Spore Story

Chapter 662 Combat Readiness

Chapter 662 Combat Readiness
"Can you confirm the time this time?"

Kong Huan hurried into the meeting room, pulled 8051 and sat beside Lingxue.After glancing at the meeting room of the Elder's House where not all the staff had arrived, he leaned close to Lingxue's ear and whispered about the overall situation, and the first sentence was related to time.

This is also something that can’t be helped. Whoever made the previous predictions of the speed of the Zerg have gone wrong, and the deviation value is the largest even reaching a hundred years, which makes the whole Friends feel embarrassed.

There was no further answer to this, but after nodding in affirmation, Lingxue, who was also looking at the meeting room, waved to the technician beside him: "70% of the people have reached the meeting, and the meeting can begin."

"There are still people..."

"We only have six hours, and every second may make a decision that affects the entire Double Moon Star. No matter what the reason is for the rest of the people, there is no need to wait now. Let's start listening when they arrive!"

Faced with Lingxue's stern expression, most of the people looked at Konghuan and 8051 who had no objection with searching eyes, and then stabilized their expressions and began to listen to the news from the Astronomical Bureau's report.As for the people who have not yet arrived, there are only a few who have arrived here one after another.

While the elders of the general headquarters were urgently discussing the countermeasures, in the outer space of Double Moon Star, three huge meteorite-like Zerg bases also converged on the backlight of Double Moon Star at this time. The closest distance is no more than ten kilometers.

In fact, according to the size of Samsung, as long as there is no control on its landing speed, just falling into the ground like this can destroy the entire Double Moon Star World in an instant.But the purpose of the worms is obviously a complete ecological star, not a mineral star returning to the lifeless period.

Therefore, whether it is out of efficiency considerations or out of self-confidence, the bug's decision is obviously beneficial to the double moon star, at least giving the double moon race a chance to resist.

At this time, with almost no visible signs of movement, Samsung's speed began to slowly decrease.

All of this has been observed by the Pengzu Ring Equatorial Astronomical System, which closely monitors Samsung, and is summarized to the upper level under the records and reports of these frontline observers.

At this moment, even though he knew that many people were repeating the same actions as himself, Lingyuan still wrote down these observations with his scarred right hand, and reported to the upper management through the communication system, because this was his duty.

After finishing all this, he rarely prayed a few words to Chu Jie, the god of life whom he worshiped.Even if it was just psychological comfort, after making this kind of action, his heart was still much more relaxed.

But most of the time, Lingyuan feels that if he also has the strength of the goddess of life, then he doesn't need to do these things.Of course, now he only needs to concentrate on moving forward in his current career.

"Colleagues in the combat unit, you must work hard!"

After saying this sentence, instead of following the previous 10-minute observation frequency, taking advantage of this interval to rest, Lingyuan dragged his slightly tired body and continued to put his right eye into the observation hole of the telescope after reporting the situation.At this moment, the enemy has entered the final stage of aggression. Even without notification, they spontaneously monitored the enemy's movements in real time.

The target reflected on the optical instrument - the third meteorite base of the Zerg, many small objects flying on the surface began to turn from chaos, and gradually divided into two teams; , There were also Zerg creations with no less than three digits, and they approached the three meteorite bases as if they were attracted by the three stars.

In this way, in front of the entire Shuangyuexing astronomical observation system, the enemy joined up with their troops left in Shuangyuexing's low-earth orbit, while the friends could only look at the sky and sigh.

"When will we be able to fly to the universe?" Lingyuan murmured to this helpless scene.

"When will we be able to attack outer space?" In the meeting room, many elders also have such thoughts, because if they can attack the universe, they have always been friends who defend against enemies outside the country, so they don't have to be so passive .

However, the reality is cruel.

Sitting not far away, Aiyi, who became the chief engineer of friends' weapons after the establishment of the general headquarters, replied flatly when he heard the complaints from the elders: "It's not impossible to attack the universe."

The passion of the crowd suddenly ignited.

"However, it will take at least two years."

"Two years! By then all the furballs will go home to farm."

