Spore Story

Chapter 455 The Chess Game between the Chosen One and Friends

Chapter 455 The Chess Game between the Chosen One and Friends
(Great God, you are my way forward, you are the guiding light, you are the bright moon in the night sky, you are...)
"Okay, Feng Lin." The voice in his head was still kind and peaceful.

"Your ancestor Feng Wenhong, as my chosen one, did a good job."

The voice that sounded in Feng Lin's mind was full of endless majesty, completely different from the oppression of the remaining strength brought by the true god to Feng Lin, but with a little affinity, and the might of heaven like flames, light, and thunder.

This made Feng Lin elevate him to a status beyond a true god the moment he felt it.

"...It's a pity that he and the evil god died together, and he failed to gain my approval at the last moment, and he was ranked among the gods."

There was a little regret in the voice, which made Feng Lin feel a little regretful. (If it really succeeds, then Feng Lin, as a descendant of Feng Wenhong, will not be mixed like this =.=)

"Therefore, as his descendant, you will bear his responsibility."

"Of course, when you succeed, you will also inherit the god position I promised to your ancestors."

(Yes, great god, I will stick to your path unswervingly, work hard for the eternal future of the Black Bones, and stick to your theory and path never wavering.)
(However, now this...)
"Don't worry," the voice seemed to be comforting, making Feng Lin not a little impatient and worried, but full of waves of peace of mind.

Think about it too, since the opposite is an existence that is more powerful than the true god, then what is there to worry about?

"It's actually very simple to let you go."

"And now, you are facing the first task, the choice of subordinates. They will become your real help, all you need is to do better than your ancestors."

Although his expression was still pretending to be bleak, Feng Lin's heart was about to jump out.

Who would have thought that he would survive such a desperate situation, that he would be chosen by a "true god" who was greater than his ancestor Feng Mohong.

And that voice continued.

"Look carefully, Feng Lin."

"Now, with Feng Lin's shameful surname, let's take a final look at these Primordial Gods in front of us."

Feng Lin opened his eyes and looked coldly at the Shishen who were arguing about who should be the second surrender, with a hint of sarcasm in the corner of his mouth.

"Look at these Primordial Gods and compare them carefully. Are they the same infighting, selfishness, and humbleness as those subordinates who followed your ancestors..."

(Yes, gods.)
His mood seemed to calm down gradually, and Feng Lin was already disappointed with these Shishen, listening to the voice that sounded from the bottom of his heart.

Because, no Shishen looked at him, and no Shishen had the idea of ​​"going to death" with him.

Even among these Shishen, the Shishen who belonged to their confidantes was the same. They just looked at the small hole with humble and insignificant eyes. There were two dead bodies of Shishen lying there, and they walked out of the cave of one Shishen alive. .

"These are mortals. You have to know that from the moment you communicate with me, you are not a mortal; but you must know that from the moment you accept the responsibility of your ancestors, you must also learn to control these mortals."

Dazed for a moment, Feng Lin nodded thoughtfully.

After a while, the eyes of the Primordial Gods no longer contained emotions such as hatred, contempt, or ridicule when he looked forward, and only looked down like a person looking at ants.

"Now, get rid of those irredeemable parts and select the subordinates who are suitable for you. They will be the stones that will pave your way to success in the future, but first of all, they will become your most trusted subordinates."

(Yes, great god.)
Nodding his head, looking at the Shishen who were about to fight, Feng Lin smiled.

He patted the dust on his body smartly, straightened his wrinkled robe, and got up and walked towards the Primordial Gods.

"Okay, if there are really three people, there is only one person now. Are we going to fight, and the last one who survives will go out?"

Looking at the people who moved a little bit, Feng Lin smiled coldly and added: "That's just a trap set by Huo Yunzheng."

Seeing Feng Lin approaching and photographed by Yu Jiwei, everyone calmed down, but they all looked at Feng Lin defensively.

"Does Feng Lin Shishen have any ideas?"

