Spore Story

Chapter 659 The Strength of Shadow

Chapter 659 The Strength of Shadow

Thank you Dandan Huahua, CX~, RedBlade, whitegrass for their monthly support, and Yunzi Longzhao for your reward~\(≧▽≦)/~
After decades of development, in the shadow system, there are more than 100 shadow souls at the peak of the soul level. It would be a lie to say that there is no Youshen level produced from these souls who are almost the same age as the friends.But for a long time, the Youshen level in the Supreme Council of the Peng Clan has all come from the existence of living bodies, but none of the shadow systems to which souls above the soul level belong.

In fact, there is a kind of tacit understanding among the high-level people. Everyone knows that this is not true. It is just that Elder Kong Huan, who is the highest and only controller of the shadow, is deliberately limiting the appearance of these news.As for its purpose, Elder Kong Huan didn't say anything, and everyone didn't ask.

This is an absolute trust, derived from identity, understanding and time.

Chu Jie once said: Anyway, regardless of whether the ghosts will release the ghost gods of the shadow system, they still exist, and when the friends really need them, these ghost gods will definitely not do nothing.So, why bother to know now?
But even though everyone had a general idea in their minds, when Kong Huan put the real number of Shadow Gods on the stage, it still uncontrollably caused a stir in the Supreme Council.

"What, 31!" All of you here are at the Youshen level and Yinshen level, and all of them are more energetic. No one understands Youshen's strength better than them: the control of mind power has completely controlled Youshen and ordinary natural creatures. In addition, the strong level of consciousness, mind control, and energy control pushed Youshen to a "god" rather than a "mortal" in the eyes of ordinary people.

But now, the members of Youshen (and above) on the face of the whole clan are only about [-] people, and with a few light words on the empty illusion stage, the number of members on the face of the Peng Clan has doubled in an instant.

"It seems that I have underestimated the shadow system!" Mu Wen felt that she should be happy, and most of the people present were happy, but for some reason, she felt a little worried deep in her heart.But at this moment, obviously, that trace of worry could not attract her attention.

"But don't be too happy too early." Shaking his head and pouring cold water on everyone, it was still the lazy Elder Void: "Among these 31 people, only 11 have integrated energy cores; and among these 11 people, There are only 5 people who have completed quantization."

"How could it be? Could it be that the remaining 20 people have just been promoted to the Youshen level?" Chu Jie asked with some disbelief.

In the eyes of most people, the energy core can be fused with a stable Youshen level; and the energy core can be stabilized by fusing the energy core; God-level development path.

Therefore, with such an opportunity to increase their strength, how could people who entered Youshen not fuse their energy cores immediately?But Chu Jie quickly realized that the possibility of 20 Youshen-level ghosts appearing at the same time in a short period of time is too low. Even the soul-level undead who returned from the undead world cannot be promoted at the same time if they do not work and focus on cultivation. Youshen.

Sure enough, Kong Huan shook his head, but he also explained: "Actually, there is another direction that we have ignored or not found before."


"Mental strength."

"Spiritual power?" Everyone looked at Kong Huan suspiciously.However, at this time, Kong Huan calmed down again: "Through the previous narration, everyone obviously knows the main development direction of the power system of the members of the shadow system, right?"

"It's indeed spiritual power," Mu Wen replied, raising his hand, "but that's just because 'the dead can only specialize in spirit', isn't it?"

"That's the truth. Think about it, everyone. In the beginning you could only eat rice. After decades of eating, you can finally eat noodles one day. But can you really get rid of rice and stick to noodles in the future?"


With a slight smile, the empty handle seemed to be pointing somewhere, but he took it back halfway, and then coughed and said, "The same is true for the cultivation of the shadows. The spiritual power they have cultivated from the beginning, their understanding and control far surpass those of the living. Friends. In this way, even if you enter Youshen, you can turn to develop energy, but few people are willing to give up their previous efforts."

Everyone nodded in understanding.

"Moreover, after decades of intensive spiritual power, their strength is not weaker than our energy direction."

In a word, everyone fell into thinking again.