Faced with complaints, Aiyi remains indifferent.The development speed of Pengzu technology is indeed super fast, but it is extremely rough when it comes to certain subtle areas. It was nothing at first, but as the technology gets deeper and deeper, these subtle spots keep popping up, becoming more and more obvious barriers. The small pit where it is difficult to advance technology is not big, but it is very annoying.

A long time ago, the Pengzu had the idea of ​​weapons to attack outer space, and the most recognized one was the enlarged version of the electromagnetic gun. Unfortunately, until now, even though the empty illusion has solved the biggest material problem, it has failed in the subtle assembly. There are still many troubles: circuit short circuit, energy conflict, projectile volume, target aiming and so on.

In addition, Kong Huan once proposed a thing called 'rocket', making it even more troublesome. Safety and balance have become the biggest problems in making rockets. 2000 meters, no one can fly high by himself.

Shaking his head to bring himself back to his senses, Aiyi didn't care about the complaining elders.In fact, after the recent development, almost everyone in the senior members of the Pengzu has a deep understanding of the importance of time.Therefore, at such a tense moment, any kind of time-wasting behavior is shameful, so the complaints didn't last long before these elders consciously turned back to the topic.

While the general headquarters was still discussing and arranging the response plan, the troops from all over the country had already followed the orders issued by Lingxue to the general staff, and then the general staff, and then began to bring their own weapons and board the ship.

Throughout the land of Friends, the roar of alarms and the sound of metal friction can be heard everywhere.

【warn!Level [-] combat readiness, boarding procedure starts...]

"Hurry up! Hurry up! He didn't eat!"

Teams of soldiers were kicked out of the bed that had just slept for two or three hours. Even though the training in the real world and the fantasy world had many emergency response tasks, many people were inevitably a little angry at this time.Although it is unlikely to explode, it is not good to be bored in the heart, so the insects who are enemies have died N+1 times in the fantasy of the soldiers before the war started.

"Die, die, die! I will kill a bug every time I see it in the future, shit!"

One foot squashed an innocent Xiaoqiang passing by with soy sauce. After entering the barracks, Chi Yu became more irritable. At this time, he became a glorious soldier just like his original identity in the simulation of Xinpeng Island Fantasy World. Soldier.

Perhaps born with a lack of talent in command, but proficient in military skills, so unlike his good friend Liu Yuan, who has become a lieutenant and adjutant of the captain of a capital ship at this time, Chi Yu was not long after being recruited for training. He became a sergeant of a certain armored unit in the first combat group, and is expected to become a sergeant major of the Ya level in the near future.After all, this is not a fantasy world, so in terms of the level of the army in the near future, the two are actually about the same.

"Boss, what's the point of stepping on small bugs? Only a bunch of big bugs in the sky can work together!"

"Oh, I didn't expect you to have this hobby?" Chi Yu burst out with a strange expression.

The surrounding soldiers were silent for a moment, and then burst into roaring laughter, even drowning out the piercing sirens that echoed from time to time.As for the soldier who was the target of ridicule, his face had turned purple at this time. Of course, a joke is not enough to cause negative emotions.

"What are you laughing at? Hurry up! If you miss your flight, just stay at home and find the little spider to play with!"

"..." Most of the solemn atmosphere dissipated immediately.

The neatly dressed armored assault captain Ya Chang appeared behind Chi Yu at some point, kicked Chi Yu's thigh with his face blushing.After taking out his small pistol from the weapon rack and pinning it on his waist, Yazhang took the lead in wearing the simple but ineffective protective armor specially designed for the sixth-generation armored soldiers, and walked towards the door with clicking steps. go.

Hurriedly putting his AZ02 assault rifle on his shoulder, Chi Yu also led a group of armored soldiers to rush out.

The gate of the barracks blocks the world inside and outside. The inside is a soldier's house made up of weapon racks and beds, while the outside is a bloody camp made up of armored vehicles and soldiers.