Feng Lin is very familiar with this person. The other party used to call himself "Master Feng Lin". Unfortunately, the world is cold...

"Of course, first of all, everyone think about how deep the hatred between you and Huo Yunzheng is. If it is too deep, if you just go out like this, Huo Yunzheng will just seize the opportunity and kill you with ease."

This is completely considering the issue from the standpoint of everyone. After thinking about it, several Shishen struggled and sighed, walked to the cave and sat down with their eyes closed. Willingly.

"Then, everyone, please think about how deep the hatred between you and the captains of the guards directly below Huo Yun is..."

"Wait! Feng Lin Shishen, we are Shishen, how can we compare with those humble guard captains!"

Smiling slightly, everyone felt that Feng Lin's smile at this time seemed to have a natural affinity, as if letting go of everything indifferently, and as if looking down in control of everything.

However, Shishen present is not an idiot. In the current situation, apart from surrendering, that is a dead end. No matter how attractive you are, if you can’t live, follow you?
"Everyone, don't forget that there are only a few true gods left, and within the Black Bone Clan, Shishen will become the strongest."

"However, Shi Shen can be killed by the captain of the guards or even ordinary soldiers. Look at us now, isn't it a sign?"

Although the angle of view is different, Feng Lin still twitched the corner of his mouth slightly, and continued: "So, if you have enmity with many captains of the guards of the opponent, it is difficult to guarantee that Huo Yun is the famous 'in the war In addition to loving the soldiers, Haoshishen will not kill you in order to win people's hearts."

Speaking of this, the remaining 13 Shishen actually walked out of 9 people.

As a result, only the 4 Shishen were left struggling to support them, and they even looked at Feng Lin with pleading expressions, as if if Feng Lin didn't continue talking, they would be able to survive.

However, Feng Lin smiled coldly as if he didn't see their expressions.

"Finally, everyone, think about it, do you have a big enmity with the Fire Cloud Divine Kingdom?" This time, without waiting for the four Shishen to refute, Feng Lin explained directly: "Don't forget, Huoyun is the Fire Cloud Divine Kingdom. successor."

"Those of you who can't return to your own country, since you have surrendered to Huoyunzheng, you can only join the Huoyun Divine Kingdom. When the time comes, Huoyunzheng will be liquidated afterwards, what else can you do?"

However, contrary to Feng Lin's expectations, only one Shishen came out of the four Shishen.

This made him, who had become dependent on that 'god' through the previous three sentences, a little at a loss.

Of course, he still maintained a calm movement on the surface, and after seeing the three Shishen in front of him who were actually happy, they became hostile to each other.

(Great god, here, why are there three people left?)
The voice in my head quickly responded.

"This is a test for you. If you can't complete this, how can you complete my more tasks?"

Thinking about it carefully, Feng Lin could only do this.

Raising his head again, Feng Lin looked at the three Shishen who were arguing with each other in front of him, and a trace of coldness gradually appeared in his mind.

(Really? Those who are unavailable, kill!)
Opening their eyes abruptly, the three Shishen who were confused by Feng Lin's previous actions completely fell into internal disputes and ignored the others.

When Feng Lin's attack arrived, one of the Shishen didn't even react, and was turned into an idiot by Feng Lin's spiritual acupuncture;

The other Shishen faced Feng Lin's lancet directly, and could only take a last look at his headless body and neck sprayed with blood, before falling into boundless darkness;
The last Shishen was kicked away by Feng Lin, and when he landed, the Shishen who happened to be there was as if blessed to the soul, raised the spear in his hand and stabbed the Shishen to the point of chills.

"it is good!"

Feng Lin looked at Shishen who was pulling the corpse off the spear, and nodded approvingly, the bleak expression had long since disappeared.

Facing a group of frightened and confused Shishen, Feng Lin smiled and turned his back to the entrance of the cave, as if completely ignoring the powerful enemies outside the cave. Under the sunlight at the entrance of the cave, he looked sacred and majestic.

"They cannot be friends, then they are enemies, and to treat enemies, die!"

