Spore Story

Chapter 664 Crash

Chapter 664 Crash
When the scene in front of Dark Blood changed, from a solemn and tidy meeting room to a dark and empty cave, the first thing he saw was Liao Yu who was praying devoutly, but his consciousness was so lost that he was about to run out of fuel.

Without the other party's explanation, she felt the strange mental power erupting in the distance in the next moment.

"This is……"

"Insect... Zerg." Liao Yu's report was concise and clear. In fact, he didn't have much strength to speak, and after uttering two words, he lay down on the ground powerlessly.

Combined with the current situation, Dark Blood, who quickly understood, also did not question the weak opponent, and threw the energy core left by Liao Yu in the cave, and rushed out of the cave, leaving only a little leopard cat to accompany Liao Yu .

The meaning of the dark blood is very clear. With Liao Yu's current level of consciousness laxity, if he does not use the energy core to transform into a relatively stable ghost body, it will only dissipate in a short time.After becoming a ghost body, it is not impossible to attack Lv7's mind control. The so-called pure spirit body is a bit ridiculous in the eyes of dark blood, but it is just a matter of thinking about it. Speaking of it, she is not that boring.

At the same time, Liao Yu is already a dead soul, and if he dissipates, he can only forget his future and go to the world of the planet's will. This process is irreversible, and even 8051 and Shuangyue cannot control it.

In this regard, Liao Yu, who was still longing for the three Lv7 pure mind controllers, could only shake his head and smile bitterly, and then stretched out his hand to the energy core exuding warmth.After merging it, can I really advance to Lv7's mind control?He is not sure; but if he does not merge, he can only wait for death, which is certain.

When the continuous thunder sounded outside the cave, heralding the power of the goddess of the soul, the cave also lit up with a faint fusion light. Although dim, it was far stronger than the hot tail flames emitted by the three meteorite bases in the sky. It makes people feel friendly and full of vitality.

It's a pity that only a small leopard cat pet is enjoying this scene.

At the same time, the meteorite base that was supposedly attracted during the landing in the sky suddenly stopped its deflection after deflecting for a while. People who are celebrities feel deep doubts and worries.

But speaking of it, the existence of these three meteorite bases seems to be worrying.

The secret camp of the Black Bone Tribe cult... Over the original secret camp, after the thunderclouds dispersed, I saw the same dark blood. I lowered my head and took a deep look at the destroyed high platform. The muddy Zerg mastermind frowned.

When did this bug reach the double moon star?How did it escape the monitoring of Pengzu or 8051 and Shuangyue?How many other things have been done that are not good for Shuangyuexing?
She had no way of knowing these things from this mass of corpses.

Zerg master brain worm, this is the conclusion that Dark Blood drew at first sight after seeing this bug, because it is too different from the image in some long-term memories, as well as the control brain worm found in the previous two Zerg landings. picture.

Therefore, the moment she saw the other party, she subconsciously mobilized the strongest power. Up to now, only the thunder storm unique to the Yin God has enveloped the entire valley area around the high platform in less than ten seconds.According to the previous research conclusion of the friends: there is at least one army-level bug force around a mastermind bug.

But at this time, the thunderstorm was over. Judging from the scene of the disaster, the accuracy of this conclusion was not very high, which made Dark Blood's face look unattractive.

The relatively high-efficiency thunder storm turned the entire valley forest area, tens of thousands of hectares of land, into a thunderstorm scene within 3 minutes.The residual current is still flowing on the surface of many black-boned men, animals, plants, and even rocks that give off lava color. As for the bug that made Liao Yu run away with a single mental shock, it didn't even respond. It became what it is now.

From the beginning to the end, this poor dragon man couldn't take a look at Dark Blood. It wasn't until the end of the attack that Dark Blood reacted to this, and at the same time showed annoyance. There is no good thing, but it is useless to say anything now.

After a moment of silence, Dark Blood opened his eyes that had just been closed, and nodded more clearly: "Even 8051 and Shuangyue's planetary will world haven't received the souls of this thing, it seems that they are indeed not from Shuangyue."

This further confirmed her confirmation of the mastermind's identity. Of course, let's put aside the complaints during the interrogation.

"Forget it, anyway, if you see a bug, kill it, at worst, find another bug to chat with next time." Since it can't be undone, after making such a comment unscrupulously, the dark blood that covered the entire area with mental power once again looked at the sky , the meteorite base, which seemed to be guided by the worm mastermind here, suddenly discovered that after the opponent paused for a few seconds, the turning action started again, and the turning direction did not change.

"How is this possible! Could it be that the guide is not this bug!" Now that the bug's identity has been confirmed, the previous guide is [-]% sure that it is the other party, but since the bug is dead, why is the meteorite base still being guided?
Turning his head to look at a scorched valley land, there is no life or even vegetation in it. A moment ago, the dark blood was still worried about whether this scene would cause dissatisfaction with the will of the planet, but now he is looking for places that have not been attacked.There is no way, the current situation is too much beyond her estimation, if the meteorite base just falls down like this...

