Spore Story

Chapter 665 G06

Chapter 665 G06

"Go down."


Silence, unbearable silence.

Those who received the news, whether it was the high-level officials like Kong Huan and Lingxue, or the soldiers such as Chi Yu and Liu Yuan who were rushing to their destinations below, all fell into a deathly silence.No one thought that the bugs could be so accurate, and it was still under the condition of not being guided.

The advantage of occupying a higher space is undoubtedly revealed at this moment. It makes the previous massive preparations of the entire friend clan into a fragile sand city in an instant.

G06 was basically destroyed, and the nearest observatory sent out the news immediately: No. 04 meteorite base hit the industrial area head-on, although it only directly touched the small piece in the northeast area of ​​the industrial area, and the meteorite base was Zerg The landing tool is not a weapon, but there is a decelerated meteorite base, and the shock wave generated when it hits the ground still destroys more than half of the G06 industrial zone covering an area of ​​tens of thousands of hectares.

How much is left, no one knows.Even at this time, some people are thankful that the G06 biotechnology industrial zone with a relatively small population was attacked, and they would not foolishly point out that mourning is the main body now.


Most people, at this time, stayed silently in their own small places, adjusting their inner fear, sadness, and anger.

This impact was too sudden, and not many people could run away in just ten minutes, and because most of the members of the friends were still at the ghost level below the soul level, the dead souls produced by death were extremely weak when they lacked the soul level. Under the situation of above-mentioned rescuer, can not get timely rescue at all. 8051 had already received reports of the return of a large number of ghosts of friends from Shuangyue at the same time as the collision occurred.

Exactly how many completely dead friends will appear, everyone has not yet determined the exact number, and they are afraid of getting this accurate number.Even in the will space of the planet, the number of casualties is still slowly increasing at this time.

Obviously at the beginning, they hoped that the bugs would land closer, so that everyone could quickly attack when the opponent was weak, but at this moment, the bugs landed close enough, but no one felt lucky.

A few minutes passed, and the silence was finally broken. A cold female voice broke the silence in the communication network.

"Where's the troops?" It was Lingxue who responded.

Even though she was sitting in the commander's office, her face was covered with tears, but as the supreme commander of the general headquarters, she must be stronger than anyone else at this time, whether it is coercion or nature.

On the Internet, sitting in the command room of the Leijie Floating Fortress that was still under construction, Longyue was quiet for a while, and then answered Lingxue's question: "I will arrive in two hours at the latest, and I am contacting the remaining G06 troops at the same time. , now only know that there are still a small number of garrison troops there."

"Well, I believe they know what to do and can succeed," Lingxue blinked heavily, and Lingxue looked at Void, who was sitting across from the office and took a deep breath.

"Leave the rescue work to us, Shadow and the local left-behind personnel. 8051 is contacting Shuangyue to mobilize creatures below the black hand level on the land, so that these existences that may increase the enemy's strength are out of the range of the three-star fall, and they can escape as far as possible. At the same time Shuangyue is also mobilizing epic creatures and black hand creatures to prepare for a tentative attack on Samsung."


In fact, when the top level of the friends mobilized the troops, the battle had already begun.

Located outside the industrial area of ​​G06, several scattered teams are constantly gathering.An energy body leads these gathered survivors, some of them are wearing researchers' clothes, some are wearing messy military uniforms, and some are even wearing pajamas, but without exception, they all look at the surviving personnel from time to time with hatred. The meteorite that has not yet revealed its full body from the smoke and dust.

At first, most of the families of the members of the industrial zone lived on the floating island, but later, out of some humanitarian considerations, most of the workers in the industrial zone moved their families to the permanent industrial zone.But no one expected that this would become a measure that made them even more painful. Under the impact of the meteorite, some of them lost their wives, some lost their husbands, and some lost their parents and children...

Who is wrong?Bugs, everyone knows this.

But now, this gradually expanding team of survivors is guarding the meteorite base and waiting for reinforcements, while helping colleagues who have lived here for five years.

"Captain! Found a winged woman, still alive!"

"Health status?" Yuanren in military uniform shook hands with AZ01 eliminated from the main cluster, looked nervously at the meteorite base that appeared and disappeared in the distance, and turned his head to look worriedly at the report.

"Fortunately, although there are many wounds on the body, it seems that he has not been directly attacked, and fortunately, a camel dragon was used as a meat pad to relieve the impact. It is enough to rub some medicine on the skin trauma, but he is still in a coma. , and I don't know if there will be any psychological problems, it seems that he is just a young researcher."

"It's fine if you can live. If there is no major problem, put it in place and mark it, and let the medical team behind take care of it."

"Ah? Oh, yes, Captain!"

After a brief wound treatment and body adjustment, the surrounding objects were used to make an eye-catching sign. Before the medical team from the rear arrived, the Moon Spirit soldiers got up and caught up with the leaving team.

They are the defense force of G06. They are stationed on the city wall from morning to night. Even the barracks are embedded in the long city wall. They only leave the city wall to wander inside the industrial area during normal rest periods.

