Spore Story

Chapter 458

Chapter 458

It's another Monday

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It was only the autumn of October at this time, and even though it was located in the tropics, the territory of the Black Bone Tribe had already started to blow cold winds.

"What is the world?"

Wrapped in the animal fur coat that wrapped his body, Tu Mu Xun cautiously shuttled through the forest.

"The weather is so cold, ahh!"

The animal fur coat on his body was obtained by Tumu Xun from defeating a strange fur creature in the mountains a few years ago. The creature looked similar to a dinosaur in size, but with fluffy hair on its body, wandering around the edge of forests and mountains.

When Tumu Xun fled here at first, when he saw this creature that was very different from ordinary dinosaurs, his reaction was actually not that big, that is, he thought that maybe he could try a new taste.

Because in Tumu Xun's view, with his strong physical strength of the Black Bone Race, even if he grows a head of hair, it doesn't matter. He has never lost against creatures of the same size. (Of course, after he became the captain of the Guard =. =)

However, the facts told Tumu Xun that if he hadn't been lucky, he might have already warmed up in that animal's stomach or cave by now.

What a tough fight it was...

Carefully stroking the deep scars on his face and body, if he hadn't secretly learned to use herbs to treat wounds in a small village where he lived, even if he defeated the long-haired dinosaur, he would probably have bled to death by now Alright.

However, that was all a few years ago, and now Tu Mu Xun is still living a life of exile and seclusion.

Things have to start after the defeat against that powerful Winged Man.

It is said that at that time, Tumu Xun, after he was determined not to enter the capital of the Kingdom of Konganiwa to pass the message, although he felt a kind of fear of violating the order of the true god, he also felt an unprecedented sense of excitement.

Inspired by this contradictory feeling, Tumu kept searching for the road, found a branch to sleep when tired, and found some fruit or animals to satisfy his hunger when hungry. The Guyun Divine Kingdom in the center of the Black Bone Race.

This is a country with a true god. In Tumu Xun's view, most of the true gods are dead now, so only this country with a true god is considered safe.

As for the true gods on the western front, in Tu Muxun's view, they might not escape bad luck either.

It has to be said that the ordinary soldier who would have yelled and yelled in fright at the death of his companions was now a qualified captain of the guard.

Unfortunately, he has decided to leave the army.

After entering Guyun Divine Kingdom, he did not go to the capital to report the situation, but secretly found a remote village and temporarily lived here as an outsider.

However, although it was a time of war at that time, it was a foreign war, and there were only a few frictions in the internal war, so the population flow among the people was not large, especially the lone traveler from far away, such as Tumu Xun, which caused these problems. attention of the villagers.

People are wary of him and don't want to get in touch.

As for the power holders in the small village, in the initial wait-and-see, because Tu Mu wanted to live a peaceful life, he deliberately kept a low profile, but they were considered weak and deceitful.

Thus, the clichéd and often-occurring incident of oppressing people from other villages happened.

Those in power and even the gangsters in the village dare to bully Tumu Xun wantonly, while the ordinary black-skeleton villagers use a mentality of letting Tumu Xun, an outsider like him, instead of being bullied, and turn a blind eye to Tumu Xun's painful life.

As a result, Tu Muxun found it difficult to live a basic life, let alone live a peaceful life and build a warm family.

At the same time, with the end of the Great War, the failure of the frontline soldiers and the death of the true god finally spread to the common people, and people began to panic. For those black-boned men who survived and spread fear everywhere, the rulers started from the very beginning. The appeasement gradually turned into the subsequent suppression,

At this time, Tu Muxun's identity also began to be suspected.

However, because Tumu Xun's always weak and deceitful performance was different from those soldiers who came off the battlefield, their emotions were extremely unstable, and they were murderous and screaming at every turn, so people did not connect him with those soldiers at first.

But Tumu Xun felt the danger, especially because he didn't want to endure the current life anymore. After all, he is now a standard guard captain, and he can be regarded as the upper middle class in any small village, but now he is surrounded by a group of ordinary The gangster was oppressed, but he didn't dare to fight back.