Compared with the obscure spiritual power, most of the living friends are close to the practice direction of "developing physical strength during the original human period, and specializing in energy control during the Yiren period". Most of them are concentrated in the two groups of schools and priests.

But the dead souls are different. They have no physical body, let alone energy, so they can only specialize in mental power.

From the moment they became undead and entered the undead world, they began to specialize in mind control. After they were promoted to the soul level and left the undead world to enter the shadow system, the companions around them were all teammates of the spiritual cultivation system.Under the influence of many factors such as this environment, themselves and reality, the shadows have practiced countless mind control skills.

Only one actual data is needed here to explain: 65% of the friends' existing knowledge of spiritual power comes from the shadow system (30% from the priest system, 5% from others).

Of course, in order to ensure the secrecy of Shadow, most of the publications of this knowledge were assisted by Void, after temporarily separating the publisher from the Shadow system, and then appearing in the group of friends.

As for hiding these techniques, no matter whether it is the illusion or the shadows, they don't think it is necessary.Because what everyone thinks is the improvement of the strength of the entire friend clan, not the individual strengthening of a certain system or a certain individual.

What's more, just one of the prerequisites for becoming a shadow-soul-level undead, this can make many of Shadow's exclusive skills a natural moat for ordinary people (mainly non-friends), so basically there is no need to worry about being learned by (non-friends) kind of thing.

As for letting the enemy know about themselves...the shadows expressed no pressure.

"So, what does Elder Void have, that can prove that these non-energy body ghosts are not weak?" Anyone who has a maintenance group has energy bodies.Because of its strength, a large number of people in the Pengzu believe that the energy body is the only way for the Pengzu, and therefore, related advocacy groups have also emerged as the times require.

Not paying attention to these, Kong Huan just cited some data: "The 31 ghost gods in the shadow system, 28 of them are all at the level of mental power control Lv6."

"Hiss!" Everyone was amazed.

According to the latest statistics of the whole family, there are only 6 mind control Lv6 people on the surface, and they are basically leaders in the research industry. At this time, not only 31 Youshen suddenly appeared, but 28 of them were actually Lv6 mind control.

But after a short while of silence, everyone gradually came back to their senses.Indeed, this statistic is scary, but for the dead souls who can only specialize in mental power, this seems to be very common.

With this weird feeling, a group of elders gradually calmed down.

"I have to say that there are specializations in the art industry."

"However, the number of Lv6 mind controllers is 28. Thinking about it carefully, it's actually not very powerful," An Xue shook his head and said after looking at Kong Huan in a somewhat complicated manner: "Although the friends' mind control lv6 is only 6 people, But we don’t specialize in mental power. In addition, there are 6 energy controllers who are lv15, and there are 6 people who are rated as lv2 for physical control, so the total is about the same.”


He nodded slightly, although he was depressed by the strength of the dark blood that dispelled the strength of the shadow, but when he saw the stubborn pouting of the other party, Kong Huan still pretended to be indifferent and waved his hands.

Dark Blood's veins burst out immediately, God knows why she would be dissatisfied.

"Okay, okay, dark blood calm down, and the emptiness continues." Lingxue stood up to smooth things over.Normally, Chu Xia would be in charge of this kind of work, but this time...

The reason for this is that it is difficult to describe the emptiness.Since the last time I brought Chu Xia back to my friend's family, I recalled Dark Blood because of an emergency, and after Dark Blood learned about what Kong Huan had done to Chu Xia (why does it feel weird), the two (three? ) relationship is a bit colder.

Although Kong Huan barely knew the reason, he was helpless.What's more, there is a black-bellied imperial lady 8 and a natural black sister-in-law standing behind him?Neither of them are easy to mess with.

Of course, the main reason is that the enemy in the sky needs everyone to deal with it with all their strength.

Therefore, he chose to sit on the sidelines without restraint, but this is his own speech time, so there is no need to be silent: "Actually, I think the key to the 'unimaginable' power of the shadows is not the number of Lv6s, but... The remaining three Nether God Shadows are all Lv7 mind control."

The reaction is smaller than before.

However, this was not because everyone didn't feel it, it was simply because everyone didn't react.

