Spore Story

Chapter 661 Arrival

Chapter 661 Arrival
Thank you Dandan Huahua for the monthly ticket, and the reward from the soul guide, quack=w=
There are 16 months in a year in the bimonthly friends' calendar, and the New Year's Day on January 1 every year happens to be the beginning of spring.However, it was already July 1th, which was midsummer, so it should have nothing to do with the New Year.

However, since the global climate change started decades ago, the overall temperature of Double Moon Star has shown a downward trend year by year.So now, even though it has not yet reached the point where the whole world is snow-white, even in this midsummer season, I still can't feel much heat. Instead, there is a sense of winter and spring coming in the new year, which can be called weird.

Of course, for the floating island observation station located at an altitude of tens of thousands of meters, no matter whether it is midsummer or cold winter, no matter whether it is now or in the past, there is no need to expect a trace of warmth.

But in a twist, the front refers only to the outside of the observatory, not the interior.You must know that there is something called technology in this world, which allows creatures to acquire abilities beyond nature.

In the observation station at an altitude of [-] meters, the designers of Pengzu considerately installed simple and practical radiators for the people living in it, and replaced the fireplace exuding the smell of firewood.

With the help of a series of continuous heating systems such as wind turbines, electric circuits, water boilers, and radiators, even the Lingyuan technician sitting in the observatory at the highest point of the observatory, at this moment, only wears Put on a thin padded jacket and settle the matter.

Of course, if you insist on going out to try it, then please do it yourself.

With a bored face propped up on his chin, Lingyuan, who is on duty at the observatory, is now scanning the many instruments and meters in front of him with his eyes from time to time, checking the scenery in the astronomical telescope every 10 minutes, and finally rotating various instruments. Buttons to control the operation of the observatory to ensure instant locking of the target.

Everything has become subconscious behavior, this is the habit of sitting here for a few months.

Now, it is midnight.

At this moment, except for those who are bored enough to listen to horror stories, most of them have fallen asleep. As the astronomical system hailed by the elders as the "front line of the double moon", these low-level observations who call themselves "the front line of the astronomical system" are on duty. As for the staff, Lingyuan thinks that he is probably the only few of the friends, the real front-line fighters of Shuangyuexing.

It's just that his weapon is the telescope in front of him that is several times larger than himself, not those light individual weapons, or huge armored vehicles, battleships, or even fortresses.

It's nothing to be proud of, though.What's more, no matter how strong a fighter is, after a few months of boring and repetitive work of looking at the camera, adjusting direction, counting data, and reporting the situation, his heart will probably only be numb.

It has been more than two months.

Looking away from the target that was no longer fresh in the lens, Lingyuan took out the record form at hand.

"Record, marked as the third star, close to the low-earth orbit, with normal speed and normal activities. Everything moves according to the original orbit, no abnormalities, haha~~"

Although he has been doing night shifts for more than two months, he still can't turn back his biological clock, so that Lingyuan, who started to feel sleepy after the 18th recording at midnight tonight, can only flip through the files beside him boredly, The intention is to refresh myself a bit.

But looking at the timetable that can almost be memorized above, and almost none of the precautions, he didn't feel a little awake, but wanted to sleep even more.

"According to the plan, it will arrive in seven days. This speed is really fast. Father and the others should be stable."

No matter how strong the individual friends of the friends are, it is impossible for the old and weak among them to be sent to the battlefield by the current general headquarters. In the worst case, it can be transferred, and at the same time, it can also provide peace of mind for existing friends.

Lingyuan's family, like many members of the general position, completed the relocation early, and now he can sit here firmly.

Shaking his head and putting the document on the table, he reached out to wipe away the tears overflowing from the corner of his eyes due to sleepiness, Lingyuan turned around and picked up a cup of drink with a strange smell, hesitated for a while, and finally put a pile of sugar and tea mud into it, and after stirring vigorously , raised his head and drank it dry.

That movement was as tragic as going to the execution ground.

In the past two months, the Pengzu has been operating at a high load, and there are not a few people who stay up late. In order to allow those who need it to resist the invasion of drowsiness in a short period of time, the Pharmaceutical Bureau spent more than ten days to come up with this one called 'Rejuvenation' stuff.

Leaving aside the effect, in the eyes of many friends who "enjoy" this thing, the taste alone is enough to make people sober, but this thing is still used in limited quantities due to production issues.

Lingyuan was only able to obtain a daily supply of one cup because of the title of "Frontline".As for the moon spirit technicians and Dunjia civil engineers in those strata, don't even think about it.

Regardless of the fact that most of the friends are commanders or technicians, they don't seem to do specific work, but they are actually the busiest group among the members of the various ethnic groups led by the friends.

Workers can work in shifts, and soldiers can rest, but technicians need to keep an eye on the products produced by the shifted factories, and commanders must always think about development plans, coping strategies, and strategic deployments...

Of course, Lingyuan is not the commander, he is just one of the technicians on the front line, but the number of technicians like them is very small, and things are usually rare and expensive, and they live a good life, but now this kind of 'raising soldiers' When the army is used for a thousand days, it is enough for them.