According to the standard plot, on a dark and windy night, Tumu Xun packed up a few things, took out a long knife from his friends that he secretly kept, and killed the gangsters who usually bullied him and the powerful people in the village , and then got into the forest, never to return.

But what Tumu Xun didn't know was that among the Black-Bone Clan, there were not a few Black-Bone People like him who chose to sneak into the forest and deep mountains because they couldn't bear the oppression of power holders in group life and other misfortunes.

For these people, the countries facing the problem of losing the true god and the strong enemy in the north have no time to pay attention to them.

But Tumu Xun went too far. He killed the powerful people in the village, which was a challenge to the Kingdom of God.

This may be just an ordinary big event in normal times, but don't forget that Guyun Divine Kingdom can be said to be the only divine kingdom with true gods. At this time, these true gods have stricter requirements for the stability below.

The next day, when the people in the village woke up and found that the power holder had been killed, they fell into further panic. They packed their bags one after another, cursed Tu Mu Xun, and also sneaked into the mountains, or sought refuge with relatives and friends.

As a result, the situation in this small village was not discovered until several days later.

The news was reported to the capital little by little, and the two true gods who were fighting openly and secretly agreed to arrest and punish the people in this small village.

Those who took refuge with their relatives and friends were first arrested. Through these people, the domestic army that maintained stability quickly sent personnel into the forest.

Next to the small village is just a small forest, so the villagers hiding in it, including some people who sneaked here before to live in seclusion, were all caught out.

Of course, these people did not end well. Although the Black Bone Clan implemented a strategy to protect the population before, but now the Guyun Kingdom is almost dominated by one family. Facing those who challenge the authority of the Kingdom of God, all are sentenced to death.

This incident caused a sensation in Guyun Divine Kingdom, and even other divine kingdoms, so much so that it even alarmed Dark Blood, who had just arrived here and started commanding the Shadow Team.

However, it only attracted the attention of Dark Blood. Based on this incident, Dark Blood began to arouse conflicts between the power level and ordinary people in Guyun Divine Kingdom.

As for all the fuses, Tu Muxun escaped from the forest early at this time, continued south, passed through the mountains, and entered the southernmost Yuanshi Kingdom.

At this time, the wanted persons from Guyun Divine Kingdom were also sent to various Divine Kingdoms. Because of the strength of Guyun Divine Kingdom, each Divine Kingdom could only accept it without the True God.

Although the development level of the Black Bone Race is not high at this time, arresting them is like looking for a needle in a haystack, but it is really bad luck to find a needle in a haystack. After staying in a small village in Yuanshi Shen Kingdom for a few days, one of them was caught by one of the village, who happened to be planning to change his behavior. The attitude of Tu Mu looked for the ruffian who had been beaten up, and reported it to those in power.

This power holder is not the idiot power holder in Guyun God Kingdom before. After he compared the strength of the ruffian with that of Tumu Xun, he suddenly found that Tumu Xun's strength was probably close to that of Shishen.

This is not something ordinary people like him who can't reach the captain of the guards can deal with. You must know that because of the tense situation in various countries, especially the original stone god country, which has lost the true god, it has completely concentrated Shishen in order to deal with sudden emergencies. event.

Now the power holders everywhere can only use the captain of the guard, or even ordinary people who are smart or have connections.

Therefore, while imposing simple punishments, he appeased Tumu Xun and even suggested that he be the village manager; on the other hand, he urgently sent someone to Guodu to secretly request assistance.

Soon after, the capital side confirmed the situation of Tumu Xun, and found that the other party was basically consistent with the wanted person of Guyun God Kingdom.

Faced with this kind of stable relationship with Guyun God Kingdom, which can ensure that he can obtain a stable development period, the original Stone God Kingdom immediately mobilized a Shishen to lead a group of ordinary soldiers to encircle and suppress.

Being deceived by this powerful person, he was still planning whether he would use his fake identity to develop Tumu Xun in Yuanshi Shenguo. One day when he was off work, he suddenly faced the siege of dozens of ordinary soldiers.

