Spore Story

Chapter 456 Good Morning Kiss and the Borderline Civilization Control Center

Chapter 456 Good Morning Kiss and the Borderline Civilization Control Center (Decided not to play with the title sauce)

Thank you for the reward of helping the sky and killing people, and the evaluation of prosperity, democracy, civilization and harmony, ~\(≧▽≦)/~
Time flies, time flies...

Because we can't influence, so the above is all nonsense


Five years have passed since the battle at Luoxia Mountain ended... (Surprised =. =)

On another refreshing morning, the elders, who didn't need much sleep, still lazily adhered to the good habit of sleeping once a day.

Until the little thing called the alarm clock, which people love and hate, began to roar deafeningly, and then broke into a pile of parts inexplicably after the brilliance of life fully bloomed.

Then, a few minutes passed, and these small parts began to sit up again like naughty children, hugging and inserting each other, and finally returned to their previous appearance.

Of course, they are tired at this time, so they start to rest.

Then, the Elder's House began to regain its vitality, waking up from sleep.

In fact, there are not many elders who stay in the elders' house all the year round...

Opening his eyes with difficulty, Kong Huan raised his head to look at the roof above his head, rubbed his arm distressedly, and took it out from under 8051's neck, secretly feeling the other's smooth skin. (Super surprised =. =)

Immediately, a pair of goosebumps appeared on that smooth skin...

"There's no way, some things just happen naturally."

Kong Huan spread his hands helplessly, and nodded very satisfied with his current situation.

At this time, in the cozy cabin, Kong Huan was sitting on a soft bed covered with blankets, and on the other half of the soft bed, a beautiful woman named 8051 was lying lazily. Of course, most of her body was covered Yes, benefits are vaguely visible.

"What a sweet picture."

It's a pity that Kong Huan is an anti-smoking advocate. Although for Kong Huan at this time, the smell of smoke is not harmful, and the group of accidental smokers and shadow clansmen make a lot of smoke, but even now Kong Huan is completely full of energy. He is not afraid of the smell of smoke, but the influence from his previous life seems to be very heavy, and he still feels a little uncomfortable when he asks about the smoke.

Therefore, there are no smokers in the Pengzu, at least the elders' homes.

As for the feeling that Kong Huan is now fully energyized, it is not as simple as what he heard from Chu Xia before.

Wu Huan even suspected that unless the energy body like his own is completely destroyed, there will be basically no death.

Of course, the pain after being hurt is still unpleasant.

after all……

"We are not masochists," Kong Huayu said.

And of course, like pain, it comes from certain sensations of objects such as touch, and of course there is no need to worry about it, so that it will affect interest.


8051 next to him turned over like a kitten, dropped the quilt to the ground, and lay there cleanly, then smacked his lips and continued to sleep.

Kong Huan at the side smiled secretly, covered him with the quilt carefully, kissed the other person's cheek lightly, and walked off the soft bed lightly and slowly.

Opening the door, the creature named Void just disappeared into the hut.

"Hey, if only when 8051 was awake, it would be as quiet as when it was sleeping."

That's just fantasy...

Now it is October of the 31st year of the Pengzu calendar, and it is another harvest season, so the elders' home at this time is also full of maple leaves.

Looking around, the entire elders' house seems to be occupied by maple leaves. In the gusts of cold wind, the ground is full of golden yellow.

And because of the orders of the elders, there is no maid to sweep these things. For the elders, they are not used to letting others work hard for a long time to do things that can be done with a wave of thought. One of the reasons why I love it.

Stepping lightly on the soft layer with hard maple leaves, Kong Huan walked to the stone table covered with maple leaves step by step. After doing some gymnastics to make himself more familiar with this energetic body, He sat on the stool beside the stone table as usual.

After carefully looking around, Kong Huan retracted his gaze and closed his eyes.

Immediately, an interface called Civilization Control Center appeared in front of him.