When the disaster came, it happened to be the time for the morning assembly meeting, and they responded quickly.Relying on the strong fortifications, the most important reason is that the impact speed of the meteorite was not high when it fell, and the direct impact distance of the meteorite was nearly ten kilometers away from the section of the city wall where he was, so he survived.

But after personally experiencing the impact that was more realistic than the imaginary world simulation, they still had lingering fears. Afterwards, the G1500 garrison with a total of 06 in total survived the impact. To 700 people, and most of them were injured.

This time I accepted the order of the G06 'temporary' commander (the original commander was unfortunately crushed by the collapsed city wall) to investigate the situation around the meteorite. In fact, Yang Yi, the team leader of the former enemy investigation team, was reluctant at first .

That was a meteorite base, and in the imaginary world simulation, it was not something that a ten-man team of their second-line garrison could handle.But the problem is that there are too few soldiers that the energy body commander can contact.And the most speechless thing is that among the countless plans for the Zerg, there is strangely no countermeasure for 'the meteorite base directly smashes into the industrial area', which makes the staff who have spent sleepless nights and made countless plans extremely frustrated (sorry still alive).

Now, that commander can only command in front of the battle, and reconnaissance, as an important means of obtaining first-hand information on the front line, is also indispensable at this time, but even the Moon Spirit soldiers, at this time, want to give more in number. Can't give.

As a result, Yang Yi had to take a team of three friends and six Moon Spirit soldiers along the way, approaching the meteorite base carefully step by step, and continuously report everything he found.

Originally, I was thinking of meeting strong people on the road and temporarily enlisting in the army, so I brought an extra AZ01 (the main force was replaced with AZ02 and various weapons, and AZ01 was piled into the arsenal of the second-line troops as a good weapon). He saw only the wounded and the dead, the dead and the wounded along the way.

As the ten-member team continued to advance, watching the tragic casualties along the way, slowly, in the hearts of Yang Yi and his teammates who were full of fear and worry, some people named "hot blood" who were ridiculed by those who claimed to be rational Things that are not impulsive gradually control their rationality.

We should do something about it!
Just a few minutes ago, these were real people!

If you don't stop it now, when the bug develops, such casualties will only appear ten times and a hundred times, and one day it will come to your own head.

People who have been at peace for a long time may shout and face casualties indifferently in normal times, but that is only because what they see is only data, and when facing all these directly, they are far more likely to have blood surge than those who are already numb.

Recalling the words of Elder Time and Space Huan when he listened to the speech in the fantasy world, Yang Yi felt that it might be most suitable to put it here.

Clenching the weapon tightly, he and the soldiers around him began to look stern, and their movements became more cautious, but they didn't have much hesitation like they did when they were marching.

"There is movement." The soldier in front raised his right hand, and the team members squatted on the ground immediately, and the ten guns were scattered and directed at the front, rear, left, right, up, and down areas.

This is already very close to the meteorite base, at most a distance of 200 meters, and after entering a distance of 300 meters, they have not found any surviving personnel. The winged woman before became the last marked wounded of the team.

As for the souls of the dead, there is no gain.

The team members quickly quieted down, and even their breathing was deliberately suppressed to an extremely low level. The entire space seemed to be only occasionally made by the sound of debris being pressed by the accumulated dust. Other than that, there was only the gray world and the rear Occasional whimpers and cries.

Cold sweat oozed from the top of the forehead, across the vigilant eyes, the shaved cheeks, and finally fell to the ground from the smooth chin, splashing a trace of dust.I looked around and another minute passed, but nothing happened.

Putting away the gun and standing up, Yang Yi's lips did not move, but the order came into the soldier's mind: "Be careful and continue on your way."

The order is notified to each soldier's mind through the team's mental power network. At the same time, what happens here will also be reported to the commander above in real time, and then the other party will decide whether to further report to the general headquarters.

Yang Yi didn't know that at this moment, many members of the general headquarters were working while understanding the team's movements. He was just leading the team closer to the goal step by step under the trend of mission and heart. .

According to the previous experience of the friends, the meteorite base should be harmless within half a day of the initial fall (now it seems that the word "initial fall" should be changed to "after the fall"), and now the meteorite base is not enough to fall to the ground Three to ten minutes, if it wasn't for the dust that hadn't dissipated around that could not make everyone feel at ease, perhaps the team's vigilance would not have reached such a high level.

(The previous movement might just be a moving piece of wood pressed by the sand.) Thinking this way, the team members walked forward slowly again.But now everyone's vigilance has risen further, and the moon spirit soldiers, who lack vision, look more relaxed in this gray battlefield. battle formation.

Looking down from the sky, the teams that were scattered but roughly maintained an elliptical formation were stepping over collapsed houses, broken wooden cars, and scattered limbs step by step, and approached the huge meteorite in front of them stepping on the soft dust.

50 meters, 35 minutes have passed since the meteorite fell, the dust is still pervasive but has dissipated a lot, the huge meteorite base is clearly visible, and even the texture of the shell that is still emitting heat can be barely seen by the team members.