No, he has been on duty in this position for more than two months. Even if there are shifts during the day, he is still exhausted.

"Ouch, it's really terrible. The people in the pharmaceutical factory should really let them drink a cup every day, you bastards!" According to occupations, only a very small number of people in the pharmaceutical factory can enjoy the drink they produce, and many of them are very fond of it. People who are harmful to this kind of drink even suspect that it is because of the resentment of these guys that it is so bad to drink. XD
Having said that, the effect of the medicine is indeed good, at least Lingyuan has no intention of sleeping at this time (as for the slight stomach cramps, please ignore it).

Putting the cup aside with a complicated face, he got up and walked towards the window. The scenery outside the window was a sky world that would never be seen on the ground, empty, dark, but full of stars.

Lingyuan, whose face is slightly rounded under the moonlight, is only in his thirties, born in a family of friends for 13 years.

For their generation, the two turmoils that had the greatest impact on the friends, the 'Friends' War' and the 'Twelve Cities Rebellion', were just old people's nagging and recorded histories in books.In their eyes, the Pengzu is powerful and peaceful.

Perhaps a few years ago, he would still pursue wars, conflicts, and excitement because of his youthful vigor, but he, who failed to pupate and entered the palace of astronomy with all his heart, has long since lost those distracting thoughts.

All the passions are gathered in today's career and dreams.

Now Lingyuan's biggest wish is: to sit in this observatory, look at the beautiful, empty, but mysterious and vast universe every day, imagine the scene of stepping on it one day in his mind, and then step by step into the original space. The centenary mark of human beings (although the theoretical life expectancy of the original human beings is high, most of them cannot pass the centenary age).

As for energyization, soul level, etc., I occasionally thought about it, but it was just a fleeting and insignificant memory in Lingyuan's mind now.

However, while the appearance of the Zerg made him feel troubled, it also ignited a little passion.

(Is it really a good thing to be able to see alien creatures in your lifetime?) Recently, Lingyuan often asked himself this way, (Of course, it would be better to visit after defeating the opponent. )
The corner of his mouth curled up into a smile. What he was thinking was not as comprehensive and complicated as that of the higher-ups. For a person like Lingyuan, there was only one task: keep an eye on the telescope and guard the front line.

That's it.

And until now, he still remembers the reaction in his heart when he saw the huge Zerg brood (Evil Moon) from the astronomical telescope for the first time, mixed with emotions of shock, fear, and worry. , but it also contains the thoughts of inquiry, appreciation and longing. Perhaps that is why the Director of the Observatory patted himself on the shoulder and said "do it well".

It's ridiculous that I was still so excited at the beginning, but now that I think about it carefully, it is said that the director who was said to be at the advanced soul level at that time must have peeked at my thoughts.

Fortunately, this wretched old man is a man.


The slightly dull crashing sound brought Lingyuan, who was distracted, back to reality, looking for the reputation, the sound came from a ceramic cup that fell on the ground but was unexpectedly not broken, and before that, a strong wind had already been caught by him. Perceived by sensitive skin.


The ceramic cup that fell from a height of one meter was not broken. I don’t know if I was careless and didn’t close it tightly, but the window glass that was blown away by the wind shattered to the ground without shame.


what is this?
After being stunned for a moment, Lingyuan sped up a few steps and rushed over, closing the window again with a dejected expression on his face. After looking around, he found a wooden board necessary for a high-altitude residence to seal the window gap, and then carefully removed the broken glass on the ground. Throw the pieces into the trash can one by one.

This is all right, half a day's salary wasted.

This is not good at high altitude, the wind is strong, and the artificial floating island observation station where the observatory is located, because it does not have the balance of the naturally formed territory of the floating island, it cannot provide friends for the floating island. Due to the windproof ability of the principle, most of the artificial floating islands lack external vegetation, and most of the buildings are streamlined and semi-buried.

People can only move around on the island. If one accidentally stands on the surface of the island, the original person will even be blown to the ground by the strong wind, and the wingman... don't explain, let alone such a glass window that is not closed tightly at this time.

But after picking up the last shard of glass from the ground, out of the corner of his eye, he saw Lingyuan on the clock on the wall, but he was shocked.

ten ten seconds past zero
"Damn it, the time for the 19th observation is about to pass! Hiss!"

The so-called misfortunes never come singly, if one is not careful, the apparently thick and tough friend's skin is actually scratched by small glass shards, but at this time, he doesn't care about these Lingyuan, just casually throwing the shards with a trace of light blue blood Throwing it in the direction of the trash can, he jumped onto the observer chair of the astronomical telescope non-stop, and his right eye reached the lens.

After a brief fine-tuning, his movements suddenly became abnormal.Even the attention-grabbing details, such as the blood from the wound on the index finger staining the knob, did not attract the attention of Lingyuan who usually valued these things. At this time, he was just adjusting the angle of the telescope a little frantically.

Because—the target is gone.


still none!

Why not?
The astronomical telescope that has been tracking the enemy has been operating according to its inherent trajectory for two months. During this period, there has never been a situation where 'the target cannot be found in the lens at all'.But now, due to urgency and even violating the regulations, the Lingyuan of the observation range was slightly increased, but it still failed to find the conspicuous target with a diameter of 5 kilometers within the observation radius of nearly [-] kilometers.