A trace of panic flashed in the dark blood's eyes, and the goddess of the soul who quickly calmed down diffused her mental power to the extreme. She scanned the entire area with a radius of 10 kilometers in [-] seconds, but failed to find a single abnormal point.

At this time, accompanied by a glimmer of light and shade, a weak voice came from behind Dark Blood.

"Under the high platform, machinery."


The next moment, the Zerg mastermind on the high platform accidentally blocked the Thunderstorm's machine, and was directly smashed into powder by the dark blood's high-powered Thunderbolt.This time, although the meteorite base in the sky did not move instantly, it only continued to deflect a small arc, and after making a seemingly fine-tuning movement, it chose to stop the deflection.

At this time, the height of the nearest meteorite base from the surface is less than 50 kilometers.

"Okay?" Looking back at Liao Yu, whose energy on the surface of his body was still a little unstable, flickering like a light bulb with unstable voltage, the dark blood warned the surrounding situation while monitoring the meteorite base in the sky. While checking the mechanical wreckage that was about to turn into powder with mental power, he was still asking about Liao Yu's body.

This action can only be done by strong people like them who are multi-tasking.

"Thank you goddess for your concern, it will be stable in a few days."

"That's good, tell me what's going on... By the way, have you reported it to the higher authorities?"

"It has been reported. At the same time, the general headquarters asks you to continue to stay and control the Black Bones to avoid similar disturbances. After all, civil disturbances cannot be tolerated now." After the announcement of the general headquarters, Liao Yu began to tell the story after dark blood confirmed previous situation.

But at this time, Anxue suddenly asked without thinking: "Where is Elder Chu Xia who is in charge of the Shadow Clan?"

Why do you ask?Why only ask Elder Chu Xia, but not Elder Mu Wen who is in charge of the Spiritual Race?Why ask me and not directly to the headquarters?Liao Yu didn't know, and he was just an upper-level member of the shadow system, so it was impossible for him to get orders that had nothing to do with him.But according to the current situation, it should still be possible to make some logical inferences.

The most important thing is: the question of the goddess must be answered, right?

"I haven't been notified about this, but in order to stabilize other races, I think I will return as well."

After thinking about it, I can figure out that Dark Blood doesn't seem to be bothered to pursue it too much. After she nodded, she listened to Liao Yu's report and contacted the Spirit Goddess Church of the Black Bone Tribe. .

Of course, 99% is coke, dirt and gravel.

Time: [-]:[-] am

Location: top of a mountain
Sitting on the ground, he looked at the huge fleet floating in the sky. His illusory vision crossed the fleet and projected on the three meteorite bases that were gradually moving away. He couldn't see any expression.

The next moment, 8051 next to him suddenly sat up, shaking dizzily, but no one appreciated it.

"Confirmed location: number 03, the landing location is within 15 degrees north latitude of the eastern coast of the Far West Continent, and the landing time is 21:[-]..."

At the same time, 8051 and Shuangyue jointly calculated the conclusions, which were notified to the general headquarters of the friends, the three major cluster combat headquarters, and the shadow network through the existing Pengzu network and the shadow network of Instant Unicom.

Immediately afterwards, not far from Konghuan and 8051, the floating fleet of the first combat group, one of the three major groups on Xinpeng Island, also slowly lifted into the air. At the same time, light blue light flowed, and turned the direction of the ship's bow while rising.

All spaceships are facing the target: No. 03 Zerg meteorite base landing point.

But just when the battleship was about to speed up, his brows were furrowed, obviously contacting Shuangyue, and 8051, who was calculating the landing places of other enemies at the same time, hurriedly stretched out his right hand to hold Kong Huan, and shouted: "The army wait!"

The warships of the three battle groups that were about to speed up and leave braked one after another. It didn't look like anything on the outside, but the soldiers inside who were ready to speed up caused a lot of confusion.

Kong Huan turned his head to look at 8051 in doubt, but what he got was a slightly terrified exclamation from the other party: "Number 04! Seven nineteen, the landing place is formerly Youguang Province, the specific location...G06 Industrial Zone!"


"I rely on!"


G06 Industrial Zone, a quiet and peaceful place.

It was established in the 40th year of the Pengzu calendar. Although it is only 5 years old, it has established a complete infrastructure and more excellent industrial and research facilities because it is a place that is fully developed like other industrial zones.Up to now, it has 1799 registered friends, 1505 Dunjia people, 71 Ying people, and 5761 Yueling people.

Different from the busyness and noise of G01 steel industry, different from the danger and strictness of G03 chemical industry, and different from the advanced and precise electronic technology of G04, this place is full of vitality and peace, because the main development direction of G06 is biotechnology .

At the beginning of its establishment, 60% of the entire industrial area was cut down, but then under the planning, various simulated ecological environments were built, making the current G06 look more like an eco-museum.

At the same time, the entire G06 industrial area has the largest energy research institution, the largest biological research institution, the largest herbal medicine preparation field, the second largest animal husbandry research department of the Pengzu... and the largest Zerg research institution of the Pengzu .

