present was suddenly shocked.

No one wanted to die at this time, but looking at Feng Lin in the cave with a desolate face, it seemed that the other party was not lying to himself and others, and all the escape routes from the cave were blocked, and there were nearly a thousand captains of the guards waiting in full force outside. See is a dead end.

"Master Feng Lin, we admire your leadership, but I also want to live."

After finishing speaking, the Primordial God strode to the entrance of the cave regardless of their scorn, expectation, indifference, hatred, or regret, and shouted at the people outside the cave to declare his surrender.

"My lord, the Shishen of the opponent actually wants to surrender, this..."


Huo Yunzheng, who was struggling hard with his thoughts, looked at the entrance of the cave in surprise when he heard the words of the captain of the guards, and happened to see the representative of the weak-willed Shishen.

With a move in his heart, Huo Yun was also thinking about the issue of the god of origin.

Friends give a limit of 10 people, if the opponent surrenders, it can also be used as a boost.

But what he gave to the soldiers and the captains of the guards was 3 people. At that time, he only thought about destroying them all, and he hadn't thought about surrendering. Now if the number of surrendered by the opponent exceeds 3, what should we do?
(Still not thinking about it.)
If you accept it and leave with it, your prestige among ordinary soldiers and guard captains will definitely be damaged. Now is the era without true gods. To win, you need the support of these ordinary people...

If you don’t accept it, the other party will definitely attack the outside world. When the time comes to attack, the captain of the guards will lose too much here, and it will be very dangerous for him to return to the Fire Cloud God Kingdom to seize power...

"Let him come here!"

"Yes," the guard captain didn't say much, he just walked outside the cave and shouted into it: "Master Huoyun said, let you come here!"


With the first one, there will be the second one, but at this time, the gods who are about to move in the cave look at each other in blank dismay.

Because what the other party said was the three Beginning God standards.

And now, Huoyunfang already has two?
Who is the third one?

Everyone looked at each other, and they all selectively ignored Feng Lin Shishen who was sitting in a corner of the cave with a calm expression on his face.

No one noticed the restlessness and ecstasy in the heart of this Beginning God at this time.

(End of this chapter)

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