Spore Story

Chapter 658 Shadow System

Chapter 658 Shadow System

The Pengzu network is excellent, but it's no use not being able to use even the best stuff.

Now it seems that limited by the number of energy bodies or available energy bodies, this excellent friend network can only be temporarily implemented in a "phased" way.

Well, before that, the topic has to go back to the initial troublesome issue of 'how to solve the absolute power after the formation of the general command and the implementation of the plan'.

"I need to say something," Elder Long Yue stood up after Bai Min left, went back to sum up the theory of the technology of the Pengzu network generation, and considered how to reduce the demand for energy bodies: "According to the latest astronomical observations, three This base is only 2 months and 13 days away from Shuangyuexing."

Everyone knows this stuff, so she didn't stop, but continued talking.

"Therefore, we must realize: we don't have time to argue here! Moreover, who can guarantee that, as a dangerous cosmic civilization, the other party will suddenly accelerate, just like the original estimate of 200 years, and they will be able to enter in 60 years. Like double moon stars, will they come over tomorrow or the day after tomorrow?"

A stone stirred up a thousand waves.

Everyone thought about it carefully, but they couldn't deny this possibility, after all, there was already a case before this.But the result of this possibility is really too heavy.

"Well, actually, I think that the shadow system can be appropriately expanded." At this time, the empty illusion could not be silent.

Originally, the situation of the Shadow Team had been kept secret, and the outside world didn’t even know its existence; there were only rumors spread among the managers, and they were released deliberately in order to let them know that they were under supervision; and only the Supreme Council, accurately Know the existence of the Shadow Army.

But even in the Supreme Council, they don't know the specific number, strength distribution, or even working mode of the Shadow Team. It can be said that those who know are less than many people, and less than illusory.

However, at this point, it seems that if some information about the shadow system is not disclosed, everyone will feel at ease. Although the emergence of the general index and the "planned development model" it will propose can still be vigorously implemented, it will definitely remain. There are many hidden dangers.

This is not what Unreal wants to see.

What he needs is a supreme council that unites with the outside world, friends who unite with the outside world, and a civilized world of Double Moon Stars that unites with the outside world.

Therefore, he cannot continue to keep it secret at this time.

"Before that, everyone knew that I was in charge of the Shadow Team, but they always used the 'team' to refer to it, which often led people to misunderstand its number, thinking that at best it was only three major teams. Of course, this is what we hope I saw it. But I think everyone understands at this time that this is just a disguise."

Everyone showed a clear look.

As far as the Youshen class is concerned, the soul-level strength of the members of the Shadow Team cannot be hidden from them at all.What they don't know is mainly focused on the size and organization of the Shadow Team.

Now it seems that Kong Huan is already planning a showdown.

"Internally, we actually call the Shadow Team the Shadow System."

With a wave of his hand, the entire Supreme Council meeting room was sealed off, mainly to block the flow of various information inside and outside. After confirming that the internal situation was all right, Kong Huan began to describe the situation of the shadow system to everyone.

The shadow system was built at the beginning of the development of the Peng Clan, and it has always existed as a monitoring system for the entire Clan.

The original purpose of its establishment was to monitor the management of the entire group of friends to avoid splitting and corruption.However, with the development of the world of undead, the number of soul-level undead that can move freely has continued to increase, and the tasks of this system have begun to expand as the number increases.

Up to now, the main tasks of the shadow system have included: monitoring of managers, monitoring of public opinion, investigation of hostile forces, global map drawing... and many other contents.

Because Elder Kong Huan's usual tasks are relatively general, he puts his main energy into directly serving as the supreme commander of the shadow system, using this as a behind-the-scenes monitoring of the entire friend clan to ensure its stability.

In this case, Void does not need to worry about the excessive expansion of the shadow system, so it has made every effort to promote the development of the shadow, and has set up several agencies under its system: the execution department, the monitoring department, the analysis department, the service department, and others.

Among them, the work of the service department is the simplest. Basically, it is to go to various places on Double Moon, draw global land maps, understand the ecology of various places, etc., mainly as a replacement for most of the work of the original quasi-priests.

Revenants don't have to worry about physical attacks, so although these tasks have a large range of activities and take a long time, they are hardly dangerous to the shadows; it is not like taking personal offenses like the quasi-priests did when they did this work;
The analysis department is actually the intelligence analysis department.

Most of these members are individuals who have just come out of the undead world and are about the strength of the soul level in the early stage. They rely on the experience they have accumulated during their lifetime, and they can analyze many situations here, so as to discover various key information.In this way, the analysis department becomes the core of the shadow system, and Kongfan understands the main way for shadows to obtain information;

The Monitoring Department, which is the most basic department of the shadow system, has been doing monitoring work since its establishment. They can obtain the necessary information from the monitoring, which can effectively prevent many unnecessary troubles.

