Spore Story

Chapter 663 Lurking

Chapter 663 Lurking
Everyone didn't care about the small bugs, because there were three huge meteorite bases in the sky at this time, full of a bunch of big bugs waiting to be shot, but the illusory face still made the atmosphere inside the headquarters heavy.

But at this time, one of the parties ran away, the other was silent, and the chief officer, Elder Lingxue, announced that the meeting was over and everyone was going to do their own business. When the enemy had already penetrated the atmosphere, no one dared to delay the time for curiosity, let alone everyone's attention to the empty space. The elder still retains the confidence he should have.

After a while, only Lingxue, Konghuan and 8051 were left in the conference room.

Not long after, the three also disappeared into the meeting room, appearing where they were supposed to appear.What they said in the conference room is irrelevant, so let's look away and go back in time to before the bug burst into the atmosphere.

The quiet mountains and forests have always been a good place for field battles. Whether it is assassination, lurking, or sneak attack, it seems that it is easy to carry out in the mountains and forests, but for animals, this is just an ordinary living home. It is full of death and birth here, all of which are just ordinary laws of nature.

Of course, this rule does not necessarily apply to a leopard cat lying on a tree branch, lazily hanging its front legs and tail and yawning.

He is the shadow of the Friends, not an ordinary creature of nature.

Since he came out of the world of undead ten years ago, he has selectively forgotten the past. Of course, it is largely because he was extremely boring when he was alive, and there are not many things worth remembering... At least he himself That's how it's explained.

And now, he is already a member of the upper-level Youshen class in the shadow system, if he wants, he can even become a senior member of the friend clan, the current commander-in-chief elder.But for these, he chose to ignore them for the time being, because the ten years of life in the shadows had already given him the inertia of life, and it was not so easy to change the direction.

As an elite force of the shadow, Liao Yu's shadow work is mainly to monitor, guard, or assassinate those powerful personnel. High-level transfiguration, all kinds of latent knowledge, camouflage and imitation... can't be counted in detail.

If the shadow technology mastered by Liao Yu is compiled into a book, a thick "Shadow Technology Training Course" can probably be compiled, and it is the kind of comprehensive training book from elementary school to graduation. To monitor the target, the shadow master had to cheer up 400%.

Because the other party seems to be stronger than him.

Liao Yu, who transformed into a leopard cat, did not bring the little leopard cat pet that was used to sell cute (cover up) this time. In fact, he did not take the other party with him recently, but left it in the cave to watch the house.The hut in front of him put a lot of pressure on him. Even though the real threat only appeared for a moment during the sacrifice, that feeling has remained in Liao Yu's heart until now.

Powerful, creepy and mysterious enemies.

What is their purpose?Is it really to overthrow the rule of the Goddess of Mind and liberate the 'enslaved' Black Bones?
At least Liao Yu didn't believe it, but he had already received an order not to startle the enemy until he knew the situation. Therefore, a generation of shadow masters stayed here for two full months.

During this long period of time, he has transformed into a leopard cat, a hell butterfly, a poisonous snake... He has even turned into plants and even stones many times to avoid being discovered by the other party.But except for the first appearance of the other party, he has been in a latent state since then, and there is no way to say how patient he is.

Sometimes, Liao Yu even suspects that this is just a certain temple of the other party, and that powerful existence has already teleported away from here, so it is hard to say where to eat and drink at this time.

But this kind of speculation cannot be used as evidence, not to mention that he didn't feel the breath of the temple at all here. It is too easy for Liao Yu of the Youshen level to detect the sacred feeling emanating from the field of the temple. Not here.

On the contrary, the Goddess of Mind considered the strength gap between him and the enemy, and in the sacred scepter that supported Liao Yu, the temple aura emanating from it was much clearer, so that in order to avoid being killed by this scepter, To expose himself, he can only keep this big killer in the small cave where he is hiding.

Today, though, seems a little different.

I can't say why, it's just a feeling that I have cultivated as a shadow for a long time.

In the middle of the night, he received a communication from the Shadow Network, saying that the worm was coming; not long ago, he received another communication, saying that the three meteorite bases of the worm had reached the orbit of the double moon star and converged; but those were high-level And what the frontline soldiers need to consider, as a lurker, the only thing he needs to consider at this time is the immediate target and the current task.

But soon, he realized that today was indeed... very different.

In the secret camp that has been silent for several months ahead, those black-skeleton targets have also begun to make big moves, coincidence?Or is there any connection?Liao Yu looked up at the sky, but couldn't find any available information for the time being.

(What I am most afraid of is not how big the action is, but the fear that you will not move.)
Liao Yu, who had transformed into a leopard cat, became excited when these black-skeleton men lost their usual sense of secrecy and started cutting down trees and clearing land at four or five o'clock in the morning.

(Meow, I finally got some action.)
He quickly reported the situation to his superiors, and then, like an ordinary frightened leopard cat, he checked the enemies occupying the territory-circling around the gradually expanding camp.