Civilization Control Center
Level: 3

Belongs to: Friends
Civilization points: 7612
Upgrade needs: 100000 (insufficient), enter the universe (none)
Current functions: digitization, task mode, research mode, control mode.

That's right, the civilization control center, which was almost forgotten by everyone, has finally been upgraded to level 3.

However, from Kong Huan's point of view, apart from upgrading the original modes of the Level 3 Civilization Control Center and adding that the requirements for further upgrades are more difficult, what he gets seems to be nothing. Level 2 seems to be a little less.

Is the mode function of the civilization control center weakened?
Of course not, the specific reason is also in other aspects...

The first is [Digitalization], the current dataization data is very detailed, but except for a few jobs that require precision, its only advantage is that it can now use the dataization for 100 people at the same time, making the empty fantasy more lazy.

But now, with the cooperation of 8051 and others, the empty illusion has begun to analyze the secrets of [body data] and [consciousness interface] in the data model.

Although I still don't understand how the control center converts a person's physical fitness and even skills into data in [Body Data], but with just one [Consciousness Interface], the current friend clan has been completed.

Of course, this is just to say that the friends have been able to create an interface in human consciousness.

But what is displayed on this interface is actually determined later. At least until now, the friends can only display some text on this interface.

Its function seems to be the same as implanting a piece of white paper in the brain that can set the link library.

Moreover, to master this interface, a person's consciousness level must be at least soul level, and the level of mental power control must be at least Lv4; and if one person wants another person to temporarily see this interface, then this person must at least have a ghost God level, mental power control level Lv5.

In this way, this thing seems to be a privilege that only a small number of people can enjoy, just like digitization.

"Could this be the emergence of privileged nobles?" At that time, Dark Blood was still a little distressed by this, but soon, she was discovered the difference.

For the friends, this so-called privilege is entirely due to the gap in strength.

Therefore, as long as the basic strength of the Pengzu people has improved, then any library can find the corresponding strength application materials, and it is not difficult to create an interface that you like at any time, even if you are a Dunjia person;
However, that part of noble privileges in human society that causes dissatisfaction is enforced by oppression and violence, and the two are not the same.

Then there is [mission mode], which is the source of civilization points consumed by other modes.

And when the task mode is upgraded, the task level is of course also increased accordingly, so the earning will be more, but of course, the task difficulty is obviously greater.

For example, I saw a level 4 mission last time:

Tsunami relief
Rating: Level 4

Mission objective: Go to the coast to prevent the tsunami from extending to the coast, and ensure that 80% of the creatures on the coast survive.

Number limit: 0/50, must be commanded by the task obtainer.

Mission reward: 1000 points

Mission description: A huge tsunami occurred on the southwestern coast, with a height of 10 meters and a width of [-] kilometers. It will arrive in two days and cause damage to a large area of ​​coastal organisms.

"..." After reading it, Kong Huan was immediately embarrassed.

"This is a fucking cheat!"

He was so roaring at that time, after venting, he turned his head to look at 8051 and Double Moon, and began to express his protest.

"How can you issue such a mission! With our current strength, it is enough to block a tsunami with a width of several hundred meters! Even if all the elders' homes are dispatched, it will not be enough!"

"The task was not issued by us, but by the subconscious mind of the planet's will. 8051 quibbled with flickering eyes."

"Sister, expose yourself again."


Looking embarrassingly at the two pairs of pure black guys 8051 and Shuangyue, Kong Huan asked depressedly: "Isn't the will of the planet just you! In this case, why don't you go to rescue yourself?"

Shuangyue, who hadn't grown up in a few years, stretched out a little finger that still had some baby fat, and said two words like this.


"Let me explain," perhaps because he couldn't stand it anymore, 8051 rubbed Shuangyue's fingers, then patted Kong Huan, and pushed it down on the table to explain.

"The will of the planet has its own rules. We will not actively interfere with the natural development of the biological world, but will only interfere with unnatural situations, such as alien invasions, destructive behaviors of civilized races and so on."

"As for the tsunami, although the harm it causes will be greater, and it will cause the death of many creatures, it makes us who can feel the emotions of creatures a little sad."