Relying on the mid-term strength of the soul level, coupled with the long-lasting mobility brought about by not needing to eat food (revenant souls only need to pay attention to mental rest), combined with transfiguration, camouflage knowledge, and work experience in the analysis department, the shadows of the monitoring department Clan, Shadow Clan, Dunjia Clan, and even members of the Black Bone Clan and Spirit Clan, carried out all-round and round-the-clock monitoring;

The executive department, this department mainly exists as a combat department.

They rely on the intelligence analysis ability developed from the analysis department, the camouflage latent ability obtained from the monitoring department, plus the lowest strength at the high soul level, and the ability to control Lv5 with average mental power (revenant souls can only attack with mental power), Strangling will be launched on the creatures that are confirmed as dangerous by the analysis department and have been allowed by the illusory.

If it weren't for the fact that the controller is illusory, and at the same time effectively suppressing the soaring desires of subordinates, the shadow system can even be directly converted into another underground government management system.

This shows how powerful it is.

"I want to ask a question," Mu Wen interrupted the empty narration with bright eyes, and asked suddenly after everyone quieted down: "In the shadow system, what is the overall strength? How is their monitoring ability?"

This question goes to the core.

Without strength, no matter how large the number and no matter how perfect the system is, it seems that it is not very effective in the face of more and more energy bodies of the friends.Because the mental power, energy and consciousness of the energy body are fused together, a single mental strength of the same level cannot produce the effect of mental power attack on the energy body at all;

And if the monitoring ability is not enough, then everyone's plan to 'use the shadow system to prevent the corruption of the managers who have gained absolute power after the development of the use plan of the friends in the next few years' will not be achieved.

"In terms of monitoring capabilities, you don't need to worry," Kong Huan seemed confident about this.

The members of the shadow system are all dead souls, and they are very different from ordinary people in terms of existence alone, not to mention the camouflage ability brought about by many techniques such as transfiguration and mental power suggestion.

So far, the friends have been able to confirm that: among the same race, only soul-level and above people can see the dead soul; among foreign races, only the advanced soul-level or even the ghost-level can see the dead soul.

At the same time, the speed of the dead soul from its birth to its return to the will of the planet is extremely fast.

According to calculations, among the ghost-level members of the entire double-moon star biome, only the friend clan's dead souls can be observed to dissipate at a speed, and its biological races are all returned to the planet's will directly after death.

What's more, the dead souls of other races, even if they exceed the ghost level and reach the soul level, will be degraded to a certain extent when the dead souls are produced after death.

For example, when Konghuan, Shuangyue, and 8051 met the epic creature Revenant, they finally confirmed that the other party was already at the peak of the soul level when he was alive and was about to enter the Youshen level, but after he died, this poor guy fell to the early soul level. .Even if she was lucky (or unlucky) to be taken in by Shuangyue, Little Loli did not help the other party out of compliance with the rules.So it didn't take long for this undead, an early soul-level epic creature, to return to the will of the planet.

However, why are the friends able to obtain privileges?Even Xiao 8 and Shuangyue couldn't explain this point, and others couldn't find the reason. As time passed, everyone just ignored it.

At the same time, the natural physical immunity and invisibility of the dead have become the biggest weapon of the shadows.In particular, the experience accumulated in the development of the shadow system over the past few decades is the greatest source of illusory confidence.

"As for the strength of the shadow system..."

This made Kong Huan seem hesitant, not that he was not strong enough, but that he was considering whether to show his cards to the Supreme Council.

At this time, the surrounding elders also fell silent.

The current situation has somewhat deviated from the main line at the beginning: the purpose of the people present has slightly shifted from "letting the illusion describe the situation of the shadow system to ensure the smooth establishment of the general index" to "allowing the illusion to further release power and transfer trust More to everyone' this aspect.

It can be said that everyone is letting Kong Huan make a decision: whether to completely trust everyone, which also means completely delegating power to everyone; A group of friends who have already broken out of their shells.

In the original empty phantom eyes, there is a feeling of a child saying to an adult, 'I am already an adult, don't worry about me'; but now...

His eyes swept over the surrounding Supreme Council members: Lingxue, Chu Xia, Chu Jie, Die Wu, Chu Yi, War Hammer, Ling Yun, Wooden, Chu Dian...etc. Finally, Kong Huan still focused his attention on the front support Dark Blood, who was making his head look bored, and Bai Nong, who was fiddling with the documents on the table.

The conference room was silent, and Kong Huan took a deep breath.

"Well, there are some things that everyone should know."

(End of this chapter)

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