In the eyes of the black bone man, this is just an ordinary ocelot staring, nothing unusual.

In normal times, the black-boned people would never make such actions that are likely to expose themselves, so when they suddenly received the order, most of them were in confusion at this time, making them venture to use their mental power to check a certain peripheral black-boned man The human Liao Yu still failed to get any usable information.

(What is your purpose? Hold your breath.)
At around 05:30, under the watchful eyes of Liao Yu, who turned into a stone, a six-meter-high wooden platform was made.

The open space and high platform made it impossible to hide the entire secret camp. Even though it is located in a mountainous area, Liao Yu quickly calculated based on his usual observation records: even if he did not take any action and did not notify the higher-ups before, at least 70% of the camp was covered. With a high probability, it will be discovered by hunters or wanderers within three days, which will cause it to be 'forced' to turn to the bright side.

And according to the enthusiasm for "fighting demon believers" under the advocacy of the Black Bone Race's Inner Soul Goddess Church, this camp with a high level of secrecy (before today) in Liao Yu's view can only last for about five days at most. It was solved by the black bone clan's suppression force.

Then why, the other party still made such a big move?
Combining all kinds of information for analysis, because of time constraints, he couldn't come to a useful conclusion for a while, so he could only continue to monitor, but he still had a thought in his heart, something seemed to have a little connection in the dark, this is As an old shadow, he has a sense of intelligence.

As for doubts, more information is needed to explain; more information, for Shadow, needs to be found by himself.

A few minutes later, seeing that the black bone man's work seemed to be coming to an end, without the other party noticing, Stone Liao Yu secretly turned into a ground worm (enlarged version of earthworm, a kind of meat breeding in the black bone tribe) animals, widely present in the wild).

When the local worms appeared at the bottom of the piled-up high platform, it actually showed Liao Yu's determination to take risks this time. If that powerful enemy appeared at this time, he would probably usher in a complete victory over the gap in strength he felt last time. die.

But sometimes, how do you get good results without taking a little risk?
Near six o'clock, the sky has begun to turn white, and the simple high platform of the Black Bone Race has finally been completed. Liao Yu, who has been observing all this from beginning to end, has nothing but doubts in his heart.

What are you using such a crude thing for?
Sacrifice?not like;
Sentence?No prisoners;

Have a bonfire?is it possible?

Is it simply because the other party wants to go from the dark to the bright, or this high platform actually hides a mysterious and unknown function, or it is just a collective brain twitch of these black bones who have gone the wrong way.

He really wanted to choose the last item, but how could it be possible that the current cult has persisted under the full suppression of the Church of the Goddess of Soul and the Black Bone Race?

However, soon, he realized that he didn't need to continue to think about it, because the moment the high platform was completed, all the black-skeleton men looked up at the sky and made kneeling gestures.Looking over subconsciously, three long trails shocked Liao Yu's heart, a silk thread that looked a little far-fetched, and finally connected his surveillance target with Shuangyuexing's greatest enemy.

"Insects! Clan!"

In an instant, he covered his mouth, and broke out in a cold sweat because he was actually making a sound here.

Fortunately, most of the black-boned men looked at the sky frantically, and although the black-boned men were very quiet, the animals disturbed by them did not consciously make any noise, which prevented the exposure of the ground crawler Liao Yu hiding under the high platform.But it was not suitable to stay here for a long time, he still sneaked into the ground and moved slowly outside.

Just a few minutes later, something even more worrying happened.

The high platform is still the same high platform, and the black bone men are still those black bone men, but at some point, a strange ball of meat appeared on the empty high platform. No one noticed how it appeared, and even kept monitoring there. Liao Yu was also at a loss.

With the appearance of the meat ball, the oppressive feeling that Liao Yu had never forgotten a few months ago came again.Liao Yu's body froze in the mud, and Liao Yu, who was still under the ground less than half a meter from the open space opened by the black bone man in the early morning, stopped hurriedly, trembling as if sensing the animals in the surrounding land look.

However, the other party still found him. After all, even if he tried his best to cover up, he could only compress the spiritual power of the initial stage of the soul level. Putting it on an earthworm that should not exceed the ghost level, it would be too conspicuous. It's as weird as a caterpillar sitting on your boss's desk, reviewing papers under the watchful eye of a secretary.

The meat ball didn't move, but the black-skeleton men surrounded him with crude bone blades as if they had received an order.

The choice is always confusing: go, he hasn't figured out the specific situation of the other party, a meatball can't explain things at all, "the cult boss may be a meatball" can't be convinced even Liao Yu himself; It was easy to avoid a few black-boned men, but even if the other party behaved carelessly, Liao Yu was not too sure to continue to monitor the meat ball.

The sound of digging the ground sounded, and there was obviously not enough time to make a decision. The ground worm still focused on safety, and turned around like an ordinary ground worm and rushed to the ground.No matter whether this action can hide from the meatball who is watching here, most of the other party's attention is obviously focused on the sky, and they don't pay much attention to the 'weird ground worm', which provides him with a chance.