"Is everyone going to die? Or live?"

All the primordial gods looked at each other, and they all saw doubts and expectations in each other's eyes. Now it is a doomsday situation for them, so as long as there is a little hope, so what if they keep up?
"Of course I want to give birth!"

"So do you choose to be friends or enemies?"

The Shishen looked at each other again, and the gap in their eyes seemed to disappear.


"Well then, friends, come with me!"

"Follow me, Fengmo Hong II! Let's go out to a bright future together!"

Feng Lin, who had never experienced such an exciting scene, was also a little excited, especially when he heard the praise from the gods in his mind and the name bestowed on him, he couldn't hide his excitement.

(Feng Mo Hong II, can he become as great as his ancestor Feng Mo Hong?)

"No, you will become a greater existence than Feng Wenhong!"

Although the tone of the god seems to have changed, maybe he is in a good mood, so it may feel like the god is smiling.

Especially when he saw the extremely hard wall in front of him, it seemed to be alive. When he opened the hole, he could no longer think about other things, and plunged into the still wriggling hole without hesitation.

The rest of the gods looked at each other, and finally made the right choice in terms of 'going out of the cave: death', 'staying here: death' and 'entering the cave: possible life'.

After the last Shishen also walked in hesitantly, a strange stone rolled into the cave, and then trembled and turned into a winged man without wings.

"Hahahaha, Fengwenhong II! Hahahaha! I am a genius!"

Falling down in the cave, under the protection of the sound barrier, the hollow sound did not come out. While carefully controlling the passage of the cave to extend a little bit to the outside of Luoxia Mountain, Hollow laughed and turned his head to look at the people outside the cave. Huoyun is in the army.

"In this way, only you will be left, and then, the decline of the Black Bone Race will be successful."

—————Evil plan dividing line—————

"My lord, it's been this time, and there is still no movement inside, or we..."

Looking at the surrendered Shishen beside him, Huo Yun smiled gently and looked up at the cave in the distance.

"That's right, at this time, there is no second person coming out." Nodding, Huo Yun said calmly, "It may be due to internal strife, or it was controlled by Feng Lin, but we still need to find out. .”

"Yes, we really need to find out, so that our soldiers will be less sacrificed."

Facing the disdainful eyes of the soldiers around him, the Shishen scolded these ignorant soldiers in his heart, but on the surface he still put on an expression of being considerate of everyone.

Hearing this, Huo Yunzheng also laughed and patted Shishen, nodded in agreement and said: "Yes, but this investigation is also a technical job, and ordinary people can't do it at all."

"This... is, indeed."

Seemingly aware of something wrong, the Primordial God remained silent after speaking.

However, Huo Yunzheng next to him still smiled and pointed to the entrance of the cave, then patted the Shishen and said, "Yoneda Shishen, look, there are all guard captains present, how can they compare with you, a Shishen?" Strong, right?"

"And I, after all, the commander, can't be personally involved in the danger, isn't it?"

Although there was a smile on his face, Huo Yunzheng's eyes were full of coldness: "I don't know, would Yoneda Shishin be willing to be this great scout for us?"

"Huo Yunzheng! Do you think I will send you to death!"

Shishen, who had sensed something was wrong before, suddenly ran away after hearing Huo Yunzheng's words.

In his opinion, going back to explore the cave is definitely death, and at this time there is still a glimmer of life in a desperate fight. There are only two Shishen present, as long as he kills Huo Yunzheng, the other humble captains of the guards have to be obedient Listen to your own command.

"Hmph, courting death!"

Huoyun, who had been guarding against the opponent for a long time, was jumping two meters away with the strength of the opponent's fist, and the captain of the guards around him quickly exited Shishen's attack range as if he had rehearsed for a long time.

"A rebel is a rebel after all. You could have betrayed Feng Lin before, but now you can betray me, as expected!"

"Whatever you say, the winner lives! The loser dies!"

