Spore Story

Chapter 666 The Enemy

Chapter 666 The Enemy

Thank you for the reward of the wrath of Bethlehem O(∩_∩)O
"Rewind! Organize defense!"

The scenery revealed after the gate of the meteorite base was further cracked shocked everyone into a cold sweat.

Even though Yang Yi saw all this illusion through Yang Yi's sight, he, who was moving with the shadow at this time, subconsciously yelled such a sentence on the way.So that the shadows around who were rushing on their way suddenly stopped and looked around nervously. It took half a minute for them to further accelerate towards G06 under the illusory explanation of waking up.

But Yang Yi, who really faced all this directly, did not shout out such words as Kong Huan, but raised his gun concisely and pulled the trigger.


So in the next moment, all the soldiers knew what happened and what they should do. Nine rifles unanimously fired small but powerful electromagnetic bullets at the gate that was cracked no more than the size of a fist.

An hour after the No. 04 Zerg Meteorite Base fell, the two sides officially engaged in battle.

The rate of fire of AZ01 is not high, even compared with the current AZ02 and many small and medium-caliber rapid-fire weapons, it can be said to be extremely slow, but under the circumstances of close-range shooting, dense enemies, and narrow passages, nine AZ01 bullets, But it can precisely penetrate through the gap that is still steadily cracking.

Suddenly, the world that had been quiet before heard the deafening neighing of insects. The pain, anger, and depression contained in it made the soldiers outside further clenched their weapons.And from the door that kept opening, there were occasional sounds of impatient insects crashing into the door. Obviously, no one wanted to just sit and wait for death.

His cheeks twitched for a moment, and Yang Yi, who was standing at the door, shot a clip of the improved AZ01, and quickly took out a calcium carbide bomb that was not equipped with a detonator (a small tool that allows non-electrical creatures to use it) from his waist. The diamond-shaped ammunition exudes a faint gleam, which is a small part of the energy contained in it.

After mobilizing the electric current in his body and stimulating it to fully activate it, he sneered and continued to expand the light, which could almost be used as a thumb-sized bomb for a flash-off bomb, and threw it in along the crack of the door that had been opened to the size of a human head.

At the same time, the order came to everyone's ears in his loud shout: "Retreat slowly!"

Raising the rifle again, and confirming the path behind him and under his feet under mental observation, Yang Yi half-squatted and stepped back slowly. The muzzle of the gun was aimed straight at the gate, but he did not shoot for the time being.

Three seconds later, there was a violent roar amid the applause that he couldn't hear, and along with it, there were many strange stumps and broken arms, which were the spoils of Yang Yi's calcium carbide bomb.

But unlike the grief and indignation they felt when they saw similar limbs along the way, these residual limbs only made them feel the excitement of the battlefield after having simulated countless times in the illusion world.

"Haha! My buddies are the first to kill bugs!"

However, the power of a calcium carbide bomb can only kill about twenty bugs, and this is the result obtained under such a dense environment of opponents.What made Yang Yi and the others even more nervous was that, with the impact of the bomb, the gate of the meteorite base was stretched from the size of a skull to the size of a camel dragon, enough for a bug to charge.

"Mistake," Yang Yi said as he pulled the trigger, the corners of his mouth twitching.But not long after, he realized that it was not without benefits, because of the impact of the explosion, the hard door was dented, and after continuing to open for a few seconds, it stopped.

The team members looked at each other in blank dismay: "Where is it stuck? Ga..."

Thinking heartlessly, the soldiers relied on the broken buildings around them to launch a continuous frenzy of attacks on the bugs rushing out of the gate. The stuck gate caused the bugs to charge in a narrow way and use their lives to fill the gap. the way.

The soldiers of Yang Yi's team were not fools either. After seeing the power of the calcium carbide bomb in such a dense environment, the boys scrambled to imitate Yang Yi and throw the bomb into the crack of the door.

For a moment, explosions and screams sounded together, and the residual limbs flew together with blood...

But at the next moment, Yang Yi was sweating profusely to stop the excitement of the soldiers, because he found that after the broken gate, only one bug was left to pass through, because the calcium carbide bombs of these guys imploded, and he was stunned. It was stretched to double the width, that is to say, now two bugs rushed out side by side.