"Impossible! How could it not be, but it was 10 seconds slower than the planned time!"

Adjusting the camera again, Lingyuan's heart gradually sank as time went by.

However, after sitting in this seat for nearly three years and working in this system for nearly ten years, he finally calmed down.Return the telescope to its original position, and then readjust the telescope according to the estimated movement of the target in the previous file.

The other party's destination should not change. When there are still a few days away from the double moon star, the target should not change its direction, so the most likely thing is that there has been an acceleration during this time.

Therefore, follow the route to find it, and it should be rewarding.

What Lingyuan didn't know was that at the same time, the staff on duty in 7 floating island observatories like his here and 21 mountain observatories in Pengzu were also doing similar things to him.

And soon, this situation was sent to the headquarters of the Astronomical Bureau step by step by people from all over the country who were already nervous.


At the observation point [-] kilometers away from the disappearing point of the target at the beginning, Lingyuan's right eye looked through the lens of the telescope and finally found the target that he had been watching for more than a month. His first reaction was to breathe a sigh of relief. Found it; but then, it was shock and panic.

Damn, location!
He adjusted his posture almost immediately after reacting, Lingyuan quickly found various instruments on the telescope, read out the data on it, roughly calculated in his mind, and rushed down to the observatory in a panic.He contacted the headquarters of the Astronomical Bureau with the help of the communication equipment specially prepared in the room for those with low energy and mental strength.

Soon, after the news gathered from various places was confirmed by the headquarters of the Astronomical Bureau, it was immediately delivered to the old office of the chief commander of the Peng clan who was in charge of this side through the existing communication network access personnel of the headquarters through a dedicated line.

The moonlight is still swaying in the world, the echo of the footsteps in the corridor of the general headquarters has not disappeared, but the nervous reports of those who ran through the corridor before can be heard in the general commander's office.

"Today at around [-]:[-] midnight, the three monitored Zerg attack bases accelerated one after another. Three of them were located in the sky over the Central Plains continent in the northern hemisphere, the Far West continent in the northern hemisphere, and the floating observatory in the sky above the territory of the Black Bone Race on the equator, and the southern one. The peak observatory on Bauhinia Mountain successfully tracked the opponent's acceleration. And the rest of the observatories also reconfirmed the target within half an hour..."

"Stop talking nonsense, tell the conclusion!"

The unexpected situation at such a tense moment made Lingxue, who was already busy with the deployment of things in various places, even more devastated, so that she didn't have the patience to continue listening to these processes, and rudely interrupted the report of her subordinates.

"Yes," the elder attendant who reported was also very clever. Although he was a little stunned by Elder Lingxue's reaction, he quickly pulled out the conclusions from his memory and re-said the key points: "According to the latest observations, three stars (friends from the family) The name of the three meteorite bases of the Zerg race) will touch the atmosphere of Double Moon Star at [-] o'clock in the morning at the latest..."


Lingxue sat up suddenly from the chair, dropped the documents all over the floor without paying attention, and stared at the elder attendant in front of him, the greatest patriarch in the history of the friend clan and the current commander of the general headquarters rarely lost his composure : "What did you say! Is it really this morning, not seven days from noon?"

According to the initial estimate of the movement speed of the three Zerg stars, the Astronomical Bureau came to an accurate conclusion that 'the other party will contact the atmosphere of the Double Moon Star at noon seven days later'.

Although Pengzu has reserved a certain amount of buffer time for possible emergencies when planning the specific steps of various places, but with the rapid changes brought about by the comprehensive development of various institutions, it has appeared in front of everyone. Everyone in the clan hoped that the bugs would come more slowly.

Even if it is a day or a day slower!
In one day, the Pengzu can produce at least one more full-staffed combat cliff, can manufacture at least ten more 255mm electromagnetic guns, can complete at least 3% of a batch of assault ships, and can...

But the ridiculous thing is that instead of being late, these enemies accelerated eagerly.

Soon, Lingxue realized that now was not the time to be surprised.

"Immediately report this news to the elders according to the scheduled procedures, and at the same time ask the other party to hold a meeting!"


Looking down at the slightly messy desktop, she pulled out the documents with her hands and touches, and finally pulled out a blank special order paper, and then quickly signed her name on it. Lingxue handed the order to Another elder attendant, who was still by his side, said in a serious tone: "Immediately submit this order to the General Staff of the Military Academy. The troops will enter the second-level combat readiness state from now on, and the personnel and equipment will immediately enter the boarding process!"

"Yes!" The elder attendant in military uniform stood up and saluted, then turned around and flew into the sky.

After doing all this, Lingxue took a moment to breathe, but looking at the star-studded sky through the dome ceiling, there was no relaxation between her brows.

After a long time, a sigh broke the peace of the office.

Sensing the arrival of several elders, she got up and adjusted her simple clothes, sorted out the documents around her, and then walked to the meeting room not far away.

Being cut off from the energy supply and falling into the dark office, only Lingxue left an unusually calm exclamation before leaving the office.

"It's time to come, and it finally came."

(End of this chapter)

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