"But at the same time, even life and death are part of the natural cycle, and we have no reason to interfere."

Seeing the black lines on Kong Huan's face, 8051 sighed helplessly, shook his head and said, "Simply put, it's this kind of task. If someone can do it, we'll be happy and reward them; but no one can do it. Natural behavior, so we don't have any mood swings."


"Understood, let's change to another task." Kong Huan lifted 8051 from his waist and put it aside, then reopened the task interface: "So, what we can do is what we belong to, and there are only two days left, who can save us?" Got it?"

But Kong Huan soon discovered that even if these tasks were not done, their appearance would be beneficial to the friends.

Take this tsunami as an example. Although it is only two days away, it is impossible to protect 80% of the creatures. However, the Pengzu issued a tsunami warning to the three provinces of the Shuilan Plain on the southwestern coast through the communication network, making the tsunami extremely dangerous to the coastal areas. The harm of your friends is minimized.

This can be regarded as another way.

Then, [Digitalization] and [Mission Mode] are just upgrades, which are still somewhat useful, but [Research Mode] gives Kong Huan a tasteless feeling.

A long time ago, emptiness was downplaying Pengzu's reliance on the research model.

Up to now, most of the research of the Pengzu has been handed over to major research institutions, even the last position held by the previous mission model: the basic theory, has begun to be handed over not long ago.

In March 31 A.D., Liang Heng, an energy scientist in the Peng family, independently proposed an energy theory framework that he discovered without the support of a research model.

This is a theory that is completely divorced from what is known by emptiness, and the existing research model is yet to be studied, and it has become the first basic theory independently proposed by Pengzu.

Although the actual effect of this energy theory is still very small, and there is only a general framework, and it has not even been perfected, but it allows everyone to see the hope that the friends will walk out of another path different from human beings.

Prior to this, almost all the basic theories of the Pengzu appeared after the research model was developed, and then scientists were deduced backwards. Whoever deduced the most reasonable and had the most supporters would be the owner of this theory.

However, now, Liang Heng has become the No. 1 scientist in the group of friends who independently put forward the theory. His status is so high that his laboratory has been promoted to the same status as Aiyi's laboratory, which had the highest status in terms of energy before.

As for the hidden confrontation between the two now, Kong Huan and the others are happy to see it succeed.

After that, Konghuan handed over more and more basic theories to institutions such as technology bureaus and universities for research.

In the past six months, the three research positions in the research mode even appeared a few times, and some research positions were free for less than half a month.

Of course, it didn't take long to discover the emptiness of this point, and with the idea of ​​at least making it work, I found some applied technology and stuffed it into the research mode.

However, the decline in the status of [Dataization] and [Research Mode] is inevitable, which also indicates that the friend race's dependence on the civilization control center is getting lower and lower; more and more time for emptiness to break free from the shackles of tasks. (=.=)

As for [Control Mode], this mode doesn't seem to have much practical effect, but it's the one that Kong Huan likes the most.

For example, right now, he is sitting at the stone table in the presbytery, feeling the cool autumn breeze, leisurely brewing a cup of hot tea for himself, and then turning on this mode.

"Void, are you peeping again?"


Kong Huan, who had just had a sip of herbal tea, vomited out in frustration: "How can this be called peeping! This is called observing people's sentiments! I am working hard day and night for the development of my friends!"

"...Yes, is that so?" Seeing Kong Huan's expression of resentment, Bai Nong waved his hands nonchalantly, turned around and walked out of the elders' courtyard with a black thread on his hair.

"Hey, Bai Nong, there is a meeting of the elders' house in the afternoon, where are you going?"

"Don't worry, I will be back when the time comes."

"Are you going to harass Xiao Baimin again? You sister-in-law!"

Kong Huan looked at Bai Nong jokingly, and laughed as if relieved when he saw that the other party almost fell down because he heard his words.