However, the flow rate of the small water pipe doubled, and the pressure on the soldiers who seemed relaxed before suddenly increased. At this time, they could not hold the general situation without calcium carbide bombs. In desperation, Yang Yi had to order everyone to use calcium carbide bombs in turn. Use bombs where possible where they are most important.

The soldiers on the front line were fighting hard, and with the sight of the troops that first came into contact with the enemy, many people in the rear began to study the enemy that Shuangyuexing faced this time.

Knowing oneself and knowing the enemy, this is something that the various departments of the friend clan have done, but it is much better than the person who proposed it.

However, what worries some researchers is that what these soldiers are facing is not any kind of insects that everyone knows, they all belong to the same species: the four articulated feet on the abdomen support the hard diamond-shaped upper body, and the sharp articulated tips It can even pierce some hard steel plates on the ground, which is regarded by everyone as a great threat to the surrounding soldiers; the chest area should be located vertically above the abdomen, forming a triangle shape with the head above, and a pair of compound eyes because of the shape and color , if it wasn't for the shocking stare at each other when they opened the door, it would have been difficult for everyone to find out.

But soon, everyone found that these were nothing. What worried everyone was the hands protruding from both sides of the worm's chest. The joint-like hands obviously had three fingers, which could barely grasp or even write.

And the bugs were also very face-saving, each holding two bone cold weapons that looked like spears, and shocked the researchers.

How is this going?The cosmic race uses cold weapons to invade planetary races equipped with electromagnetic guns. The most ridiculous thing is that this cosmic race is also a biotech-oriented Zerg.

"Maybe the world is developing too fast." A researcher said so.

But the reaction from the rear obviously will not have any impact on the two sides that are fighting. Even if they rely on the building wreckage made by the bugs themselves, they can allow two bugs to pass side by side at the same time, but they are turned into a "three-dimensional channel" by the bugs. , so that from top to bottom, there are three rows of six bugs jumping out of the passageway at the same time to attack, and the team's casualties finally inevitably appeared.

A bug that has not been named for the time being, after jumping left and right to avoid the first wave and the most dangerous wave of friend attacks with the help of the path opened by its own kind with its life, it suddenly jumped high.

"Cut, you fool who can only charge, go to hell!" In the eyes of the soldiers, bugs that jump in mid-air and can't fly are the best targets. They raise their guns and aim at the opponent, just when this friend soldier is about to pull the trigger At this moment, the target in front of him unexpectedly threw the bone spear in his hand obliquely, and then dodged the flying bullet by the reaction force generated.

The next moment, the thrown bone spear stuck at the feet of a Moon Spirit soldier not far away. Although no casualties were caused, the soldier made a mistake and released several bugs.The bug that jumped up before, driven by inertia, rolled and crashed into the arms of the friend soldier who shot him before.Immediately, the floating dust erupted again.

When the dust dissipated, what was revealed was the bug that stood up trembling slightly, and another bone spear that had pierced the heart of the friend's soldier.

Immediately afterwards, the bug bent down as if it was about to jump off the spot, but because its body was a little numb, it couldn't dodge the five or six rifle bullets that were fired immediately, and threw itself on the friend's soldiers who had lost their vitality. beside.

Although this worm died, more worms kept rushing out. There was no way, people lived by quantity, but this time the worms were slightly different.

And as they rushed out of the gate and entered the vast area, the bugs without passage restrictions gradually displayed their powerful mobility, and the casualties of the friends team further increased.

Yang Yi threw a calcium carbide bomb again, and after causing three worm casualties, he rubbed his waist and found that only two of the 20 calcium carbide bombs prepared by the friend soldiers were left.After throwing the penultimate bomb again to stop the enemy's charge, he selectively forgot about the last bomb, and then checked the magazines on his body with mental power, but found that there were not many available.

Turning his eyes, he already knew that there was nothing he could do.

"Come closer to me, shrink your defense!" Yang Yi clenched his weapon, got up and left the bunker, approached another soldier, and at the same time issued an order through the mental power network.

