Spore Story

Chapter 457 Oil Paint and Agricultural Issues

Chapter 457 Oil Paint and Agricultural Issues

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Carefully covering up the oil paint on his face by folding the light with his thoughts, Kong Huan looked at himself in the water mirror as if he was about to sing, and shook his head depressingly.

"These two guys!"

Because it is the reason for energyizing the Youshen level, ordinary oil paints can't touch the empty body at all, that is to say, these things can't be painted at all.

However, now they are stubbornly staying on Konghuan's face. The reason is that the two of them, 8051 and [-], unscrupulously fixed the oil paints on the space position of 'Hanghuan's face'.

The principle is very simple to say, that is, there is a little 'power' between the oil paint and the empty body, which will not be touched by the empty body, so that the oil paint will always be maintained.

But to do it, only those two unscrupulous planetary wills can have this level of technology. Therefore, even if it is an energyized Youshen level, it is impossible to wipe off the emptiness close to the Yinshen level, and can only be erased with troublesome thoughts. Ways to fold light to cover up.

Of course, it's just a ghost drawing, and it's okay if it doesn't cover it up, but Kong Huan doesn't have the mood to bear this appearance until the two planets will remember it, and then mercifully erase it for Kong Huan.

(Maybe 8051 will be dropped for us before going to bed at night.) This painful and happy thought...

"Let's continue to find the next possession target now."

Shaking his head, sensing that the spacious elders' house was empty, Kong Huan closed his eyes and continued with his work.

The Pengzu is very peaceful now, and government affairs can be handed over to the Executive Yuan, while military affairs are of course assigned to the Military Academy. In addition, there is the Law Court to stabilize the Pengzu. The Ministry of Development and Reform has perfected the facts and details...

At least for now, the Central Plains region, with a total population of just over 40 (10,000+ friends and nearly 30 black-skeleton men), has entered a period of stable development, while the elders' house, which is a high-end strength and final decision-making, seems incomparable at this time Leisurely.

Of course, that's just an appearance, not in fact.

First of all, Chu Xia, the strongest person in the Elders' House, is also in charge of the Shadow Clan's situation. She seems to be sitting firmly on the Thor God's position, and she lets the subordinate gods do everything, but in fact she has to worry about everything. Planning must ensure that Shadow Clan is controllable.

In the past five years, the Shadow Clan has also stabilized the vast land from the Shadow Clan Plain to the Black Forest during the Penghei War. Now it has begun to cultivate a large number of fields, and there are no major changes.

Rather, because of the gradual contact with the friends, they began to accept the ideas and cultures of the friends.

Of course, the selection of books published to ShadowClan and the selection of people from ShadowClan to FriendsClan is still very strict. So far, the number of ShadowClan members who have joined FriendsClan is still in double digits.

Regarding this aspect, the opinion of the Presbyterian House is that after all, the Shadow Clan is different from the Dunjia Clan. They are an independently developed civilization. In terms of development potential and future threat, they are far superior to the Dunjia Clan, who are under the influence of their friends. Raised intelligent creatures.

Then, Die Wu followed Chu Jie to deal with the matter, which was almost the consensus of everyone.

Speaking of which, many people in the elders' house, even at certain times, had the feeling that 'Die Wu is actually a member of Shenting'. Well, this little maid is actually very loyal, and she loyally made some people in the elders' house start Expressed jealousy towards Chu Jie.

Of course, since she is nominally a member of the elders' house, Die Wu still has her mission.

That is, to contact the Divine Court and the Elder's House to ensure the stability of the relationship between the two parties.

Chu Jie and Die Wu floated by with flowers...

Boringly pulling the big map in the control mode, Kong Huan screened his next target while recalling other people in the elders' house.

As the leader of the first generation, Lingxue still holds a detached position in the elders' house. Although she has not yet entered the Yin God level, she is still at the same level as Chu Xia in terms of how everyone treats her. (Just ignore the abnormal creatures like emptiness and 8051=.=)

Of course, she has now become the teacher of the newly joined elders.

That is to say, the current Lingxue is mainly responsible for leading the three new elders who have appeared in the past five years, wandering around the friend clan, learning about the policies of the friend clan, as well as confidential information, and accompanying travel.