The Moon Spirit soldiers who were walking in the front stepped carefully, stepping lightly on the mud-covered ground as always, and the tense surrounding atmosphere made everyone feel suffocated.


"Alert! Alert!"

"An enemy attack?"


"Quiet me!" After all, it was an emergency, and the improvised second-line investigation team, suddenly in chaos, quickly returned to calm under Yang Yi's roar.After calming everyone down, he walked up to the soldier who was screaming miserably, and looked at the soldier's clenched right foot. The rubber shoe had actually melted, exposing the severely scalded sole of the foot.

"How?" Yang Yi frowned.

"No, it's okay, it's just hot, everyone be careful on the ground!"

Following the moon spirit soldier's fingers, Yang Yi, who squatted down, ignored the other party's kind warning, waved off the surface mud and sand to reveal the scorched black ground where no danger could be seen, then took off his gloves and leaned gently on the ground.

The friend's skin is obviously several grades stronger than that of the Yuelingren in terms of various indexes, not to mention the heat resistance, after all, it is the skin that can withstand the local high temperature brought by the application of electric energy. Therefore, the Yuelingren's The scalding heat on the soles of the soldiers' feet only made Yang Yi feel a little hot and quickly stopped.

Looking up to see the nervous soldier, he smiled and put on the gauntlet, picked up local materials and used an iron rod to pick apart the scorched lump: "It's okay, it should be the shell that fell off the meteorite base, but there must be more than this one, Everyone pay attention to the ground."

Everyone heaved a sigh of relief.

He ordered a Moon Spirit soldier to apply medicine to the wounded man, and let him return to the rear medical team. After explaining some things by the way, Yang Yi, who was wearing a simplified version of the fifth-generation armor, kicked up and kicked the wounded man with iron The boots kicked the scorched black mass emitting heat away, and it slammed heavily on the shell of the meteorite base in the distance. After a crisp impact sound, the black mass bounced back to the ground.

"Keep going!"

The team continued on their way, but everyone who had learned the lesson, whether it was the soldiers of the Moon Spirit or the soldiers of the Friends, became more cautious.

But it seems that even though the worm is a cosmic civilization, it has not yet reached the height of a god. After walking around the meteorite base, the reconnaissance team did not find any signs of the enemy appearing.Therefore, when they walked back to a gate that was most likely to be an entry passage in Yang Yi's opinion, differences of opinion arose among the team.

"I think I should go in and have a look."

"No! It's okay for us to investigate the periphery with a small team, but we can only die if we go in!"

"Don't forget the teams when the Zerg landed for the second time. Most of the first-line troops equipped with energy bodies were killed or injured, and we are just a second-line team that was improvised!"

"Didn't the main force say that they will arrive in another hour? We don't need to do more now!"

Faced with many rebuttals, Yang Yi tightly held the weapon in his hand, pointing the muzzle at the gate, appearing hesitant.

He had already reported the situation to the commander before, and the answer given by the other party who was dizzy and dizzy was 'decide on his own', which was more depressing than letting them die directly.There are only a few people in this world who take the initiative to make their own decisions about everything, and most people are still used to acting according to other people's arrangements, so when it's time to make decisions for themselves, they will become confused.

Yang Yi chose to let the team members make the decision, and then it became what it is now.

(Sure enough, the army should always be an organization that obeys orders.) Shaking his head, Yang Yi sighed, put down the muzzle of the gun facing the gate and turned around: (Even if it’s not for me, the unit is thinking about these nine team members, let’s leave. Can't risk it.)
But why, I always feel in my heart that I shouldn't just leave like this?
The next moment, when Yang Yi turned his back to the gate and was about to issue a retreat order under the watchful eyes of the soldiers, the ruins of G10, which had dissipated most of the dust, appeared in front of his eyes six to ten minutes after the fall.

The breeze blew past, and the last trace of floating dust disappeared.

Is this the beautiful and vibrant eco-industrial zone that I was talking about with my teammates last night?
Collapsed houses, broken corpses, shattered plants... In the world under the morning sun, there is no vitality, only destruction and grief.

The teeth creaked excessively, and the friend soldier who noticed the captain's expression also turned around, facing a piece of wreckage, and only the moon spirit soldiers in the team could express their superficial calmness, but everyone could feel them The mental fluctuations in his mind were only violent.

"Forget it! If you are not afraid of death, follow me in and have a look!"

Turning around, deep regret enveloped his heart, but he walked firmly towards the sunken area of ​​the meteorite base that was suspected to be a gate. Yang Yi showed a complicated smile on his face, and at the same time stretched out his right hand towards the sunken area.

He didn't pay attention to how many people followed, even if he was the only one left, even if he was just going to die, it was enough for him to go in and take out at least a few bug corpses.

Kacha, when Yang Yi's hand was still a fist away from Yang Yi's hand in the depression, a gap suddenly opened.In the gap reflected by the pale blue friend's pupils, a bunch of blood-red pupils are exuding a chill.

(End of this chapter)

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