Turning around and jumping off the wreckage of the two-meter-high building, he patted the friend soldiers who were raising their guns and shooting. Yang Yi notified the surrounding soldiers through the team's spiritual power network, and formed a tactical defensive formation with the gradually gathering soldiers , to retreat to an area with more wrecked buildings in the rear, which is more suitable for them to fight street fighting who are familiar with the terrain.

This time the enemy's agility was too high, holding two brushes...ah no, it was the opponent holding two spears, and even gave everyone the illusion that 'the opponent has practiced martial arts on the battlefield'.If they stayed in this area so close to the meteorite base that it was hit by the shock wave and turned into an open area to fight against it, the remaining seven members of the team might not be enough to charge more and more enemies.

Passionate blood is one thing, sending it to death is another.

Moreover, bad news came one after another.

"Captain, I'm almost out of ammunition!" A moon spirit soldier cried with a sad face. He didn't have much ammunition on his body, but in order to block the enemy, the weapon in his hand had to maintain a certain speed, flutter, flutter, and aim accurately. The speed is not low because of the long-term training in the fantasy world, but the agility of the enemy is higher. Some disgusting bugs even appeared, using the bone spear in their hands as a one-time shield to block the bullets.

Regardless of whether it was an accident or not, it was enough to chill the hearts of these soldiers and those who watched more carefully behind.

"If you can save, save! The situation here is transmitted to the rear in real time. The commander must have sent reinforcements. What we need is persistence!" These words are not only Yang Yi's encouragement to the soldiers, but also urging to the rear commander. Because he knew very well that they were not the only ones watching the battle.

And with reinforcements as a base, the soldiers' retreat pace has also stabilized a lot.

Once again, with the help of calcium carbide bombs to block the insects' attack with agility to replace life, the team finally hid in a house that was still in good condition and seemed more suitable as a temporary fortress.With these modular concrete buildings that have no steel bars and can only use thickness to solve the problem of solidity, the attack strength of the bugs is immediately reduced by more than half.

"Nanwu, Shanshan, you two go upstairs!" Looking around, there were only five soldiers who were still following Yang Yi. Holding back the bitterness in his heart, he continued to organize defenses: "The rest, hold on Gate, gather the calcium carbide bombs together!"


A few minutes ago, the team of nine people was still blocking the enemy's door, preventing the opponent from rushing out; a few minutes later, now, with only five people left, they had to hide in the hut and prevent the enemy from rushing in through the door.

Facts are erratic, so Yang Yi couldn't help but feel weird, and even subconsciously recalled the fucking saying 'Feng Shui turns around'.

"Cut!" The weapon in his hand didn't move. Looking down, the dent where the ammunition was exhausted had appeared. He skillfully removed the magazine and groped around his waist, only to find that there was only one left: "Report how much ammunition is left!"

"About one and a half", "two", "half" are downstairs;

"Half", "I just finished shooting, captain!" The crying upstairs immediately suppressed the atmosphere, and Yang Yi cleared the calcium carbide bombs concentrated in his place, and there were only six left.

"The magazines with bullets left on my body are collected upstairs! People on the first floor, give me a bayonet!"

There was a loud sound of blades cutting across the steel, and the bayonet reflecting the morning light stood in front of the guns a moment later. Although there were only three spears, it was enough to make the few people present feel a sense of pride.

He raised his gun again and shot a bullet into a bold bug. Watching the wounded opponent quickly disappear at the door, Yang Yi, who didn't know if he had killed him, received the news from the commander that "reinforcements are coming soon".

But it's too early to breathe a sigh of relief.

"Captain, something is wrong."

"What did you find?" Resisting the urge to throw out the last few calcium carbide bombs several times, Yang Yi shot again and shot the bullet into the body of the insect with half of its body exposed, and looked at the corpse of the insect lying motionless on the ground quite reservedly. Showing a smile, he looked at the soldier who said 'no' before.

"According to the above statement, aren't bugs very ferocious?" This is the most intuitive impression of bugs among all the friends' education, because bugs have not experienced emotions other than fighting in several battles, and they seem to charge directly when encountering enemies , charging, and charging again, this gave all the people fighting the Zerg an illusion of ferocious bugs.

However, this soldier, who had never participated in the battle against the Zerg, always felt a little weird when fighting these enemies: "These bugs, don't you think they seem a little afraid of death?"


(End of this chapter)

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