Lv7, what does this represent?
Some time ago, Aiyi, who is absolutely authoritative in terms of energy, Lv6 energy control, and Lv6 spirit control, put forward the theory of energy control Lv7 after a certain experiment.

This is not to say that she has already entered Lv7, but Aiyi, as a researcher, has demonstrated the possibility of the existence of Lv7 energy controllers through experimental observation, logical deduction, and a little imagination.

She proposed: Since energy is controlled, it can be upgraded from Lv1 to Lv6, and obtain a powerful control that increases step by step.Then, why can't there be a level of Lv7 or higher, so that this energy can be controlled to the point where it can do whatever it wants?
Of course, if it's just such a simple logical deduction, the friends can just pull out anyone.The reason why Aiyi's Lv7, or the theoretical guess of the level of "follow one's heart" is so shocking is that she observed this phenomenon called "heart movement at will" through experiments.

In an ordinary-looking laboratory, Aiyi used extremely subtle energy to improve level by level, and then at a certain node, combined her energy-transformed thoughts with this trace of energy.

This is not the forceful control of weak energy by strong thought power. In fact, the thought power combined with this trace of energy is even stronger than the strength of thought force calculated by the formula of "the energy body controls its own energy with the same intensity, the required strength of thought power" obtained from the experiment , but also a level weaker.

But relying on the theoretical conjecture drawn by Aiyi in the laboratory, in the latest of these hundreds of experiments, she finally successfully merged the power of thought with this trace of energy.Afterwards, the miraculous wish came true, that energy was completely like Aiyi's body, no, it was consciousness, and its control was smooth and indescribable.

"I'm not good at linguistics, so I can't describe it in words," was Aiyi's comment, but she immediately told the visitors at the time: "Fortunately, we still have the fantasy world."

Through the fantasy world, even if it is only a weakened virtual experience, everyone who experiences it can feel that a richer unknown world is unfolding to everyone.Relying on those few experiences, the ability of many fantasy world creators in the production of fantasy worlds has even been greatly improved.

In many cases, imagination also needs the support of reality, and in this regard, it is especially true for the fantasy world that desperately needs imagination, so in the new round of fantasy world simulations, more realistic simulated fantasy worlds will appear.

It is also under the confirmation of personal experience, imaginary world simulation, and realistic examples that the people sitting here, who are the absolute high-ranking members of the friend clan, feel so speechless to the empty illusion that there are three theoretical Lv7 mind controllers in the shadow.If this sentence hadn't been uttered in vain, the result would have been conceivable for another person—no one would believe it.

However, what is said at this time is illusory, usually...

"I have objections!" (Foreword retracted (--))
A voice suddenly came out of the originally quiet venue, and the people who were not awake for a while couldn't hear the owner of the words, but it was not difficult to find the voice and identify the position.

Looking for the prestige, the first thing the elders of the friend clan, men and women, saw was Ai Yi who was at a loss.

Most of the people showed a clear look. After all, no matter how to say this, the conjecture of Lv7 was first raised by the other party, and at that time they also felt the emptiness through the fantasy world, and did not raise any doubts, but now suddenly three Lv7 , What do people think? (Marry, it’s not like you took off your mask (=.=))
Closer to home, when everyone was sure that the spokesperson was Aiyi, Xiao Lingyun, the 'culprit' beside her, found out that she was being ignored, and jumped onto the table with a puffy face.

(Image! Image!) Kong Huan covered his forehead depressedly.

Xiao Lingyun, with a pair of rabbit ears, has been in contact with the Internet rabbit family recently, intending to further control the white rabbit, gray rabbit, long-eared rabbit, rainbow cat and blue rabbit (cough cough, this is an auditory hallucination)... Big rabbit All members of the family, and let out a bold statement: We will lead the entire rabbit family as the consciousness of the Internet rabbit master, and become the vanguard against the Zerg.

But Kong Huan often thinks in his heart: How can the rabbit deal with the Zerg?Is it possible to learn from the rabbits in Australia and come to eat up the plants in the Zerg-controlled area with strong reproductive power and without natural enemies, so that the bugs can take over a desert world?
But the problem is, he doesn't think the Zerg will be like the Australians, who will eat rabbits faster than others because of the small number of people.