As for Dark Blood and Bai Nong, Bai Nong just drifted past and ignored them...

Dark Blood, as the commander of the Black-Bone Race, has been diligently planning various plans for the purpose of destroying the Black-Bone Race in the past five years.

In terms of busyness, I'm afraid it's no less busy than Lingxue and Chu Xia.

Regarding the Black Bone Clan, the ordinary people in the Peng Clan actually don’t know much about it. They only know that the Black Bone Clan fought a small battle with the Peng Clan five years ago, and then they were driven back by our army. And because there were not many casualties, the Peng Clan even had a certain degree of contempt for the Black Bone Clan.

Of course, this kind of contempt for the public opinion institutions controlled by the House of Elders is well controlled to a point where it is weaker than the Eldar, but stronger than other races.

And those who know what is going on in the elders' house are only a very small part of the friends, and they are basically concentrated in the upper echelons.

However, in the past five years, the internal chaos of the Black Bone Clan was not great.

The reason given by Dark Blood is: "The problem of the Black Bone Race will not happen overnight, and it is almost impossible for us to completely destroy a race, so what we are doing now is two things."

"One is to let the impression of the Black Bone Clan towards the Friends Clan gradually fade from the current hostility and defensiveness to neutrality, so as to control them in the future."

"After all, in the previous battle, almost every god kingdom in the Black Bone Race lost a true god and a legion of 5000 people. When there are strong enemies outside, only a fool would do it."


"Well, although there seem to be many such fools," Kong Huan ignored the addition of Dark Blood...

"Secondly, let the internal antagonism of the Black Bone Clan continue to accumulate over the past five years. The more dissatisfaction accumulates, the more powerful it will erupt."

Because of this reason, the past five years within the Black-Bone Clan have been a mess.

Ordinary people are oppressed, coerced, and represented. Of course, rumors are flying all over the sky. This is only the most basic;
There is no shortage of hidden confrontation and friction between the true god country and ordinary countries. In the country without the true god, internal struggles for power and profit also pop up from time to time;
And the fine traditions of the black-bone race, such as civil resistance organizations, are of course also borrowed by the familiar dark blood.


"At that time, we only need to light a fire. The Black Bone Race will not be in a big mess. I'm really sorry for so much hatred in it, huh."

Hearing these words, Kong Huan said at the time that everything would be handled by Dark Blood.

As for the other people in the elders' house, of course they also have their own affairs, such as Chuqin's development and reform department, Aiyi's research and so on.

But at this time, Kong Huan had already chosen a target.

However, the door of the elders' house was suddenly pushed open.

——————Pursue cool world dividing line—————

"Is it true?"

Looking at Bai Nong seriously, except for Chu Xia and Dark Blood, all the people in the Elder's House gathered here because of an investigation report by Bai Nong.

"Of course it is true. In order to confirm that the situation is correct, I also urgently contacted the subordinates of the Ministry of Agriculture in various provinces in the clan, and even the Shadow Team to conduct detailed investigation and evidence collection."

Wiping off his cold sweat, Bai Nong nodded to everyone, opened the report he had compiled in his hand and began to explain.

"This phenomenon was discovered only recently, but after our inversion, it proves that it probably started before the unification of the friends."

Suddenly there was a sound of breathing around.

In this regard, Bai Nong chose to ignore it and continued to talk.

"In the first few years of 00, our government agencies were still in the stage of improvement. The main responsibility of the Ministry of Agriculture was to promote agriculture, so we didn't find this kind of situation."

"After the stabilization in 07, the Ministry of Agriculture began to implement orderly farmland statistics. Of course, these were carried out together with the Bureau of Statistics."

Spreading out the paper in his hand, Bai Nong used his thoughts to hang it on the wall.

"Everyone, please take a look. This is the first farmland statistics in 00. It shows that we farmed 25 fields. Calculated by rice alone, we harvested 10 tons that year." Different =. =)

Point the baton to the very first point of the paper, and the harvest indicated by the tall lines is nothing to the current friends.

This amount of food is not much for today's friends, and since it was just the beginning, no one interrupted.

After patting the paper lightly with his baton, Bai Nong was silent for a while and said, "On average, the agricultural harvest per field is 400 catties. Obviously everyone still doesn't understand this, so let's continue."