For Liao Yu, whether to leave or stay, the option of "getting out of the other party's surveillance" should be put at the top of the list.

The process was unusually smooth. It took only 2 minutes from being discovered to losing the feeling of surveillance. Liao Yu, who reappeared from a distant mountain, had turned into a leopard cat. Only the coolness of his back showed his previous tension. atmosphere.

(Thankfully ignored.)
The negligence of the enemy is the happiest thing, but the feeling of being ignored is still a bit depressing for Liao Yu of the Youshen level, even if he only showed the early stage of the soul level before.

Under the icy night wind, on the high platform reflected in the leopard cat's pupils, the meat ball, which has no idea of ​​chasing the strange insect before, is struggling to swing its fat body with six strange eyeballs. Staring at the meteor-like Zerg base in the sky, it seemed to be longing and calling.

A sense of uneasiness gradually emerged from Liao Yu's heart.

When a group of black bone men sexily carried an object composed of metal and wires, appeared under the high platform, connected it to the high platform with objects similar to copper wires, and then put an electric core into it to start the machine, Liao Yu's uneasiness rose to an extreme.

(Mechanical creations!) This is something that is now monopolized by the friends of the Double Moon Star. It is only found in the floating islands, industrial areas, and dungeons of the friends of the friends. Looking at this one, although it is simple, it obviously has the same characteristics as the friends of the friends. different styles.

(When did the black-boned man develop the technology?) Liao Yu shook his head, focusing his gaze on the meat ball, (or, is this not the black-boned man's technology?)
At this time, the meat ball on the stage was very excited; the black-skeleton man around him was also very excited when he saw the machine in motion; In the sky, Liao Yu couldn't get excited anymore.

There, a 'shooting star' is deflecting in an extremely obvious direction. According to the calculations I have learned in physics, the deflection direction of the other party will sweep past...here!
Here, there is a mountain depression, but if you zoom in, people can find that it is located in a small plateau on the equator, the climate is less affected by glaciers, and the vegetation is rich.Facing the sea in the east, cliffs in the west and south, and a flat river in the north, the interior is hilly and easy to hide and build fortifications, which is a typical example of easy defense but difficult attack.Even the attack of the air force will be greatly limited here.

Recently, when Liao Yu was bored, he discovered a lot of mineral veins from the surrounding strata, which was also part of the information acquisition.

Sometimes he even thought that if a certain Black Bone Clan Shishen established a country here and possessed the ability to use minerals from the Peng Clan, as long as it wasn't waste materials, the Civil and Wood Kingdom near here probably wouldn't be able to be established.

Right now, if the Zerg base lands here...

Damn it!insect!
The silk thread connecting the Zerg and the black-skeleton cult in front of him has turned into a hemp rope. If you can't figure out the connection at this time, then Liao Yu has worked for so many years in the shadow for nothing.

Now that the situation was urgent, he almost subconsciously grabbed a rock with his thoughts and threw it at the meat ball that was struggling to point his body to the sky in the distance. No matter whether the opponent was guiding the Zerg base as he guessed, he had to stop it.

Afterwards, the clouds in the sky also began to gather rapidly. This was the ability of Youshen's huge mental power to change the weather under the influence of Lv6's mental control. The few Youshens in the shadows were obviously familiar with this.

The stone failed to make a contribution, and it was deflected and hit the ground under the guidance of an unknown force halfway. This was expected by Liao Yu. If the bug that brought him so much pressure was crushed to death by a stone, he would not have to worry so much .

But the weather control still failed, which made Liao Yu feel worried.The thunderstorm cloud had only accumulated a little, but it was suddenly dispelled by a huge impact force, which had never happened before in any weather control.

At this moment, he clearly felt the gap in spiritual power between himself and the other party, and before he could even fight back, Liao Yu's dead soul body flew out, and was used by mental power to wrap the body to make a leopard cat entity, which turned into powder and floated full area.

With a simple spiritual impact from the opponent, Liao Yu, who was at the level of Youshen, was completely defeated.

The meat ball still didn't move, and Liao Yu, who was lying on the ground, felt a little slack in consciousness. He tried his best to avoid another mental impact from the opponent, then turned and ran.

If you can't beat it, find a helper.

God knows when this shadow rule appeared, but Liao Yu, who used to be dismissive of it, found that if he wanted to complete the task, he must also move rescuers, and he had to be quick.

(The sacred scepter in the cave can call the goddess of the soul.) Regardless of the barrier of the mountains, Liao Yu, who was in a hurry, dragged his lax consciousness directly through the mountain and flew to his cave: (Yin god level, should be Enough to stop the damn bug?)
Amid the anxious cries of the left-behind little leopard cat, under the pavement of the black-skeleton man's body that he thought he could take advantage of but was already lying on the road outside the cave, Liao Yu struggled to move the sealed rock away with his thoughts, and took out the The sacred scepter that put together the energy core that has been reluctant to use.

Then, devout prayers rang out amidst the imminent threat.

"The Great Goddess of Mind..."

(End of this chapter)

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