However, these people did not expect that before this, Tu Mu Xun had already entered the soul level, which is what the Black Bone Clan called the Shishen level, relying on years of accumulated experience.

Facing the ordinary soldiers led by a proud Shishen on the other side, Tumu Xun relied on his years of fighting experience, fled back to his residence, and took out the lancet brought by his friends again.

Then after killing more than a dozen ordinary soldiers of the opponent, he fled the small village again.

But this time, he was facing the pursuit of Shishen who became angry from embarrassment. Especially after chasing for a while, this Shishen who seemed to have a little background even mobilized three Shishen to besiege.

Faced with this situation, Tumu Xun began his long escape.

It wasn't until a year ago that Tu Mu Xun relied on his continuously honed strength to directly attack the opponent Shishen amidst the siege of hundreds of opponents, and after killing the Shishen, he used the cover of the river to walk away.

Finally, he came to this stretch of mountains and began to live like a savage.

After careful calculation, he has not been chased for several months.

"Why is it so cold today?"

Folding his hands, breathing a bit of heat into it, looking at the white mist that formed in front of him, Tumu Xun shook his head in surprise, feeling a little suspicious about the hot autumn battlefield during the Penghei War in his memory, (could it be Am I wrong?)

Walking in the forest, he held the corpse of a small dinosaur in his hand.

When Tu Muxun found this dinosaur, the other party seemed to be dying. Of course, he would not miss this opportunity. You must know that hunting meat in the mountains and forests is not as easy as in the story. It requires luck and waiting. Not a good thing every day.

After confirming that the other party was not poisoned, Tu Mu dealt with it enthusiastically, and continued walking forward with the dinosaur corpse.

"Now that life has stabilized, did you go out the mountain to find a prettier woman and snatch her back to warm the bed?"

Smiling and opening his mouth wide open, the sharp scars on his face clearly indicated that the other party was no longer the weak and deceitful ordinary soldier in the Fire Cloud God Kingdom.

Stretching out his hand and swinging his fist, looking at the whirring sound of the fist and the branches being lifted by the wind of the fist, Tumu Xun satisfactorily sucked the blood left by the prey in his hand, and babbled.

"I'm close to the level of God of the Kingdom of God now, hahahaha, chase me! Chase me again if you have the guts!"

Laughing and turning over the hill, Tumu Xun's smiling expression suddenly froze.

"No way, so unlucky?"

Immediately lowered his body, Tu Mu Xun crossed two hills less than 1000 meters away, and looked around the cave where he was. There seemed to be something moving there.

The tree shadows shook, and several figures began to appear around the cave.

Seeing this, Tumu Xun was a little relieved. These people were all dressed in simple clothes. They obviously lived in the forest for a while, and these people didn't have a strong feeling. solve.

"Tch, who doesn't know that I, Tumu Xun, dare to approach me, don't go back today, hehe."

"Although the taste is not good, it's not bad to make some jerky as a reserve."

Putting the prey away with a sneer, Tumu Xun began to slide down the hill, slowly approaching the few people who had just discovered Tumu Xun's cave.

As he got closer, Tumu Xun could even see the puzzled expressions of several people, and heard them discussing whether to leave.

(Stay here, my food.)
But just when Tumu Xun wanted to rush out and pounce on the target, giving the opponent a final blow, a familiar voice came into Tumu Xun's ears.

(Damn! Bow!)

This was a painful experience during the Penghei War. The sound of vibrating strings every time represented the death of a group of the same kind. As long as it is a soldier who has been on that battlefield, no one has never heard this sound, and no one will forget it. sound.

The living are like this, the dead are...

Tu Muxun believes that those of the same kind who died under the bow aggrieved, as long as they are conscious, they will never forget this sound.

(Who are these guys, and how did they find me?)
Tu Mu Xun, who was very confident in his latent ability, found himself a little confused, but looking at the few people in front who seemed to have not sensed it, he rushed out with a sneer.

