Spore Story

Chapter 660 Final Preparations

Chapter 660 Final Preparations
Thank you Mango Heroes and Yeyue Black Wing for your support~\(≧▽≦)/~
The Shadow Network is similar to the Friends Network, and also originated from the original mental power communication network, but after the appearance of the magnetic field network, the previous version of the Friends Network, the two have begun to diverge.

The reason for this difference lies in the difference of the users.

The shadow network, it is facing the dead souls in the shadow system who have no energy core but have reached the soul level, so it requires professionalism, and there is no need to reduce the quality for popularization; but the friends network is aimed at the overall friends. family, so the popularity is extremely required, and the quality can only be compromised by the quantity.

In a way, the Shadow Network is completely a network system used by high-end people, which is independent of the Friends Network.

By simplifying the content of spiritual power communication, compiling special spiritual power language, and expanding the divergence distance of the spiritual power of the unit, the level of spiritual power communication in the shadow network is better than the best team communication group technology under normal circumstances (which is also a spiritual power communication method). It is also several times higher.

In the shadow system of the soul level (and above) of all members, the longest one-to-one communication distance of this network can even reach 20 kilometers.

What does it mean?

Imagine, as long as there is a member of the same shadow system within 20 kilometers, and the other party can connect to the network, then another shadow can also connect himself to the shadow network through the networking partner within 20 kilometers.

In short, the longest distance between the shadow network networkers can reach 20 kilometers, which is still for the same spiritual strength of the soul level, and does not consider the situation of using Youshen and Yinshen as transit points.

In the same period, whether it is the magnetic field network or the expected Pengzu network, if there is no transfer station, the longest distance between them is less than 10 kilometers.

Now the number of all members of the shadow system has reached nearly ten thousand.The distribution seems to be vast but very regular, which makes the coverage of the entire shadow network no smaller than that of the existing communication network supported by various transfer stations.

"Then, everyone, be prepared, maybe it will be a little different." After everyone knew the general situation of the network, Kong Huan reminded that they would start to connect everyone to the network.

The spirit immediately tensed up. Although most of them looked calm, everyone still couldn't hide their curiosity about the unknown.

1 秒

2 秒

3 秒

"Okay." Kong Huan smiled mischievously.

Nothing was felt.


"Is that all right?"

"Nothing happened?"

"How is this going?"

"You're kidding me!" Dark Blood seemed to be about to go berserk.

"Calm down!" Kong Huan said with cold sweat on his face, "It's nothing at all, why are you so nervous?"

"The predecessor of the Pengzu network is the magnetic field network, and the predecessor of the shadow network is the basic spiritual network. Connecting to the network is similar to the usual spiritual communication." Kong Huan began to explain to everyone who felt that he had been played by him.

"Doesn't that mean that in this network, people with strong mental strength can have a greater influence on the network?" Chu Xia pointed out the key point.

"It was originally," Kong Huan spread his hands, and said nonchalantly: "Everyone here is at the advanced level, peak level, or even the level of Yin God, so once you join the shadow system, you will become the highest-end existence. And this kind of mental power is strong or weak. Level suppression is exactly what we need to control the shadow system."

Everyone pondered for a while and nodded in agreement.

"Actually, it's not bad for everyone to regard the Shadow Network as an expanded mental power communication network," Kong Huan said with a smile: "Remember this feeling now, and you can enter the network by yourself at any time in the future."

And when everyone started to sink into the Internet, remembering the 'feeling' that Kong Huan said, he himself nodded to Dark Blood, got up and walked to the side of the conference room.

Although it seemed relaxed, Kong Huan knew that the report he had received before was not that simple.

"What do you think of the situation just now?" Asking the dark blood who is in charge of the Black Bone Clan, the friends or those who inherit the illusory personality will not get too much personal feelings in the business, which is a good thing for the friends .

"Since even Liao Yu feels oppressed, but confirms that the other party has not reached the level of the Yin God, then, it may be the same as the scorching consciousness of the war scythe, or the split consciousness of Chu Dian. The unique true god," Dark Blood replied.

For the specific consciousness, the friends don't know much about it.So far, the experiments on it have only focused on the research on individuals of this type who have undergone major mutations and exhibited relatively obvious consciousness mutations under special circumstances such as Zhansi, Chudian and a small number of pupation and death. , the whole family has several 10 people, but this kind of mutant individuals can be counted with a single slap (slaps of hands, not tentacles).