I raised my eyes and looked at the BL-01 Tyrannosaurus assault tanks parked there steadily in the distance. The assault guns covered with electrodes and ammunition with a maximum caliber of 75mm were under the light of the lights that dispelled the moonlight. , Exuding a cold breath, this is the main battle weapon owned by them who belong to a certain armored unit of the third combat group to assault the cliff.

Seeing these combat tools, the surrounding soldiers immediately let out a laugh, and ran towards their chariots with their weapons on their backs, but Chi Yu bypassed the group of chariots where the soldiers from the same battalion were, and walked quickly. Running to the front, a BL-03 Tyrannosaurus artillery tank.

Although he likes to fight on the front line, he is a friend by nature, which is different from most of the moon spirits among the soldiers.In the current mixed force, he is about to become a sergeant major because of his skills, and his status is not lower than that of Yachang. Perhaps because of position protection, or because of position arrangements, he was placed in a safer position.

Now among the three main battle groups of the Friends clan, the frontline soldiers are basically Moon Spirits, and most of these friends are armored troops, warship troops, ultra-long-range heavy artillery troops, and fortress troops. The lowest surviving member of the elite unit is the rank of non-commissioned officer (this is one of the reasons why Chi Yu became a sergeant in just a few months).

Because in terms of design, the designers of the Friends clan designed these heavy weapons specifically for the energy characteristics of the Friends, so the command layer can use 'weapon adaptability' to explain this division behavior, so as to avoid the dissatisfaction of the Moon Spirit soldiers.But this kind of behavior still makes many friends soldiers like Chi Yu feel awkward, not to mention that at this time, he is also assigned to the artillery unit that feels that he is in the rear most of the time.

"Why, the war is just about to start, what's the rush?" Captain Ya Chang patted Chi Yu, who was sitting on the commander's seat of the artillery tank with a dissatisfied face, fiddling with the pistol in his hand, looking leisurely.

"What's the use of your broken gun, it can't even shoot through a puppy's head?" Looking at his AZ02 stuck in the weapon slot, Chi Yu expressed his disdain for the officer's 'mini' weapon.

"Who said this weapon is for use?" The officer, who has long been accustomed to this, did not laugh as usual this time, but rarely explained, but the first rhetorical question made Chi Yu confused Water and weapons are not used for what?
"We are armored soldiers," the captain smiled and shook his head: "What is an armored soldier? They always want to play seven in and seven out among the enemy group. Even the current artillery type is not really a self-propelled gun hiding behind. , On the contrary, it is the main force in the attack.”

After a pause, he carefully put the pistol back on his waist, and the captain, who gradually felt a little blood in his heart, grabbed the command communicator beside him, issued the order of "the whole army's target, the floating island military airport", and then said earnestly : "Attacking the enemy's strong fortifications, for us, it is a matter of taking the head of the general among thousands of troops. Whether it is a pistol or an assault rifle, what we really rely on is actually only this chariot."

He patted the steel parts next to him heavily, and the steel emitting cold light trembled as if responding to the captain, and the car began to follow the large army onto the road leading to the airport, or in other words, the battlefield.

Glancing at Chi Yu's assault rifle like this, the captain's eyes also flashed a trace of disdain: "In my opinion, as an armored soldier, you should use these tanks wholeheartedly instead of thinking about any additional individual weapons? Because The chariot is our weapon!"

"Uh, this is a decision from above, and it has nothing to do with me."

Shaking his head dejectedly, although he really wanted to refute that when the armored vehicle is unable to fight, you can still rely on individual weapons to kill the enemy, but looking at the stubborn face of the captain, Chi Yu has no interest in explaining.God knows if this hot-blooded captain will infect himself. As the sergeant major in the near future, he feels that he needs to calm down even more.

The slender convoy was galloping on the road to the military airport, while the enemies far above the sky were also making their own pre-war preparations.

At three o'clock in the morning, at the three meteorite bases of the Zerg in astronomical observations in various places, the active objects that have been surrounding their surface began to disappear: some of them merged with many friends. Before they were born, they had already appeared on the Zerg satellite orbiting the double moon Some of them flew into these meteorite bases in full view, and then ushered in the closure of the outer shell of the meteorite base.