The baton continued to move forward with Bainong's control.

"The second large-scale census was in 07. At that time, the Pengling War ended and we began to sort out the situation in various places. This statistic came about."

"The result of the statistics is that the friends of the whole clan plus the Dunjia people farmed 120 million fields. Also counting only rice, the harvest for that year was 47 tons."

After pausing for a moment and allowing everyone to calculate it, Bai Nong looked at the thoughtful crowd and nodded and said: "Everyone can also figure it out, the yield per unit field has dropped slightly, and it has become 391.6 jin right?"

The crowd nodded.

Sighing, Bai Nong shook his head and said: "It's not a big deal. Although the land is rich, the farmland is the fertile land of choice, but after all, the Pengling War had just ended that year, and the Dunjia people were also opening up fields. , so the average yield has dropped, and no one has noticed."

"Thus, the third agricultural statistic is based on the 10-year plan planned by the Ministry of Agriculture after the rectification," Bai Nong said, tapping the baton on the third point of the paper: "This year's statistics show that in the territory of the friends, the farming The quantity is 150 million fields, and the harvested rice per unit field in that year was 380 catties."

Looking around at everyone, Bai Nong said in a serious tone: "Hearing this, everyone will know what I'm going to say, right?"

Except for a few newly joined elders who were present as observers, a group of elders and elders nodded their heads.

"There are many reasons for the decline in food production, such as weather, pests, planting technology and even social factors." Patting the table, Bai Nong did not wait for everyone to speak, but continued on his own.

To this, the elders didn't have any special reaction. After all, Bai Nong is really not comparable to them in this aspect. After the memory of the previous life and the training of this life, even if it is empty, it dare not compare with Bai Nong.

Of course, in terms of politics and other aspects, Bai Nong is not as good as Konghuan, just like the two of them are not as good as Dark Blood in military affairs.

"However, the biggest impact on food production is actually the climate, that is, the weather."

Sighing, Bai Nong pointed to the sky above his head.

In this regard, everyone present was calm.

Bai Nong also knew the reason, because all the people present had the ability to affect the local weather, and they were far less awed by the climate than ordinary people, especially when there were two people who could affect the global climate on a large scale.

Taking a deep look at 8051 and Shuangyue sitting next to Kong Huan, Bai Nong didn't know whether the two of them knew about the situation this time, or if they knew it a long time ago, but they were forced by the "rules" that Shuangyue often said ', and cannot tell.

(Forget it, everything depends on the will of the planet, so how will we mess up when we enter the universe?)

Shaking his head, Bai Nong continued to tell.

"You may think that, relying on our Youshen's ability to control the weather, what is the climate?"

Although they didn't nod, most of the people's expressions still gave Bainong an answer.


After tapping the paper heavily, Bai Nong shook his head and said: "The facts tell us that our Youshen's ability can affect small places, but it is impossible to affect the current farmland of the whole family!"

Without waiting for everyone's rebuttal, Bai Nong's voice continued: "The fourth statistic in 15 shows that the farmland is 170 million fields, and the unit field of rice has dropped to 360 catties."

"The fifth statistics in 20 years, the farmland is 180 million fields," Bai Nong looked at the data on the paper, and continued to calculate in his mind.

"Actually, this year, after a few years after the "Pengdun Occupational Division" of our clan, most of the agricultural population has become Dunjia people, and the friends who are farmers only account for less than 1/7 of the total population of friends. , and most of them are original people.”

"So everyone has an excuse. It can be said that the proportion of Dunjia people farming has increased, which has reduced the harvest of unit fields. This will be discussed later."

Ignoring everyone's depression, Bai Nong continued on.

And with his words, everyone began to understand what he meant.

"In 25 years, there were 200 million farmlands, reaching a relatively stable number of farmlands, but the harvest of rice per unit field was only 350 catties."

"Last year, that is, 30 years, there were 207 million fields of farmland, and the unit field was 330 kilograms."

"And this year, I worked with the Ministry of Agriculture and the Bureau of Statistics to make statistics on this year's agricultural issues, and the results showed..."


"Descent! Still falling!"