Of course, Xiao Lingyun's spirit is commendable, and no one will object to this, but most of the people silently believe that when the rabbit front is in crisis, everyone will work hard to provide protection for Xiao Lingyun.

From this point of view, he belongs to the oldest qualifications like Chu Xia, Chu Jie and others, but until now he has a loli appearance and a little aura with a loli heart, and has become a mascot-like existence in everyone's mind

"So, what's your opinion, Xiao Lingyun?"

"The family is not small!"

Probably touched the Nilin that appeared at an unknown time, Xiao Lingyun actually kicked the teacup on the table towards Konghuan with a flying leg, and then saw that the other party did not resist with mental force, and directly touched the teacup with his forehead, and then used' You're smart." He stared at Kong Huan with his eyes.

"..." Kong Huan held his forehead and was speechless.

After doing all this, the little rabbit Loli said in the childish voice that has remained unchanged for thousands of years: "We don't really have a big opinion. There is a big difference between mind control and energy control. How do you know that? The three are mental control Lv7, not the peak of Lv6?"

"Good question!"

Regardless of whether it is right or wrong, Kong Huan first praised almost subconsciously, and then looked at Xiao Lingyun with approving eyes and said: "In fact, I did not discover these three people until after Aiyi's energy control Lv7 theory was put forward. Lv7. Of course, it has now been confirmed that they were speculated to be the strongest Lv6 before, but they are actually Lv7."

Xiao Lingyun raised her head proudly, and then finally realized that she was an elder, but her actions standing on the podium were extremely indecent. She shook her rabbit ears and jumped down like a real rabbit.Afterwards, sitting on the seat, she rolled her red eyes, took the 'covering up' attitude of the people around her as 'didn't notice', and laughed cutely again.

"Lv7's problem, I'm as unclear as Aiyi here." Kong Huan also began to cheat and play tricks: "Everyone just needs to know that the comprehensive strength displayed by Lv7 spirit control level soul god level souls is actually not inferior to energy Transforming Youshen. So now, most of the members in the Shadow are aiming at Lv7 mind control, and I am afraid that there will not be too many Energized Youshens appearing in the short term. Maybe I can arrange..."

At this moment, Kong Huan's expression changed and he stopped talking.

Then, he closed his eyes for a while, ignoring the attention of his surroundings, and turned his head to look at Dark Blood.

While Kong Huan was making strange movements, everyone focused on him. At this moment, they turned to Dark Blood immediately. After finding that the other party also closed their eyes to rest, they all showed strange expressions.

Kong Huan smiled, nodded 'secretly', and did not show any discomfort.But at this time, other people's thoughts are a bit strange.

Are these two guys passing notes?
Sure enough, there is a woman doing love!

Void Fantasy and Dark Blood deserved to be one person.

Don't look at me, I don't know what these two guys are doing.

With a slight smile, after An Xue opened his eyes, Kong Huan nodded to her, and then looked at everyone: "Just now there was a small problem with the Black Bone Clan, so now, let's talk about the access problem of the Shadow Network?"

"Shadow Network?"

Although a lot of people want to complain that 'there is a small problem with the Black Bone Clan', how could Elder Kong Huan be involved, but just now we talked about the Friends Network, and now there is a shadow network, Bai Nong, who is half of Bai Min's spokesperson aroused great interest.

"Everyone, don't be impatient," Kong Huan and Dark Blood were in unison—he despised Bai Nong in his heart, and then Kong Huan explained: "Actually, just now, a Youshen in the shadow system Reported some situations to me. And because it is related to the Black Bone Race, Dark Blood also received it."

Everyone suddenly realized.

"I thought it was something..."

"Don't take it lightly, explaining is covering up!"

"What happened to the Black Bone Race?"

"Unreal, you and Dark Blood have no future."

"Look at me! I said I don't know what these two guys think!"


Perhaps it was because the atmosphere had eased a bit at this time, and a group of elders who were familiar with each other and had no conflicts seemed to be noisy.

In the end, I still can't worry about the spores, and our red scorpion is back again, huh.

Need all kinds of votes and support as fuel to say =w=
Status adjustment...

(End of this chapter)

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