"Do you think bows and arrows can kill me, Tumu Xun! I was the one who survived that battle! Since it's the bait, let me stay!"

One punch smashed a black-skeleton man on the outermost edge, Tumu Xun pushed several people into his cave, and then killed three of them with a mental shock.

At this time, the sound of bows and arrows outside continued to come, and the few people who were suddenly attacked and were still alive shouted in horror.

"Divine Soldiers! Divine Soldiers!"

In the Black Bone Tribe, "Shenbing" is not a compliment, but a word similar to "officers and soldiers" of human beings, and hearing this group of people shouting at him, Tu Muxun instinctively felt that something was wrong.

Among the remaining dozens of people, the most powerful one was just the captain of the guards. Tu Mu Xun stopped his movements because he thought about it, and these people did not dare to move at all because of the Shishen coercion that Tu Mu Xun exuded. He just looked at Tumu Xun in horror.

"Damn it! That's how it is!"

Holding his head in depression, Tu Muxun looked at the group of people in front of him with resentment. After listening to the continuous sound of arrows raining outside the cave, he knew the general ins and outs based on the current situation.

Sure enough, after asking those who confirmed that Tumu Xun was not at least the person who pursued him, they told their own situation.

They are just a group of people who resisted the rule of those false gods. They failed to escape here because the incident was revealed. Unexpectedly, the enemy happened to be chasing here.

At this moment, Tu Mu Xun suddenly entered...

"What a mess, this is my home!"

Pointing to the surroundings, Tu Muxun made a depressed and angry expression, while a group of fugitives were embarrassed and didn't know what to do.

Right now they are all surrounded in Tumu Xun's cave. Although Tumu Xun sitting in front of him doesn't look like an enemy, he has killed five of his own side with a single shot before, and no one has a good impression of him.

Everyone in Arrow Rain outside didn't know how many enemies there were, but Tu Muxun, who had learned a lot of knowledge in the Northern Kingdom of God, could roughly feel that there were definitely no less than 300 people.

Thinking of the situation of these people, when he thought about the number of people he chased the most, it seemed that there were only more than 100 people. Tu Mu Xun didn't know whether to be lucky or depressed.

"At least when I was chasing me, there were still three Shishen, and I don't know if there is any Shishen chasing these guys?" Tu Mu Xun sighed depressingly while comforting himself inexplicably.

(Am I too bored to think about this.)
But at this time, what everyone thought about was of course the issue of escape.

The group of fugitives discussed each result for a while, until the sound of a large number of people approaching came from outside, and they had no choice but to turn their heads to look at Tumu Xun.

It is still common sense among the Black Bone Race to follow the strong in an emergency.

Even though they were resisting the rule of the strong, they had to admit at this time that in this strange place, only Tu Mu Xun, an extremely powerful person who was familiar with this place, could lead them to survive.

As for why a strong man like Tumu Xun stayed here, they didn't have time to think about it.

However, whether it is Tumu Xun, the fugitives or even the unknown number of "magic soldiers" outside, I'm afraid they don't know.

At this moment, above the battlefield where they meet, there is a group of transparent figures surrounding a friend like a child, watching the scene below with relish.

"Elder Dark Blood, something unexpected happened."

The shadow member in front of him seemed quite resentful: "Although this Shishen is quite powerful, don't kill our candidates all at once."

"Isn't this just right?" Shaking his head with a smile, Dark Blood pointed to the cave below which was surrounded by black bone soldiers, and said nonchalantly: "Let's take a look first, this Shishen may give us a pleasant surprise. .”

"A surprise?"

"Yeah." Smiling and looking at the drama that was going on at this time, Dark Blood's eyes shone with light: "Think about it, if a Primordial God is cultivated, it will be better than the captain of the guards we selected before, and ..."

"Kong Huan made such a vulgar pawn of Shishen 'Fengwen Hong II'. If I didn't choose a Shishen-level existence as a chess piece, wouldn't I be overwhelmed by Kong Huan? Ha ha."


(End of this chapter)

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