At around four o'clock in the morning, the Zerg three stars gathered in the outer orbit of the double moon star began to disperse and further reduced their speed.

The enemy's movements were quickly sent to the conference room of the general headquarters amidst the footsteps of the correspondent.

After knocking on the door, the correspondent who was brought into the conference room put the actions of the Zerg and the inference drawn by the military staff of the Astronomical Bureau that the Zerg began to enter the final preparations for landing, and put them on the table of the elders.

Tapping the table lightly, the crisp thud reverberated in the meeting room where there was only the rustling of pages turning, and it was clearly audible.The moment the thud stopped, everyone turned their heads to look at the source of the sound—the commander-in-chief Lingxue.

"How is the boarding procedure for the three clusters going?"

"The latest news is that 70% of the boarding process has been completed. Infantry, warships, and long-range heavy artillery have flexible transfers, or are close to the airport, or fixed armed forces have completed boarding and pre-war preparations. Armored, logistics, etc. are relatively slow. Distant and cumbersome troops are boarding the ship. If there are no accidents, it is expected to be completed within an hour."

Long Yue, the military chief of the general headquarters, kept in touch with the Military Academy at all times. When Lingxue inquired, she found out the latest records and reported them.After completing this, she frowned slightly, and reminded: "The enemy has taken the initiative, and we can only maintain the action of being able to rush to the front line at any time, but this state cannot last for too long, and it will be exhausted. Know."

"Of course." After nodding, Lingxue didn't pay any attention to this side, but looked at Kong Huan.

"Shadow and Shuangyue biosphere have made corresponding preparations. As long as the Zerg enters the airspace within 8051 meters of Shuangyue, Kong Zero ([-]) and Shuangyue can accurately predict its landing point, and the nearest shadow will also strive to obtain First-hand information."


The friends can't predict where the Zerg will land, and the main force has not reached the level of strength for global defense. Now they can only rely on the network of shadows and the rich biological races of the Double Moon Star to make up for the lack of report.Although the height of 10 meters is not very high, at least it can squeeze out a few minutes of reaction time for friends.

According to the friends' conclusions from several Zerg attacks by Baiyue, Blueyue, and Shuangyuexing, the opponent's meteorite base must fall to the ground and get a minimum half-day reaction time before a real threat erupts.Before this, the threat level of these meteorite bases is no different from that of ordinary meteorites. Even because the landing speed is controlled, the impact force will be much weaker.

During this period of time when the Zerg meteorite base is in the mechanical awakening period, its strength is the weakest, and it will also be the best chance for the double moon star race to counterattack.

"Where will you land?" Lingxue looked up at the sky.

The time has passed 06:30, the order that should be issued has been issued, and the preparations that can be made have been completed. The elders in the conference room looked at the transparent dome almost at the same time...

On the astronomical observatory, gradually turning his sight away from the telescope that he had held on for more than two months, Lingyuan walked down the steps slowly, rubbing his hands, and then covered the slightly cold window with his palms, looking at the starry sky calmly...

At the same time, he overhauled the armored vehicle on the cliff again. Chi Yu, whose face was covered with lubricating oil, followed the sight of many soldiers who had calmed down, and looked at the sky outside through the porthole...

On the land of double moons, countless creatures are looking up at the sky at this moment...

There, three meteor-like fireballs were spreading out, heading towards the ground step by step.

At this moment, the expression of the dark blood in the meeting room suddenly changed. After getting up suddenly, he hurriedly left a sentence "I have something to do! Contact me later", and disappeared in the meeting room in an instant, leaving only the people who looked at each other and turned their heads to look at the stage. In the world, everyone regards it as an illusion of the chief intelligence officer.

At this time, he usually looked sluggish, but his face was gloomy, and he was very unhappy clutching the table.It wasn't until 8051 beside him pressed his hand on the back of Kong Huan's hand that he let out a heavy breath, and when he met everyone's eyes, he returned to his usual appearance.

"It's okay, it's just a forgotten bug that jumped out."

(End of this chapter)

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