In fact, most researchers believe that this is a variation produced under unnatural circumstances, because there are very few natural creatures in observations that produce consciousness variations, and most of them can verify some unnatural circumstances.

Kong Huan nodded to express his understanding, and then asked: "Since Liao Yu thinks that you are the mastermind behind the evil god and his religion, what are you going to do with it?"

"Keep it."


"Otherwise, what else can we do?" Dark Blood spread his hands, with a helpless expression on his face: "Many of this religion has the organizational model of the Church of the Goddess of the Soul, but the boss behind the other side is different from the Goddess of the Soul. Hostility, I also want to solve it all at once."

"However, even Liao Yu is surprised by the strength shown by the other party, and there may not be the real target there. There are not many clues now, so we can't help being careless."

"But this time..."

Void was hesitant to speak, but was quickly stopped by Dark Blood: "I know what you mean, but two months is too tight, and it is very troublesome to clean up such a religion. If it is too hasty, it will be later Leaving too many sequelae, the loss outweighs the gain.”


"So, keep suppressing in the name of 'devil believers'."

Waving again to stop Kong Hua's intention to speak, Dark Blood curled his lips and said with a smile: "Instead of letting this scourge last for thousands of years, it's better to continue to monitor without the other party knowing, or even use the already known information network of the other party to send Send some false information to mislead the enemy."

"Then, we can get the full situation of the opponent step by step, and finally wipe out the opponent without any remnants. As for their impact on the subsequent double-month defense battle, we need the help of the shadow system."

"It's very simple, not to mention that you can also control this system now. In terms of understanding of shadows, you actually have no less grasp than me, right?"

The two smiled at each other.

"It's just." Looking up into the distance, Kong Huan shook his head again: "I always feel that I'm being entangled by a small black-bone religion, and I don't feel very comfortable."

"Comfortable? There is nothing comfortable in this world." With a sneer, Dark Blood muttered to himself: "Not to mention the Black Bone Race, I don't think it is small."

Because of distraction, Kong Huan failed to hear these words clearly, but when he wanted to ask, Dark Blood had already walked towards the conference room.

Then there is the non-stop busy day and night.

On the sixth day after the meeting, the Clan of Friends began to use the Supreme Council as the center of power to implement the general command model, and then released the "Outline for the Development of the Clan of Friends (Under the Situation of the Two-month War of Defense)".This outline is a general framework, which stipulates the main tasks and objectives of each department, and then each department completes it based on the actual situation.

At the same time that various organizations of the Friendship Group were busy with this large-scale adjustment of power, the "Short-Term Development Plan" for the development of the Friendship Group in the next two months was released by the General Directorate after it was completed.

As a result, military-related factories in various places began to operate at full capacity for the first time since the founding of the clan: every day people rested in the factory, and the workers worked in three shifts, just to speed up the production speed of various related products and the improvement of fortifications. Speed ​​of construction, speed of planning...

Electromagnetic cannon

kinetic rifle
small floating fortress
A new generation of hail-class rapid-fire guns

All kinds of weapons production, various defense constructions, various research plans... piles, one by one, and one by one, gradually appeared in the area controlled by the friends.

In just over a month, all kinds of war-related preparations have become the most important direction of life and work of the friends, and the development direction of the social subjects of the friends.

However, the time is still too short.

Because of the short time, it is basically impossible to build a new weapon field, and the load of the existing weapon production lines has reached the maximum.

In order to ensure that the military capabilities of each race can be used reasonably, the Military Academy has formed three mixed army units at the same time, and plans to deploy and modify the original first-generation airships as troop carriers to meet the rapid deployment of troops.

These three troops will be organized in a targeted manner based on the experience gained from two previous battles with the Zerg and countless simulations in the fantasy world, and will become the corresponding main force against the three Zerg bases in the sky.

"But, are we doing enough?"

"not enough."

When the time entered and it was estimated that the Zerg was about to arrive, 8051 was also recalled by Void as a final insurance.On the other hand, under the suggestion of 8051, Shuangyue stayed in the will of the planet, monitored the surface biosphere of Shuangyue at any time, and made preparations for the migration of fauna.

At this moment, standing above the clouds at an altitude of 8051 meters, Kong Huan and [-] focused their sights on the floating battleships flying like giant whales playing in the ocean.The sharp electromagnetic muzzle above looked stern and oppressive, but the expressions of both of them seemed dissatisfied.

But so what?In more than two months, everyone has been busy and turned upside down, and the results have far exceeded everyone's expectations.