He knocked heavily on the table, except for Shuangyue, the planet loli who didn't care about anything, everyone's heart was beating with Bai Nong's knocking.

"But look at how much we have done for agriculture over the years!"

Floating a piece of paper directly above the elder's house, Bai Nong's face flushed a little. Although everyone still couldn't understand why he was so excited, everyone knew that things were not good.

"Although with the development of industry and commerce, friends have gradually withdrawn from agriculture, but the Dunjia people are a very suitable race for farmers. They support 80% of the Peng people's farmland."

"In order to ensure their planting conditions...

The waterwheel, we made;

Irrigation, we promoted;

Seed selection, we standardized;

According to local conditions, we have written it into the agricultural technology book;
Agricultural tools, from hoes and sickles used by humans, to plows used by animals, to electric motors that have not even been used in cities;

We promote all kinds of things to satisfy agriculture as soon as possible, and even use government subsidies to encourage these dunjia people to cultivate fields. "

"However, the food in the farmland is still decreasing! Why is this?"

Everyone was also thinking like this, 'Why is this happening? '

If you just look at the results of each statistics, it can be explained by various situations. After all, there are still many things that happen to the Pengzu every year, and they are developing at a high speed. There is no problem with food, but together, it makes people People feel a little oppressed.

Of course, it seems that there is no problem for the time being.

"Bai Nong, is this the situation in the Pengzu Central Plains alone, or the situation in the entire Shuangyuexing, what about the statistics in the Far West and West Land?"

When Bai Nong paused, Kong Huan interrupted hastily.

Starting from a small cell, he has witnessed the development of the double moon star from the primitive ocean era to the present illusion, and he also has his own ideas. This is probably something that only Dark Blood, Bai Nong and him can think of. As for 8051, who has the knowledge of illusion memory, If she doesn't experience it carefully, she probably won't think about it.

Therefore, Kong Huan was even more worried about that situation, and felt the same for Bai Nong's sensitivity.

"Shadow Clan? Far West? Westland?..."

"Uh, you wouldn't just make a conclusion based on the statistics of the friends' territories, right?" Kong Huan was full of black lines, but he didn't relax in his heart: "Now the north starts from the Far West, passes through the Central Plains in the middle, and reaches the Shadow Clan and Black Clan in the south. Bone, Outer Sea, and West Land, the statistics of these places should be regarded as the statistics of Shuangyuexing."

"That's true," nodded apologetically, and Bai Nong's aura became much less aggressive, and the elders present also breathed a sigh of relief, but Kong Huan did not.

In fact, until now, these elders have only heard the question of 'the output per unit of farmland is declining', and they are still puzzled about why Bai Nong is so excited.

After all, the unit output is reduced, and it is impossible to reduce it to nothing. There must be a bottom line.

At that time, improving agricultural planting technology and expanding the scope of farmland will not be able to meet the needs of the Pengzu, isn't this what the Pengzu has been doing.

Regarding these, Kong Huan and Bai Nong tacitly did not bring up the possibility before fully confirming it. After all, if that is the case, then the problem facing the Pengzu will be serious.

"I didn't think carefully about this, but Far West and West Land have their own statistical systems, and I can just ask the two righteous gods of Shenting to inquire later; the Shadow Clan can also ask Chu Xia for help; as for the black bones , I hope that Dark Blood also collects agricultural information."

"That way, we have another meeting tomorrow."

He nodded helplessly, but Bai Nong still added: "Although I only have the statistics of the Central Plains of my friends now, this alone is also a problem..."

"Isn't it enough to continue to advocate intensive cultivation and expand the area of ​​farmland?"

In this regard, Lingxue directly put forward her own ideas.

"Intensive cultivation is fine, but you have also seen the previous data. Haven't you been promoting intensive cultivation before?"

"As for expanding the area of ​​farmland, I'm afraid it won't work."

Shaking his head with a wry smile, Bai Nong said while packing his things: "Farmland is also planted by people. Now the ratio of our family's farmland to that of a single person has reached a limit. If we want to increase the area, in addition to increasing the agricultural population, we must Only after technological breakthroughs can we turn farmland into farms."

"Really, in short, Bai Nong, please continue to work hard."

(End of this chapter)

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