"You bastard, obediently go find your 8051!" Taking a deep breath, Bai Nong gave Kong Huan a hard look, squinted and said, "I'm going to the Ministry of Agriculture. The day is coming, and farming seems to be a little bit troublesome in recent years, so I have to keep an eye on it."

"Oh, then go slowly!"

With an evil smile, Kong Huan didn't care much about the agricultural issues that Bai Nong said.

On the one hand, this is because the management of agriculture among the three is Bai Nong's responsibility, and Kong Huan doesn't want to meddle in everything; on the other hand, the current agricultural development of the Pengzu, at least all aspects seem to be going well.

At this time, the food sources of the Peng people have been greatly enriched after more than 30 years of purposeful development: farmland, animal husbandry, breeding, aquatic products, fruits and so on.

Kong Huan clearly remembers that at the annual meeting last year, he also counted and confirmed the grain reserves in various places. The conclusion in the report is that with the existing grain reserves, even if all the friends (friends + Dunjia people) do not work , It’s okay to eat it for two or three years.

What's more, besides the Friends, there are Shadow Clans who now occupy the territories from the Shadow Clan Plain to the Black Forest, which are almost three large provinces of the Friends. Their food intake is not as large as that of the Friends, but the average cultivated land is more There are more people.

It is not clear if Chu Xia and the others are instigating it, but at least the Shadow Clan seems to be very happy to see a large area of ​​farmland harvested every year, so who cares why they plant so much?
In this way, Kong Huan didn't think that the Pengzu would have any agricultural problems.

Reopen the interface of the Civilization Control Center, project it in front of his eyes, and after selecting the control mode on the luminous screen, a large map showing more than 30% of the land appeared in front of Konghuan.

This is the result of the joint efforts of the quasi-priests of the Friends, folk explorers and shadow warriors.

Although the territories occupied by the Peng Clan are still only three parts: the [Central Plains Region] centered on Pengcheng; The sea faces each other but can't see the other side's [Western Land Area].

However, in recent years, as the shadow team replaced the quasi-priests and began to implement the "big map exploration" plan, at least now the continental terrain between the Central Plains and the Far West has been explored clearly.

By the time of 30 years, the No.1 friend who set off from Pengcheng arrived in the Far West Territory.

This marks the beginning of formal ties between the two places.

Afterwards, the construction of roads from the border city of Snow City in the northwest to Aurora City in the northern part of the Far West Territory began in an orderly manner.

However, limited by the length of the road, in order to avoid maintenance problems, Pengcheng directly uses standard cement slabs to pave, and chooses flat and stable areas.

Even if there is a river on the way, try to bypass it or choose a narrow river course.

According to the 30-year plan, it is estimated that it will take 5 years to complete the construction of this thousands of kilometers of roads, and it will consume a lot of time.

In this regard, the view given by the Presbyterian Court is: the road must be repaired, but there is no need to rush, just take it slowly.

As a result, the standard construction period of 5 years was changed to 7 years, and it was carried out by both Far West and Pengcheng at the same time.

As for the exploration of the Westland area, it can only be left to the people of the Westland, so it is only half completed so far.

After roughly reading the map, Kong Huan recalled it for a while, and moved his attention back and forth over the various provincial capitals of Pengcheng, and finally stopped at Flash Snow Province.

"Let's start with you."

What Konghuan is going to do now is the last upgraded function after the civilization control center is upgraded: the possession of the control mode.

At level 2 of the Civilization Control Center, possession in control mode can only be performed on people within the scanning range of the illusory mental power.

After the upgrade, as long as it is connected with the roads and communication links within the scanning range of the empty phantom's mental power, the empty phantom can possess the people in it.

This is also the reason why Unreal wants to influence the elders' house and proposes to connect the road with Far West.

Of course, from the present point of view, it will take a few years to realize the civil monitoring of the Far West through the control model. Before that, the control of the Far West and Westland can only be influenced by the righteous gods of the two places.

At the same time, the Youshen class produced in the two places also formed the same branch of the elders' house in the two places.

(End of this chapter)

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