"I don't know enough. Six battleships, 27 assault ships, and thirty troop carriers have been completed. The three full-armies have a total of 9 people. The illusion creators of several training troops are even more exhausted. It is a miracle to be able to reach this level. But for these three Zerg bases, we have no way of predicting where they will land..."

"So what if it's estimated?" 8051 shook his head.

"If they land on the ocean, that's fine. Relying on the epic creature density in the ocean, I'm still sure to solve the Zerg base this time; For half a day to a day before waking up, rely on the existing troops to solve them..."

Kong Huan nodded, this confidence, both 8051 and him.

"But..." This transitional word is probably the most helpless.

8051 and Kong Huan looked at the distant horizon at the same time. What they thought was actually a question: What if the Zerg landed on other continents?
The models of the entire planet of Shuangyuexing are placed in the Pengzu museum and database, but most of them are the credit of 8051 and Shuangyue. The place where the friends really set foot is now the Central Plains, the far west where there are no friends. Continent, and the Westland Continent, which is isolated from the main ethnic group of the Peng nationality.

But Shuangyue is very big, and the three continents that Pengzu set foot on are only about half of the land of Shuangyue, and even if it is this half, no one dares to say that Pengzu has traveled all over, let alone occupying 60% of Shuangyue. % more area of ​​the ocean.

The other half of the land has no friends. According to 8051 and their observations, they don't even have basic civilized races.If the Zerg landed on those continents, it would take more than ten days for the friends to attack at the speed of the floating fleet.

More than ten days, enough for the Zerg to wake up, eat up most of the land, drink a cup of tea and slowly wait for the friends to come to the door.

What's more, the friends of the friends are too small, and they dare not mobilize the main force assembled on the floating island in the three directions of the friends before confirming the landing direction of the Zerg.

As for the land animals activated by 8051, perhaps the epic creatures among them can have some effect, but the number of epic creatures on land is too small. The level of the above and below the giant elephant, but the number... is incomparable.

At the same time, according to calculations, the strength of epic creatures on land is between the small scouting base when the Zerg landed for the first time, or the collective strength of giant elephants in single digits.

However, in the meteorite base where the Zergs landed for the second time, the Zergs dug up no less than 20 corpses of giant elephants. Will the Zergs only prepare for this in the new round of landing?

As a result, everyone can only pray that the landing locations of the three bases of the Zerg can be "accurately identified" and that their follow-up troops can come more slowly.


"Putting hope on the enemy, it feels really fucking uncomfortable."

"Who will let these invaders take the initiative?" 8051 is also uncomfortable. If the double moon star is occupied by Zerg that does not belong to the double moon biosphere, she and the planetary consciousness derived from the planetary biosphere, who are separated from the system, will probably end up with only one person. die.

What's more, after such a long time, Kong Huan and his friends have already become an inseparable part of her.

Caressing the hair on the back of his head, 8051 raised his head and looked at the clean starry sky. In a place that cannot be observed by conventional vision, there are three invisible kilometer-level objects, with the purpose of 'dragging the double moon star into the abyss'. Step by step approaching.

Suddenly, 8051 seemed to recall something, but it didn't seem to.

But after a while, her mood calmed down.

Withdrawing his gaze, pulling Kong Huan's sleeve a little, 8051 put his hand on the other's shoulder, and spoke softly: "Actually, this is also an opportunity, isn't it?"


"Yeah," but with a soft smile, it seemed as if the whole world was lit up. 8051 flipped his empty head, making the two foreheads touch each other, and bursts of fragrance came out from the small mouths that opened and closed: "Crisis, danger never comes." They are all accompanied by opportunities, in fact, looking at them from another direction, we can at least resist these bugs, so there is hope, isn’t it?”

"That's what I said..."

"Small reminder," 8051, who seemed to be in a better mood for some unknown reason, stretched out his index finger to press Kong Huan's mouth: "Don't forget how we developed our small cells into the strongest friends in Shuangyue?"

"How?" After being stunned for a moment, Kong Huan gradually changed from initial doubts to calmness, and suddenly spit out a word: "Plunder."

But then, he shook his head again: "This is indeed a road, editable space and civilization control center..."

"That was made too, wasn't it?"

"Um, yes." With a slight smile, Kong Huan stretched out his hands and took 8051 into his arms, but his heart was not calm: "The bug may also be a boss that can gain experience and even loot."

"Ha ha."

There was a slight sound of metal friction, and the floating observatory surrounded by battleships not far away slowly turned the huge astronomical telescope, pointing to a certain place in the sky.

(End of this chapter)

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