Yoneda knew that his level of mental power was inferior to Huo Yunzheng, so he did not use Shishen's attack, but relied on his own fighting skills, and he was very confident in this.

"What a 'winner lives, loser dies!'"

Blocking the opponent's kick with his hand, and then taking another half step back to avoid the opponent's serial kicks, Huo Yunzheng said sarcastically: "If everyone only pursues 'the winner lives! The loser dies!', then this world is still What is worth commemorating, relatives, friends, a beautiful life, that is what we should pursue!"

Swinging a fist to fight against Yoneda Shishen's fist, Huo Yunzheng's expression remained unchanged, but he quickly raised another punch and hit the opponent's neck, but he didn't stop talking.

Because these words are more for the surrounding guard captains to hear.

To build the world he wants, these captains of the guards will be his initial team of Huo Yunzheng, among whom there will definitely be Shishen, and even true gods.

And when the time comes, if everyone insists on 'the winner lives!The loser dies! ' concept, then even if he Huo Yunzheng is also a true god, how can he rule these people.

Therefore, that concept must be shattered, and one's own ideas must be implemented, and the Shishen who is the symbol of the "rebel" in front of him is the prop to accomplish these.

"And a rebel like you, disloyal to your master, relatives, and teammates! You can only accept this only ending!"

With a bang, Huoyun, whose fist was trembling, was punching the opponent's abdomen, and then swung his left leg to knock out Shishin. Yoneda Shishin, who was still waiting to react, just plunged into the soldiers from a high altitude and raised them up. among the spears.

Shaking his hands casually, Huo Yun just smiled as he looked at the captains of the guard who expressed their trust in him.

"Now, you trust me! And I will live up to your trust!"


After finishing speaking, Huoyun was leading the charge towards the entrance of the cave...


"What a dangerous man."

"It's as dangerous as the one chosen by Unreal, or even more dangerous."

"Indeed, but as our task piece, it can exert greater power, right?"

"Everything in the world is like a game of chess, what a fool."

"Ah, you are cheating! Obviously four of the six have come out... Ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh

"Here, it's Lingyue, you're dazzled."

"Ah! Don't, 8051, you are cheating!"

"Sister, cheating."

"No, Shuangyue, don't you want your sister? 8051 is deeply saddened."


"Ah... a tragedy!" In 8051OTZ...

"Ahahahaha, Shuangyue is the best, let's hang out with my sister and me in the future."


"Eh... this is really a tragedy!" In Lingyue OTZ...


At this time, the black bone gods walking in the cave were looking at the surrounding walls in fear,
"Feng Lin...ah no, Lord Feng Wenhong II."

"You can just call me the second."

"Yes, Lord II, this is?"

Pointing to the surrounding walls, the Shishen present were all terrified. The previous changes were too great, but they couldn't compare to the current scene where the soil is naturally separated.

In this regard, perhaps only the extremely powerful (before facing the fall of the true god, or 'omnipotent') true god can do it.

"Could it be, Master II, have you already..."

Regarding this, Feng Wenhong II just smiled mysteriously, neither denying nor admitting it.

(Great god, what's next?)

"Keep going. When you see the ground, I will lead you back to the ancient battlefield and acquire those ancient war skills. That is your destination. After that, you have to work hard until the moment of success, I will show up."

(Yes, great god.)
Nodding excitedly, Feng Wenhong II was thinking about how to see the ancient war, but at the same time began to plan for the future.

And he obviously didn't know that on the ground above their heads, a cute little rabbit was bouncing along their path.

And what he and the little rabbit probably didn't notice was that in the woods not far away, there was a boring Shadow Clan soldier aiming the bow and crossbow in his hand at the rabbit walking in a straight line.

He is thinking...

There is not a single game in this ghost place, and now there is a fat rabbit. It's good luck. It seems that the tooth festival can be held tonight.

At the same time, Black Bones Shishen pretending to be the true god, the rabbit-like Elder of the Friends clan, and the Shadow Clan hunter with a stomachache all showed satisfied smiles at the same time.


(End of this chapter)

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