90% of the regular creatures here are non-civilized races, such as unicorns, net rabbits, hell butterflies, fur balls, arctic dragons, etc., they live here, accepting food and environmental supplies from the friends, and at the same time providing for the various creatures of the friends Technology provides experimental support.Because the attitude towards animals is better controlled, even the will of the planet does not have much ill feeling towards them.

In the early morning, there was the sound of gentle breathing in a cheerfully decorated bedroom.

The calendar on the wall marked the date of July 7th, but this page was obviously torn by the owner but not torn off, showing the absent-mindedness of the person who was doing the action at that time.

On the scrap of July 7 calendar paper blown by the breeze, the scrap of paper fluttered gently by being less than half a centimeter connected to the calendar, showing the covered page of July 6 from time to time.

Beside the bed, messy formal suits and silk clothes, embellished with underwear, stockings, shoes and socks, and red envelopes, paved a path from the door to the soft bed, revealing the impatient mood of the owner last night .

On the bed, as an ordinary biotechnology researcher, the newlywed Lian Yue was just woken up by the shrill siren, but he couldn't wake up. He just slowly opened his confused eyes. 'It's too deep.

Turning over, he looked at the charming sleeping face of his new wife with a happy face, gently stretched his head over, and kissed her wet lips.

After being attacked by a good morning kiss, the wife also opened her eyes suddenly. There was a flash of confusion and panic before she realized that it was her newly married husband, but then she realized the situation at this time, and she just tapped her forehead slightly annoyed. The husband's chin, and then his whole body retracted into the quilt.

"Tired, don't do it, it's early in the morning."


Lian Yue was obviously taken aback by his wife's grunt, and then he smiled.But soon, he regained consciousness through this, and suddenly jumped up from the bed, ignoring his wife's screams, and carefully pulled her up, with a look of impatience and worry.

"Get up! Alarm!"


As the technicians of G06, recently faced with the threat of Zerg, the husband and wife who sometimes go to the unit to receive targeted drills against insects, quickly reacted to the current situation.Although it is impossible to distinguish whether it is a drill or a real situation, no matter what the facts are, it will not change because the two have just got married.

Putting on their clothes quickly, the two of them rushed out of the house without carrying anything, with more complaints on their faces: "Can't you give us some tender time?"

However, when they saw the panicked crowd outside and the dimly lit ground, which was already seven o'clock, at least there should be light, the couple realized that things were not that simple.


"Look at the sky!"

The exclamation of the surrounding crowd turned the attention of the couple to the sky, and in an instant, most of them had cold hands and feet.

In the usually pure blue sky, a black spot was mixed with flames and kept growing. Although the two of them had never seen a meteorite impact, they knew that this thing was definitely not to be messed with.The surrounding crowd and animals had already started to flee in all directions at this time, Lian Yue, who reacted after a few seconds, pulled his wife who was still flustered to join the ranks of fleeing.

"That is?"

"Zerg Meteorite!"

"Why is it so fast, and it just hit us!"

"Just run, there's so much nonsense!"


The noise of the crowd could not stop the falling of the meteorite. Although they became Yiren, with the powerful computing power of the Yiren, the couple came to the conclusion one after another: because they are far away from the periphery, their speed may not be able to catch up with the falling meteorite. Out of the area of ​​direct impact.

Flapping their wings vigorously, looking back at the growing shadow from time to time, the faces of both of them showed a look of despair like the crowd around them.

Maybe a few hundred meters, maybe a few thousand meters, this distance, which can usually be resolved in a dozen seconds, is now like a moat in front of the desperately fleeing crowd.


Feeling the uncontrollable trembling of his wife's tightly clenched little hands, and turning his eyes away from the meteorite which was already the size of a football field, Lian Yue, who had to lower his height because of the huge impact around him, felt a flash in his heart. After a bit of bitterness.

Why?Obviously just got this kind of life, must say goodbye to it?

The next moment, there was an impulse in his heart, and this impulse was transformed into a real action in an instant, which was his wife's painful cry from near to far.

"Don't be afraid, it's just going to the world of dead souls to report."

I don't know if the gentle words reached the ears of the wife who was thrown out, and there was no time to say goodbye. The girl who was flying at an altitude of tens of meters could only feel the direct distance between herself and her husband, which was rapidly widening uncontrollably.The hope of life keeps increasing, but the heart gradually sinks as the figure in the distance keeps getting smaller.

Whether it is waving your arms or shaking your wings, you can't get closer. The distance of hundreds of meters that was desperate a second ago has been crossed in this second, but there is no satisfaction in your heart anymore, only deeper despair.

In the blurred vision, the young husband maintained his throwing action, facing the giant meteorite that kept pressing down in the sky, obviously the ground and the surrounding crowd were left with only despair and bitterness, but a satisfied smile appeared on his face .

In this gray world, that smile was clear and profound, and it remained in the heart of the young wife forever without a trace of fading.

The next moment, a violent impact came. Amidst the constant tumbling and crashing, the young wife smashed into a jungle with tears, and finally hit an unknown large animal, falling into a brief darkness.

(End of this chapter)

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